The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 145: Fish hook


In the middle of the night, Wu Cheng still ran wildly on the road.

He now knows that the evil spirit's killing quota today is still not exhausted!

But he was puzzled. Why on earth was this

From the beginning of receiving the task, they confirmed the evil spirit's law of killing.

Only one person can be killed in a day!

And this is already a fixed rule when the executor does not find any clues.

This was indeed confirmed on the first day of the mission.

Yan Yan and the others were already blocked in the hotel lobby, but the evil spirits did not take action.

And this time Huang Mao was killed after zero.

But the previous performance of the evil spirits simply wanted to put Wu Cheng to death without procrastinating!

Is it related to the number of days to enter the mission? Remember URL

Only one person can be killed on the first day, but two people can be killed on the second day

Wu Cheng couldn't help but shudder.

This idea is too terrible, you must know that this mission is indefinite!

In other words, not counting the special point of Ouyang Jing, 8 executors will not survive the fourth day!

Wu Cheng faintly felt that this speculation was very possible.

After all, this is an intermediate level task, plus the difficulty doubled in May!

The evil spirits are close to being able to kill without limit!

The difficulty of the current task is still above the medium level, but once the time goes back, it will become a completely unsolvable task!

Rao was a refreshing summer night, and Wu Cheng was scared into a cold sweat.

He knew in his mind the super difficulty of unsolvable level tasks.

Unless you have luck against the sky, it must be the end of Tuan Mie!

At this moment, a private car drove behind Wu Cheng.

Wu Cheng hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop, but the driver in that car glanced at Wu Cheng's appearance.

Five big and three thick, fierce and evil, with blood stains on his body.

Did not dare to stop at all.

As he galloped away like this, Wu Cheng cursed secretly in his heart, and looked back at the back.

Then another thing came to mind.

Chen Xiaodong!

Why didn't he die

Even if you don't talk about the single theory proposed by Yan Yan, it is the most common rule in the task, and the danger of being alone is far greater than that of others.

Chen Xiaodong had been alone all night by himself.

He did not die, but Huang Mao was killed first

Wu Cheng thought of Huang Mao's words before his death again.

Can't help but look back at the Changling Mountain Cemetery in the back.

There must be something hidden there, and this thing was seen by Huang Mao.

It is this key clue!

Let the evil spirit let Chen Xiaodong go for the first time and attack Huang Mao instead!

Then everything makes sense.

Wu Cheng's thoughts at this time have all been opened up, and he carefully thought about what Chen Xiaodong had just brought on the phone.

Huang Mao just called him!

Huang Mao is dead, so this call is obviously...

The evil spirit called it!

Wu Cheng immediately understood that Chen Xiaodong was still going to die!

Yan Yan's theory of placing orders did not make a mistake, but because of Huang Mao's accident, it was delayed!

Chen Xiaodong on the beach was anxious at this time.

Xu Lang's reply has been silent for a long time. During this period, he made many calls, but all of them were rejected.

He has now confirmed in his heart that neither of Wu Cheng is reliable.

They have even been killed!

At this time, I can only rely on Xu Lang and others.

But until now, they still ignored him.

Chen Xiaodong was a little at a loss. He had already stated the conditions, why didn't he even reply to the letter

Could it be that the content of the text message just now was too cryptic

Not enough to lift Xu Lang's appetite

Chen Xiaodong thought over and over again and sent out a text message again.

"I know the specific actions of Wu Cheng and others regarding this mission! As long as you agree to let me join, I will tell them all!"

Chen Xiaodong stared at the screen of his mobile phone, and the area near the beach was abnormally quiet due to late night.

But the other side is still feasting, and many people’s nightlife continues.

But Chen Xiaodong's heart was cold.

He was already worried about whether the evil spirits would appear.

In the previous conversation with Wu Cheng, he could hear that Wu Cheng, even if he was not an evil spirit, was in a dangerous situation.

That is to say, the evil spirit is not only going to kill one person today!

So, will it find itself!

Looking at the phone that was still silent, Chen Xiaodong scolded Xu Lang's ancestors all over the eight generations.

He turned his head and looked at the wooden house behind, rubbing his face to force himself to calm down.

Both Xu Lang and Wu Cheng were already unreliable.

Now we can only fight separately!

But he didn't have the dossier in his hand, how to start!

Chen Xiaodong knew that he was the most passive of these people, but he was not reconciled.

I am still so young, so young, and there are so many opportunities in the future, why did I come to this ghost place!

Why did you become a single person again!

Chen Xiaodong's mood has been extremely unstable, and now everything around him is full of vegetation.

It seems that an evil spirit will appear to kill him at any time.

"Calm down! Calm down! Calm down!"

The more Chen Xiaodong hinted that he should not be impatient and think of a way out, but the more depressed he became.

