The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 25: Ignored clues


"Will you stay and play the piano for me all the time?"

Zhang Qingyu only felt a little dizzy in his head. This is a mortal question. To stay is to die. If he does not stay, he will definitely be offended. How to choose this kind of two-headed problem

Li Yin's head stared at Zhang Qingyu without blinking, jumping on the piano board with some excitement, but he never urged her to answer.

The sound of dong dong dong echoed in the empty room, very shocking, Zhang Qingyu’s forehead had already seen fine sweat, half a minute had passed, and she didn’t want to find the best of both worlds. I am afraid she will die today Here.

Li Yin was also a little anxious at this time, yelling: "Do you want to make it clear whether you want to keep it or not, and express your opinion if you want to stay."

Zhang Qingyu ignored him, instead thinking about the particularity of this evil spirit. He was completely different from the evil spirits in the previous mission. He had his own preferences, human thoughts, and could communicate.

Turning his eyes, he said, "I can stay and play the piano for you, but how can I stay?"

Li Yin's expression was stunned: "Can you just stay like this?"

Zhang Qingyu said: "I am not the same as you. If I stay here forever, I will die within a few days. If I die, who will play the piano for you in the future?"

Li Yin's expression was a bit annoyed, "Then you just rejected me?"

Zhang Qingyu waved his hand: "No, no, I didn't refuse you, but came up with a compromise. Every day I will come here to play three songs for you, but other times I have to do my own thing. This way I will not starve to death here, and you can hear piano music every day."

Li Yin thought for a while and smiled happily: "It's not bad, this method is really good, then you remember that this time tomorrow, you must come to me. Otherwise, I will go to you!"

Zhang Qingyuxin said that maybe this time tomorrow we will either complete the task and leave, or we will die, but it didn't feel bothersome, and then agreed to Li Yin.

The door opened in response, Zhang Qingyu went out, and her heart began to beat wildly. This was the closest she was to the evil spirit. Fortunately, Li Yin was not aggressive, otherwise she would never be so easily coaxed out.

Hurrying to escape from the piano shop, which is seemingly safe and dangerous, Xu Lang is still waiting in the taxi for Zhang Qingyu to return.

During Xu Lang's period, he was always thinking about other ways to find evil spirits among so many blind daters besides inefficiently searching one by one. He thought about three or four ways, but it was either too dangerous or too low. , On the contrary, it is safer to search one by one.

Although Xu Lang and Yan Yan are equally wise, Yan Yan is more biased towards Yu Qi, bold and cautious, and with more than half of the certainty, he feels the need to try; Xu Lang is more stable and cautious. After all, he has not yet faced a desperate situation, and there is no need for him to take radical measures.

Time flies quickly. Zhang Qingyu has been in the piano shop for almost three hours, but there is no movement at all. Instead, Cheng Feng, the blind date in the morning, called him and asked him when he would meet again and return his bank card.

Of course Xu Lang understood what she meant, so he directly said that he had given her the money in the bank card, making Cheng Fenglai as excited as winning the lottery.

After a while, Xu Lang felt that the piano store was too quiet, and told the driver to set the car on fire, and he would come as soon as he went. Then he walked into the piano store, and Xu Lang felt that the piano store was weird when he went in.

It was said that it was a piano shop but there was no piano at all. The walls were covered with award-winning photographs of a young man. The piano scores were all available. As he was about to walk to the second floor, he saw Zhang Qingyu hurriedly coming downstairs.

The two met and looked at Zhang Qingyu's face, and knew that something was wrong, Xu Lang hurriedly took her straight to the taxi.

The driver was obedient and ready to start at any time. After seeing Xu Lang getting in the car, he asked where he was going. Xu Lang waved his hand and drove forward.

Taxis are driving on the street. Not only are vehicles scarce now, there is not even a couple on the roadside near dusk. Zhang Qingyu was in shock and did not speak.

Xu Lang first called He Xiao, and he was connected instantly: "Brother Xu, I'm about to call you."

"Have you found a place to live?"

"I found it, it's 101 on the first floor of the Family Building, No. 11, Zhenjiang Road."

"Okay, Zhang Qingyu and I will meet you there immediately."

Then he reported the address to the driver, and Xu Lang had time to look after Zhang Qingyu on the next side. Zhang Qingyu was relieved at this time. Don't look at the room on the second floor. She handled it naturally, but in fact she was very flustered and nervous. After coming out and seeing Xu Lang relax, his fear finally manifested.

Xu Lang asked what happened inside, and Zhang Qingyu told him the whole story.

Xu Lang sighed: "Blame me, I didn't think about the seriousness of the matter too much. I didn't expect the seeds of blind dates to have exploded."

Instead, Zhang Qingyu grabbed Xu Lang's arm and whispered comfortingly: "It doesn't matter, you have helped me a lot. I am afraid I would not live without you."

Xu Lang has also greatly improved her performance. Although Zhang Qingyu said that there is no outstanding point, but the psychological quality is not bad, and the adaptability is not bad. Nodded, and then said: "Let's find He Xiaohui first, and it's time to implement the survival plan."

Zhang Qingyu was very excited when she heard this, and no one wanted to stay in this terrifying Orange Bay square anymore. Within two days, they had lost half of their team members, and even Yan Yan died.

How can you not be excited to hear that Xu Lang is about to implement a life plan

The car drove fast on an unmanned street. The moment Xu Lang got out of the car, thunder sounded in their ears, dark clouds covered the sun, and a torrential rain would fall after a while.

