The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 131: Paint the skin


Ouyang Jing left the meeting room and walked straight to the entrance of the newspaper.

At this time, it was the evening when some officers in the police station would be off work.

However, the serious crime squad for this case will probably have to be guarded at the police station.

The case is definitely in their hands.

But Ouyang Jing didn't worry at all. Usually, a backup of such a big case will be kept in the archive room.

Taking advantage of the small number of people now, it happens to be quietly taken away.

Ouyang Jing's transformation can be described as rapid.

Especially as a newcomer, her psychological quality is surprisingly good.

After all, he became a forensic doctor in the team at a young age and was used to seeing all kinds of corpses.

The ability to resist horrible things is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

She has only one idea now, and that is to live.

Luo Huisheng is a good policeman who is dedicated to his duties.

It's just that he is a bit more rigid and stubborn, and he has not yet converted his identity.

At that time, they were examining the body in the morgue to see if they could find more clues.

But immediately, the inner light of the morgue went out suddenly.

The dead bodies came back to life one after another.

The scene is like apocalypse, although both of them survived in the end.

But the appearance of the evil spirit also left an indelible memory in her heart.

That sense of fear often tormented her in the midnight dream.

But it also made her more eager to live!

She is still very young and has accomplished a lot in forensic medicine.

The future was bright, she couldn't let the newspaper ruin it all!

Ouyang Jing shook his head and stopped a taxi.

Embarked on the road to the police station.

But what she didn't know was,

The moment she stepped out of the newspaper's door!

A few kilometers away from the newspaper office,

In a cramped, dirty and stinking room, the walls were covered with strange and terrible lanterns.

Looking closer, these lanterns are all made of human skin!

Hidden under the lantern, a rickety figure suddenly raised its head.

A pair of twinkling red eyes looked directly in the direction of the newspaper.

As if it has been waiting for this moment for a long time!

And it is holding a needle and thread in its hand, sewing a piece of human skin!

About half an hour's drive, Ouyang Jing came to the gate of the police station.

But to her expectations, the police station is still overcrowded.

A large number of media were blocked at the door, and a car was seen parked at the door.

Some reporters flocked to block Ouyang Jing in place, unable to move.

"Are you a policeman? Can you tell me about the police's progress?"

"Does the police now have a plan to deal with this murderer?"

"Please tell me your opinion on this case?"

Ouyang Jing was so squeezed that he pushed the reporters aside and reluctantly entered the hall.

The original colleagues did not leave work at this time.

The deceased was found again today, and the above attaches great importance to this case.

He also gave a death order and gave him half a month to solve the case.

The entire police station has now put all its energy on the case, and the colleagues in the crime team are ready to work overtime continuously.

Ouyang Jing was stunned secretly, I am afraid this hard work will be in vain.

Having seen the power of evil spirits, she also understood that the power of evil spirits is unimaginable for humans.

After sighing, she went straight to the archive room.

Passing by, a colleague pulled her and said: "You have been absent for two days without a reason, and the leader has become angry. Don't let him see you coming!"

Ouyang Jing smiled bitterly and got rid of him.

Generally speaking, she can't enter the archives room in her capacity, but it is an extraordinary period now.

Insufficient manpower, forensic doctors to participate in the investigation of the case is justified.

The guard at the door saw Ouyang Jing and did not stop.

After entering the archives room, Ouyang Jing looked at a young man who was packing up documents on the desk.

"Xiao Wang, help me get the file of Case No. 504."

The man named Xiao Wang was a little surprised, "This... Xiao Jing is a bit out of compliance."

Ouyang Jing had already thought out a set of excuses.

Calmly said: "You know how urgent this case is now. Leaders attach great importance to it. They have to check the dossier. It doesn't matter that I am idle and let me take it."

Xiao Wang suddenly realized that he took out a stack of folders from the cabinet behind.

Passed it to Ouyang Jing and said quietly: "The leader is furious about your absence, so be careful."

Ouyang Jing pretended to nodded helplessly.

But in fact, I didn't take it seriously, and now my life is hard to protect, so I can't take care of it.

Ouyang Jing went out and took a black bag on a certain desk, and put the file in.

Walk out of the police station casually.

People walked hurriedly all the way, but they were acquaintances and no one stopped and questioned her.

The dossier was brought out from the inside so smoothly.

After leaving the house, a bunch of reporters gathered around the door, Ouyang Jing waved his hands and squeezed out.

Stopped a taxi casually. The driver was a middle-aged uncle and saw someone taking a taxi.

He seemed very happy, and asked enthusiastically: "Where are you?"

Ouyang Jingtou didn't raise his head and said, "Go to the deception agency."

