The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 146: Strange


"Do you still believe in your single theory?"

Xu Lang put down his phone and looked at Yan Yan who kept moving in the living room.

It can be seen that Yan Yan's mood at this time is very chaotic.

Chen Xiaodong was never killed, which made his judgment on this mission slightly poor.

Yan Yan never wanted to understand why he still didn't die

Chen Xiaodong is an important part of testing the conjecture.

Especially for this mission, clues and intelligence were very vague.

Until now, they still don't know what the evil spirit's true body is!

Nothing is known about the human skin lanterns.

The only old house of Guan Ze that may currently have clues has been preempted by Wu Cheng.

Now they are fully passive.

If even, the law of killing is not clear.

Then the difficulty of completing this task will be greatly increased.

Yan Yan frowned and said: "It's only an hour now, if Chen Xiaodong can meet on time at 8 o'clock in the morning...

Only then can we see the difference. "

Xu Lang was also puzzled. The difficulty of this mission was beyond imagination.

Especially now, they are not even clear about the law of killing.

This is simply the most terrible!

Moreover, for the conjecture that evil spirits can only kill one person a day.

As time passed, Xu Lang also felt a little unreliable.

Although this is an intermediate level of difficulty, the killing speed of evil spirits is also considered to be in line with the difficulty.

But don't forget, the difficulty of the task is now fully upgraded.

The intermediate level is doubled, even if it does not reach the unsolvable level, it should be similar!

If they always believe in the speed of killing one person a day, it is likely to affect their judgment.

But until now, they have too little information.

Yesterday’s action was nothing.

Not only has it greatly delayed the task process, it has also been unable to keep up with the rhythm of the evil spirits.

Xu Lang looked at the night outside the window, thinking that it seemed that he could only wait until the day.

Vision community.

It was the home address of Zhong Ting, the first deceased to be found.

At this time, it was more than seven o'clock in the morning.

Xu Lang and others also stopped early to observe at the gate of the vision community.

There is no abnormality inside the community, and it looks calm.

From time to time, some office workers pass by them, and the breath of easy life envelopes this area.

It's normal.

This is Xu Lang's first impression of the vision community.

Yan Yan looked at the dossier and said to the three people around.

"This Zhong Ting has outstanding looks and good family conditions.

It is a flight attendant of a local airline. It is said that she has been contacted by a scout, but she has no intention of entering the entertainment industry.

She lives here alone and her parents live in her hometown in the south. According to the data, although she has many suitors, she has not found any love affair. "

Hearing this, Xu Lang nodded.

There is nothing special about the records in the dossier.

But after thinking about it carefully, something is wrong.

He hurried to Yan Yan's side and looked back and forth.

"Have you found a problem."

The Lin family also gathered at this time and asked, "What?"

Xu Lang pointed to the file and said: "The entire file, the 6 dead, only have pictures of the skinned people, but there is no photo of himself!"

Yan Yan frowned when he heard this, and carefully turned over the half of the file in his hand.

Indeed, as Xu Lang said, they were all vaguely flesh-and-blood photos of the crime scene, but there weren't any photos of the deceased that supposedly appeared!

Yan Yan thought about it and said, "You mean..."

Xu Lang nodded, "So, will the photo be a hint to us?"

Lin Qing inserted a sentence at this time and said: "We are going to Zhong Ting's house soon. A beautiful girl like her will usually like to take pictures!"

Yan Yan expressed his approval when he heard this.

"Then we will pay attention later."

Then he looked at his watch, it was already seven forty minutes.

It was less than twenty minutes before the 8 o'clock agreed with Chen Xiaodong.

But when Yan Yan raised his head, he suddenly realized a problem.


Xu Lang and the others were taken aback, and then asked what was wrong.

Yan Yan said word by word: "If you are Chen Xiaodong, and you are afraid that you can finally gather with other executors at 8 o'clock, would you step on it?"

Xu Lang then reacted to the serious question.

He started to bow his head and said with a frown, "I will rush to the Vision Community as soon as the day is up, because there are so many people here and I feel safe!"

"Yes! But now we have been there for more than half an hour, and he still hasn't arrived!"

Xu Lang asked calmly: "You mean..."

Yan Yan looked around the surroundings, then looked at a cafe across the street and said, "Let's go to that cafe and wait until 10 o'clock."

"Observe Chen Xiaodong's situation, or wait for him to leave before entering the vision community!"

Xu Lang nodded, Zhong Ting couldn't give up here, and time was not in a hurry.

The Lin family had no objection to this.

They have already made plans to obey Yan Yan and Xu Lang in their entirety.

The four people mixed in the working crowd and walked into the cafe.

I ordered a few cups of coffee and started to stare at the gate of the Vision Community!

