The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 48: Where did they go?


At 10 o'clock in the morning, in Jianghui's room on the 3rd floor, the plan of one stone and three birds was fully approved. The room was quiet for a while. The current clues have been discussed, only the faint bloody smell in the room is still spreading. .

Xu Lang sniffed, and inadvertently scanned the source of the bloody smell.

Suddenly froze in place, looking at the empty bedsheets, as if he realized something, he beckoned to the other executors: "No, Jiang Hui's body was taken away by the evil spirit!"

Cheng Guoguo and others were taken aback by Xu Lang's sudden remarks, and immediately turned their eyes on the **, and Li Feng said suspiciously, "It's just a corpse. If it's gone, it's gone."

Cheng Guoguo immediately jumped out to retort him and said: "No, no point in the mission is without a target. The disappearance of the corpse must mean something!"

Xu Lang quickly called everyone: "Let's go back to the restaurant on the first floor and see if Ruan Fei's body is there!"

Cheng Guoguo, Wuming, and Zhu Zixing are very skillful. They stood up without too much hesitation and were about to leave to check, but Li Feng and Lu Xiaozhi on one side were embarrassed, and they seemed to not want to face the old man. .

Xu Lang glanced at them and didn't pay too much attention to them. Instead, the kind Zhu Zixing persuaded them: "The more you act alone now, the more dangerous you are, and you can take care of each other with the big troops."

Li Feng struggled a bit, but at the last gritted teeth he stood with Xu Lang and others. Lu Xiaozhi clenched his fist as if he was emboldened, and soon he leaned in.

Xu Lang swept across the faces of the two of them coldly, and walked out of the room calmly.

As soon as he pushed the door open, he saw an old gloomy face suddenly appeared at the door. Xu Lang was startled by the sudden appearance of the old man, and took a step back subconsciously. The people behind became more nervous, especially Lu Xiaozhi.

He even thought that the old man appeared to kill him at this time, so scared that he ran away into the room, Li Feng was a little better, but he also stepped back a little bit.

The old man swept across the faces of the executors expressionlessly. Xu Lang was less than half a meter away from him, and he could almost feel that the old man was not breathing at all, and the icy cold exuding from his whole body was piercing.

But Xu Lang firmly felt that he did not trigger any dead ends, and the purpose of blocking the door by the old man could not be to kill them.

After a stalemate at the door for a long time, the old man slowly opened his mouth and made a grim and hoarse voice: "Since you guys didn't have a good breakfast, then we will have lunch now and go downstairs."

If someone who doesn't know just listens to the old man's words, he might still think that he is very thoughtful, and if he didn't eat his breakfast, he prepared lunch in advance to entertain them. But the executors present all paled.

"Eating?" It seems that if the old man didn't play to death, they wouldn't give up at all. Ruan Fei died because of eating, and now he wants them to eat again

Xu Lang quietly winked at the surrounding executors, indicating that he shouldn't be too nervous, as long as he doesn't eat all the food on the plate, it will be fine.

Communicating to the old man at the moment: "This is okay, we will go down later."

The old man said firmly in a non-negotiable tone: "No, go to dinner with me now!"

Xu Lang frowned and couldn't understand why the old man had to let them eat. The survivors of Lu Xiaozhi and Li Feng before showed that there was a chance to avoid death by eating. Why did he insist on asking us

Just as he was thinking about this, the old man was already impatient, the surrounding air began to stagnate, and the biting cold on his body began to invade the nearest Xu Lang.

Xu Lang secretly said that it is not good. It turned out that failure to follow the old man's rules will also cause danger, and he quickly responded: "Okay, well, we will go with you now."

After saying this, he winked like people around him, suggesting that he was acting randomly.

Hearing this, the old man's face eased a little, and he stopped talking. He turned and walked down. He was not afraid that the executor would not follow. This time his walking speed was almost the same as that of a young adult, not in the morning The speed at that time.

When Xu Lang saw this, he even felt that the old man was the evil spirit that killed Jiang Hui. Before, he deliberately walked slowly and delayed his time to kill Jiang Hui to dispose of the corpse.

The group was full of thoughts, but they all had a bad feeling. They had already seen that the blood on the first floor had disappeared long ago, and Ruan Fei's body was also missing.

Where are they taken

Xu Lang was even more puzzled. It might be possible to say that the old man took advantage of the time just now to hide Ruan Fei's body, but how did he dispose of Jiang Hui's body in the blink of an eye in the morning

There is a feeling in Xu Lang's heart that if he can find the disappeared corpse, perhaps he will make great progress on this mission and his life will not be far away.

