The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 23: Will Yan Yan also die?


Yan Yan's family situation is very ordinary, maybe some people have experienced it or are experiencing it.

Parents are divorced and emotionally broken. Divorce is the best solution, but their children have become their biggest obstacle to freedom. So they all chose to abandon Yan Yan at any cost.

Before they got divorced, Yan Yan remembered that he was always alone in the rented room, dark and humid, mosquitoes infested in summer and bitter wind in winter.

As far as I can remember, he rarely sees his parents, but his mother will leave a few hundred dollars a month, most of which are handed over to the landlord. Every day after school, he goes to the landlord’s house in the backyard to eat. Over the long night, there is no family affection, only loneliness.

My father didn't go home all the year round. Yan Yan's impression of him was just a drunkard with no ambition and self-motivated. Only when he ran out of money would he go home drunk. As soon as he came back, Yan Yan would use the living expenses his mother left for him to buy wine and food for him. Compared with his classmate's father, Yan Yan's father was more like a debt collector.

When Yan Yan was a child, she always thought that her mother was a good woman, she was beautiful, and Yan Yan's appearance just followed her.

She at least didn't care about herself, at least she didn't starve herself to death, he was very grateful. So when the mother came back to divorce her father, Yan Yan was silent, even taking it for granted.

But there was a three-year-old girl who came back with her mother during the summer vacation. This is her mother's second child. Unlike Yan Yan, this girl is the jewel in her mother's palm.

Yan Yan once hugged her when her mother was not paying attention. She was very soft and smiled at everyone, with happiness and innocence that Yan Yan had never enjoyed before. Because of this, he was slapped in the slap by his mother and sternly scolded, as if the stern words with his father's blood were very dirty and unbearable.

Later, at the door of this dilapidated rental house, I heard a luxury car that Yan Yan had never seen before, and the neighbors were talking about it. This bungalow is a place where the rich would never step in. The man in the car's suit Leather shoes, confident face.

He took out a lot of money, which Yan Yan had never seen before, including Yan Yan's father, and his father signed so much money. Remember URL

Yan Yan watched as his mother was taken away by the man, still holding the little girl in his arms, as if they were a born family. In the rental room, his father was counting money excitedly. Xiao Yan said that he didn't understand what feelings are, but he felt that the power of money was really great and could change a lot of things. He said he would be a rich man in the future.

My father disappeared with all the money, and my mother never gave himself a living allowance. Yan Yan was like an orphan, abandoned by the world. The landlord thought he was sorry to let him live for a while, but the door had already been posted for rent. Notices.

The elementary school is not over yet, everything is on the verge of death. It was Yan Yan's grandmother who found herself. This old lady with dim eyes and full of silver hair, the moment she saw Yan Yan, she burst into tears and stretched out. The dry palms of wrinkled skin and age spots embraced him.

For the first time, Yan Yan felt the warmth of being embraced. This grandma who desperately found his own in despair became the only light in his dark life.

He was taken to a room full of rubbish by his grandmother. His shop was on a plastic bottle on the same floor. From here on was his little bed. Yan Yan was here for the five years from 12 to 17 years old. Spent through the small **.

The old lady picking up trash, the little kid picking up trash with her grandma after school every day, have been so dependent on each other for five years. Grandma will sternly talk about many social truths, vulgar but very practical. Until now, grandma is the person he respects most.

It's just this only relative who died when Yan Yan was 17 years old. Because I didn't have the money to see a doctor, I died in that cold winter, where there was no money to buy carbon and air leaks everywhere.

The grandmother's body lay in sex for three days, Yan Yan cried in the house for three days, and then the grandmother's body was burned along with the house where he lived for five years.

The snowflakes in the sky, the raging flames in the screaming north wind cried out of unwillingness and misfortune, and said that he could only rely on himself from now on.

He dropped out of school and worked desperately to make money, climbing step by step, climbing all the time, whoever stood in his way in the group was the enemy of his harsh words, ruthless, and without humanity, he was such a person.

Until he entered the newspaper office and participated in this mission, just five minutes ago, the conversation between a man and a woman next door suddenly ignited his demons.

"When will you divorce your husband, I can't wait."

"Oh, why are you in a hurry? You think you have lived together for so many years and you want to separate.

"Is there anything I can't bear to bear, don't forget all those rags, so you just leave the house, can't I still support you?"

"Not only that, isn't there a child?"

"Cut, you still care about this. You have never cared about him before. Who knows who is divorced, and if a little kid is so big, he has nowhere to look for you."


"Oh, baby, you have to like it. Let's have another one. We promise to be more obedient and more likable than your original one."

Listening to the discussion and laughter in the next room, Yan Yan's memory was picked up again. Of course he has hatred. He has not been cared by his parents since he was a child. He was abandoned by his parents, laughed at by his classmates, and scolded as a bastard... ...

