The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 26: The scariest person


The organizer is an extremely common and reasonable place. Any large-scale event will exist, and it is normal to be forgotten by the performers.

However, newspaper missions have always seemed normal, but there are clues and reversals. From the beginning of the mission, the executors were led by Ge Dahong to the position of the organizer.

If its function is only to give them a blind date list, in fact, there is no need to add an organizer, let alone a small independent office building. If you think about it this way, the organizer's setting is a little fuss.

Xu Lang is still fresh in his memory. There is a long banner on the office building that says: "The only organizer of a large urban dating meeting." It can be seen that the role of this place is far more than simply issuing a list.

Wouldn’t it be easy for the initiator and manager of the event to gather all the blind dates in the name of the organizer? Using this to find evil spirits is undoubtedly the easiest and safest way!

Xu Lang told the two of He Xiao about this speculation. He Xiao also beamed his eyes and laughed loudly: "Brother Xu, you really belong to you. This is a great idea." Of course He Xiao is excited. The scene of Jian's death has long been very resistant to contact with blind dates, and it is very desirable for him to be able to use this method to identify evil spirits.

Zhang Qingyu also very much agrees with this approach. It can be said to be seamless. The role of the organizer has been ignored, and it was finally found today.

Looking at the rainstorm outside the window, Xu Lang's excitement fell silent again. He hesitated whether to leave right now, but he was afraid of such weather and no blind date was willing to go out.

"I'm worried about this weather, even if the organizer initiates the gathering, other blind dates will not come. Do you want to go now, what do you think?"

Zhang Qingyu and He Xiao were stunned with joy on their faces. In such weather, what reason can a blind date go out? Had they not been forced by the task, it would have been more comfortable to sleep peacefully at home on such a rainy night.

For a while, everyone hesitated because of the weather. Remember URL

Xu Lang lit a cigarette and stood in front of the window, watching the raindrops smash on the glass into pieces of flowers and bones, feeling upset. Finally, there was a key breakthrough, but it happened to catch up with such a rainstorm. In the current situation, there is a danger that one more day will be delayed.

After smoking a cigarette, Xu Lang threw the cigarette butt on the ground, turned his head and said to the two He Xiao: "Can't wait any longer, even if there is only one blind date coming, it is better than now."

He Xiao and Zhang Qingyu nodded vigorously, indicating that they would set off together.

At the entrance of the unit, the three of them looked at the entire Orange Bay Square shrouded in heavy rain, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of ruin in their hearts. Xu Lang suddenly had a hunch that tonight may be the last night. If the task cannot be solved tonight, then everyone will die tomorrow.

At this moment, there was no one on the street, not even a taxi, and the three determined figures walked into the night into the unknown fate against the storm.

Since they had no cars, they had to walk to the organizer's real estate. Fortunately, Zhenjiang Road was not too far, and it took about 20 minutes to get there.

On the road, the three of them did not communicate with each other, and rushed forward.

Finally, the organizer's building appeared in front of the three people. The special long banner was swaying from side to side in the wind and rain, as if it would be blown away at any time. The building was still brightly lit, and there were obviously people working in it.

Standing in the middle, Xu Lang glanced at each other, and the three of them walked into the organizer's office building.

In the organizer’s building, there were still six staff members, 2 men and 4 women. At this time, the door was suddenly opened. They saw three people wearing black raincoats and covered in rain coming in. The floor of the hall was all Was wet.

On the other side came a woman who looked like 50 or 60 years old, came over with a mop, and muttered: "I was transferred over today, but it's really bloody mold." She wiped off the place where Xu Lang and others had walked. Mud stains.

Xu Langwei first walked in front of a female staff member and said first: "Hello, I want to meet all the registered blind dates. At this moment, I come to the bottom of the building opposite the organizer to meet. Please help."

The female employee was obviously a little surprised, and said with an awkward smile: "First... Sir, I don't quite understand what you mean."

Xu Lang waved his hand and signaled He Xiao to come over. He took He Xiao's backpack, opened the zipper, took out a wad of renminbi, which was a little wet, and threw it on the table: "Ten thousand."

"Sir, you are..."

"Twenty thousand."

"No, sir..."

"fifty thousand."

Xu Lang's big work shocked all the employees. A thin employee at the back came over, looked at the thick money on the table, swallowed his mouth and said, "Sir, it's not that we didn't help you... ... ."

Xu Lang raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "How much do you want?"

The male employee waved his hand and said:

"No. Before you, there was a gentleman who greeted us in advance. To broadcast all blind dates on the top floor of the Oriental Building, the tallest in Orange Bay Plaza, prepare to pick one of the visitors and conduct a live broadcast of the marriage proposal."