There are some experienced executors who never consider how to survive in the hands of evil spirits or return after the end of the mission. As the end time reaches the end, the attacks of evil spirits will become more frequent, and the restrictions imposed by newspapers on evil spirits will be relaxed on a large scale.

Maybe now the evil spirit needs the executor to trigger two dead ends to kill people, but if one is triggered tomorrow, it will kill people. The last day the day after tomorrow may not trigger any dead ends at all, and they will undoubtedly die.

In short, if you want to delay until the end of the mission to complete the mission, it is basically impossible to happen, unless you have bad luck. Therefore, experienced executors will try their best to find clues in the task, so as to find a way out and complete the task ahead of time.

Strictly speaking, it was only the first day of the mission, but two executors had already died. Although some intelligence was obtained, these were still far away.

The situation is not so good. Although two dead ends are known, there are still crises in this castle, and you don't know how you died accidentally.

Xu Lang was thinking about it, and he had already arrived at the restaurant's location inadvertently.

Looking at the clean and tidy table and the beautiful and delicious food on the table, no one would have thought that a tragic death happened here not long ago.

All the executors faced the table full of dishes. Although they smelled good, no one took the lead in picking up the chopsticks.

Even when Lu Xiaozhi looked at the beef on the table, he remembered Ruan Fei being torn apart, and almost vomited out as soon as he covered his mouth. The others looked ugly, and for a while, the table looked strangely stagnant. same.

Since the old man led the crowd to the table, just as before, stood on the edge of the table pretending to be a waiter and said nothing.

Lu Xiaozhi covered his mouth, his veins violent, and he stood up suddenly. It seemed that he couldn't help wanting physical fear. He was about to turn around but saw the old man who was the farthest away from him instantly appeared next to him. Pressed his shoulders.

She said coldly: "You didn't eat a few bites of rice in the morning. Now that I'm ready, you want to leave without a bite

Lu Xiaozhi was so frightened that his uncontrollable nausea disappeared instantly. This was completely frightened. In fact, all his physical discomfort was just a psychological effect.

Feeling the dissatisfaction and coldness in the old man's tone, Lu Xiaozhi sat down angrily, looking at the rice on the plate and opening his mouth, but could not swallow.

Xu Lang witnessed all this and saw the old man teleported back to his original position after saying this, and continued to pretend to be a "wooden man" in a daze.

It seems that skipping meals is not going to pass the old man's level, Xu Lang turned his head away to watch the stainless steel plate on the table of the viewer.

This plate can be said to be quite smooth and clean, about the size of a human face. The front is covered by a layer of rice and it can’t reflect the human face, but the side is faintly projecting out of my neck. You can see that although it is a bit blurry, it is probably not illuminated problem. Xu Lang didn't dare to look at the back, if he didn't have time to avoid it, he would be wronged if he said.

The dishes on the table are all made of ceramics, and there is no such thing as looking in a mirror.

Xu Lang looked at the several executives around him. They didn't eat their food right away. Only Cheng Guoguo didn't have so many worries. He picked up a spare rib in front of him and ate it, his mouth was full of oil.

But Xu Lang noticed that he hadn't eaten the rice on the plate at all. It seems that although he was not too alert, he still didn't touch the rice out of caution.

When everyone saw Cheng Guoguo's practice, they couldn't help but be overjoyed. Isn't it the same just eating vegetables without touching the rice on the plate? I quickly followed suit one by one. The people who hadn't eaten all night were actually very hungry. At this time, they quickly grabbed the dishes on the table and ate them.

Of the seven executors, only Lu Xiaozhi was always eating a plate of greens, and he was nauseous when he glanced at the meat dishes on one side.

Xu Lang thought about it as he ate. There were so many dishes on the table. There were 10 kinds of dishes. How did the old man make it by himself? Thinking about this, I couldn't help but look towards the open kitchen, but it was quiet as usual, not as if there were living people inside.

Xu Lang, who looked suspicious, stopped thinking about it, and began to eat vegetables like everyone else. After a while, the food on the table was about half eaten. Each of the executors were considered to be full and they were about to get up and leave.

But the old man suddenly came over and looked at the dishes on the table. There were seven plates with no less than a grain of rice. An expression of dissatisfaction appeared on his face. Then he looked at everyone and said, "The rice must be eaten! One grain! No more rice left!"


This... How come the old man’s rule suddenly comes up again, and he insists that no one grain of rice is left. Isn’t it just a courtship

Then the old man said: "Within five minutes, the food on the plate must be eaten!"

All of them slumped on their chairs for an instant, looking at the stainless steel plates shining with the sun, and cursing the old man who was supervising them in their hearts.

As time passed, the performers looked more and more ugly, and now they are in a dilemma, eating or not, or not eating or dying! (End of this chapter)