The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 51: What did you see?


"Will the original owner of the castle be the key to cracking the path!"

From beginning to end, a key piece of information that was ignored by the executives was suddenly remembered because of an abnormality in the kitchen.

The identity of the owner of the castle is likely to play a vital role in searching for the root of evil spirits.

Xu Lang and Zhu Zixing looked at each other and then looked back. Because they were covering their faces, Xu Lang was not afraid of these "fake mirrors". They walked straight into the kitchen and Zhu Zixing followed suit.

As soon as he walked into the kitchen, Xu Lang felt a cold feeling. He had experienced many tasks and he could clearly distinguish the low temperature and the temperament of evil spirits.

And there was a bloody smell floating in the air, obviously the evil spirit must have killed people in this kitchen not long ago.

Xu Lang made a gesture to remind Zhu Zixing to be vigilant. Of course, Zhu Zixing felt that the atmosphere here and the hall were completely different. He also keenly felt something was wrong. He nodded without failing to Xu Lang's suggestion, and then watched the surrounding situation.

The deeper he walked, the lower the surrounding temperature. Xu Lang already felt that his legs were shaking uncontrollably. There was no more than thirty steps away from the hall, but it didn't seem to be a season.

The entire kitchen was like an ice cellar, Xu Lang and Zhu Zixue both trembled.

After walking for a while, Xu Lang suddenly saw a small path at the corner. There was not much light in this path, but because it was daytime, there was still a little sunlight, and a door could be vaguely seen there.

Xu Lang stared at the door, a little drumming in his heart, do you want to check it out? If you don't go, just give up all the clues in front of you and feel unwilling, but this passage seems very weird, who knows what will happen

This is also a place where many executors are easily entangled in the task. They know that there is a danger there, but the instinct of avoiding as a human cannot face it, but if they want to survive, they have to fight.

Xu Lang is cautious and doesn't like doing this kind of thing the least, but the nature of the task is to force people to take risks. On one side, Zhu Zixing looked at this passage and hesitated, such a straight-out passage, how to escape once there is a danger

Just when the two of them hesitated, the door at the end of the passage opened a slit with a creak, and a cool light came out from it.

Seeing this, Zhu Zixing's heart twitched, and his eyes were set on Xu Lang, going or not

Xu Lang was also frightened by this movement. After waiting for a long time, he saw the door opening but nothing happened, so he gritted his teeth and nodded to Zhu Zixing, go!

Zhu Zixing got Xu Lang's answer, and Xu Lang stepped forward with a fist. Seeing Zhu Zixiu who made the way for himself, Xu Lang was very surprised. Why did this newcomer do this

Of course Xu Lang didn't understand, but Zhu Zixing did so naturally to find the way for Xu Lang, and Xu Lang could take the lead in fleeing once he found danger.

Xu Lang didn’t know how much his words inspired this young man. Zhu Zixing had never been taken seriously in his entire life. Even his parents’ attitude towards him was neither lukewarm nor lukewarm. He desperately wanted to repeat it. , Through knowledge to change destiny, but the attitude of parents is very determined, it is better to go out early to make money to supplement the family.

In fact, Zhu Zixing's failure in the rankings was not because he didn't study hard, but because he was very hardworking. However, because of poor family conditions, he had to work with his father on the construction site every night after school from the age of 16 to make money. The night before the college entrance examination, he wanted to take a day off, but he was also dragged by his father.

Working on the construction site that night until midnight, the pressure of the college entrance examination and the excessive loss of physical strength, during the exam, he has been in a state of fever and mental slack. In this way, he missed an opportunity to change his fate.

After entering the newspaper, Zhu Zixiu, who has never been respected and recognized, was touched by Xu Lang's words and affirmed him. It may sound too ridiculous to make Zhu Zixing work for Xu Lang, but it really happened.

No one can understand this mentality, you have not experienced it.

Zhu Zixing resolutely walked forward, Xu Lang thought for a moment and then figured it out. He watched Zhu Zixing fall into silence.

Not long after, the passage had come to the end, and the two stood in front of the door.

Xu Lang could feel that the space inside was at least 5 degrees below minus 5 degrees from the cold air transmitted through the cracks in the door. Such a room in the kitchen was obviously a refrigerated room.

For some reason, Xu Lang felt the cold in the door, and suddenly remembered another place, the hospital morgue!

Xu Lang gently held his hand on the door frame, the biting cold invaded his body, and there was some bad feeling in his heart, and he was about to stop his hand, but Zhu Zixing stepped into the door first.

Xu Lang couldn’t help but followed him into the cold storage room, but he picked up a box next to the door and blocked the door. If the door is closed, then he and Zhu Zixing will not be killed by the evil spirits. Must freeze to death here.

The air in the refrigerated room seemed to be filled with icy ballast. Every time I took a breath, I felt a little pain in my throat, and Xu Lang felt that something was wrong here.

