The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 124: Third-party power


The female conductor had been ignoring Mo Ye's actions, and even did not stop smoking.

But when Mo Ye prepared to deliver the hard-to-reach road map to Zhang Qingyu,

She moved suddenly!

Mo Ye only felt a gust of wind blowing around him, and his outstretched arm was held tightly.

At that time he cried out badly.

It's too late to get out.

He couldn't even take a few steps back.

The arm held by the conductor began to feel tingling.

As if bitten by a poisonous snake, after the soreness, it began to spread from the arm to the whole body.

Mo Ye couldn't move his whole body.

Not even a trace of resistance! Remember URL

He immediately understood that this female conductor is the most powerful evil spirit hidden in the car!

She has no weaknesses.

As the host of this evil spirit catching substitute, she has no dead ends, let alone a way out!

On the bus, no one dared to disobey her words!

This is the reason why she didn't dare to speak up no matter how much she insulted the other evil spirit passengers!

Knowing that you can't escape.

Mo Ye began to think about the words of the conductor.

"can you drive?"


This is a very subtle word that associates with the main item of this mission, the bus.

Obviously, he thought immediately that another important meaning of the female conductor was "Can you drive this bus?"

In other words, if you don't open it, you won't get the driving route map by Xu Lang and others!

But you must know that once you get the driving route map, it means that this mission will be completed with a high degree of confidence.

The evil spirits in the past almost always prevented the executor from completing the task at all costs.

But this conductor doesn't seem to care about the performer's task

Does she care if she just wants to find a driver

Driving, of course, is no problem for Mo Ye.

Even if he is now a blind man, since the conductor finds him, it proves that he can drive even if he is blind.

Mo Ye's idea is simple, as long as the road map is sent out, Xu Lang and others will be worth all the tasks.

Isn’t it just a hearse

Isn't it just that a car is an evil spirit

so what

Mo Ye felt his body gradually lose control and opened his mouth, but he couldn't speak for the first time.

The whole lips seemed to have been numbed, and the tongue was very hard.

He hesitated a few times, but said nothing.

At this moment, on the zero bus, which is quite close to the hearse.

Zhang Qingyu's hands stretched out before, and when she saw the female conductor teleporting, she received it in shock.

Gao Yiyuan kept turning his head to look at the situation while driving the car.

After a short period of thought, Xu Lang also figured out all this.

The conductor wanted to keep Mo Ye and use it to drive the hearse!

Thinking of this, Xu Lang couldn't help but glance at the driver's seat of the hearse.

The nervous man, while wiping his sweat, looked at the situation in the car through the rearview mirror.

It seems to be very concerned about this matter!

Let the performer take the place of the driver to drive the hearse

Xu Lang knows the particularity of the executor in the eyes of evil spirits, but he has such abnormal requirements for evil spirits.

But it is puzzling.

If you look back at this mission.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that the driver and the female conductor are third-party forces!

The five passengers plus the ashes are evil spirits.

The seven executors are the other force.

The most important contradiction and crisis are the hiding and chasing of these two parties.

For a long time, the drivers and conductors, which seem to be outside the task, did not seem to interfere too much with the direction of the task.

It is even the same with or without them.

Xu Lang and others guessed that the conductor and the old lady in the shroud were higher-level evil spirits, and they stayed on the hearse longer.

The driver is an outlier, and it is still unclear whether it is a human or an evil spirit.

But just when the task is about to become clear to the world, the executors have basically grasped all the clues.

This third party, who has never had a mission function or action, suddenly jumped out and interfered with the mission process!

What exactly does this mean

At this time, Xu Lang saw in the opposite car, Mo Ye opened his mouth as if to say something.

He immediately understood that Mo Ye had to agree to the female conductor's request!

His heart is very anxious!

Although it is not clear what the consequences of becoming a driver are, the unknown is a trick!

It certainly won't be that simple!

Once Mo Ye really agreed, it would be too late!

Xu Lang thought of this and never hesitated.

Pulling open the backpack directly, took out a black box from inside.

He took out a needle of medicine and plunged it into his blood vessel.

All the light blue ** drugs were injected into Xu Lang's body.


Xu Lang only felt that his whole body was beginning to get hot, and immediately shivered uncontrollably.

The needle tube also responded, thrown to the ground and burst.

Zhang Qingyu hurriedly took Xu Lang's body and touched his arm.

I was so scared, my hands were terribly hot!

As for Xu Lang's expression at this time, his facial features had already begun to be distorted, and his entire face was already deformed because of the intense pain!

Xu Lang only felt that his blood was boiling, and a strong force was about to break through his veins.

If you suppress it again, I'm afraid his blood vessels will burst!

