The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 39: Who the hell is it?


Who? Who is the person next door? It stands to reason that the executor would not be so bold and dare to talk to such a terrifying old man.

Xu Lang frowned and calmed down to try to listen to their conversation, but he couldn't hear anything except his own pounding heartbeat.

After a while, the voice of the next door also disappeared, and Xu Lang quietly sat back on the bedside when he heard the door slammed shut.

Frowning, he really can't figure out why this mission is so weird. What is the purpose of the question asked by the evil spirit-like old man, the name... Does it have a different effect on the progress of the incident

It was late into the night outside the window, but the only window in the room did not see the slightest moonlight in. Xu Lang looked at the hazy scenery outside the window with a bad premonition in his heart.

But then he received a call, and the caller said "Zhu Zixue".

Xu Lang was a little surprised. The previous executors exchanged phone numbers, but since the start of the mission, no one called each other. He still wondered why the newcomers didn't call themselves in panic when they were separated from the room.

Unexpectedly, after the old man left, Zhu Zixing, the newcomer, really called himself.

Xu Lang thought for a while, and finally picked it up, but he didn't speak first, but was ready to hear the other party's intentions clearly.

The other end of the phone came with a slightly flustered but calm voice: "Brother Xu, this is Zhu Zixiu... Hello? Brother Xu?"

Xu Lang frowned, this newcomer was a little bit nonsense, which made him feel a little unhappy, and replied coldly: "It's me."

Zhu Zixing didn't notice Xu Lang's bad tone, but was a little pleased. He hurriedly said: "An old man who looks like an evil spirit came to me just now and asked my name. Brother Xu, do you have this situation?"

Xu Lang can finally get to the point. In this situation where it is impossible to gather at present, it is also very important to share more information. His tone is not so cold, and he replied: "Yes."

Zhu Zixing said: "He asked what my name was, how did you answer Big Brother Xu?"

Xu Lang did not hide: "I did not answer him."

Zhu Zixing gave a hum, and then said: "I didn't answer him either, but he thought about it with me, and came to me and asked again later!"

Xu Lang was shocked suddenly, this... Why didn’t the old man answer the same question, but the old man didn’t say this to me. He was shocked, thinking that the old man might have asked the same thing in every executor’s room. Questions, and everyone’s answer may not be the same, so the experience of each of us may be different.

Thinking of this, Xu Lang asked: "What was your performance at that time?"

Zhu Zixing was stunned by this question, but he reacted instantly, thinking about his own performance at the time, and truthfully informed Xu Lang:

"At that time, I was looking at an empty picture frame beside the bed. When I was thinking, suddenly the door opened and an old man appeared at the door. At that time, I was engrossed in the picture frame, and suddenly an old man who looked like an evil spirit appeared behind him. I was so shocked that I didn't hear what he said. After a long time, he said he would ask again when he left."

When Xu Lang heard this, he also extracted a key point from this passage. It turned out that there was an empty frame in every room, and the portraits inside had disappeared.

Although the two of them expressed the same answer, which was not an answer, their behavior when asked by the old man was completely different.

Xu Lang was very vigilant and kept as far away as possible from the old man, and cautiously did not answer his questions; while Zhu Zixing was completely frightened, unable to think, and could not remember the old man's questions for a while.

The same question is not answered, but the two may represent different meanings in the eyes of the elderly. This is the main reason for the determination of the behavior of the elderly.

Thinking about this, Xu Lang once again remembered the notebook in the old man's hand. He clearly remembered that the old man sighed when he left, and then wrote something on the note!

He has independent thinking ability, and he did not attack the executor. Instead, he acted like a survey. Is this old man really alone

There are many mysteries, and every point that appears from entering the mission is confusing, as if to surround Xu Lang, and can't breathe at all.

The other end of the phone sensed that the other party seemed to be lost. Zhu Zixing asked anxiously, "Big Brother Xu, are you still there?"

Xu Lang returned to reality from his thinking, thinking to himself that although Zhu Zixing is a newcomer, he is obviously much better than the other newcomers, and he can help or help.

"I am still here"

"Brother Xu, the old man will continue to ask me for a while, can you help me think about how to answer?"

Xu Lang actually thought that he would ask this question, but he also had no idea at all. At present, no matter what way to give any answer, the result is unknown.

He didn't know what kind of answer is the most appropriate. After thinking about it, he told Zhu Zixing: "You pretend to be crazy and be stupid, and continue not to answer his questions, but remember that it is best not to be calm and calm, and to be the same as the one who asked you last time. Behaved similarly at the time."

