The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 5: The extra one


The structure of the 13th floor is not much different from the other floors, and the situation is similar. The several rooms that Xu Lang explored are all firmly locked, and there is no access to the outside.

Xu Lang didn’t know where he was hiding for a while, so he was about to start asking the woman what she had gone through. As soon as he turned his head, he saw the woman with one left hand almost climbing on his shoulder, withdrawing like a frightened bird. Escaped.

Xu Lang frowned, with cold eyes: "What are you doing?"

Seeing the woman, she withdrew her right hand only consensually, and said, "I...I just thought that there is a room on this floor that is safe. I hid in it for a long time and it was all right." He bowed his head in the same way.

Xu Lang secretly said that his nerves were too tense after entering the task, and he didn't want to say indifferently: "Then you can lead the way."

The two of them walked to the door of the innermost room on the 13th floor of the corridor.

The woman pointed and said, "This is it."

Xu Lang nodded, and asked the woman to open the door with a calm expression.

The room was bare and there was no trace of decoration. It was a kind of rough house with three bedrooms and one living room. Xu Lang did not go deep, clutching his aching left wrist, and began to circle the customer hall and ask the woman not far away:

"Who are you and why are you here."

The woman whispered: "My name is Huo Xiaolan, I... I don't know why I suddenly appeared here, I just remember that I was shopping outside before, and suddenly I appeared in this building with a flash of white light." Remember URL

"Oh, have you seen anyone else here?"

"Yes... I met three of my friends and found that they also appeared in this building for no reason, but after Xiaodong was killed by that... that thing, I separated from the other two."

Xu Lang heard this and felt that his previous speculation was wrong. A total of four of them knew each other. It would be understandable if they were selected by the newspaper to perform the novice mission, but if different locations were teleported into the building, then the possibility of performing the mission was almost zero.

So, I am afraid that these people must appear in the building for the integrity of the mission. What is their role...

Thinking of this Xu Lang turned around and asked, "You and your friends have been to this building before..."

Halfway through the conversation, Xu Lang suddenly had a cold sweat on his forehead, and his right hand covering his injured arm shook unnaturally, but this little detail was inconspicuous and was not noticed by Huo Xiaolan.

At this moment, Huo Xiaolan raised her head, her eyes flickered and asked: "What did you just say, I didn't hear it clearly, can I say it again?"

Xu Lang calmly walked toward the door of the room with natural steps, no longer looking at Huo Xiaolan, and said as he walked: "I seem to hear something, you stay still."

He was scrupulous in his heart and did not dare to walk quickly, moved a little bit to the door, pushed his glasses, and squinted through the lens to reflect the light. It was vaguely visible that Huo Xiaolan's figure had been squatting on the ground and began to slowly stand up.

Giving up moving, burst out at the fastest speed in his life, rushed to the door, grabbed the doorknob to grab the door, and even had no time to close the door. Xu Lang didn't dare to look back at all. As fast as he could, he went straight. Run to the stairwell.

The moment Xu Lang rushed out of the door, Huo Xiaolan, who was originally the only one, stood straight up and stood in place, with a dull expression, as if he were a living dead, and then fell straight to the ground.

But the bloodless left hand before her suddenly disappeared, leaving only one wrist that was still bleeding. The cross section of the wound was uneven, as if something had pulled her left hand down with brute force!

At the same time, a decomposed evil spirit with maggots on its face appeared at the door, staring at Xu Lang's escape direction with an indescribable vicious look.

At this time, Xu Lang rushed down the 8th floor of the stairs in one breath. He is currently panting at the corner of the 5th floor. Fortunately, he did not say that sentence, otherwise he would never escape so easily now. day.

Xu Lang didn't find anything wrong with Huo Xiaolan at the beginning, even when he entered the room, he didn't think much. He was eager for clues at the time and even ignored Huo Xiaolan's weird behavior.

Thinking back now, Huo Xiaolan is very weird.

Huo Xiaolan believed in Xu Lang unconditionally since he saw Xu Lang. Xu Lang did whatever he said, and even the panic screams at the time seemed very artificial. The most important thing is that Xu Lang did not see the evil spirit chasing her down. !