Xu Lang shook his head, looked up, and a flower appeared in front of him.

Xu Lang threw the eyes on his face to the ground.

Everything around him was so clear, even the expression on Mo Ye's face in the hearse on the opposite side was very clear.

Xu Lang felt that he had inexhaustible power.

4 hours!

Xu Lang braced on the window of the car and was about to jump to the hearse.

Mo Ye was forcibly taken away.

Zhang Qingyu's shouts have been selectively blocked in his ears.

He already owed Mo Ye Tianda's favor, if he was allowed to sacrifice at this time.

Then Xu Lang would not be at peace for the rest of his life.

He Xu Lang, he least likes to owe favors!

Xu Lang pushed hard, and the iron window suddenly stepped on a depression.

His body was in a straight line, and he was about to hit the hearse directly!

But the next second, his body in the air stopped unexpectedly!

In front of him, the right hand of the female conductor who was facing him across the glass was pointing towards Xu Lang.

Xu Lang's whole body unexpectedly stagnated for a short time!

The conductor said: "My goal is not you, and it is not me that you have to deal with!"

Although Xu Lang could not move his body, his thinking was still active.

He was surprised at the incredible super power of the evil spirit!

Short stagnant space!

This is a terrifying ability that has never been seen before!

What did she mean by what she said!

But it was too late for him to think about it, because the next moment.

His body was wrapped in a black mist and was directly swept to the rear.

He was planted on the ground fiercely, and Xu Lang didn't feel too much pain due to the blessing of special drugs.

As soon as he looked up, two buses with similar shapes had already left him.

And beside him, the black mist gradually filled.

More and more dense, this road and the woods on both sides are beginning to be enveloped in black mist!

Xu Lang became the only living person in it.

On the opposite side, in the center of the black mist, an old lady wearing a black shroud slowly appeared with a loose skin.

Staring with scarlet eyes, he is gradually pushing towards Xu Lang!

Zhang Qingyu had stretched out the car window in the first half of the night, at the moment when he realized the appearance of black fog.

She was about to pull Xu Lang back.

But the evil spirit did not give her time to react at all!

Xu Lang's figure was engulfed in the black mist and disappeared in a blink of an eye!

After she looked around again, she couldn't find Xu Lang at all.

Zhang Qingyu was also an executor who had experienced three missions anyway, and immediately understood what was going on!

Space transfer!

Another extremely rare and incredible evil spirit ability!

When a person is in an environment, he can be controlled by others at any time.

High IQ, strong force, everything is just in vain.

Because you don't know where the evil spirits will appear and where they will kill you.

After all, people can never hurt evil spirits!

Because the female conductor had only stagnated Xu Lang for a moment, Zhang Qingyu had no idea that the female conductor directly opposite was more capable than he had imagined.

Zhang Qingyu shuddered at the thought of this place.

He hurriedly came to Gao Yiyuan's side, "Big Brother Xu was caught by the evil spirit, please stop!"

But Gao Yiyuan didn't even look at her.

Stepping on the accelerator for himself, the speed of the hearse was no longer the same as before.

The speed started at the moment the conductor appeared to stop it, and the hearse seemed to have changed its accessories.

Gao Yiyuan stepped on the throttle to the maximum to be able to parallel it!

How can he care about Xu Lang's life and death at this time

"At this time the most important road map must be obtained! I don't have time to manage Xu Lang at this time!

You want to die, you want to stay with Xu Lang to die, yes. Jump on your own! "

Zhang Qingyu was very angry and pointed at Gao Yiyuan with his finger, "You!"

But what he said is right. From his point of view, Xu Lang's life and death have no effect on the overall situation.

Obviously, it was the murderous old lady who took Xu Lang away.

Gao Yiyuan couldn't get off the bus because there was Wu Erbin in the hearse waiting for him.

The road map is so close at hand, how could it be that Xu Lang went to waste time.

Zhang Qingyu was angry and anxious.

She also couldn't get out of the car at all. Her previous actions had already made the little boy in the hearse eager to move.

As long as she leaves the bus completely, the little boy will appear instantly and kill her!

Let alone rescue Xu Lang, now he can't get out one step!

Zhang Qingyu looked at the rear of the vehicle, where there was an open space full of darkness.

"Brother Xu, don't die!"

At this moment, even if Mo Ye could not see, he could hear the restlessness on the bus opposite.

There must be something wrong!

But here he felt that it was the ghost of the female conductor.

After all, he has not yet agreed to her terms.

Through the conversation between Zhang Qingyu and the two through the headset, it seemed that Xu Lang was in danger.

He could no longer hesitate.

"Well, isn't it just a hearse? I promise you!

However, Xu Lang cannot die, and the road map must be handed over to him! "(End of this chapter)