The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 24: Special blind date


Although He Xiao was prepared in his heart, he was still frightened when he heard this. Even a character like Yan Yan would die in this mission. Can he really survive? Yan Yan's death made him feel sad.

He Xiao actually had a strange feeling for Yan Yan. After all, he was the only one left in the newspaper at the time. After Yan Yan came, they performed several tasks together, and the newspaper grew as it is now.

He sighed and asked Xu Lang, "Then what shall we do now?"

Xu Lang shook his head and said softly: "Zhang Qingyu has a date this afternoon. I have to go with her. Captain He, you will find a house first. We cannot rule out the possibility of Yan Yan becoming an evil spirit. The original hotel cannot be accommodated. I suggest you take some money to rent a house in an ordinary residential building, and inform me of the address at that time."

He Xiao nodded, thinking Xu Lang was very thoughtful. Xu Lang then said: "I already have some speculations about the way of life, but there is still something I haven't figured out. Let's discuss it together later in the evening."

The three people acted in groups. Xu Lang still sat in the back row with Zhang Qingyu. Xu Lang was a little depressed. He couldn't think of any way to elicit evil spirits. He thought in a daze, "Strictly, if it were you, what would you use? Method?"

Xu Lang unknowingly recalled some of the things he had met with Yan Yan so far. Such a wise, courageous, capable person and sufficiently sinister, in fact, he also admired Yan Yan very much in his heart. In many places he lamented that he was inferior to Yan Yan. .

If he can't even survive this mission, what about myself...

Zhang Qingyu looked at Xu Lang, who was absent-minded, and felt uncomfortable. Yan Yan's death was a real blow to the surviving executors, and morale was low, but she couldn't do anything. Lang was distracted to take care of himself.

Yan Yan said that she was a special existence for this mission, but she really couldn't figure out how special she was.

She sighed, if she lives, she will live together, and if she die, she will die with Xu Lang, and then she firmly held Xu Lang's hand.

Xu Lang was interrupted by the warmth that was suddenly held in his hands. He glanced at Zhang Qingyu and did not have the usual disgust, but had changed a little bit towards this woman. It seems that Zhang Qingyu is not as good as Zhang Qingyu in his ability to change difficulties.

Xu Lang lowered his head and smiled slightly, rearranging the thoughts in his mind, thinking about it again and again, and thought of a way that was not a solution, but it could still solve the problem of finding evil spirits.

With some thoughts, Xu Lang regained his former calm, opened the window of the car, lit a cigarette, and enjoyed the moment of tranquility.

Zhang Qingyu greeted the floating smoke ring, watching Xu Lang's relaxed state, with a smile in her eyes, she knew Xu Lang had a way.

After a while, the car stopped at the door of a piano shop. Yes, she and Li Yin on the 28th were dating in a piano shop. Not only did it help them to expand their topic, but also because the shop was close to the downtown area. It is easier to escape in unexpected situations.

Zhang Qingyu nodded to Xu Lang, then got out of the car and entered the piano shop. And Xu Langsai gave the driver a handful of banknotes and asked him to wait here. The driver was unwilling, but counted the number of bills, which almost caught up with his three-day sports car fee, and happily agreed.

Xu Lang still sat in the back seat and did not move, but his eyes were fixed at the door of the store. He previously told Zhang Qingyu that he would call himself if he realized that something was wrong. Then he would pretend to be a thief and enter the store to snatch her bag. The appointment is forcibly terminated.

And Zhang Qingyu, who entered the piano store, waited for more than ten minutes and did not see Li Yin's arrival, but she did not dare to call more actively. Anyway, she has already arrived at the date of the appointment, which is not a violation of the rules. Moreover, a lady of her own has waited for a long time, and it is not her fault that she will not anger the blind date.

Not long after Zhang Qingyu's cell phone rang first, a man's voice came after the connection: "Miss Zhang, are you there yet?"

"I've been here long ago, and I'm walking around in the piano store." Zhang Qingyu felt baffled.

"Oh? Then why didn't I see you?"

Hearing this, Zhang Qingyu was shocked, she wouldn't have gone the wrong piano line, if this irritated Li Yin and thought that she was letting him dove, wouldn't it be over.

"No, isn't it the music piano?"

"Yeah, which floor are you on now?"


"Then you go upstairs and go to the inner room." The voice of the man on the phone looked a little dull, as if he was speaking in a jar. Zhang Qingyu felt a little weird, but didn't express his opinion, and could only follow what he said. It was really impossible to leave as soon as he met.

"Go to the innermost room on the second floor, I'm right here." Zhang Qingyu faintly felt that something was wrong, but walking now is likely to irritate him, so he can only bite the bullet and go in.

The innermost room on the second floor had some peeling off its walls and dust on the door, as if no one had opened the door for a long time, completely different from the other rooms on this floor. After hesitating, he pushed the door, but found that it was locked.