Xu Lang took Zhang Qingyu to the door of the family building at No. 11 Zhenjiang Road and saw He Xiaozheng standing at the entrance of the unit waiting for them.

He Xiao, who had stayed by himself all afternoon, saw Xu Lang and others as if he had met relatives. The corners of his mouth were grinning to the root of his ears, and he hurriedly greeted him. Only three people together can feel a little sense of security.

The three of them walked upstairs. This is an independent family building. It does not belong to any community. It is convenient to go out. He Xiao chose the first floor carefully. He has specially seen that the kitchen of this house does not even have guardrails. It's easy to jump out of the window in an unexpected situation.

Xu Lang looked around for a while, and felt that He Xiao still had something to do with him. At any rate, the mission experience was there, and his work was not leaking.

The house is not big, a two-bedroom and one living room, but it is also sufficient, with all the living facilities. After He Xiao noticed the house, he knocked on the door directly, and the two young couples were the owners.

He Xiao didn't say much. He directly took out 30,000 yuan and indicated that he wanted to rent the house for three days. The rent of 10,000 a day was a pie in the sky for the young couple. I also changed the sheets when I left.

Xu Lang didn't ask much about the specific rented house, he was still thinking about ways to find the evil spirits.

He Xiao and Zhang Qingyu looked at each other and set their eyes on Xu Lang. They said that once they died, it is Xu Lang who can become the mainstay now. His every move completely determines whether the two of them can survive.

Xu Lang lit a cigarette and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose. With an idea in his mind, the three of them got together and Xu Lang said:

"When I set off this morning, I called Yan Yan and exchanged my guesses about my life with him.

There are fewer and fewer living people on the streets. I don’t know whether it’s the evil spirits or the outbreak of seeds. What kind of power can achieve this, but it is certain that our current situation has begun to deteriorate, so I discussed with Yan Yan Later, I decided to use Geng Jian to confirm my guess of the way of life. "

Speaking of this, Xu Lang glanced at He Xiao, He Xiao's heart was shocked, and he also participated in this cruel experiment.

"The first ten days was the time when the seeds exploded, but for some unknown reason, the rate of maturity increased sharply, resulting in the current situation.

Secondly, it is stated in the task commentary that the evil spirit will participate in the blind date as a blind date, and we have not found a trace of the evil spirit or even been attacked by it. This shows that in the mid-level task of "Nightmare Proposal", Evil spirits cannot directly kill us.

Then there is the role of the requirement of'proposal', combined with the special identity and special circumstances of the evil spirit, then the guess that proposes to the evil spirit is a mission life.

And Geng Jian’s proposal to an ordinary blind date was also a test Yan Yan and I did. His failure and death proved that my speculation was correct. "

When He Xiao heard this, his heart was turbulent for a long time. He thought that this path of life was created by Yan Yan, but he didn't expect Xu Lang to propose it at the beginning, and Yan Yan would polish it up.

Unexpectedly, Xu Lang, a newcomer so powerful, seems to pay more attention in the future. He Xiao's mind Xu Lang and others naturally didn't know, they were still immersed in the speculation just now.

Zhang Qingyu said: "Judging from the clues we currently have, this way of life is indeed the most likely." He Xiao nodded immediately, indicating that it was correct.

Xu Lang frowned as he smoked his cigarette: "Our top priority now is to find out who the evil spirit is in the safest and most efficient way!"

"One way I have is to eliminate them one by one. I guess that most of the blind dates are dead, but the workload is still very large. This is just a way that is not a way, so it is still open for discussion."

When He Xiao heard this, they also began to lower their heads to think.

After a long time, Zhang Qingyu first raised her head and said: "I think the method Xu said before is not appropriate."

Xu Lang was a little puzzled: "Oh?" He felt that although this method was stupid, it was still a way to find evil spirits.

Zhang Qingyu later explained: "Exclude one by one blind date, either by meeting or by telephone. Don't talk about the difficulty or not, don't forget that there may be some abnormalities that have exploded seeds in the blind date. Just like the Li I experienced just now. Yin, if you use this method, no one can guarantee that you will be unlucky enough to encounter an evil spirit."

Xu Langcai just woke up like a dream. The long time thinking made his brain a little groggy, and his thinking had begun to stagnate. It was completely subconsciously thinking that he ignored Li Yin's situation and almost made the lowest-level mistake.

Zhang Qingyu then said: "Big Brother Xu is just a little tired. He was injured last night and his condition is not good. Let's take a break first. There is no rush to find evil spirits." Xu Lang nodded helplessly.

He Xiao was a little bit dumbfounded. In the previous missions, he couldn't hide from the evil spirits. Now he still wants to pursue the evil spirits and propose marriage to him. The newspaper office simply doesn't play cards according to the routine.

The three of them were thinking about ways on the sofa, and fell silent for a while. It was dark outside and the rain was pouring. Xu Lang saw that the room was too dark, so he got up and turned on the headlights.

Just about to press the switch, a thunder suddenly exploded outside the window, and the executors all stood up.

But Xu Lang suddenly had an inspiration. A clue point that had been ignored for a long time was forgotten by everyone. From the beginning, everyone focused on blind dates and marriage proposals. No one thought of the uniqueness of this place.

From the beginning of the mission to the present, it has only appeared once. Since it has no effect, why does the newspaper arrange it

Xu Lang quickly turned around and confidently said to the two He Xiao: "I have figured out a way to find the evil spirit."

"Let's go to the organizer!" (End of this chapter)