The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 42: less one


The supernatural phenomenon appeared again, and a line of small characters gradually appeared inexplicably under the empty mirror frame above Jiang Hui's head, and the font was exactly the same as the one on the corridor wall!

At this time, Jiang Hui was still like an ostrich, covering her head in the quilt, and she had no knowledge of the strange incident that happened!

On the first night of the mission, no one could fall asleep, except for Cheng Guoguo.

Xu Lang lay in his arms and stared at the ceiling, but his mind was completely absent from it. He always felt that this task was always weird, just as Wuming said that his heart was always surrounded by an insoluble one. A sense of violation.

Antai Castle, the name of the middle and the west, the blank frame on the bedside, the old man who made no secret of the identity of the evil spirit, Xu Lang could not figure out the purpose of his action, and the man who appeared suddenly. What role does he play in this mission

For the first time, Xu Lang felt that his mind was not enough, and he began to feel a little pain, his nerves were already stretched to the extreme, and the long-term mental fatigue made his physical state somewhat affected.

Force yourself to sleep for a while, after all, it will be bright after two hours, and there will be a tough battle to be fought during the day tomorrow.

After tossing and turning, I closed my eyes and lay down for about half an hour, but I couldn't rest still. I only felt that my body was sweaty and my clothes were tightly attached to my body, which was very uncomfortable.

Xu Lang sighed helplessly, sat up from his horns, ready to pour a glass of water and smoke a cigarette.

Just as he took the kettle from the tabletop, a line of words began to appear on the wooden table. This did not exist early in the morning, but after he took the kettle, it seemed to be a transparent The fingernails were drawn out on the table forcibly.

Xu Lang took two steps back quickly, nervously began to watch the surrounding environment, but he never felt anything abnormal around him.

In fact, for normal people, even if there is a transparent person around, it can be sensed. For example, when a person is sleeping shallowly with his eyes closed, if someone uses a finger to point to the center of your eyebrows, you will have a faint feeling of oppression, and you will feel that there is another person nearby.

This is what is usually called the "sixth sense". The scientific explanation is that there is a fixed magnetic field around everyone. Once another person suddenly appears nearby, his magnetic field will invade your magnetic field. There is a feeling of being oppressed, and it is very likely that you will be aware of people nearby.

But Xu Lang felt it quietly for a long time, but there was no abnormality. It wasn't that he didn't doubt that it was the evil spirit's means, but at present it seemed that the evil spirit had no intention of harming him.

Xu Lang stayed quietly for a while, tense for a while, the kettle in his hand was always held by him, he switched to his left hand, and slowly approached the table, wanting to see what the evil spirit had written.

I saw a smooth wooden tabletop, and at this moment a few skewed small characters appeared, "Don't say your name!"

Maybe the engraver was afraid that the warning smell was not enough, and even added an exclamation mark at the back.

Xu Lang fell into deep thought as he watched these words and couldn't say the name. It was for the old man. After all, Xu Lang had suspected the problem of the name early on. Now it seems that the evil spirit old man recorded his name, which is probably not a good thing.

But when he looked at this line of words, he fell into a deeper mystery. Who is this engraver? It is undoubtedly evil spirits who have this method, but why do they remind me

Could it be that there are two evil spirits in this ancient castle, one is harmless and the other is harmful

Xu Lang suddenly remembered that the nameless saw a middle-aged man yesterday, and almost forgot his existence. Is he another evil spirit

The old man or the man, which one is the evil spirit preparing to attack the executor!

Xu Lang slowly put the kettle back on the table, covering the line of small prints, looking at the line of small prints trance in the water through the transparent glass kettle.

Suddenly a flash of lightning flashed across my mind, the real and the real, the real and the fake. Xu Lang suddenly thought of another possibility.

Perhaps the old man is the harmless evil spirit! The middle-aged man is a hidden murderous spirit. The old man wants us to register our names and record them in the notebook, so the middle-aged men cannot attack us.

This passage was engraved by the evil spirit of the middle-aged man to mislead me not to tell the old man's name.

Thinking of this, Xu Lang recalled again. The old man asked about the performance of his name at the time. When Xu Lang kept silent, the old man sighed humanely, with a helpless expression.

Moreover, in the previous unnamed midnight action, the old man showed the power of evil spirits but did not harm him, but instead warned him not to go out after 12 o'clock. and! The nameless who violated this rule immediately met a middle-aged man.

Although the middle-aged man did not launch an attack on him, it is also possible that the ambiguity of the name Wuming has been recorded in the old man's notebook, so the man can only read it, not take action!

Xu Lang worked crazy in his mind. If this explanation works, then all the current clues will be connected together, and many doubts can be reasoned out.

But this speculation always has a particularly big flaw.

That's too simple! That's right, this is enough to make this conjecture very controversial, even if it is an ordinary task, it is impossible to find a way out with these few words.

