The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 38: confusing


Yan Yan stared at the old face, thought about it, and then softly said to the employees behind: "We are not watching the movie. We try our best to substitute it for this task and try to analyze the way of life."

He Xiao echoed and said: "Yes, not bad, especially for newcomers, this kind of harmless observation task is the best way to improve yourself as soon as possible."

After hearing this, everyone nodded and put all their thoughts on this projection screen.

Xu Lang's eyes flashed, and his vision suddenly changed. The originally brightly lit newspaper lobby had been replaced by a darkened room. With his fingers out of sight, Xu Lang fumbled for the phone in his pocket, and then the room illuminated by fluorescent light.

The room was silent, and it looked like a bedroom. I was lying on a comfortable and soft big body, and then suddenly I saw a lamp on the bedside table.

After reaching out and opening it, the room finally lit up. Xu Lang stood up from her sex and began to observe the room quite carefully.

This is a room of more than 50 square meters. There is no kitchen but a separate bathroom. The decoration looks very particular, revealing a medieval European style. The windows are covered with dark yellow grilles, which can't penetrate. moonlight. I walked around the room and observed for a while, but I didn't find anything special.

Suddenly, with a ding dong, a thick bell echoed back into the silent room, and Xu Lang turned around in fright. It turned out that the 12 o'clock bell had arrived, and the mission of "The Confinement Place" finally began at this moment.

After observing around for a long time, Xu Lang was a little confused. Didn't expect that this mission would separate the 8 performers to fight each other? Antai Castle... The name is a bit different in Chinese and Western, and the overall architectural style is European, but the name is very strange.

At this moment, Xu Lang looked back, but found a weird point. Remember URL

On the big bed I lay just now, there was a pair of mirror frames hanging. Xu Lang stretched out his hand and touched it, but found that it was empty inside, just a blank canvas, stroking the frame of Kong's ****, there was obviously a portrait of a person hanging here.

Xu Lang stood by the bed. This blank portrait obviously corresponds to the owner of this room. Where did the portrait go... Why would he lie on his (her) sex

Perceiving something weird, Xu Lang began to look through the drawers in the room to see if there was a credential to prove the identity of the owner of the room.

But after searching for about ten minutes, there was no paper or notes in the room at all, and nothing that could reveal information existed.

Xu Lang was sitting in the **** with his brows furrowed. He felt that the owner of the room and the disappearing portrait were helpful to this mission. Suddenly he looked at the door, it was already midnight, and when he walked out of the room at this time, who knew what would happen.

At this time, the people in the rooms next to Xu Lang were equally puzzled. They were the other seven executors.

Inexplicably arranged into a room, he woke up and lay in sex. This supernatural situation made several newcomers scared to pee their pants.

As the only woman in this mission, Jiang Hui’s name is gentle and nice, but she looks more ordinary. He was a tutoring class teacher before and took a few students to travel, but the students died in front of her one by one during the novice mission. But left the students and ran away.

She is a female herself, and her mental capacity is not strong, coupled with the horror of having seen evil spirits, she was shocked.

Originally, she believed that after entering the mission, she followed a few senior people to seek protection, but she did not expect to be separated as soon as she entered the mission. When she opened her eyes, she lay in a strange room. She was so scared that she covered her head and vowed to ignore it. Go out to nothing.

The situation of Lu Xiaozhi and Ruan Fei was similar to that of Jiang Hui. They suddenly woke up and found that everyone was separated. Looking at the strange room, they were also terrified and did not dare to take the initiative to observe the room.

These two are newcomers who have never seen evil spirits. Surviving from the novice mission is entirely by luck. At this time, the weirdness of the mission has been shown, and they are very scared, and they tremblingly lean on the atmosphere and dare not breathe.

Li Feng, who has always been arrogant, is still behaving normally. His psychological quality is indeed better than that of the first three newcomers. Of course, there is also self-esteem in it. Before, he confronted seniors in meetings and thought the task was nothing terrible. But who would have thought of being assigned to the room by supernatural power as soon as he entered the mission. After being in fear for a while, he began to fumble around the room cautiously.

Zhu Zixing can be said to be the best performer among the five newcomers. Although he has been in the corner for a long time, he finally mustered up the courage to take out his mobile phone and observe in the room, and he also carefully found the bedside. Looking at the frame, he was puzzled that he no longer moved.

Cheng Guoguo's situation was much better, and after searching the room, she found the frame on the head of the bed. Cheng Guoguo took out a can of Coke from her bag, drinking and thinking about her current situation. Although it has been almost 20 minutes since entering the mission, nothing unusual happened. It seems that this period of time is a safe period for the executor to discover clues.

