The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 50: The owner of the castle


After experiencing the battle between heaven and man, Lu Xiaozhi's heart compromised with reality, and the thoughts that Li Feng had been instilling in him made him more convinced that there was nothing wrong with doing so.

"I am also a human being, and I want to live, too. Xu Lang, you are so smart, but you just use me and never really help me! For you, it's just a use of your brain, but you think I have no value! So everyone will live together when they live, and die together when they die!"

Whenever I think of Xu Lang's cold and contemptuous eyes looking at him, the resentment in Lu Xiaozhi's heart is even worse. The huge pressure and Li Feng's provocation obviously made his mentality change suddenly.

Human nature can't stand the test the most. Under the strong enthusiasm of living, how can there be any principle that can't let go, what is it to kill a person

Li Feng looked at Lu Xiaozhi's face for a while and pale for a while, but his eyes were firm, and he knew that his plan was basically successful, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Xu Lang, Xu Lang, I make you arrogant, look down on us newcomers, and always aim at me! This time I let you die without knowing how to die!"

Anyone who is not afraid of nothing good is afraid that there will be no good people. Lu Xiaozhi would not have been so extreme, nor would he have thoughts of harm. This has always been Li Feng's selfish and vicious instigation, which became the beginning of the division of the executive team.

The conversation between Li Feng and Lu Xiaozhi was of course fully heard by the viewers in the lobby of the newspaper. After thinking, some smart people realized that this was not a good idea at all.

Xu Lang grasped the most critical clues of this mission, the clues of the engraver, and the most intelligent mind. If Li Feng and Lu Xiaozhi were killed in this way, I am afraid that the probability of annihilation would be even greater.

And smart people know that the greatest enemy of the executors is always the evil spirits, and they must not fight in a nest without touching their interests and life and death. This will only make the situation worse.

But when some newcomers heard of Li Feng's plan, most of the newcomers showed an attitude that should have been so proud. Remember URL

The veteran's disdain and indifference to the newcomer has long made some people dissatisfied, and Xu Lang's previous plan with one stone and three birds also caused waves.

Li Feng's plan of harming others and self-interest can be said to be a sigh of relief for the newcomer, but because of the surface, many people did not speak out even though they had such thoughts.

From this moment on, the polarization of newspaper employees has become more intense. Seniors and newcomers are almost opposite in their tasks. Instead of working together as before, they regard their peers as the number one target of entrapment.

This has caused more casualties when the task of the newspaper is already twice as difficult. And the fuse at the beginning of all this was Li Feng.

At this time, Xu Lang and Zhu Zixing started to take a leisurely stroll on the first floor, chatting while observing the castle.

Xu Lang deliberately brought Zhu Zixing with him, and he also had a protective psychology. A series of Zhu Zixing's previous performances have proved its extraordinary, but Xu Lang also found after observation that Zhu Zixing was not like this at the beginning.

Originally, he appeared to be no different from an ordinary rookie, trembling and terrified. But since coming to the task, he has unique insights, is rational enough in the face of emergencies, and his mentality has gradually become more stable.

His change is entirely due to the high pressure of the task, which single-handedly contributed to his growth. Compared with the "freaks" in the newspapers such as Yan Yan, He Xiao, Wuming, including Xu Lang himself, Zhu Zixing is more like a normal person's growth trajectory.

Among so many newcomers, only Zhu Zixing has such a performance. Compared with the newcomer Chen Xiaodong, Zhu Zixing has a strong adaptability. He has a very clear view of the status quo.

This is no longer the real world, in hell, only abandon some of the original ties to better integrate into this world. Zhu Zixing has done even better on this point.

Seeing Zhu Zixing, who was meticulously searching for the surrounding situation, Xu Lang became slightly interested in this young man and couldn't help but talk to him.

"Zhu Zixing, what was your previous occupation?"

Xu Lang's sudden words made Zhu Zixing, who was fully absorbed in his mind, startled. He thought something was happening. He turned around nervously and looked at Xu Lang. It took a few seconds before he started to recall Xu Lang's words.

Xu Lang looked at Zhu Zixiu's performance, smiled and did not speak.

Zhu Zixing realized his gaffe, scratching his head awkwardly, and understood that Xu Lang wanted to chat with himself, and relaxed, and talked more unconsciously: "I didn't go to college in high school, and there was not so much money at home for me to repeat my studies. , I entered the society and worked hard. Unfortunately, I didn’t have much ability and my brain was not smart enough, so I became an ordinary courier to support myself."

Xu Lang didn't think he talked too much. On the contrary, he was quite interested in his situation. He didn't expect that an ordinary professional would have such a strong adaptability after entering the newspaper office in a short time.

