The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 144: The hearse reappears (three shifts today)


It seemed that the distance was less than a dozen steps, but Wu Cheng felt that it was very far away.

Although I don't know if I can get off the line by turning over that railing, at least there may be a turning point as long as I leave the tomb!

Wu Cheng touched it, and immediately understood that he was supporting a human skin behind his back!

But he didn't panic too much, because he knew from Guan Ze's old house that human skin was afraid of damage.

The most frightening thing is that the real evil spirit in this mission is lurking beside him.

It never appeared!

Even killing Huang Mao was a matter of blinking an eye.

No one knows when it will shoot again!

And it seems that the so-called law of killing has no effect.

The evil spirit obviously didn't intend to let Wu Cheng go.

Wu Cheng felt anxious and pulled out the sharp knife behind him.

His eyes widened harshly, and regardless of the weirdness of the human skin, he pulled down the human skin behind him!

Only by looking at it this way can I know that this is simply yellow-haired human skin!

Sure enough, Huang Mao has been killed in Jiuquan!

But the human skin was struggling violently in Wu Cheng's hands, like an octopus.

The madness began to entangle, following Wu Cheng's wrist, twisting all the way up.

It seems that he is still trying to find a suitable body just like Chen Juan.

However, Wu Cheng showed a fierce light in his eyes, and he directly pressed the human skin with a sharp knife from top to bottom.

With a stab, the human skin was split into two from the middle.

A heavy male voice exploded in Wu Cheng's ears, it was Huang Mao's screams!

Regardless of this, Wu Cheng cut off the human skin, then left it aside, and then climbed up the railing in three steps and two steps before leaving the cemetery.

But then, he felt that his body began to be out of control.

Wu Cheng's eyes widened, and he looked back suddenly.

Cough cough cough!

A slightly rickety figure hidden in the darkness slowly appeared!

But no matter how he watched, Wu Cheng couldn't see the person's appearance clearly.

The outline can only be seen roughly.

The figure seemed to be raising an arm and swiping in the air.

A fishing hook fell to the ground with a scream.

At the same time, the death knell sounded in Wu Cheng's heart!

He understands what it means!

This rickety figure is the evil spirit!

Wu Cheng struggled violently, but his body was lying on the wire fence, unable to move at all.

The figure raised his arm slightly, as if forcibly pressing him on the railing!

The fish hook was in Wu Cheng's gaze, and slowly began to move closer to it.

Wu Cheng's eyes rounded, and he was also in the same fear at this time, his pupils shrank slightly, and a strange sound came out from his throat.

He has realized that his life has come to an end!

Because time and speculation are all wrong!

Did not leave the cemetery before zero, the evil spirit's murder law was guessed wrong!

If the second kind of error is inevitable, but the zero time is not calculated accurately, it is simply the most stupid mistake!

It was these two points that caused Wu Cheng to fall into a dead end!

Wu Cheng's eyes revealed unwillingness.

"Yan Yan and Xu Lang are not dead yet, I am not reconciled! Why is this happening!"

"Since you can kill multiple people in one day!

Why did you find me! "

But these, Wu Cheng didn't have time to think about it, because the fish hook had penetrated his skin.

Just at the back of his neck, it seems that every time the evil spirit starts from here.

Wu Cheng only felt a tingling in the back of his head, and then an uncontrollable pain came!

Finally, he could no longer suppress the fear in his heart.

He opened his mouth wide and screamed!

Such a sense of fear burst out, and it seemed to activate the evil spirit's killing speed even more.

Wu Cheng could even hear the prickling of the skin behind him, accompanied by a sharp pain.

He understood that his skin was being peeled off little by little.


Just when he was about to wait for death, a strange sound suddenly came from a distance!

The rickety figure suddenly turned his head and looked back.

Wu Cheng's eyes widened, there...

Not far away, there was a sound of clanging parts crashing, and accompanied by the roar of the engine, intermittently.

It looks like a car is driving towards the Changling Mountain Cemetery.

And that car is extremely worn out, almost on the verge of scrapping.

Therefore, even the sound of cars is dying!

Wu Cheng's heart was as dead, but as soon as he heard the car rang, he hoped to be awakened again!

Bus zero!

In the Yinyang Road mission, the No. 0 bus belonging to the third force is still running!

In that mission, the executor was transferred to more than twenty years ago.

Unexpectedly, this bus still circulates that horrible reincarnation to this day.

From Huayin Street to Changling Mountain Cemetery!

The rickety figure, at this time, because of the interruption of the zero bus, seems to be out of some scruples.

The arm that had always been raised before was actually slowly lowered!

Wu Cheng only felt that the sharp pain at the back of his neck slowly eased, and the fish hook that pierced his skin also fell to the ground.

