The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 139: trap


Guan Ping held two glasses of water, put on a simple and honest expression, and walked into the room.

"I have been waiting for the two for a long time, and there is no good tea at home.

Huang Mao has been tossing for a day, and has never eaten or drunk water. At this time, he also feels thirsty intolerable.

Quickly took the water glass, "How can I, thank you for your hard work."

Then put the water cup in front of Wu Cheng, and he was about to pick it up and drink it.

But Wu Cheng glanced at Huang Mao.

This look made the yellow hair who had handed the water glass to his mouth stopped alive.

He has followed Wu Cheng for a long time and has a tacit understanding of his words and deeds.

I understood it immediately, that was a warning!

Huang Mao swallowed, looked at the water glass, but finally put it down.

Wu Cheng retracted his gaze and turned his gaze to Guan Ping who was standing in the room. Remember URL

He could tell at a glance that Guan Ping was always staring at Huang Mao.

Huang Mao's performance during this period also drove his mood swings.

The expectation from the very beginning, finally turned into puzzlement, and finally was unwilling.

But these expressions were fleeting and soon returned to normal.

Although the time is short, his changes are fully captured by Wu Cheng.

It's not easy!

Wu Cheng had suspected Guan Ping from the beginning.

His way of playing, even though it seems, was normal.

But it was this deliberate normality that made Wu Cheng suspicious.

It seemed that he was expecting Wu Cheng to enter the room!

But what is the purpose of these plans, he has not yet figured out.

There is no time to tear his face.

Wu Cheng pretended to chatter and said: "I heard your dad talk about you, you are young and promising."

Guan Ping shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Well, I'm barely living, otherwise my family won't be like this."

Of course, Guan Ping also saw that Wu Cheng had some suspicions. From the moment he walked in, he knew that the most difficult of the two was him!

He was too cautious in every move, and he didn't even look at the glass of water.

However, he is not in a hurry, because he knows that as long as the time is delayed, if the person's promise is true...

Wu Cheng wanted to find clues in his heart, and Guan Ping was delaying time, and the two maintained a tacit confrontation.

But while speaking, Wu Cheng felt something was wrong.

Because Guan Ping never mentioned his mother, Chen Juan.

According to the dossier, although Chen Juan was paralyzed in bed, she was able to communicate.

Wu Cheng came here this time, the most important purpose is also for her.

It's just that Guan Ping's sudden appearance interrupted his deployment, especially for its strange places.

Let Wu Cheng dare not act rashly.

But looking at Guan Ping who was talking and laughing, Wu Cheng couldn't bear it.

During this time, Wu Cheng has been trying to lead the topic to the murder case.

But every time I was turned off by him.

And his appearance didn't even hurt his father's murder.

This is not what a junior should have at all!

Wu Cheng knew that he couldn't wait any longer. Guan Ping was obviously delaying time, but he didn't know what he was waiting for.

What is certain is that once let him wait, Wu Cheng and others will be more passive.

Therefore, Wu Cheng said straightforwardly: "Your mother, I am here this time mainly to visit her condition."

Guan Ping frowned when he heard this, as if he couldn't understand it.

His performance made Wu Cheng's heart tense.

Could it be that Chen Juan's situation has changed

But Guan Ping's next sentence almost made Wu Cheng and Huang Mao exclaim!

"My mother has passed away for several months, don't you know?"



When Wu Cheng heard this, the shocking words were a little hard to believe.

You know, whether it’s the record in the dossier or in Luo Huisheng’s words,

It has been mentioned that after discovering that Guan Ze died, the police personally visited and collected Chen Juan's confession!

Even Luo Huisheng left her five hundred yuan!

However, Guan Ping said that Chen Juan had been dead for several months!

Guan Ze died on May 2, only four or five days away.

This time is completely wrong!

Huang Mao's body began to tremble, and he didn't understand why this difference appeared.

Could it be that so many people investigating the case, all they saw were...

Thinking of this, he became more nervous and had already begun to retreat.

Wu Cheng also bowed his head and said nothing, Chen Juan was already dead!

The meaning of this trip is gone.

However, what he couldn't figure out was,

Even if it is because of the evil spirit, it can explain Chen Juan's existence a few days ago, but the torn page of the dossier.

It is indeed Guan Ze's family situation!

Since it is such useless information, why is it torn up


Wu Cheng only felt that a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, if that page was missing, was it deliberately done

Is it a trap

People who have been in contact with the dossier include Ouyang Jing, Luo Huisheng, Yan Yan...

Of these three, basically everyone has the opportunity to tear up the file.

But in this, there is only one person who is an evil spirit, and she is Ouyang Jing!

Reminiscent of Guan Ping's procrastination, regardless of Wu Cheng's lies, he led directly into the room.

Is this also a trap

Guan Ping didn't know how to get the communication with evil spirits.

