The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 46: Do you want to live?


The dead end is not being able to say the name, and looking in the mirror!

"This..." Cheng Guoguo was thinking about Xu Lang's conjecture. The information Xu Lang had just exchanged revealed that a mysterious person had told a dead end, but he couldn't name it.

Because Jiang Hui's death and Ruan Fei were all known by the old man in advance, the accident happened after looking in the mirror.

So the accuracy of these two dead ends should be very high, but Cheng Guoguo still feels that the current intelligence still overlooks something

Then he said to everyone: "There is really no doubt about these two dead ends, but I always feel that something is wrong, as if we have forgotten something?"

When everyone heard this, they started to think again about the situation of this mission. Except for Lu Xiaozhi, he still had no idea what he was thinking.

Xu Lang and others were silenced by Cheng Guoguo's speculation. What was missing

Cheng Guoguo was the first to realize that something was wrong, and his vigilance over the three missions made him feel that things were not that simple. After looking back at the various missions he had experienced, he suddenly realized a key point!

Then Cheng Guoguo excitedly said to everyone, "I thought about it!"

"Most of you here are newcomers and don't have much experience in execution. Even No.1 (Xu Lang) has a short time in the newspaper office, so there are many unspoken rules in the mission, you don't know yet."

No. 1 is Xu Lang. This point has been discussed before. Only Li Feng was a little dazed. He didn’t understand what No. 1 was. Zhu Zixing looked at him like this and then explained: “Because of the special nature of the mission’s dead end, we Don’t call it by name, use it as a code name."

"No. 1 (Xu Lang), No. 2 (Cheng Guoguo), No. 3 (no name), No. 4 is me (Zhu Zixing), and you are now No. 5 (Li Feng)." Lu Xiaozhi leaned against the wall in a daze, and did not continue.

Lu Xiaozhi was already known by the evil spirits. This mission was almost a mortal existence, and there was no need for a code name or anything.

After everyone nodded, Cheng Guoguo continued: "For example, this rule is that some phenomena or information are often used in tasks to let us find our way of birth!"

Xu Lang was a little strange, wondering if this is nonsense, as we all know, frowned and did not speak.

As if seeing Xu Lang's doubts, Cheng Guoguo smiled and said, "Think about it the other way around. The mission only hints at the way of life, but I have never heard of clues that hint at our end!"


Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and finally understood what Cheng Guoguo meant. '

Regarding Jiang Hui and Ruan Fei's death by looking in the mirror, the death of the two has been confirmed, so if there is no mirror in the castle, wouldn't it be unnecessary

Xu Lang whispered: "In other words, the fact that there is no mirror in the castle is a reminder of the way that the mission revealed to us!"

"Yes!" Cheng Guoguo replied confidently.

For a while, all the executors took a deep breath. Thanks to Cheng Guoguo, the little fat man, who realized the clues he had overlooked, otherwise this path of life would be abandoned. This is the only clue to the path so far.

Xu Lang thought in his heart that although this little fat guy usually doesn't have a good shape, he does have outstanding ability and promptly pointed out his lack of guesswork.

When everyone was happy and morale was high, Wuming was a little confused, frowning and saying: "No, since there are no mirrors in the castle, and if we look in the mirror, it's a dead end, then how can a mirror be a way of life?"

Silence, everyone fell silent again, yes, although they got clues to their lives, it was not feasible!

At this time, Zhu Zixing raised his hand timidly, as if he had some thoughts in his heart but he wanted to say nothing. Xu Lang nodded and motioned for him to speak casually.

Zhu Zixing then said: "I have a puzzle, and that is the priority of two dead ends!"

"Oh?" Xu Lang suddenly became interested when he heard this, and wanted to hear what he thought.

But at this time, Li Feng interrupted impatiently and said, "Now I am considering the question of life. You have nothing to mention a dead end. Isn't it enough to know what a dead end is?"

At this time, Zhu Zixing became more determined and retorted: "Brother Li, what you said is wrong, not to mention that the path of life is still unclear. Even if we already know what the path of life is, we must first figure out the triggering conditions of the dead path."

"Only by ensuring that you live, can you explore your life, right?"

Xu Lang is more and more satisfied with Zhu Zixing's performance. His thoughts are extremely complete and rigorous, and he does not even seem to be a newcomer on the task for the first time.

Xu Lang smiled and nodded, and said kindly: "Yes, you continue to say."

Zhu Zixing cleared his throat, and he was a little nervous when he spoke for the first time: "I personally think that these two dead ends have priority, or must be triggered by both before the evil spirits can start."