He realized that his chance to escape had come!

Taking advantage of the control of the evil spirits disappeared, Wu Cheng once again had control of the body.

Three times, five divided by two, climbed up the railing, turned over.

Running like crazy without looking back!

And that rickety figure suddenly changed its temperament!

Slowly walked out of the darkness.

With the yellow-haired human skin in his hand, the old face has begun to relax.

He looked at the human skin with his hand broken in half, and flung his hand to the side.

Gaze faintly at the direction of bus zero.

The eyes were not good, but after all, there was no movement.

After that, he came to a certain place and found a mobile phone from a pile of clothes.

A certain number was dialed... ...

At this time, in a hut somewhere beside the beach.

Chen Xiaodong couldn't help himself, pacing back and forth in the house, holding a mobile phone in his hand, muttering to himself.

"I survived! I survived!"

Yes, it's now half an hour after zero o'clock.

During this period, Chen Xiaodong has not been in any danger!

Just after twelve o'clock, he called Wu Cheng and reported safety according to the previous agreement.

But it was not answered at all.

In desperation, he had no choice but to call Xu Lang immediately.

Explaining his situation during this period of time, Xu Lang on the other end of the phone first heard that he had survived.

Unexpectedly, he hung up the phone.

After Chen Xiaodong called many times, he never answered.

After realizing that he was abandoned by both parties, he suddenly thought of something.

He knew Wu Cheng's actions here!

If you can tell Xu Lang and others about the monitor, will they agree to take him in

So he sent a text message to Xu Lang.

"As long as you agree to let me join, I will tell you an unexpected piece of information!"

Of course he would not be so stupid as to directly inform Xu Lang of the situation, but put forward a condition.

And since Chen Xiaodong learned that he was okay for the time being, his heart was much more relaxed.

Although Xu Lang still didn't reply to him, he still had some confidence in his heart.

At this moment, Chen Xiaodong, who was waiting for a reply in the house, received a call.

Chen Xiaodong thought it was Xu Lang who called back, but picked up the phone and took a look.

It turned out to be yellow hair!

Chen Xiaodong was a little suspicious. Before he called Wu Cheng, no one answered him. He also called Huang Mao at that time.

But it shows that no one is connected.

Why did Huang Mao take the initiative to call again at this time

Could it be that they encountered any abnormal situation before

Out of danger now

Chen Xiaodong was taken aback, because he knew it was already the next day.

It stands to reason that the evil spirit's killing quota has begun to refresh again.

One person is still going to die today!

At this time, Huang Mao's sudden call seemed a bit strange.

Although Chen Xiaodong is not as wise as Yan Yan Xu Lang, he is also a wise man.

And smart enough.

He was dazzled by fear before, but after a night of calmness, he gradually recognized the current situation.

For Wu Cheng and Wu Cheng himself, he has almost no use value.

From the very beginning, Chen Xiaodong recognized their faces.

It's just that he was under the high pressure of the evil spirit at the time, and he had to submit.

Chen Xiaodong asked them for help and ignored them. How could he take the initiative to call him at this time

He simply hung up the phone, but out of caution, he directly dialed Wu Cheng's number.

After the phone rang a few times, it was unexpectedly connected.

Chen Xiaodong was a little at a loss. He intended to check whether the two were still alive and whether the yellow hair was abnormal.

Unexpectedly, the phone can really be connected.

"Ng... Brother Ng?"

On the other end of the phone, Wu Cheng's breathing was a little short.

"Chen Xiaodong, where are you now?"

Hearing this, Chen Xiaodong felt a little strange.

"Brother Wu, what's the matter with you?"

Wu Cheng had already fled onto the main road at this time and was fleeing towards the city, but he knew that nowhere was safe enough.

Because now evil spirits can kill many times!

And his current situation is the most dangerous, only when he meets with other people can he have a chance of life.

"Huang Mao died in the hands of the evil spirit. It can not only kill one person now, but I am afraid it is now lurking next to one of our enforcers!

You are dangerous, tell where you are, we meet together! "

what? ! !

Chen Xiaodong was scared into a cold sweat by Wu Cheng's words. Huang Mao is dead

The call just now was really from an evil spirit!

Although the danger had been avoided, Chen Xiaodong was still panicked.

Especially when Wu Cheng said that the evil spirits could kill people again now, he became even more nervous.

However, he is now thinking about another thing.

Wu Cheng, who is on the phone now, is really a living person

He kept asking where he was, could it be...

Chen Xiaodong thought of this and hung up the phone decisively!

Wu Cheng is already unreliable here.

Now, I can only seek help from Xu Lang and others!

PS: On the first day of the outbreak, the 4D characters have been updated today. Friends who are happy to see, please subscribe and vote for the collection. Thank you (end of this chapter)