The driver didn't care how strange the name of the place was. Hearing this, he changed his personality and began to drive forward with no expression on his face.

On the other hand, Ouyang Jing opened the black bag and took out the stack of files.

Be prepared to watch it first.

It is about twenty or thirty pages thick and not too heavy.

After all, the police do not have many clues now.

When I opened it up, most of them were speculations and pictures of the place of death and the place where the body was thrown.

Look at the bloody pictures of the dead on the photo.

Ouyang Jing was not afraid of the corpse, and was immune to it.

But arrogant enters the newspaper office, and knows the content of the task.

Looking at these pictures again, her mood is completely different.

This method of death is really terrible!

Thinking that she might end up like this soon, she couldn't help but shudder.

Shaking his head, he flipped back quickly.

But suddenly she stopped, as if thinking of something in her mind,

The slender fingers hurriedly turned the file back one page.

A line of humble text is printing on that page,

But the moment she saw this line of words, her eyes widened.

Ouyang Jing covered her mouth, showing an incredible expression!

This must be a particularly important clue!

Must inform others immediately.

Ouyang Jing hurriedly raised her head to ask the driver to drive quickly.

At this moment, Ouyang Jing felt that everything around him had disappeared.

The taxi is still that taxi, and the driver is still that driver.

However, she felt as if she was abandoned by the world.

This is a deep feeling, she has been stripped of this world!

Ouyang Jing started to panic. She banged on the windows and doors forcefully, but couldn't open them at all.

She stepped forward to greet the driver, and the driver ignored her.

Ouyang Jing widened his eyes, opened his mouth and let out a tragic scream!

But the next second,

Her mouth was severely covered by a pair of pale hands!

Those hands are full of needles...

The screams stopped and the world became quiet.

"The deception agency, here it is!"

The uncle driver's cold mechanical words sounded.

A figure got out of the taxi and stood at the gate of the deception agency.

After getting off the car, the figure did not enter the newspaper office for the first time.

Rather, he tugged at his face and looked a little loose!

He took out a mirror from his arms, grinned at the mirror, and tried to make a vivid expression.

He took out the file from the black bag on his back.

On the page where Ouyang Jing had discovered a major clue, he pressed his finger.

He tore it off forcefully, and then he squeezed the page of paper into his mouth!

Did not chew, swallowed raw.

Doing all this well, this figure has taken the first step.

But there was a tearing sound from behind, as if something was torn.

She frowned and took out a fish hook from her arms.

Putting his hand into the clothes on his back, he pierced the torn skin with a fish hook.

After doing all this, she finally smiled with satisfaction.

Walked into the newspaper...

As for the newspaper, there was nothing to stop her from entering!

In the meeting room, Yan Yan, Xu Lang, Luo Huisheng and others are exchanging the specific content of the case.

Luo Huisheng is now explaining every detail since he took over the case.

Chen Xiaodong is taking notes for all this.

At this time, it has been an hour since Ouyang Jing left the newspaper office.

Xu Lang looked at his watch, frowned and said, "How far is your police station from here, and why hasn't she returned?"

Luo Huisheng was also a little worried, "It stands to reason that he should be back, and nothing will happen to him.

At this moment, the door of the conference room was pushed open.

A figure, holding a black bag in his hand, stood at the door.

I looked around at the employees present.

Poker face... ...

When Luo Huisheng took a look, he hurriedly got up to greet him: "Jung, you can count as coming back, come in quickly."

That figure saw Luo Huisheng getting closer and closer to him.

He looked at the employees in the room again with some cold eyes, and finally looked in Xu Lang's direction, intentionally or unintentionally.

Xu Lang felt cold in his heart when he saw it.

There is an indescribable weirdness.

As if bitten by a poisonous snake.

Xu Lang frowned and glanced at Ouyang Jing again.

But at this time, Ouyang Jing had returned to the way he was before, and said to Luo Huisheng casually: "I have some trouble, it took some time."

"The leader got angry about my absence for two days and gave me a good reprimand."

Ouyang Jing followed Luo Huisheng back to her position, opened the black bag, and placed the file on the table.

"This is the file of this case."

Xu Lang glanced suspiciously at Ouyang Jing, who was still normal, but he was still surrounded by the same feeling before.

Yan Yan opened the dossier and was about to check it.

Suddenly, the faces of all the performers of this mission changed, and they all looked incredible.

They all received a mechanical cold voice in their minds.

"The task of'Human Skin Lantern' has been launched, and all executors must leave the newspaper within five minutes, otherwise they will be wiped out!"

PS: The "Human Skin Lantern" mission is officially launched, and the horror is about to recover

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