And if you can survive by telling the name, where did the detailed information of the portrait on the wall seen by the nameless come from, simply overthrow this assumption.

Xu Lang fell into an infinite loop again in distress, his head started to hurt more and more, and he didn't want to sit in a chair and smoke and wait for dawn.

And just as the sky was gradually brightening, the gate of the castle was opened, and three middle-aged women walked in, carrying a variety of vegetables in their hands, and greeted the old man standing at the door, taking care of themselves. Go to the kitchen on the first floor to prepare for cooking.

The old man looked at these women with a cold light flashing in his eyes, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing a cruel smile, and the followers walked into the kitchen.

Not long after, the old man brought breakfast for 8 people on the dining table, but the three middle-aged women never came out. At this moment, a lot of blood was sprayed on the walls of the kitchen. You can imagine the miserable death of them, but the whole house There were no bodies of them.

Where did these three women go

However, all the eight executors didn't know what happened in the kitchen, and each of them was still waiting for dawn with their eyes wide open.

A beam of sunlight finally radiated into the room through the dark yellow window grilles, but the room was still dim due to the sticker on the window, and the headlights still needed to be turned on to illuminate the whole room.

At this time, there was an old voice in the corridor on the third floor, "Guests should get up and eat breakfast."

Xu Lang heard the sound outside the room, and immediately got up from the chair. He didn't hurriedly go out. Instead, he was going to the bathroom to clean up. By the way, he cheered up. After a long time of nervousness, he didn't sleep for another night. Iron men can't stand it.

With a splash, the dark golden faucet rushed out of cold water. Xu Lang slapped the cold water on his face with his hands, trying to stimulate his dizzy brain.

After washing for about three minutes, Xu Lang slowly raised his head, feeling that his current state is a little better, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "If you have a mirror, you can see that your eyes are full of bloodshot eyes."

But just after thinking about this sentence in my heart, I suddenly realized something and suddenly looked up at the wall of the bathroom.

What was bare there was a wall studded with tiles. There was no wash mirror at all. Xu Lang felt the strangeness even more. Why is the layout and decoration of this old castle so strange and unreasonable everywhere.

But at this time, he didn't think much, and quickly wiped his face and walked out the door. Today is a crucial time to find clues and need to meet with other executors.

As soon as I left the house, I found that I was at the side of the third floor. Looking back, the other executors were all standing at the door, but they seemed to be waiting for everyone to gather and go downstairs.

Xu Lang really saw that the next door to him was Cheng Guoguo, and he was breathing out, as if he hadn't woken up. Further inside stood Li Feng, who was terrified. It seemed that the time last night had made him less arrogant and completely subdued.

Wuming was next door to Li Feng, looking left and right at this time, with suspicious expressions in his eyes.

Xu Lang frowned. Could something happen? So he looked around, and it didn't matter if he looked at it, he was just taken aback.

The surrounding walls on the 3rd floor are all covered with dark-flowered wallpaper, there is no portrait that Wuming saw yesterday, none of them!

Xu Lang looked at Wuming abruptly, and he also saw incredible in his eyes. What's the matter

Originally, Xu Lang thought that these portraits could just be checked during the day today, and there might be some clues hidden, but who would have expected that all of them disappeared in a few hours!

While thinking about the reasons for this change, the old man appeared in the center of the lobby on the first floor, looked at the crowd, and shouted again: "Why didn't you come down to eat?"

Xu Lang and the others stopped hesitating and started walking down the stairs together, quietly talking about the nameless experience last night while walking beside Cheng Guoguo.

This little fat man was also stunned at this time. He did not expect that so many things happened after he slept last night. He looked at the old evil spirits, then looked back at the bare wall, and immediately realized that something had happened to an unknown change. .

Wuming and Xu Lang walked down, but they looked around from time to time, especially when they passed the 2nd floor. They looked back and looked carefully. As expected, all the original portraits on the 2nd floor disappeared.

The old man's rickety figure was right in front of his eyes, his face showing compassion and filial piety with a smile on his face, but the few present knew that this was an out-and-out evil spirit, and wanted to kill everyone without any effort.

Xu Lang quietly shook his head at Wuming, motioned not to show any abnormalities, and continued to see what the old man did.

Wuming also nodded in response. Cheng Guoguo gave the old man a weird look and muttered something that others couldn't hear. But Xu Lang heard it. He still couldn't figure out why the evil spirit wouldn't let him drink Coke.

Regardless of this strange flower, everyone was brought to the table by the old man. This is a huge restaurant with 8 chairs neatly arranged. It seems that the old man does not want to be seated.

Instead, everyone was seated in turn, but at this moment, all the executors here suddenly realized something was wrong.

This is not an old man, there are only 7 people! less one!

One person didn't even go downstairs? ! (End of this chapter)