The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 4: The scary ghost hit the wall


The stairs created by this evil spirit that can never run out are like a cage, in which the only living person-Xu Lang is the lamb to be slaughtered.

Xu Lang stood in place, pressed his heart beating wildly due to violent running, covered his mouth, forced himself to make no sound, and waited for about five minutes to confirm that the evil spirit did not attack him, and began to analyze the current Case.

"This should be the ghost hitting the wall. It is a universal ability of evil spirits, but it has no damage ability. The most direct effect is to trap humans and facilitate the killing."

It has been six or seven minutes since Xu Lang entered the ghost attack on the wall. It is reasonable to say that the evil spirits should have attacked him, but at this moment, except for some psychological oppression, he has not received any substantial harm.

Was it because the dead end was not triggered and the evil spirits couldn't do anything to him

But Xu Lang can almost rule out this. He has come to a conclusion from his bloody mission experience and extremely high mortality rate. During the mission, you will never escape the evil spirits because you don't do anything.

Then there are only two possibilities. One is that the evil spirit is led away after displaying the ability of the ghost to hit the wall, and the other is that the evil spirit simply wants to trap itself.

Xu Lang doesn't think that the evil spirit is a side to himself, so it must be the moment when he was trapped, the evil spirit was led away by another group of people.

And since I entered the building, I almost did nothing. If walking was considered a dead end, everyone would die instantly. Therefore, it is extremely possible that the group of people triggered the dead end and was attacked by evil spirits first.

Thinking of this, Xu Lang was a little anxious. He knew that the group of people must be the key to completing the task. Once they were killed, then he would definitely die because he couldn't find a way to survive.

The more urgent the situation, the less you can panic. Xu Lang subconsciously pushed his glasses and forced himself to sort out again.

"The series of activities I entered the building can be regarded as walking on thin ice, so that I was not attacked, and encountering a ghost hitting a wall was the first weird incident.

But how did the evil spirits target him...

Back before the ghost hit the wall, the only thing that was wrong and even forced himself up to the third floor was the severed hand! "

Xu Lang saw the bloody severed hand, and in a moment of shock, he subconsciously inferred that he was a person who was chased by evil spirits and couldn't keep holding hands to survive, but if he changed his mind...

Broken hands, maybe not left by humans at all

Thinking of this, Xu Lang had an idea, then took out two gauze balls from his backpack and stuffed them into his ears, then closed his eyes and walked up slowly.

The so-called ghost hitting the wall is actually a kind of misguided vision and hearing, so it is also called ghost covering the eyes, etc. In a space like stairs without reference objects, no matter how far you go, you are actually just stepping in place.

Xu Lang first closed his eyes to block vision, and then blocked his ears, cutting off hearing.

These are of course not the way to get rid of ghosts hitting the wall, because here is the ability of real evil spirits to create, which is different from reality, so if you want to get out of the stairs, you must take the most critical step.

Before long, Xu Lang's head hit a hard object, opened his eyes, and a corridor iron gate appeared in front of him.

Xu Lang turned the handle, as he expected, it couldn't be opened at all, as if something was blocking the door.

This evil spirit's ghost hitting the wall is somewhat different from reality. In reality, it can be explained by the spiral effect of sight and hearing, that is, the five senses are confused and can be easily broken.

But Xu Lang faced the ghost hitting the wall and walking through the stairs was only the first step. The most important thing was to open the iron door.

However, he already had an idea in his mind, thinking that the severed hand inside the second floor was actually torn off by brute force, and humans simply couldn't do it. It was just that the situation was urgent at the time, Xu Lang didn't think about it carefully, subconsciously thought it was a living person who broke his hand in order to survive.

It is now obvious that the severed hand was left by the evil spirits, and Xu Lang was caught in the crisis of a ghost attacking the wall because he opened the iron door and caused the severed hand to fall to the ground.

Cut his hand to the ground, and turn on the ghost to hit the wall. Then Xu Lang was 80% sure, and then holding the severed hand on the handle was the way to close the ghost hit the wall and push open the iron door in front of him.

Xu Lang took out a fruit knife from his right pocket, which was also taken from the newspaper office. He was cautious and used to be prepared and prepared for emergencies.

The knife is not big, but it is sharp enough to cut off a hand, no problem.

Xu Lang pushed his glasses again and held his left hand tightly on the handle. Cold light flashed in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and directly inserted the knife into his wrist.

Because the knife is not big enough, I can only cut the bones one at a time.

The sound of "crunchy" bone cutting back in the stairs was shocking. The blood was scattered on the ground. Xu Lang's entire left arm was already numb, and the pain of drilling into the bone marrow made Xu Lang's head full. Sweating profusely, gritted his teeth but didn't say a word.

I don't know how many cuts, the left hand finally separated from the left arm. Due to the body's sexual force, the broken left hand still firmly grasped the handle.