But he didn't pretend to open the door, and went out to see the situation, who knew what he would touch when the door was opened.

Wuming in the next room sat on the bedside after waking up without turning on the light, but his eyes flashed with a faint light in the dark night, which looked very strange.

Xu Lang glanced at his watch, it was almost half past twelve, and he was a little puzzled. At the beginning of the mission, I threw myself in the room without asking, the evil spirit did not appear. What was the purpose of doing this

Staring at the direction of the door, Xu Lang lost his thoughts. Is it a dead end to open the door and go out... This mission is called "The Confinement Place". Is it because he is trapped in this room

Xu Lang has studied many mission reports. After the release of this mission, he focused on studying similar missions, and found that this type of mission information is very important. Only by sacrificing investigation can we understand the source of the mission and find a way out.

The more the task prevents you from leaving, the more you have to find a way to get out, the risk is proportional to the reward.

Xu Lang hesitated and approached the door, trying to see if he could get out of the door. Suddenly, the metal handle on the door began to rotate slowly, with a creaking sound, which sounded extremely cruel.

Xu Lang's expression changed, and he quickly approached the balcony of the room, ready to leave as soon as something happened.

The door was opened with a creak, and the light from the outside gradually illuminated the room. Xu Lang clearly saw that a pair of dry hands like branches appeared on the door, the nails were particularly long, and there were large and small spots on the back of the hands. What makes Xu Lang a little relieved is that this is not a corpse spot but an age spot.

Not long after, an old man with gray hair and wrinkles walked in slowly, and accompanied by a violent cough, the old man dressed up like a waiter, but no one could figure out what Such a host would invite such an old man and half ghost as a waiter.

Xu Lang looked at the old man who appeared, and was more vigilant in his heart. Once he made any action, Xu Lang went straight down the balcony. He had seen that he was currently on the third floor. Although this castle was very high, it was better than death. The spiritual hand must be strong.

The old man opened his dim eyes and stared directly at Xu Lang. He took out a notebook from behind, made a record, and said, "What's your name?"

The voice sounded like a normal old man, a little hoarse and extremely weak.

When Xu Lang heard this question, his expression was stunned. He had imagined that the old man would make countless kinds of actions, but he did not expect to ask himself such a simple question. But after thinking about it, this question has a deep meaning, and it can even determine life and death.

The old man seemed very weird to ask this question.

The first possibility: If Xu Lang himself is the owner of this room, and the furnishings in the room have obviously lived for a long time, how could the old man not know his name and have to register in the middle of the night

And the second possibility: Xu Lang was arranged to enter the room as the executor. He was obviously an intruder. He was unwilling to allow outsiders to break into his castle, but the old man didn’t seem to have the slightest intention to inquire. , On the contrary, I am ready to write my own in a notebook.

Then this question of the old man is worthy of scrutiny. If you answer the name "Xu Lang", unexpected changes may occur. The safest answer should be to answer the name of the owner of the room, but I don't know it now. , Fell into a dilemma for a while.

The old man looked at Xu Lang stupefied on the spot, and he did not answer his question for a long time. Instead, he sighed. He didn't know what was written on the paper, and turned his head and left!

Xu Lang was stunned on the spot again, and couldn't figure out how he passed the test. Could it be that not answering is also an answer

Sure enough, the difficulty has increased, and the ordinary tasks have already appeared confusing. Xu Lang stood in front of the window sill facing the moonlight, carefully thinking about the weirdness of the old man and the room.

He looked back at the door. When the old man opened the door just now, he didn't hear any signs of the door being locked. This shows that the door can be opened at will, so Xu Lang has not been confined at all.

From this point of view, the "confined place" in the name of the mission should refer to this old castle. Is this old man an evil spirit? What is going on in the notebook? The owner of the room, the blank picture frame

There are still too few clues, and at this time because the room is too quiet, Xu Lang unexpectedly heard the door of the next room being pushed open as well, and there was a sudden sound of conversation between the two!

Xu Lang hurriedly picked up a cup and stuck it on the wall of the bathroom, trying to understand who was living in the next room

It's a pity that there are some whining noises from the other side, and Xu Lang has adjusted his position many times, but he can't really hear the conversation next door. But the content and duration of their conversation is obviously much richer than Xu Lang's side.

Xu Lang was suddenly shocked. Which executor lived next door, he was chatting with this suspected evil spirit old man? (End of this chapter)