"Look, Jiang Hui, Ruan Fei, and Lu Xiaozhi all told the old man's name last night, but he was fine all night. On the contrary, Jiang Hui took the lead in the mirror and was killed in the morning, and then Ruan Fei's plate illuminated his face. , And thus be killed."

"Could it be that the priority of the dead end in the mirror is higher than the name given, or there are many dead ends we don't know, as long as they violate two or more rules, they will be killed!"

It can be said that Zhu Zixing's reasoned reasoning has almost overturned everyone's initial assumption of the dead end. In fact, this thought existed in Xu Lang's mind before, and he had this kind of speculation when he was anonymously informed that he had encountered the old man at midnight.

But he didn't want to believe it, and he didn't say it to everyone. One is that this task is completely unsuitable for ordinary difficulty, and the other is that such a speculation is too bad for morale without actual basis.

Sure enough, his words made the faces of the executors difficult to look. What he said was too reasonable, and there was no room for refutation at all. Zhu Zixing's logic can be said to have no flaws at all.

They wanted to try to find the loopholes in this inference, but they all failed, so they now face a question, which is what are the unknown rules? If you can't find out in advance, it is very likely that everyone will trigger a dead end without knowing it!

Thinking of this, Wuming had something to say. It can be said that there is still an unknown dead end, the one he encountered. Then he said: "When I observed the castle at midnight yesterday, the old man said to me,'Midnight Twelve You can’t get out of the room after you’ve clicked.’ I said that was the last time I warned.”

Anonymous has been silent since the executives were discussing the meeting, acting as an observer, and had never taken the initiative to talk about it, but at this moment, they suddenly spoke, but they attracted everyone's attention.

Cheng Guoguo looked at Wuming and immediately remembered, "That's not right, didn't you also tell the old man's name on No.3 (Anonymous)? If you were discovered when you went out, two dead ends triggered at the same time, how could you survive! Even the old man reminds you not to go out?"

Xu Lang was aware of this problem a long time ago, and instead of Wuming replied: "The name of No.3 (Anonymous) is different from all of us. Even the task content uses that code to call him."

Of course everyone understands what Xu Lang's words mean, because Wuming itself has no name, and the name "Wuming" is just a code name, so he is a relatively safe one in this mission.

But Xu Lang felt something was wrong, and shook his head and said, "It's still wrong. You think if it is a dead end to walk out of the door at night, when will the evil spirits remind us when we trigger the dead end?!"

"This... what does this mean!" Everyone didn't quite understand Xu Lang's meaning.

Xu Lang patiently explained: "When asking for the name to trigger the dead end, the old man did not give any warning; when looking in the mirror to trigger the dead end, the old man killed immediately. But why Wuming walked out of the room after midnight and encountered the old man without any warning. Is it dangerous, but will be warned by the old man?"

Cheng Guoguo pointed at Wuming with a finger, and said in amazement: "Could it be that it's not a dead end to get out of the door at midnight!"

"Yes, the reason why the old man showed up to tell this warning is to make us think that this is a dead end."

"On the contrary! This evil spirit is simply afraid that we will walk out of the room after midnight!"

Zhu Zixing was shocked by this conjecture, and said with some surprise: "So, walking out of the room at night will not be a dead end, but the best time to get clues?!"

Everyone thought of the pictures Wuming saw in the corridor last night, but they disappeared strangely during the day. This conjecture is indeed very possible.

But Wuming said: "I'm not sure, this conjecture is completely based on our verbal analysis now, and there is no real support at all.

What if it is the ambiguity of my name that caused the dead end of my non-existent name, so the dead end of getting out of the room is only the first dead end I committed? "

"If you only break a dead end, the evil spirits will probably not act on me!"

The excitement of everyone was put out by these words again, yes, what Wuming said made sense.

Xu Lang waved his hand and said, "In fact, I also think that the current guess is a bit vague and too risky, so it's better to be safe."

Cheng Guoguo hurriedly said, "Do you have any ideas?"

At this time, Xu Lang looked at Lu Xiaozhi, who was always far away. He had completely become a zombie. From his perspective, he had lost the motivation to live.

Just now, Xu Lang and the others didn’t hear the discussion at all. Of course, he also heard that the dead end was triggered on the first night when he arrived at the castle. He originally wanted to ask the seniors to propose marriage.

But thinking of Ruan Fei and Jiang Hui's tragic death, a deep sense of powerlessness gradually flooded his heart, his body getting heavier and heavier, and he didn't even want to think.

Xu Lang walked to Lu Xiaozhi's body, slowly squatted down, looked at his godless eyes, and said every word:

"Give you a chance, do you still want to live?" (End of this chapter)