The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 19: coward


It was all dark, and the night view of Orange Bay Plaza was as the female receptionist said. The lights were brilliant and beautiful, but the five executives in the presidential suite looked sad, silent, and the few men who could smoke all lit up. , For a time the living room was smoky.

Zhang Qingyu opened the window and the wind was blowing. She was still a little scared. Lu Mao's death had something to do with her. If she didn't propose to her, she wouldn't die so tragically.

But it's not that kind of compassion and regret, it's just the despair of simply watching a person die in front of him. She is not a "virgin", she didn't want to save everyone, and she didn't have the ability, but this place was full of pain, betrayal and sacrifice. So she hopes that she can desperately retain a touch of beauty in "hell", such as Xu Lang.

Xu Lang was also a little melancholy at this time. He couldn't figure out why Lu Mao would die for breaking the rules. Which rule he violated? Xu Lang thought about it all night but didn't understand.

At this time, Yan Yan pinched out the cigarette in his hand and glanced at his watch. It was already more than 8 o'clock in the evening. He coughed and said to everyone: "Let’s not spend any more time and energy on Lu Mao’s body. Don’t forget that we will pay. There is no deciding date on whom to date, and the next time is very tight. Everything is kept simple and adaptable."

Xu Lang understands that Yan Yan's ability to say such things shows that he is still at a loss and has no ideas, so he can only let the development and observation, but this is now the most appropriate plan.

In fact, during the research time in the afternoon, Xu Lang has already confirmed two dates. They all have a feature that their mate selection requirements are concise and clear, and there is no ambiguity and no possibility of extension.

The first is Cheng Fenglai, No. 64, a very masculine name. He is 26 years old. The requirement for choosing a spouse is just one sentence, "Wealth and wealth". It is a very clear requirement. For normal people, this is a large part of it. People, but this requirement is not worth mentioning for newspaper employees.

The second is Su Xueer, No. 149, 22 years old. The mate selection requirement is also one sentence: "I want a boyfriend with rich imagination". After thinking about this requirement, Xu Lang didn’t think it could be dangerous. . After looking for other fruitless, I chose this number 149 as a candidate.

Xu Lang plans to attack No. 64 Cheng Fenglai, this is the safest one he seems to be at the moment.

Yan Yan, He Xiao and others are also actively choosing a date, but Zhang Qingyu sat beside Xu Lang obediently, because she had been told by Xu Lang not to choose a blind date by herself. He would pick one for her when he was done.

Xu Lang lit a cigarette and rubbed his eyes. Yan Yan, He Xiao, and Geng Jian had already selected a partner. At this time, they were calling in different rooms to set a date and place.

Xu Lang was not in a hurry. Instead, he took out Zhang Qingyu's male version list and began to read it carefully. After about half an hour, he called Zhang Qingyu.

"Look, I have chosen these two for you to date. The first one is No. 28 Li Yin, aged 24, and he must be able to play the piano when he chooses a spouse. This is your strength, and it’s just about playing the piano. It should not extend to other terrible things, so this is your main target.

There is also a spare, Huang Zhe, No. 152, aged 30. Although he is a little older, we can't manage this now. His mate requirement is to find a scholarly girlfriend. Similar to your family background, the problem shouldn't be big.

When you are dating them, you should pay attention to your speaking skills. Whether it is appearance or talking, you should not be picky, as long as it is safe. When the time comes, you will also have to propose. Generally, boys should rarely refuse a girl's proposal. "

After Xu Lang said a lot, he thought about it and frowned and said, "Also, when you are dating, I will follow to protect you. Be careful not to get too close to them and keep your distance."

Zhang Qingyu was a little surprised, thinking it was Xu Lang who was afraid that he would be too close to them, so he covered his mouth and smiled, blinking without saying a word.

Xu Lang saw that she had nothing to say, so he left and planned to call Cheng Feng on the 64th to make an appointment.

The call was made by a woman with a northern accent. She spoke straightforwardly and sounded unsentimentally: "Who?"

"Hello, my name is Xu Lang on the 200th. Seeing your information, I think we are very suitable. I would like to meet and have an appointment. Would it be convenient for you?"

"Oh, if you have money, we won't have any delay if you don't have money."

"Ms. Cheng is really a happy person. There is money, I'm afraid you can't spend it." Although Xu Lang has a mediocre life, he is not bad at money now. It is very simple to pretend to be a nouveau riche, and it is obvious that Cheng Fenglai will eat This set.

"Okay, see you at the entrance of Orange Bay Metropolitan Mall at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning?" The call was obviously emotional.

Xu Lang smiled knowingly: "No problem, I'd better wear a pair of flat shoes, otherwise, I will be tired and panic after shopping for too long."

On the other side, the laughter was even brighter, and he said: "No problem, no problem. See you or leave tomorrow."

Xu Lang hung up the phone and whispered, "It feels really good to be big."

Yan Yan and the others have also confirmed their date tomorrow. It seems that it is almost ten o'clock. Yan Yan gathered the people together and prepared to discuss the allocation of the room.

Every time the task and accommodation problem is a big difficulty, because midnight is the time for the evil spirits, and human beings enter the most relaxed moment, so the night is generally the time when things are most prone to accidents.

Housing allocation is directly linked to security, so the executors attach great importance to them. They strictly looked at the remaining five people and said: "This task was originally a small number of people, and the green hair is dead. Now five of us Two rooms are fine. I live in the master bedroom with He Xiao and Geng Jian, and Xu Lang and you live in the second bedroom with Zhang Qingyu. Is there a problem?"

Xu Lang has always lived alone, sleeping in the same room with a girl is a bit sad, but he doesn't want Zhang Qingyu to live with other people, only by looking at her can he be safe.

