The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 15: Countdown to death


Yanyan’s presidential suite is located on the 16th floor of the highest floor of this five-star hotel. When the service staff led the crowd to the dedicated elevator, Xu Lang shied away and said, “We personally don’t like to take the elevator”, and then He took out a hundred-dollar bill and handed it over.

The waiter who was originally suspicious, saw the banknotes quickly put into his pockets, smiled and left without saying more, pointing in the direction of the stairs.

It was not an easy task for everyone to climb up to the 16th floor. At this time, Yan Yan and others were sitting in the living room of the presidential suite. He Xiao, who was still in shock, was holding a wine glass in his hand and took a sip.

Geng Jian wiped his sweat and asked Yan Yan first and said, "Mr. Yan, why did we choose such a high floor? Isn't it a safer choice to stay on the ground floor?"

He Xiao and Lumao also agreed to nod their heads. They were equally puzzled. They both had more than two execution experiences, and they naturally understood that the high-levels foreshadow the lack of escape routes.

Yan Yan took out a cigarette, lit it with the lighter Xu Lang gave him before, took a deep breath, and then slowly said: "Can you accept the separation of houses? If you live on the bottom floor, you will be divided. Wouldn't the danger increase to a greater degree like that."

After hearing this explanation, He Xiao and others finally understood the reason for Yan Yan's choice. He Xiao complimented him even more: "Brother Yan is still thoughtful. It seems that choosing you as the captain is really the right person."

Several other people were also full of praise for Yan Yan's decision. Only Zhang Qingyu sat beside Xu Lang obediently, without saying a word, peeking at him from time to time, indifferent to everything around him.

Immediately, everyone fell into a brief silence, the atmosphere was tense and somewhat depressed.

Xu Lang cleared his throat and planned to take the initiative to explain what happened today. The necessary explanations and reasoning are still needed: "Everyone, Yan Yan and I have some actions that you don't understand today, so I still have to take advantage of the safety to explain to everyone. , And sort out the information we have received so far."

As soon as Xu Lang said this, the three male executors headed by He Xiao became interested. They held back for a long time. They felt that Xu Lang and Yan Yan had premeditated. They did a lot of things without telling them, and put them in danger. They were a little dissatisfied. Moreover, Zhang Qingyu looked like Xu. Long horse is looking forward, and my heart is even more uncomfortable. Seeing Xu Lang's intention to inform them of the situation at this moment, of course he was full of energy.

Xu Lang thought about it in his head, and then said:

"Before that, let me explain. Because of Ge Dahong's special circumstances, although it seems safe to call her by her first name, for the sake of caution, I still propose to use the number one when talking about her later."

Zhang Qingyu was the first to agree, and the others also agreed.

Xu Lang nodded and continued:

"One is the first weird point after we entered the mission. Her behavior and performance are no different from normal people, but under special circumstances, she will show the ability to resemble an evil spirit." Xu Lang glanced at the green fur who was holding his mouth and reluctantly, everyone nodded, expressing reason.

"So, I did a simple experiment. What is certain now is that it is safe to call the number one name, and it is safe to say good things. She will only take action when she tells her shortcomings or pokes the painful spot, and It is a momentary appearance that ignores space.

Also at the organizer, we also encountered a similar situation. The fat employee who spoke out the shortcomings was brutally killed by the ability similar to imprisonment. "

Xu Lang pushed his glasses: "After the attack on No.1 and the organizer, I found that as long as No.1 and that employee were not told about their shortcomings, they would be just like ordinary people. Kill as if there is no solution, there is no room for resistance or escape."

Everyone was shocked, He Xiao leaned out and said in a low voice, "Are all the personnel of the mission organizer all evil spirits?"

Xu Lang shook his head, Yan Yan took over and said:

"No, I took the initiative to hurt the female employee to test whether the organizer was a human person. The answer was that there was no abnormality. On the contrary, the fatal employee reported his shortcomings before the attack occurred.

Xu Lang said before, as long as they don't mention their shortcomings, they are all ordinary people and can get along normally. The most important evidence to verify this conjecture is that after several verifications, Xu Lang and I discovered that the left eye of the organizers had a red light flashing at the moment they turned into evil spirits, and then they started. Show the power of evil spirits! "

When the other executors heard this, He Xiao thought for a while and said: "What does it mean that the task is arranged like this? Did they all have the seeds of manipulation planted by the evil spirits?"

When Xu Lang heard this, he agreed: "Captain He’s conjecture is very possible. In other words, the current taboo is that you must never tell the shortcomings and poke the pain of other people, because we don’t know how many people have been planted. Seed it."

Yan Yan interrupted Xu Lang at this time and resolutely retorted: "No, even our executors have to be cautious in words and deeds to each other! If Orange Bay Square is under the control of evil spirits, then step into the mission. In a moment, we have all been planted!"