Before long, the hands of the clock in the coffee shop reached eight o'clock.

Yan Yan and the others turned around again, and a familiar figure suddenly appeared at the door of the vision community.

This made several people even more suspicious.

Yan Yan asked: "Did you see where Chen Xiaodong appeared from?"

Xu Lang shook his head suspiciously.

Lin Hong frowned and said, "Just now, a bus came next to the vision community. But that stop is about twenty steps away from the vision community.

It takes about 10 seconds to walk this far.

However, Chen Xiaodong seemed to have omitted these 10 seconds and appeared at the gate of the community almost in the blink of an eye. "

Lin Qing said anxiously, "You mean, did Chen Xiaodong get off from that bus?"

Lin Hong looked at Chen Xiaodong, who was standing across the street, and said, "No, I mean, even this only possible way to play is not true for him!"

Yan Yan listened to everyone's conversation, and knew in his heart.

"Chen Xiaodong must not be touched, he is inhumane."

"Abandon the investigation of Zhong Ting?"

"Zhong Ting can't give up either, let's wait for it to change and see how long he can pretend!"

Chen Xiaodong across the street, at the gate of the Vision Community, was looking around anxiously.

It looks like a living person.

But if you look closely at his eyes, you can see the hidden void and godlessness.

All his emotions now are pretended.

However, this was clearly too much for the first time he was disguised as Ouyang Jing.

This is exactly what makes Yan Yan and the others even more suspicious.

If it weren't for realizing something strange, he looks really normal!

At this time, Xu Lang's cell phone rang.

Immediately Xu Lang hung it up strongly, and then stared at Chen Xiaodong's reaction across the street.

If he is an evil spirit, obviously this action will reveal his fox tail.

But unexpectedly, after being hung up by Xu Lang, Chen Xiaodong had a dazed expression and looked a little dazed.

Then dial again.

This series of actions is completely in line with the reaction of a living person to his teammates who have no words to believe and are released!

After making a few more calls, they were all hung up by Xu Lang.

Chen Xiaodong looked panicked, after pacing for a long time at the gate.

Then drove away.

Xu Lang and Yan Yan looked at each other.

They all saw the doubt in the other's eyes, they didn't understand why Chen Xiaodong was so weird

But now that Chen Xiaodong has left, their actions should also begin.

Yan Yan temporarily suppressed Chen Xiaodong's suspicion and led the crowd out of the cafe.

Zhong Ting's address is in Unit 601, Building 4, Building 4 in the Vision Community.

Yan Yan looked at the gate of the community and made sure that Chen Xiaodong was no longer visible, and finally he was relieved to lead everyone into the community.

And the moment they entered the community,

Under a willow tree not far away, the figure of "Chen Xiaodong" finally appeared.

Looking at Yan Yan and the others who left, a grin appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It seemed that everything was under his control.

Yan Yan and others didn't know anything about it, and Zhong Ting's residence was not difficult to find.

It didn't take long before they came to the door of the unit.

Yan Yan cheered up, turned his head and said, "Given the situation in Guan Ze's old house, we are not sure whether this trip will be dangerous, or it is better to be careful, and flee if necessary."

Several people nodded.

Then the iron door was opened, and with a bang, the figures of several people disappeared at the entrance of the corridor.

Yan Yan and the others started walking straight up the stairs, without even looking at the elevator next to them.

At this critical moment, whoever takes the elevator is no different from death.

The 6th floor is not high, and a few people came to the door without too much effort.

It's just that the underage Lin Hong was a little panting, and he stood at the door and rubbed his legs.

Then he asked: "How do we get in?"

Yan Yan looked at the police seal on the door and tore it off.

Then from the backpack behind, he took out a small brown bag.

When I opened it, it was full of small metal tools.

Xu Lang glanced at it and said jokingly: "When did you learn how to pick locks?"

Yan Yan took out a suitable tool while facing the keyhole.

"Can you do without these? You will inevitably need it in future tasks. I suggest you learn it too."

Yan Yan gritted his teeth and stirred in the keyhole, as if aiming at something.

After about a few minutes, I heard a click and the door opened.

Yan Yan touched the sweat on the door.

"It's still useful."

A few people filed in, Zhong Ting's room was neat and clean, even with a little fragrance.

Yan Yan and the others separately started searching in the room.

But it's directly across from the 4 buildings, which are 3 buildings.

On the window of a room above, there is a middle-aged man with a shaggy beard.

At this moment, holding a pair of binoculars in his hand, he can see the whereabouts of Yan Yan and others at a glance.

Pay close attention to their actions in Zhong Ting's room.

He took the binoculars down slowly after a while, his expression was a bit stunned, and his face was uncertain. (End of this chapter)