Zhu Zixing didn't understand why Xu Lang still didn't let himself give the old man a reply. If he didn't answer at this opportunity, wouldn't he be dead if he angered the old man? In a hurry, he said, "Brother Xu, can this work? I haven't answered this time, and I haven't answered this time. What if he doesn't have the patience and kills me directly?"

Xu Lang patiently explained to him: "If I'm not wrong, he should take out his notebook and write something on it before he asks you a question and leaves."

Zhu Zixing seriously recalled the old man's actions at the time, and he did indeed have this behavior, and then said: "That's right."

"Although I don't know what the result of this answer will be, I'm sure you won't die at the moment. First of all, this is the first day before it's time to kill people at will;

Then there is the answer of 8 executors is definitely different, if you just enter the mission and kill people in a way similar to the lottery, it is completely inconsistent with the difficulty of the mission;

The last and most critical point is that the old man asked the name not to kill, but to record our performance and some purposes we don't currently know. Although this answer may affect the future direction of the mission, it is currently safe.

So I suggest you behave as you did when you first met with the old man. This should dispel the idea of him continuing to ask you. "

Zhu Zixing suddenly realized that a reasonable argument made Zhu Zixing nod his head sincerely and hung up the phone.

Zhu Zixing was the first executor to actively communicate with Xu Lang. This also shows that he is also witty enough. After he understands his situation, his mind becomes clearer. He is just a newcomer, and he can only survive by relying on seniority. And Xu Lang is obviously the leader of this mission.

Asking him for help and sharing some information will not only change Xu Lang's impression of himself, but also get his help. Zhu Zixing is mediocre on the surface, but in fact, the more adversity he gets, the stronger his ability will be. Obviously, this operation has reached the limit of what he can currently do.

Zhu Zixing sat on the head of the bed, with some dim yellow lights behind him, facing the wall pretending to be in a daze, waiting for the old man to come again.

Xu Lang hung up the phone, recalling the new information that Zhu Zixing had brought. There will be an empty frame in each room. The old man is only observing the performance of everyone and recording and there is no excessive movement.

Xu Lang looked at the phone in his hand, then who was the person talking to the old man

Is it the executor or other personnel

Just thinking of this, Xu Lang's phone vibrated silently. Although there was no sound, the screen was already on. This time it was Cheng Guoguo.

Xu Lang answered the phone and heard the snorting voice coming from Cheng Guoguo. Xu Lang took the phone away and looked at the screen showing that the call was in progress, then he put it to his ear suspiciously, and tentatively said: "Cheng Guo fruit?"

I heard a round voice that seemed to say: "Uh-huh"

Xu Lang thought he had a situation there, and hurriedly asked: "What's the matter?"

"Ah... I almost choked with a sip of Coke just now."

Xu Lang frowned, a little displeased: "What's the situation on your side?"

"On my side, there is nothing special in the house, only an empty frame is a bit abnormal. An old man came over just now and snatched the Coke from my hand!

Xu Lang was shocked again, and tentatively asked: "He didn't ask your name?"

"No, just came up and took my Coke away, and then we started arguing."

Xu Lang was a little confused: "He won't let you drink Coke?"

"Yeah! It was really mentally ill. I quarreled with him at the time. When he came up, he seemed to want to ask me something, but when he saw the Coke can in my hand, he rushed to grab it. I was stunned by him. .

Tell me'Don't drink Coke', but I'm not convinced. I was a little scared at first, but even if he is an evil spirit, I am afraid that he is not thinking about killing. What am I afraid of? I just turned my head. Argued with him.

I asked him which law states that people cannot drink cola? He calmly asked me who gave me the coke. I saw that he didn't answer me, and I didn't answer him either. Finally he nodded for no reason, and left the room.

This is the case on my side. "

Xu Lang finally understood what he heard. It turned out that Cheng Guoguo was in the room next to her ears. The conversation she heard was that they were arguing because of a can of Coke? !

Xu Lang has read mission reports so many times and has never heard of such an oolong thing.

Cheng Guoguo on the other side asked him what's going on here, Xu Lang told him about his situation one by one, and both of them were at a loss for the current situation, and they were all stunned.

The start of an incomprehensible task left Xu Lang with a haze. He would rather be the kind of escape task than this kind of decryption task. The unknown is the deepest fear! (End of this chapter)