The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 147: dark


Zhong Ting's house is not too big.

It seems to be about 50 or 60 square meters.

It is a layout of one room and one hall, which also reduces a lot of work for the performers to search for clues.

The location of almost all the furnishings in the house remained unchanged, and apparently the police did not search too much.

Yan Yan and the others each visited several places to see if they could find some cryptic clues.

Xu Lang was standing in Zhong Ting's bedroom at this time.

The bedroom is small, but it looks very cozy.

The windows of the room are bright and clean, with a fragrant fragrance that makes people smell refreshing.

It can be seen that Zhong Ting is a woman who knows how to live a life.

The potted flowers on the windowsill, even though Zhong Ting died a week ago, are still in full bloom.

Xu Lang wandered around in the room, opening the drawers for inspection from time to time.

Scattered inside are some cosmetics, as well as girl's stuff.

After wandering for a long time, Xu Lang frowned.

There are no photos in this room!

It stands to reason that a beautiful girl of a different age has a more decent job.

Taking pictures should be a normal thing.

But in the entire room, there are no photos at all.

Even now, they still don't know what Zhong Ting looks like.

The so-called young and beautiful are all written descriptions on the dossier.

This is very weird.

Xu Lang walked and opened the closet.

Inside, there are many kinds of women’s clothes, which are neatly hung.

Looking down, there are two boxes at the bottom.

The area is not small, Xu Lang took out the box and put it in the **.

Opening one of the engraved patterns, Xu Lang's face blushed directly with this look.

All kinds of women's underwear are placed inside.

They are basically complete sets, and Xu Lang coughed secretly to cover up the embarrassment in his heart.

Then another box was opened, which contained various types of stockings.

Sure enough, I am engaged in the flight attendant industry, and silk stockings have now become a necessity for work.

Xu Lang glanced briefly to put the two boxes away.

But when the lid was about to be closed, a discovery stopped the action.

Xu Lang frowned and began to concentrate on counting the number of Zhong Ting's underwear.


Zhong Ting's underwear is basically a set.

It's very good to count, and it's easy to observe.

But Xu Lang just took a look and found out.

The arrangement of these underwear is wrong!

From the furnishings of the entire room, as well as the placement of outer clothes in the closet.

It can be seen that Zhong Ting is a woman with similar obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Everything she puts in must be in perfect order.

But in this underwear box, the placement of all kinds of underwear is a bit messy.

Some are complete sets, but interspersed with other styles.

This point completely violated Zhong Ting's personal habits.

Xu Lang looked through the box with stockings again.

Although there is no way to arrange this, when Xu Lang took out the stockings individually, he found out.

These stockings are not stacked regularly at all.

Basically, sloppy groups were stuffed in.

Especially one of the black stockings, Xu Lang picked it up and smelled it.

I couldn't help but frowned, the smell was a bit fishy.

And the parts where the stockings are attached have dried up.

This is a man's jing liquid!

Xu Lang's eyes suddenly drenched, and he suddenly lifted the quilt of her sex!

Sure enough, on the milky white bed sheet, a part of it showed gray and black dirty marks.

Even the pillow of sex has a piece of black.

Xu Lang understood right away that a man had come to Zhong Ting's house!

And this man is very sloppy, dirty, and has a somewhat abnormal personality.

Maybe it's unshaven and doesn't trim the border. Xu Lang has seen too many people like this before.

Especially around young and beautiful women, this kind of perversion is more common.

Xu Lang hurried out of the bedroom, just as Lin Qing and Lin Hong came out after inspecting the kitchen and bathroom.

After seeing Xu Lang, Lin Hong said anxiously: "Brother Xu, I found it in the bathroom!"

Xu Lang nodded, "I also found it here."

When the three of them came to the living room together, they saw Yan Yan staring at the wall behind the sofa.

A few people use it to see.

Lin Hong exclaimed: "What is missing here?"

On the white wall behind the sofa, ashes had fallen off the edge, which happened to be a very wide rectangle with traces.

But at this time, something that was supposed to be placed there is now missing.

Yan Yan turned his head to the crowd and said, "Do you think there will be a huge art photo of Zhong Ting in this place!"

Everyone glanced at each other and thought it was very possible!

The photos of the entire room disappeared, and Xu Lang immediately thought of what he had found in the bedroom.

"I was in the bedroom and saw Zhong Ting's wardrobe opened, showing signs that someone had slept.

And women's clothing such as underwear and silk stockings have all been pervertedly played with by men.

I guess that after Zhong Ting died, a dirty and sloppy man came in!