The indoor space is not small, and the surrounding pale white walls and cold light make people feel chilly. The space is divided into two rows, one row is placed with various meats, and the other row is placed with seafood.

Xu Lang took a closer look and found that they were all common beef and mutton, not white meat, and his heart was a little wider. Fortunately, this is not the same as in the movie.

In some movies, weird cold storage rooms like this are usually places where perverted murderers hide corpses and dismember corpses. So far, it seems that there is no danger now.

Plastic curtains hung from the ceiling, and there were some black spots and blood stains on them, which made Xu Lang a little uncomfortable, and some of them obscured his vision. Zhu Zixing was about two steps away from him, but he could not see clearly. Only a vague figure can be seen.

Xu Lang called him, and Zhu Zixing realized it. He couldn't see Xu Lang's figure clearly, so he hurried back and went with Xu Lang to avoid accidents.

The two of them walked forward and found a huge freezer leaning against the wall in front of them, still bright silver, faintly faintly fainting the two masked figures.

Zhu Zixing also wanted to take the lead in suggesting Xu Lang to open the cabinet door, but was stopped by Xu Lang. This time he wanted to come by himself. Zhu Zixing had enough to express his intentions, and then relying on him to make sacrifices, he seemed to have made an inch of it.

He didn't want to find someone to die for Zhu Zixiu, but simply appreciate it.

Pulling Zhu Zixing to his back, Xu Lang had the freezer handle holding the double door, took a deep breath, and violently pulled the freezer door open with both hands.

Suddenly at this moment, an unreasonable strong wind rushed out of the freezer. It stands to reason that even if the door of the freezer was broken, such a strong wind would not be generated.

Even if Xu Lang's arm strength exceeds that of ordinary people, it would never be possible to generate such a large inertia, but the strange wind suddenly appeared.

As soon as he opened the door of the freezer, Xu Lang saw that what was in front of his eyes was the cleaned and shiny silver plate, standing in the cabinet, exactly aimed at Xu Lang's front face.

But because of the sudden wind, it happened to blow the tablecloth off Xu Lang's face to the ground.

This series of actions and things happened at the moment when the door was opened, and it was less than half a second in terms of time.

Xu Lang didn't expect that opening the door would be such a scene, even he just felt a light on his face, the scene in front of him was a little dazzling, and he subconsciously squinted his eyes.

Xu Lang's face was completely exposed in front of a "fake mirror", and in less than half a second Xu Lang would definitely trigger a dead end. Although it was the first dead end, they didn't even know the "look in the mirror". Is the priority higher than the "name" dead end.

Even at the moment when Xu Lang was photographed in the mirror, it was also possible that the evil spirit old man appeared and killed him instantly!

At the time of Xu Lang's nine deaths, Zhu Zixing, who was always waiting, was farther away and the wind did not interfere with him too much. The moment he opened the door, he realized that it was not good.

When Zhu Zixing almost blew the tablecloth on Xu Lang's face, he threw Xu Lang to the ground with lightning speed, and firmly pressed Xu Lang's head with his hands, aiming at the obsidian like On the tiles!

Regardless of whether Xu Lang's face was injured or not, Zhu Zixing acted completely subconsciously. He believed that only by pointing the entire face away from anything could it be safe.

Because the ground was dark tiles, he had observed it a long time ago, so he didn't worry that shining the tiles would trigger a dead end.

When Xu Lang realized that it was not good, he thought that he would be in danger. Suddenly, his body was thrown down violently. He pressed his head firmly with both hands, his nose was knocked heavily on the tile, and he only felt that the bridge of his nose was sour. When the nasal cavity became hot, a stream of blood slowly flowed out.

But he did not move. He knew that Zhu Zixing must have rescued himself at the moment of the accident. But no one can be sure whether the whole face has been illuminated on the silver plate. On this "fake mirror", whether the dead end has been triggered

What is the priority of the dead end of "look in the mirror"? All of this is still unknown. It can only be said that all Zhu Zixing's actions are to make up for the situation, and it is not safe.

After waiting for a while, Zhu Zixing, who was sitting on the ground, looked around. He did not notice the appearance of the old man. He pulled Xu Lang up from the ground with a little joy and handed him the tablecloth.

Xu Lang clutched his bleeding nose and took the tablecloth, regardless of the blood surrounding the tablecloth. After this thrill, the two of them slumped on the ground somewhat relieved.

Zhu Zixing took a breath and was about to speak to Xu Lang with joy.

But at this time, Xu Lang looked at the iron door of the freezer that was open to the side, his complexion suddenly changed, his blood disappeared instantly, and his eyes showed incredible horror.

He pulled up Zhu Zixing who was about to speak, and rushed to the door of the cold storage room, crawling from the ground.

Xu Lang only felt that his heart was beating wildly, his pupils were shrinking because of fear, and he was a bit at a loss when he escaped. He only knew that the cold room couldn't stay longer!

"I... I actually saw it through the door..." (End of this chapter)