After following Xu Lang, she was numb and not like a living person. She dragged and left, and answered whatever she asked, at her mercy, but Xu Lang didn’t think much about it at the time, only Xu Lang was in the room at the time. When he turned his head to look at Huo Xiaolan, he made an amazing discovery.

This Huo Xiaolan's left and right hands are completely different! The left hand is not bloody at all, and the nails are bald, while the right hand is painted with red nail polish. These are completely different hands.

Although Xu Lang couldn't remember it, his memory was not bad. He clearly remembered that the hand torn off by violence in the third floor stairwell was a left hand, and it was impressively painted with red nail polish.

The left hand of Huo Xiaolan's left hand in the stairwell on the third floor!

It seems that during the mission, no one can believe it, and no one can tell whether the person standing in front of you is a human or an evil spirit!

Xu Lang glanced at the time. At present, there was still an hour before the end of the mission, and he had no guesses about his way of life at all, and there were even very few cables.

He feels that Huo Xiaolan, the evil spirit, has endless answers to his own questions. It may also be a mandatory requirement of the newspaper’s task and the information that needs to be disclosed to employees, but in the end he did not ask the question.

"Have you been to this building before?"

This may be the key to survival, but looking at Huo Xiaolan's expression at the time, if I got the answer to the question, she would turn her face on the spot and directly tortured me. I didn't even have a chance to run.

It didn't feel a pity, because Xu Lang felt that she still had a chance, and the restrictions of the newspaper's rules made Huo Xiaolan know everything, so her words must be true and credible. She said that after a Xiaodong died and was separated from two companions, then these two companions might still be alive.

Finding them, finding a way out to complete the task, is not impossible!

Xu Lang did not forget the requirement to complete the task, and recorded all his current task experience into the recorder. He was not sure whether he could find a way out in advance. If he could not, he had to stay until the end of the time and be prepared with both hands.

After completing this, Xu Lang took out an orange-yellow bag from his clothes. This was the bag that was pulled from Huo Xiaolan and threw it to Lou Daoli to attract evil spirits. When he escaped and passed by, he quickly picked it up again.

Now take it out and see if you can find some clues.

Putting all the contents of the bag on the ground, Xu Lang began to look through it. Except for some cosmetics and credit cards, there was only one mobile phone left. When Xu Lang wanted to open the mobile phone to see if there were any clues. When I found that I needed to enter a password.

Xu Lang has worked as a private investigator and can indeed crack the password of a mobile phone, but nowadays, without a computer and internet, he is powerless in the face of a mobile phone that may have clues.

As if not willing to give up, he looked up the bag again and again. This time Xu Lang did not simply pour something rudely, but turned the whole bag over from the inside to the outside, only to find a hidden pocket inside the bag.

Tear off the fabric, there is a slightly yellowed photo inside.

It was an old alley. There were five people in the photo, four men and one woman, but they all looked like children. The girl was obviously Huo Xiaolan, who was about ten years younger.

Xu Lang, who has studied past tasks, understands that the task will not be unfocused, and this photo must have its effect.

Looking at this photo, Huo Xiaolan said that a total of four of them were sent into the building. It is very likely that they were the four children who looked like junior high school students in the photo at that time. Where is the extra boy? What role does he play in this mission

The way that Huo Xiaolan appeared was probably not the source evil spirit. She was probably made into a human-shaped puppet by the evil spirit to trap me after death, or she was simply possessed.

Does that mean that the extra boy in the photo is the evil spirit at the source of this mission!

These five children, something must have happened in this Jingming Mansion more than ten years ago, which led to this spiritual mission.

Xu Lang thought and thought, and suddenly realized a problem, something that happened more than ten years ago... But this mansion was turned into a haunted house twenty years ago, and the time is not right.

At this time, an extremely terrifying thought appeared in Xu Lang's mind. If this is true, then he is absolutely dead for this mission!

"This building... There are two evil spirits?!! One ancient? One modern?" (End of this chapter)