At this moment, everyone was a little frightened, and there was a disaster out of the mouth, and it was very difficult to be able to absolutely guarantee that what you said would not hurt others. If it’s a person with defects on the surface, it’s okay to say, if it’s a person who looks intact on the surface, has a defect in his heart, or has a heart knot, then who can know which sentence offends him

Secondly, the guess that everyone has been planted with evil spirits makes the already depressed mood even heavier. For a while, everyone present has mixed feelings. After fighting against evil spirits for so long, the executors will also become Evil spirits

Xu Lang frowned. He felt that something was still wrong. He recalled the mission information again, and suddenly realized a critical problem. Once this problem is ignored, it is likely that they will be destroyed!

Xu Lang stood up, and under the gaze of the crowd, he said very solemnly:

"Everyone, the mission time is ten days, but we must not stay here for ten days. Since the seeds have been planted, the longer the time, the more mature it will grow. Maybe the tenth day does not need to mention the shortcomings. It will detonate directly!

Ten days is not a deadline for us, but a countdown to the evil spirits killing us! "

Xu Lang's decisive words made everyone feel heavy, and even went straight to the bottom of the valley. It turned out that as long as you step into the Orange Bay Square, you will enter the countdown to death! If this is not discovered in advance, I am afraid that many of the 6 people will wait until the last minute before choosing to propose.

Yan Yan was also shocked when he heard this sentence. He didn't expect the matter to be so serious. Sure enough, the horror of mid-level missions was far less than normal-level missions.

I couldn't help but evaluate Xu Lang to a higher level in my heart. I thought I had already overestimated him, but I didn't expect to underestimate him. Yan Yan looked at Xu Lang and made certain decisions secretly in his heart.

He Xiao took another sip of wine, thinking that this mission is more dangerous than before. There are too many places to pay attention to, and the time is very tight. He raised his head and glanced at Yan Yan and Xu Lang. This The two obviously wear a pair of trousers, and they must be courteous.

Then he looked at the rest of the people again, and finally his eyes fell on Lv Mao. At this time, Lv Mao was still covering his mouth and moaning slightly, taking Xu Lang and Yan Yan's words in his heart, but he didn't think about it. It was in this situation on the first day of the mission. He thought he was unfortunate.

He Xiao smiled suddenly when he watched Lu Mao. The laughter came out very abruptly. The dull atmosphere of everyone was startled by the laugh. Seeing other people staring at him with rounded eyes, He Xiao waved his hand and pointed at Lu Mao. Mao: "Look at what Brother Chen looks like, isn't it the safest among us?"

The others thought slightly, "Yes, the known dead end is to say bad things about other people. Now that Green Hair has no tongue, it is the safest one."

Lu Mao didn't think about it for a while, because Xiao Xiao was making fun of herself, her anger was full, her heart was angry and anxious, and she couldn't speak. Now she started to suffer, and her tongue broke sharply, and she covered her mouth and didn't look at other people anymore. .

Yan Yan frowned and thought about it: "No, Green Hair is the most dangerous."

Everyone looked at him inexplicably and waited for the following, and Yan Yan then said: "Although we have avoided the dead end of misfortune, our task this time is to propose marriage. With the current conditions of Green Hair, we can't speak, and there is no tongue. , Which girl would marry him?"

Yup! The task requirement is to propose a successful marriage. Lu Mao is now half disabled, so he can't say how to propose!

Of course, Lu Mao heard these words, and suddenly rushed over and knelt in front of Yan Yan, gesticulating with gestures, vaguely not knowing what to say.

Yan Yan helped Green Mao up and said softly: "Don't worry, I will help you figure out a solution."

When other people heard Yan Yan say this, they confessed and did not speak. Everyone knew Yan Yan's style of doing things, and the word helping people would never appear in his Yan Yan dictionary.

Xu Lang took out the blind date list, and also signaled Zhang Qingyu to come up with the list, one male version and one female version. The entire blind date registration list was placed on the table.

Xu Lang said: "Let's think about serious matters, after all, we are here for a blind date."

He Xiao glanced at Xu Lang weirdly, and felt that there was something wrong with this sentence, but he didn't say it, and everyone's eyes focused on the complete list on the table.

The two lists are not too much together, about six pages of A4 paper, but the information on them is densely packed, recording many blind dates.

Xu Lang analyzed and said:

"Look, there are 400 blind dates in the two lists. The information of our male performers is listed as No. 196-200 in the last row of the male version list, and Zhang Qingyu is No. 200 in the female version list. , This is nothing to say.

The information of these hundreds of blind date includes name, age, contact information and requirements for choosing a spouse. Unlike the real blind date, there are no photos, family background, or occupation. It is very likely that there are ways to identify whether it is a person or an evil spirit among the four items of name, age, contact information, and mate selection requirements, and the mate selection requirement is the top priority for everyone to consider. "

Yan Yan nodded and took the words:

"Xu Lang's analysis is correct. I suggest that the first three days is to screen the blind date we think is most likely to be a human, and then cast the net to show up on a date to determine whether or not to propose.

Also note that if you receive a date call, you can’t escape, you can only go on a blind date. Of course, if you think something is wrong, you can also find an excuse to say that it’s inappropriate to slip away. During the date, everyone should be polite and try to talk about ambiguous topics. "

At this point, Yan Yan's cell phone jingled, picked up the phone and saw the unknown number displayed. Everyone looked nervous. Xu Lang realized that Yan Yan might be selected and became the first person to be dated. (End of this chapter)