No, maybe when Zhong Ting was alive, he was already eyeing Zhong Ting! "

Lin Hong nodded immediately and said what he had found in the bathroom:

"I found a few curvy hairs in the bathtub in the bathroom.

This is around the lower body of a man. Someone has used Zhong Ting’s bathroom recently.

And where he was washing, there were some yellow spots on the toothbrush, which should be food residue. It also showed that a man with an extremely irregular life had come in! "

Lin Qing looked at her younger brother and blushed when she said these words.

Secretly pinched him.

Lin Hong realized that he was a little embarrassed, scratched his head, and stopped talking.

Xu Lang and others didn't think so much.

"It has now been shown that there is a man with a perverted personality, a rather ugly appearance, and a dirty body, who has been paying attention to Zhong Ting's life.

And after his death, he entered the room many times to make abnormal actions! "

Yan Yan nodded, and then said to Xu Lang: "You have been exposed to this aspect a lot, what kind of identity do you think this man is."

Xu Lang used his previous investigative habits as a detective and began to infer the identity of this man.

"This person shouldn't be young anymore, probably between 30 and 50 years old, single, unemployed or low-income, but the residence should be close to Zhong Ting and has been closely watching her life.

The body should not be tall, very thin, listless all day long, withdrawn, introverted, and apathetic, but there are some thieves. "

In his mind, Yan Yan began to draw portraits of men according to Xu Lang's words.

An image of a sloppy and sloppy man appeared in front of him.

Lin Qing seemed a little pleased to hear this, "So, do you think this person was a witness to Zhong Ting's death?!!!"

But Xu Lang shook his head, "No, if this man has seen Zhong Ting's murder, even if he is not killed by the evil spirit, I am afraid he will not be able to hold any illusions about Zhong Ting.

After all, that kind of scene is not acceptable to normal people.

And now, obviously he is still entering Zhong Ting's home after Zhong Ting's death! "

Lin Qing was a little disappointed when he heard this, "Then, aren't our findings useless?"

Yan Yan took the words at this time, "Not necessarily! Zhong Ting's parents are far in the south, and there are no close people around. It can be said that this perverted man is the one who knows her best!

Maybe he will bring us unexpected clues! "

Lin Qing thought for a while, and then asked: "Then how do we act?"



Xu Lang nodded and said:

"Yes, judging from a series of discoveries, that man hasn't come to Zhong Ting's house for a while, maybe he can't hold it anymore!

Or maybe it's on the way here at this time! "

Yan Yan suddenly reached out his hand at this time and interrupted Xu Lang.

He frowned and looked out the window, "No, if according to you, he will definitely stop monitoring Zhong Ting's room all the time, maybe we will be under his watch after we enter!

Can't wait here! "

Xu Lang lowered his head for thought, and then sneered, "Okay, then let's go down now and find a place to pay attention to the location of the unit door. If he really keeps monitoring us, he will definitely show up after we leave. Go to check the situation!

When the time comes, we will stand still! "

Yan Yan snapped his fingers, "Yes, let's go now!"

The few people had no objections, and walked out of Zhong Ting's house swaggeringly, and re-attached the seal as it was.

After doing all this, Yan Yan and others began to leave the 4 buildings without hiding.

But they did not leave, but found a corner, watching closely the movement of Unit 1.

Time passed quickly, an hour later.

Several people entered and exited unit 1 one after another.

But most of them are elderly people who have just finished their morning exercises.

There are also several office workers in suits and shoes.

As time went by, Yan Yan and others were also a little tired.

And began to doubt the rationality of this plan.

Yan Yan said to Xu Lang, "How sure are you?"

Xu Lang frowned and looked at it, "I'm sure he is not far from here, but I can't say when he will show up, maybe it's the next second, maybe it's tomorrow!"

Listening to Xu Lang's ambiguous words, Yan Yan recalled the discovery in the house again.

Xu Lang's reasoning hardly contains any omissions or flaws.

But why that perverted man has not been discovered until now.

They left so swaggeringly, they just wanted to tell the man that they had left. If they followed the normal line of thinking, he would definitely come to Zhong Ting's home to check what the purpose of this pedestrian was!

Another hour passed.

It was already more than ten o'clock in the morning, and there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road.

Just when Yan Yan and others were about to give up, a shaggy middle-aged man wearing an old undershirt, almost invisible to the original color, appeared in their sight.

I saw him vigilantly alert to the surrounding environment and began to walk quietly towards Unit 1.

Yan Yan looked at him and exclaimed in his heart.

It turned out to be like this! (End of this chapter)