"What?! Another man informs all blind daters to propose live?"

The three remaining executors, Xu Lang, He Xiao, and Zhang Qingyu, are all here, who else can they be

Suddenly the loudspeakers of the entire Orange Bay Plaza sounded at the same time, and a familiar and somewhat unfamiliar voice began to completely return to the open rainy night.

"All those who participated in this blind date, regardless of men and women!

I, Yan Yan, are waiting for you on the top floor of the Oriental Building with 15 million yuan!

People who come to meet will be divided into 100,000, as long as the people I look at, all the remaining money is yours!

I will always be here, propose to her, live broadcast! "

The inside of the organizer’s building was completely exploded at this time. The staff did not expect that the man who told them in advance would be so generous, not to mention the Dongfang Building, but also to allocate 15 million.

And Xu Lang, Zhang Qingyu, and He Xiao are just like hell expressions.

Yan Yan didn't even die! The corpses of the rivers and lakes music restaurant are everywhere, how did he survive! Why is he so crazy, doing such horrible things.

"Sure enough! Sure enough! Strictly speaking, you won't die so easily, and even reappear in this shocking way.

Use money to attract all the blind date to meet you on the top floor. I am afraid that the entire Orange Bay Square will be shaken by your words. Is this your ultimate means of finding evil spirits

Yan Yan is a top wise man with a cruel heart but a very high IQ. He is more terrifying than everyone, and he is countless times more terrifying than the cautious and cautious Xu Lang.

Strictly never die, I will die in his hands sooner or later! "He Xiao yelled frantically in his heart. He had long known that Yan Yan would never die easily. He was a character who turned the tide on two mid-level missions, and he would not die inexplicably this time.

Xu Lang also understands the decisiveness and sharpness of this stern statement, and his stability-seeking character can't do it anyway. This is equivalent to attracting the sight of all people and evil spirits in the square to himself, and the effect must be extremely strong , But the risk is also very large.

This is also Yan Yan's unique character expression-a conspiracy. It is precisely by this characteristic that he has lived to this day, and he has never made a mistake once.

Yan Yan's words were played repeatedly in the loudspeaker, and the sound had faintly overshadowed the sound of wind and rain, and the eager heart in every corner of the square was boiling with it.

At this moment, in a dark and gloomy room, a man with a disheveled hair suddenly widened his eyes and rushed to the window. Lightning flashed across, illuminating the room, a pale face stuck tightly to the glass, blue veins on that face violently, and the left eye stared scarletly at the source of the sound.

When the time went back to the time when the heavy rain had just fallen, the rain began to fall on a person who was covered in blood and passed out.

The momentum of the "tick tick tick" rainstorm has begun to show, the cold rain slapped Yan Yan's face, washed away the blood, revealing a handsome face, and at the same time awakened him from a coma.

At that time, after he received He Xiao's call at the Jianghu Music Restaurant, he was inspired by the dialogue between the men and women next door. The seeds immediately detonated, making him incarnate as an evil spirit and slaughter in the restaurant. But after there were no more people living in the restaurant, Yan Yan still didn't recover his composure. Instead, he left the restaurant and began to attack passers-by indiscriminately.

It wasn't until near the evening that he passed out on the side of the road, surrounded by other people's limbs.

The rain awakened Yan Yan, who lost consciousness, and at the same time quickly awake his groggy brain. It didn't feel good to be an evil spirit. Fortunately, Yan Yan had been trying to resist the moment before he lost control, causing the seeds to not fully erupt.

And his human body simply couldn't bear this endless killing, and finally fainted from exhaustion. Yan Yan analyzed the current situation, but fortunately, he already knew where he lived, and proposed to the evil spirit that had always been hidden.

He found a house on the side of the road and went in. The people inside were also killed by his hands, but Yan Yan didn't have time to care about it or went in and changed his clothes.

I found that the phone was lost at this time, and there were only some bank cards in my pocket.

Yan Yan began to find something to eat in the kitchen, filling his stomach, and thinking about ways to find the evil spirit itself.

Unlike Xu Lang, Yan Yan’s experience with the task is completely incomparable. When he can't find a breakthrough, seniors will habitually re-examine the content of the task.

After several screenings, Yan Yan found an extremely obscure clue.

"Note 2: During the mission, no passive avoidance of blind dates is allowed, otherwise it will be obliterated"

The evil spirit also participated as a blind date, and this note 2 is not listed separately for the executor, so that means that this rule not only affects the executor, but also affects the evil spirit!

"As long as I initiate a date invitation to the evil spirit, then it must come to see me!" (End of this chapter)