And was promised some benefits, the evil spirits deliberately tore up the dossier, leading the executors here.

Finally, Guan Ping appeared again, trapping everyone and delaying time.

But, what is he waiting for

Wu Cheng was puzzled. He couldn't believe that evil spirits could kill people without limit in one day!

If it is this kind of killing rules, it can't be regarded as a middle-level mission at all!

This is already an unsolvable task!

Impossible, impossible!

Seeing Guan Ping's smiling but non-smiling expression, Wu Cheng was determined in his heart that he would go to another room to take a look!

After speaking, we must get up.

But Guan Ping turned around and blocked the door.

"Why Big Brother Wu is in such a hurry to leave, doesn't he even drink a glass of water when he comes here?"

Wu Cheng was already very impatient, and let them drink water again

Since he managed to bring the water up, he knew it was wrong.

Because he used to sell these drugs, he is very familiar with the taste.

Guan Ping's body is exuding this kind of medicinal smell!

I am afraid that if they drink water, they are already at the mercy of others at this time!

Huang Mao didn't stay in place anymore at this time, and quickly followed Wu Cheng.

Hearing this, Wu Cheng sneered: "Guan Ping, I don't care what your purpose is, but you are a living person after all, aren't you?"

Afterwards, he turned slightly to one side and took out a sharp knife from nowhere, and in one sprint, he pressed Guan Ping to the door frame.

With a knife against his chin, he can pierce his throat with just a little force!

The chin had begun to bleed, but Guan Ping was not at all flustered.

Looking at Wu Cheng, who was fierce and vicious, he said quietly:

"My dad is dead, my mother is dead, but it doesn't matter, because I am about to live forever!

You can't kill me, that person has promised me that as long as you stay here for a while, I don't need to do anything next.

That glass of water is just to be on the safe side. What you have to deal with is in that room. "

Then Guan laughed flatly, with obsessive madness in his voice.

Wu Cheng frowned and glanced at the room facing the door.

When I entered the door before, the door of the room was still closed, but now I look at it.

I don't even know when it has been opened!

It can be seen that a dim red light was lit inside, and the whole room was scarlet.

Looking at it makes people feel chills.

Huang Mao panicked, he had a premonition!

That room is definitely not allowed!

But Wu Cheng didn't think so.

The situation is now clear, and it is clear that the evil spirits have set traps to draw the executors here before the mission begins.

And Guan Ping obviously had some kind of transaction with the evil spirit!

All the secrets are hidden in this room, and since it has already come, you must not come back empty-handed.

Although, Wu Cheng's execution experience is not as rich as Yan Yan.

But he also knows that dead ends often contain vitality!

Must get in!

Wu Cheng glanced deeply at Guan Ping again.

At this time, he still believed in the evil spirit's words, as if he could really live forever.

There was no fear at all about the sharp knife in Wu Cheng's hand.

Wu Cheng sneered, raising the knife and dropping his hand without any hesitation.

Directly seal Guan Ping's throat!

The blood was sprayed on Wu Cheng's face instantly, and the red light from the opposite side shone on his face, making it look hideous and terrifying.

The scarlet scar was gradually congested.

Wu Cheng is like an evil spirit, quickly harvesting Guan Ping's life.

But Guan Ping's sneer from the very beginning turned into horror and disbelief.

He half-kneeled on the ground, pressing firmly on his ruptured artery, blood gushing out, no matter how he covered it, it would seep from between his fingers.

He widened his eyes, clutching Wu Cheng's pants with his right hand, and he didn't believe it to death.

Why didn't the person with unimaginable ability appear until now!

Wu Cheng glanced at him, kicked him to the ground, shook off the blood from the knife, and walked slowly towards the red light room.

Evil spirits are such a meticulous trap, using the peacekeeping dossier as bait, so where does the danger come from

What is the corresponding clue

Huang Mao followed Wu Cheng tremblingly, but he was ready to flee at any time.

Wu Cheng stood at the door of the room, with a panoramic view of the room.

The room is neat and clean, there is no extra thing, just a table in the middle.

The red light is located on it, and on the table, there are two spiritual positions.

There are two black and white photos of a man and a woman in the spiritual position.

Surrounded by some white silk.

Wu Cheng took a closer look, the man was the deceased Guan Ze, and the other should be Chen Juan.

Then, the clues are all above these two spiritual positions.

Wu Cheng faintly said to Huang Mao beside him: "Go and take out those two spiritual positions."


Huang Mao trembled all over his body when he heard this. He was almost shocked just by looking at this scene, so he still needs to go in and get his spiritual position

"This... Boss, can you..."

"Huh?" Wu Cheng raised his eyelids and looked at Huang Mao fiercely, but he choked back when Huang Mao had asked for mercy.

Huang Mao stood at the door, his legs fainting constantly, and the room in front of him was like a coffin without a coffin.

Once you get in and think of it, it's all difficult! (End of this chapter)