He Xiao and Geng Jian were naturally overjoyed when they heard that they could live with Yan Yan. Originally, they thought Yan Yan would live with Xu Lang, but they said they were fine at the moment.

Zhang Qingyu looked at Xu Lang who was thinking, feeling a little lost, but still waiting for his expression. Xu Lang thought for a while, how could he manage the mundane etiquette when entering the mission, and said, "That's it."

In fact, Yan Yan lives in the same room with these two oil bottles. At present, I only know that the evil spirit controls the entire Orange Bay Plaza, but the body has not been revealed. What causes trouble to the executor is the seeds in the body. .

And through the matter of Lv Mao, he had a guess, that is, everyone's behavior and temperament will be more extreme under the influence of the seed.

And Xu Lang obviously has his obsession, Zhang Qingyu also has a kind of obsession with Xu Lang. These two emotions are likely to be affected by the seeds in the body. People with knots will become the first to explode and turn into evil spirits in this mission!

In fact, Xu Lang can understand this after thinking about it carefully. Before entering the mission, he did not pay too much attention to Zhang Qingyu. On the contrary, he frequently accommodated during the mission, and even had to think about it in all aspects. This is the inner emotions. The role of magnification.

Yan Yan understands at this moment that Xu Lang, who was not surprised before, has a weakness, which is his "care" for Zhang Qingyu. I'm afraid that this kind of care will be transformed into sincere and sincere use from the very beginning. That kind of emotion is likely to be absorbed by evil spirit seeds and stimulate growth. The same goes for Zhang Qingyu.

As for He Xiao, Geng Jian and others, their biggest obsession is to live, so it seems that they are the purest and most difficult to use, and they can play their role when necessary.

Yan Yan said that these thoughts were all in his head, and they were fleeting, and then calmly said: "Then it will be okay. Remember to take turns to watch the night. Don't close the door. Although the evil spirit may not appear directly at the Be careful."

After nodding, everyone went back to their rooms.

After entering the house, Xu Lang took the lead to spread the pillows of the double bed and a quilt on the ground. It is summer, and it feels refreshing to lie on the ground. Zhang Qingyu also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Otherwise, she really didn't know how to allocate it. Although she liked Xu Lang, she hadn't been able to sleep in a single sex yet.

Xu Lang put his hands behind his head, looked at the ceiling and said, "You watch the middle of the night, and I will watch the next. I have a rest. If you have something to do, you call me. If I have an accident, you go to Yan Yan."

It’s not the first time Zhang Qingyu has performed a mission. Naturally, she knew that when the danger broke out in the middle of the night, the vigil was facing greater danger at that time. She was already taken care of, and she should not be too greedy. Then she said, “I’ll stay in the middle of the night. Well, you are very tired today, and I didn't do much."

Xu Lang interrupted her directly, "Stop talking, just do what I said. I will sleep for a while and call me later." In fact, Xu Lang's character shouldn't take care of her in this way at all, and he can't figure out why. Don't want her to face danger, is it just to take advantage of her? A fan of the authorities, he never thought that this kind of mind was greatly affected by the evil spirit seed.

The light in the living room was still on, and it penetrated into the room that was not closed. It was approaching the early hours of the morning, and the whole suite was silent. In the master bedroom, the cigarette in Yan Yan's mouth was flickering and dark. It was obvious that he was vigil in the first half of the night. He Xiao and Geng Jian on one side slept like dead pigs. He Xiao snored slightly, Yan Yan. He shook his head and disappeared in the dark corner.

Zhang Qingyu was sitting on the head of the bed, not knowing what she was thinking. Xu Lang was worried about Zhang Qingyu and didn't sleep well, so he suddenly heard a noise outside the room while he was half-wake and half-dreaming.

I can't really hear it, and I can vaguely hear the cry of women and the anger of men. The scene changed. At this moment, Xu Lang went out and found that this was no longer in the presidential suite, but Villa 13 which represented a childhood nightmare. At this moment, he was standing at the end of the corridor on the second floor, in the attic above his head, the screams of the woman came, accompanied by the fragmentation of the bones, and the cry of the boy.

Xu Lang can no longer tell whether it is a dream or reality. He hissed and screamed, as if trying to break free from it. Suddenly he felt that his strength suddenly increased, and he could break the ceiling in front of him with a punch, and rushed up. Can save the mother.

After surviving the accident at the age of 9, Villa 13 became his heart knot. He saw his mother's tragic death in front of him, but he was helpless. The word coward has been torturing him for 18 years, and now he has the ability to change everything. , He has the power to protect his mother, and he starts to go crazy.

He jumped on the spot, slammed into the attic door, tore down the slide, and quickly climbed up to find that there was no evil spirit, only a middle-aged man stepped on his mother under his feet and smiled sullenly at him. But the mother showed viciousness in her eyes, and accused Xu Lang of why he couldn't save her, and why he gave birth to a coward!

The belief in Xu Lang collapsed, tears streaming down his face. Then he lost control of his temperament, and he had to rush over to tear up the whole man to avenge his mother.

All this happened in Xu Lang's dream, but the reality is not this scene at all.

Zhang Qingyu first heard Xu Lang's cries and found that he was sitting on the ground with his head down at this time, not knowing what to say in his mouth, looking like he was wicked.

She lifted Xu Lang's face out of concern, but found that his face was full of horror, tears came out of his eyes, and red light in his round left eye, and then his expression gradually became violent and fierce.

Zhang Qingyu was taken aback by the red light. Of course she knew what it was. She remembered that Xu Lang had told her before that if she had a problem, she should go to Yan Yan, but in such a moment, Xu Lang's hand had already begun to grasp. To her. (End of this chapter)