He breathed a long sigh of relief and came to the shore.

He began to hold the sea water and wash his face violently.

Use the ice cold of the sea to ease the current anxious mood.

He put his entire face into the water, feeling the sliding of the surrounding water, and the cold water began to cool him down.


After a while, Chen Xiaodong suddenly raised his head.

Touching the water stains on his face and looking at the Luhai Bridge above, I knew I couldn't wait any longer.

Now cross the bridge and head to the downtown area.

There might be a sense of security for him.

When he got up, he felt a pain in his face.

It was like a needle pierced.

Chen Xiaodong touched it with his hand, a little strange.

Is it a stone in the sea

He rubbed his cheeks, but he didn't notice any abnormalities.

Chen Xiaodong said to himself, "Strange."

But it was this sentence that made him realize that it was wrong.

Own mouth...

He started to explore the mouth with his tongue, just under the gum on the left.

He licked his tongue and there was something...

It doesn't hurt, but it's numb.

Chen Xiaodong put his hand in his mouth and gently pulled it out.

A fish hook was caught in his hand!

The moment Chen Xiaodong saw the fish hook, his whole hair was straight up!

Damn, he threw the hook into the sea, of course he knew what it meant!

The evil spirit has come!

Chen Xiaodong didn't care about his surroundings at this time, and started running to the bridge without looking back!

But when he ran, he noticed something was wrong.

There were a few cars on the bridge before, but now let alone the cars, even the street lights have begun to dim abnormally.

Everything around is too quiet!

Only the sound of sea water beating against the rocks.

This undoubtedly sounded the death knell in his heart, and Chen Xiaodong looked around on the bridge in a panic.

As if wanting to find the source of all this horror.

But he failed, and he was the only one on the bridge at this time.

Strike back and forth like a headless fly.

Chen Xiaodong was completely out of control because of fear, and his calf was already weak at this time.

Can't run anymore!

From the time he found that fish hook, his mouth was a little numb, and until now, the sore numbness has spread all over his body.

He can't run!

Chen Xiaodong leaned weakly on the bridge head, looking at the empty bridge deck in front of him.

There was fear in my heart, but there was endless resentment.

"Why! Why, you just found me!

I have lived for more than 20 years, and I have never done anything bad, why did I come to this ghost place..."

Chen Xiaodong was completely uncontrollable at this time and cried bitterly.

"God, why are you so unfair..."

The last street light on the bridge also struggled a few times and finally shattered.

The light source disappeared.

At the same time, Chen Xiaodong's cries disappeared.

The Shanghai-Haihai Bridge was quiet again.

It didn't take long for the street lights to turn on again, illuminating everything.

Wash away the fear and anxiety before.

A figure slowly descended from the bridge.

The figure looks exactly the same as Chen Xiaodong, but its temperament is completely different.

Don't enter with expressionless faces!

He tugged at his face and smoothed the last fold.

For a period of time from now on, he will continue to live with Chen Xiaodong's human skin.

Time has come to 1 o'clock on May 7th.

A small villa on the edge of the city is brightly lit.

The four figures are sitting on the sofa in the living room, talking about something.

"It's been an hour since zero, and Chen Xiaodong is still alive."

The person who said this was Xu Lang.

He has received Chen Xiaodong's phone calls and text messages again and again, but he has never responded.

Because he wants to wait!

Because the evil spirit's murder this time should be around midnight.

It cannot be said that just after zero, Chen Xiaodong is still alive, which proves that Yan Yan's theory is wrong.

It is necessary to continue to investigate.

However, the content of Chen Xiaodong's two short messages gave Xu Lang a little thought.

As a member of Wu Cheng's team at the very beginning, Chen Xiaodong has a certain understanding of his plan.

And this task requires the executors to compete for human skin lanterns.

The existence of Wu Cheng is too threatening.

And listening to Chen Xiaodong's meaning, it seemed that Yan Yan and others were already passive.

And this passive form is formed right from the beginning of the mission.

This had to make Xu Lang pay attention to it.

It is now known that Wu Cheng has obtained Guan Ze's clues.

If there is a foreshadowing hidden beside them, the action of this mission will be slower than Wu Cheng!

These are also considered strictly.

Since knowing that Wu Cheng had obtained the clue, he has always had a strange feeling.

It seemed that there was some danger lurking around, but he didn't know where the danger came from!

This made him embarrassed.

Yan Yan looked at his watch and thought that Chen Xiaodong was still useful.

Since he is not dead, let him join and he can also master Wu Cheng's plan of action.

So he signaled that Xu Lang could contact him.

Xu Lang nodded, picked up the phone, and sent a text message to Chen Xiaodong's phone.

"Meet at the gate of Vision Community at 8 o'clock in the morning!" (End of this chapter)