Maybe Li Yin felt the movement at the door and said excitedly on the phone: "Yes, you lift the carpet, there is a key there, just open the door."

Zhang Qingyu felt that this Li Yin was very strange. If he was locked in, how could he know that there was a key under the carpet? But they only talked on the phone yesterday, and he was locked here after that? But the ash on the door is obviously that no one has been here recently

Could it be that the seeds in Li Yin's body broke out? Or is it that he is the essence of the evil spirit at all

All this has gone beyond the expectations of Xu Lang and Zhang Qingyu. Zhang Qingyu instinctively wanted to call Xu Lang and ask what to do next, but on the other hand, relying on him blindly would only make him feel that he was a person. The vase is just a date. If you don't propose to him, there will be no danger if you don't trigger a dead end.

Zhang Qingyu gritted his teeth and opened the room according to Li Yin's words. The choking dust was raised, and the room was dark. It was not a sign of anyone at all. He turned on the flashlight on the phone, recorded the sound, and began to patrol the room Layout.

In fact, this room is very empty. The house is surrounded by four walls. The two windows are blocked by long and heavy floor-to-ceiling curtains to block all the sunlight. There is a huge piano in the middle.

If you look closely, from the door to the piano chair, there is a thick and shallow footprint, but it seems that it has been a long time since the last visitor, and the footprint is covered with dust again, leaving only a little trace.

The room was very gloomy, but after two missions, Zhang Qingyu was much better about fear than ordinary people. After taking a deep breath, Zhang Qingyu took the phone to his ear and whispered, "Where are you?"

Just heard a beep, the phone was hung up, Zhang Qingyu was taken aback, the room recalled a dull voice, "I'm here."

The sudden sound shocked Zhang Qingyu and took two steps back to the door, but then, the door slammed shut, shaking off a piece of dust.

Zhang Qingyu knew what he was facing. This Li Yin was either an evil spirit or a blind date whose seeds had exploded.

I saw Zhang Qingyu force herself to calm down, and she hasn't triggered a dead end yet. As long as she reacts and delays for time, Xu Lang may realize the problem, or find a way out by himself.

Li Yin's words went back and became angry again, "Didn't you find me to meet, don't you want to leave without seeing me?"

Zhang Qingyu's mentality has stabilized at this time, and dealt with him and said, "But I can't find where you are?"

"You go to the piano side, flip up the piano cover, and you can see me."

Zhang Qingyu leaned towards the piano like a thin ice. The piano cover was covered with dirty dust, but he couldn't take care of it at this moment. He didn't dare to open it slowly. Instead, he overturned the piano cover with force.

The one without a body, just a head, was stuffed into the piano, but the most frightening thing was that when the head was revealed, he opened his eyes and stared at Zhang Qingyu.

The sudden horror made her scream out of fright, but she saw her head suddenly curled up at the corners of her mouth. She laughed and said softly, "Don’t be afraid, you told me yesterday that you have learned piano for more than ten years. I really like it too, and I, like you, cut off my head and stuffed it here in order to integrate with the piano.

"In this way, as long as someone plays, the most true and perfect movement will come to my mind."

"Now I want you to play one of your best tunes, don't make a mistake, don't tarnish the perfection that I keep in my mind."

Zhang Qingyu thought to himself that this is the case. He is a person with a crazy obsession with piano and music. Due to the special effect of the evil spirit seed, he exists in this unique appearance, but in a way that is not acceptable to ordinary people.

Li Yin is a different kind of blind date. It has to be said that Zhang Qingyu is really unlucky. She ran into the only blind date who broke out on his own other than the executor. It's just that the evil spirit Li Yin is a bit special, and he maintains his obsession with piano and music.

But Zhang Qingyu is still a little sure. After all, she has studied music since she was a child, especially piano. The reason why she entered the newspaper was because she stayed in piano lessons for too long, even late at night.

She took a deep breath for a while, sat down in the most relaxed posture, and placed her hands professionally. Li Yin's head saw an expression of excitement on her face. Since his death, no new piano sound has been heard. Up.

I have gone through the sheet music several times in my mind. This is the piece that she has practiced the most times. Even when she is dreaming, she can play it completely, as long as she stays focused.

Before long, the smooth and sweet music of the piano slowly flowed from Zhang Qingyu’s fingertips, gentle and graceful like spring water, making the head sound like mesmerizing. The sleeve-length ten fingers danced on the keys of the piano. Zhang Qingyu closed his eyes and expressed his expression. Full of self-confidence and audacity, it is too beautiful at the moment.

When the song is over, Li Yin's head is pointed at Zhang Qingyu, and he smiles openly: "It's great, I haven't heard such a perfect song in a long time."

Hearing this, Zhang Qingyu thought that he had finally passed the test, and was about to speak happily. But Li Yin's next sentence made her feel like she had fallen into an ice cave.

"Will you stay and play the piano for me all the time?" (End of this chapter)