"No matter what job you do, as long as you can support yourself, you are not ashamed. Don't underestimate yourself. In fact, you have great potential, but you just don't have the right opportunity to show it.

Xu Lang's sudden compliment made Zhu Zixing feel flattered. It was not that he admired Xu Lang, but that he had heard of a special person in the newspaper before. He was Xu Lang.

Not only did he enter the interior directly, the newspapers also "extraordinarily favored" him again and again. He participated in each mission. The first mission was performed alone, and the second mission was directly a middle-level mission.

Knowing the horror of the mission, Zhu Zixing was more curious about Xu Lang. This character with a weird appearance and cold temperament actually boasted himself just now

This made him a little at a loss, standing still not knowing what to say.

Xu Lang patted him on the shoulder, motioning not to be nervous. "Well chatting, it's still safe for the time being, I am very optimistic about you, and I want to ask if you would like to join my team."

"This... the team." Of course, Zhu Zixing also knows that the current newspaper is divided into two forces, one is Yan Yan, and the other is He Xiao and Xu Lang.

He didn't expect Xu Lang to take the initiative to invite himself, and no one has given him such attention in the past two decades. Most people talked about him with scorn, not self-motivated and wimpy, even his parents have been calling himself a "waste" since he was a child, and being instilled with such thoughts for a long time made him feel that his life is nothing more than this. .

But now, Xu Lang not only recognizes him, but also prepares to appreciate himself and draw himself into the team. Although this was just a simple suggestion for Xu Lang, it was an affirmation of his personal ability for Zhu Zixing.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zixing laughed dumbly, "Unexpectedly, I was recognized in this situation in my entire life."

Xu Lang looked at the young man who was full of emotions in his heart, and was a little surprised. It seems that Zhu Zixing also has his own secret.

Then he said to him sincerely: "Everyone in the world has his own use, but he lacks an opportunity to inspire.

Entering the newspaper office is your misfortune, but it is also an opportunity. But as far as I am concerned, if I hadn't entered here, I would never feel that I had really lived. It was this place that made me feel that I was still a living person.

Maybe it will be the same for you in the future.

Some people have been overwhelmed by the fear of the task, all their confidence and courage, no matter how many such people are just a waste, just like Lu Xiaozhi. But you are different. You are still struggling. Not only have you not been intimidated, you have also stimulated potential.

I don't want you to die, live with this hard-won courage and confidence. "Xu Lang rarely said such things, because he seemed to see himself from Zhu Zixing's struggle.

In fact, Xu Lang has a gloomy temperament, and he has never said such positive words. After the changes in his childhood, facing the suspicion and distrust of the world, Xu Lang also lost his self-confidence and bravery. He has not been knocked down. Now he will be like this. Pass the emotions to Zhu Zixing.

Zhu Zixing was silent, lowered his head thinking about Xu Lang's words, he could hear the true emotions contained in the words. This was completely different from the cold and ruthless Xu Lang he had heard and seen.

After a while, he no longer hesitated, and raised his head to meet Xu Lang's gaze, his eyes hot and expectant, and slowly said: "I am willing to join Big Brother Xu's team."

Xu Lang smiled, patted him on the shoulder, and looked at Zhu Ziwaking's eyes as if he was looking at himself in another life.

"Well, let's go to the kitchen to see the situation now."

Zhu Zixing nodded vigorously, and followed Xu Lang to the door of the kitchen.

When eating, Xu Lang felt that there might be a problem in the kitchen. With so many dishes, the workload must be very large. How could it be done by a declining old man alone? Even if he is an evil spirit, the dishes are indeed genuine. He hasn't done any tricks.

At this time, he was standing at the door of the kitchen. Since the door was not closed, he could clearly see the situation in the kitchen.

The layout here is exactly the same as the kitchen layout of the hotel, the area is many times larger than the home kitchen, and it is made of stainless steel structure similar to the hotel kitchen.

All materials for the stove, stove, and chopping board are made of smooth silver stainless steel plates, so this kitchen is more like a large mirror house.

Standing at the door, Xu Lang and Zhu Zixing were equally surprised when they saw the situation in the door, but they were not too panic because they covered half of their faces.

Seeing the layout of this kitchen, Zhu Zixing also understands the abnormal situation here. The whole castle seems to be the old man besides the executors of them. Why should such a large kitchen be built? Immediately think of a key issue.

The entire castle seems to belong to a very wealthy person, and this person particularly likes the Western Medieval Renaissance paintings, but at present there is only one old man.

And this old man seems to be either a waiter or a housekeeper, so who is the owner of this castle

Xu Lang and Zhu Zixing next to Zhu Zixing looked at each other in amazement, obviously they are aware of this crucial issue.

Will the original owner of the castle be the key to cracking the path? (End of this chapter)