Xu Lang was already running out of strength at this time, and he threw his body open the iron gate. At this moment, the iron gate was easily pushed open without any obstacles. Then Xu Lang fell to the ground and almost fainted.

But he knew that leaving the ghost and hitting the wall didn't mean he was safe. It would be fatal to faint at this time.

Xu Lang struggled to get up, sat on the ground, opened the backpack with his right hand, and covered the bleeding wound on his left arm with gauze to stop the bleeding.

Sitting on the iron door, the loss of blood made him drowsy. Xu Lang took out a cigarette case from his jacket pocket and lit one. He was addicted to smoking a pack a day, but he had never thought that cigarettes would make him sleepy. There is a feeling of ascending to heaven.

Taking a look at the time, the mission has only started for a little more than two hours, and he has not even seen the shadow of the evil spirit. He has lost a hand. Is this the terrible mission...

Being able to smoke a cigarette safely now is a luxury for him. Now Xu Lang only hopes to give him time to finish the cigarette, so as to refresh himself and deal with the next thing.

But the reality is cruel. When the cigarette was half-burning, a scream from the upper floor didn't know which floor, Xu Lang quickly got up from the ground.

This is the cry of a young woman, I am afraid that something terrifying has happened, and it seems to have lost her mind.

Xu Lang fell into thinking again, to go, or not to go.

Going upstairs to look for the evil spirit is likely to face the evil spirit, and if he meets it in his current situation, he will die. But if you don’t go, you may miss important clues and you may never find a way out.

Xu Lang was never a hesitating person, and within three seconds of thinking, he went straight to the stairwell on the fourth floor.

If you don't go, you will wait for death slowly, and you may have a chance to complete the task if you try to save the woman.

Xu Lang swiftly climbed the stairs, and waited for a few seconds at the top of each floor, listening for the escaping footsteps, until he reached the 9th floor, pushed open the iron door of the stairs, a young man with disheveled hair and horror. The woman was rushing towards the stairs, but her beautiful face was completely deformed because of fear, and she looked like an evil spirit.

Seeing Xu Lang at the top of the stairs, the woman seemed to have seen her relatives, and she cried in an instant, her mouth being incoherent. Xu Lang knew that the situation was urgent. Although he did not see the evil spirits, he knew that he was not far from them, and dragged the woman into the stairwell.

The woman was still yelling and screaming. She was obviously frightened. Xu Lang murmured a few words to calm her down, otherwise the evil spirits could be found wherever she fled.

The woman seemed to have collapsed. Xu Lang couldn't hear what she said. She was forced to helplessly. Xu Lang stepped forward and slapped her severely. He drew out the blood-stained fruit knife and said, "I will kill you if you call me again."

Looking at the fierce man in front of her and the fruit knife full of blood, the woman finally closed her mouth, but two lines of tears still flowed down her eyes, she was really frightened.

Xu Lang knew that during this delay, evil spirits might appear at any time. He took the woman's hand and ran upstairs, and pulled off the woman's bag and threw it downstairs.

The two deliberately lightened their steps, trying not to make any noise. Originally Xu Lang thought that a woman would not be so honest, but she let Xu Lang lead her away, like a walking dead.

Until he reached the 13th floor, Xu Lang stopped and gently closed the iron door of the stairs. He listened to the door with his ears. The wind was calm, and the evil spirit didn't seem to catch up.

Xu Lang finally sighed out. It seemed that this evil spirit did not have that terrifying sensing ability, and could not immediately locate the living person. He threw the woman's bag down from the 9th floor, just to try to see if he could deceive the evil spirits, in order to judge whether the evil spirits have the ability to sense living people.

Fortunately, the difficulty of this mission is not that high, otherwise it would basically be dead before finding a way out.

Xu Lang looked at the chilling woman next to her. Is the path of life really on her

This is not the place to inquire. Xu Lang is going to search for a room for hiding under this floor. With the remaining right hand, he pulls up the woman's hand, and a coolness penetrates into the palm of the hand, and the coldness pierces the heart, Xu Lang hits There was a shiver, and it was released instantly as if bitten by a poisonous snake, and he couldn't help but observe the woman next to him.

In his twenties, the original beautiful long hair has now become a mess. A beautiful face now has fierce facial features, his eyes are dull, and he keeps biting his lip, he has faintly bleeding out. No matter how you look at it, he is frightened. Ordinary woman.

Xu Lang frowned.

"Could it be that I felt wrong with the coldness just now?"

At present, it is still to find a safe place, and ask her carefully is the key. "

The two were quietly looking for a safe room on the 13th floor one after another. Xu Lang, who was looking left and right in front of him, never noticed that the obedient woman behind him, who looked like a puppet, began to look at Xu Lang. Body.

Then, she slowly stretched out her bloodless left hand, and was about to grab Xu Lang's shoulder... (End of this chapter)