All the ridicule, abuse, insult, pain, and hatred that I have received over the past 20 years! , A fire ignited from his heart, violently filling his entire body, Yan Yan closed his eyes and clenched his teeth and insisted, not to let the evil spirit seeds occupy his body.

But people still couldn't fight the evil spirits. When Yan Yan opened his eyes again, his eyes were blood red, his face was like frost, his temperament suddenly changed, and he stood up and slowly looked at the men and women next door.

At this time, Yan Yan was more terrifying than Xu Lang's time. Xu Lang only had his left eye filled with red light, and the seeds in Yan Yan's body almost exploded, and both his left and right eyes were flooded with red light. Yan Yan is no longer alone. Strictly speaking, he has become a servant of evil spirits.

He walked to the men and women who were still unknown, and brutally killed them one by one, but his expression did not change. Killing seemed to have become his nature. This time, unlike the previous experience, everyone in the restaurant saw people dead. No longer ignoring, but wanting to escape like normal people in horror.

But Yan Yan waved his hand and the door slammed to death. The painful cry of everyone blocking the door was of no avail. Yan Yan obviously possessed the power and nature of evil spirits. At this moment, he slowly walked into the crowd... ...

He Xiao also called Xu Lang and informed Yan Yan of his previous conversations and Geng Jian's death.

Xu Lang thought to himself, Yan Yan really understood what he meant, and he didn't need to be clear when talking to him. He was the same with Yan Yan's speculation on his life at this moment, and he also had a lot of certainty.

At this time, Xu Lang was sitting on a chair in the mall and drinking a cold drink, while watching Cheng Fenglai frantically trying on clothes inside, while holding the phone thinking. And Zhang Qingyu was drinking coffee in Xing 8 Keli on the first floor of the mall, waiting for Xu Lang's date to end.

"Now it’s almost time to identify the identity of the evil spirit." Xu Lang picked up the phone and wanted to ask Yan Yan what he thought at this time. After the call, he found no one answered. Xu Lang thought he was in an emergency. So I sent another text message, "Seeing Quick Reply".

But ten minutes later, unable to wait for a reply, he called He Xiao again.

"Captain He, Yan Yan, can you get in touch here?"

"Oh, Brother Xu, I can't get in touch either. No one answered the phone after making several calls."

Xu Lang's heart was broken, Yan Yan might have something wrong, after thinking about it, he decided to see the situation, if he could save it, he would save it.

"Do you know where Yan Yan is dating?"

"Yes, in the Jianghu Music Restaurant."

"Okay, I'll take a taxi right now, and you'll rush over there too, don't rush in, wait for the meeting and then go find him together."

He Xiao was also aware of the seriousness of the matter, and Yan Yan was obviously regarded as a life-saving straw by him at this time. If even Yan Yan died, how would he survive, and hurriedly stopped the car to the Jianghu Music Restaurant.

Xu Lang told Cheng Fenglai about the bank card and the password in his hand, so that she could have fun and deal with some urgent matters by herself. When Cheng Feng came to hear that the bank card had given him away, he was so happy that he would contact him frequently in the future.

Xu Lang was anxious, and went to the first floor to receive Zhang Qingyu, and said to her: "Yan Yan is very likely to have something wrong, we have to rush over to see the situation."

Zhang Qingyu was surprised. Yan Yan seemed to her to be a great man who had lived through five missions. He had an accident, how tricky it was. He obediently did not hesitate and went out directly with Xu Lang.

When the three people came to the entrance of the Jianghu Music Restaurant, they found that the surrounding streets were empty. There was blood and stumps everywhere. The smell was disgusting. The driver even hurried away as if he was fleeing. I am afraid it will be a while Will call the police.

Xu Lang frowned, feeling that something was wrong. He Xiao looked at Xu Lang with a bad expression. Now Xu Lang has become the mainstay of the team. He said that he should have been more fierce, and now he can only count on Xu Lang.

In fact, in He Xiao's opinion, Xu Lang and Yan Yan are not only equally wise, but also reassuring that he is a newcomer, and a newcomer means that he will not be unscrupulous when playing tricks.

He Xiao asked anxiously what was going on. Xu Lang looked around and said, "I'm afraid the mission has entered the final chapter. Passers-by will choose to ignore the terrorist incidents that occurred in the previous mission, but this time the driver was obviously scared. If it breaks, call the police. This shows that the mission is about to end, and the newspapers no longer need to cover up the bloodshed."

He Xiao and Zhang Qingyu were suddenly shocked. They did not expect that the ten-day mission would have entered the final chapter on the second day. Is this ten-day mission time really just a cover... Intermediate level missions really cannot be used? Common sense.

Zhang Qingyu looked at Xu Lang and asked timidly, "Is Brother Yan really dead?"

Xu Lang pointed to the open door of the restaurant. Inside, he could see blood and corpses everywhere, like hell. He looked ugly and said, "Yan Yan is either dead or an evil spirit." (End of this chapter)