The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 52: Things in the refrigerator compartment


Xu Lang panicked and pulled Zhu Zixing, who was unknown, and fled to the door frantically. Although Zhu Zixing didn't react for a moment, he understood Xu Lang's movements in an instant.

Xu Lang must have seen a very terrifying picture, and the danger is lurking around them, so that there is no time to explain to him, so he can only rush forward.

As Xu Lang ran forward, his nosebleeds began to trickle down rapidly with strenuous exercise. The stimulation of blood vessels and pores made the amount of bleeding several times larger. The white tablecloth on the lower half of his face was soaked into red. Another part of the blood dripped from Xu Lang's chin to the ground.

The temperature in the cold storage room has been getting lower and lower since they started to escape. The two people's bodies trembling with tension once again felt the biting cold air, and a cold breath gradually surrounded them.

Regardless of the fact that there are only a few dozen steps when the cold room comes in, it is reasonable to say that you can run out in less than a minute, but this distance seems to them to be extremely far away at the moment.

I don’t know if it’s the psychological effect or the fear. Xu Lang feels that the surrounding atmosphere is getting more and more weird. Looking around, the fog seems to have risen on both sides of the refrigerating room. Same as people.

Xu Lang's face grew paler, but fortunately, the iron door of the cold storage room was right in front of him, and he could escape here in less than three seconds.

But at this moment, there was a cold wind blowing from some place, and a huge box could not cover the door, and the iron door was closing inward at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Xu Lang saw his pupils shrinking sharply, and some fine sweat appeared on his forehead almost at the same time. This was completely frightened. Once the door was closed, he and Zhu Zixing would undoubtedly die.

Because...because there are 4 things invisible to the naked eye in this cold storage room! ! !

He doesn't know if the four figures are evil spirits, but once trapped here, even if they don't die in their hands, they will inevitably freeze to death!

Zhu Zixing also saw that the iron gate had a tendency to close, and was shocked, exploding with its full potential, and wanted to block the gate with his body before closing.

He burst directly in front of Xu Lang, stretched out his arm, trying to prevent the iron gate from closing. But he found that the time was too late, the iron gate would be completely closed just a little bit short, and the distance between his arm and the door was still half a meter long!

At this moment, Zhu Zixiu suddenly felt something whizzing past his ears. There was a biting cold wind, and the earlobes were a little bit painful. A closer look turned out to be a huge pig thigh with cold frost on it, and ice in some places.

The pig leg, which was quite heavy, slammed into the iron door that was about to close with a slam. Although its weight could not be compared with the iron door at all, the acceleration was included. Under such a blow, it made the iron door. The trend that is about to close is a stop.

Zhu Zixing was overjoyed. He seized the paused time and threw forward with all his strength. He firmly pressed the iron door that was about to be completely closed with his right hand and pushed forward.

While pushing, Zhu Zixiu slowly stood up and held the entire iron gate with his body. Outside the gate, he was also stubbornly holding the gate like a person.

As the inner side of the iron gate was covered with layers of frost, Zhu Zixing felt tingling through the clothes due to the biting cold, but at this time he couldn’t take a step back. Once back, everyone would have to die. Here.

Xu Lang finally rushed over. The moment Zhu Zixing accelerated and rushed past, Xu Lang quickly grabbed the pig's thigh on the table at hand and slammed it forward, even though he adjusted some direction.

However, the weight of the pig's leg still affected the direction and caused some deviation, so he galloped past Zhu Zixing's ear.

Sure enough, the iron door was not completely closed, but seeing Zhu Zixue leaning on the door, he immediately understood what he was fighting against.

Xu Lang ran over and stood beside Zhu Zixing, leaning on the door as well, trying to push the big iron door open together.

One second, two seconds, and finally about half a minute later, Xu Lang felt the resistance in front of him loose, as if the person blocking the door suddenly disappeared. The obstacle in front of his body disappeared in an instant, and the two of them lost directly. Lost the center of gravity and fell forward.

At this time, the iron gate had recovered its usual weight, and the power of the two of them could no longer be stopped, suddenly opened. Xu Lang and the two fell out of the iron gate before they had time to adjust. The big iron gate slammed on the wall with a loud bang.

The moment Xu Lang fell to the ground, he didn't make any adjustments. Instead, he squatted on the ground, pulled up the iron door directly, and instantly locked the refrigerator compartment with force.

After completing this series of actions, Xu Lang also lost all his strength, lying on the ground with Zhu Zixing, panting heavily, feeling relieved, the surrounding air-conditioning seemed to disappear, and everything returned to normal.

After a while, both of them sweated from their backs lying on the ground. This was the excitement of the rest of their lives.

Zhu Zixing was unable to move at all, and he had no strength to struggle. This was actually just the first weird incident he had experienced. In fact, his performance was already perfect.

Not only was he not intimidated, but his actions and brains reacted extremely quickly. Without him, he took the lead to rely on them, and he would not be able to win the incident for Xu Lang. I am afraid that the two of them had already died inside.

Xu Lang's nosebleeds eased a bit, and he was not too obsessed, so he wiped the blood on his face with a napkin.

Zhu Zixing turned his head and asked Xu Lang, "What did you see?"

Xu Lang's energy was awakened by this sentence, and he was a little confused and a little unbelievable and said: "I saw four things..."

"Something? Not an evil spirit?"

Xu Lang thought about the scene again, did not speak, and stood up while helping Zhu Zixing up: "Say while walking."

"At that time, I was thrown to the ground by you. I sat up for a moment and saw the door of the freezer. It was also a'fake mirror' that could roughly project some scenes.

The moment I put on the napkin, I saw our faces mirrored in the cabinet door, and behind us, four figures suddenly appeared. One squat, three stand upright!

Looking back now, these four figures seem to be staring at us! "

"So, I quickly pulled you on and ran out."

When Zhu Zixing heard this, cold sweat appeared on his forehead again, "There are four evil spirits in the cold storage room? We just escaped under the hands of the four evil spirits?!"

Xu Lang shook his head, and said with some uncertainty: "It shouldn't be four evil spirits. The one who is sitting can roughly see his facial features. His expression is very similar to that of a living person, and looks incredible. But the three figures standing behind, I can clearly see them with mutilated limbs and crooked minds, like evil spirits that have died tragically!"

"But I can't figure out why a living person would stay safely with three evil spirits!"

When Zhu Zixing heard this, his eyes widened, he was directly frightened by this statement.

"Three evil spirits? Then this ancient castle is considered an old man, isn't there four evil spirits!" As a human being instinctively afraid, his body is already a little trembling, he can't figure out why it is just an ordinary task, why there are so many Evil spirits.

Moreover, it seems that the three evil spirits are not harmless either, just now they clearly wanted to stay and kill Xu Lang!

Zhu Zixing felt more and more that his brain was not enough, his mind had begun to wander, and he began to think about the tragic deaths of Jiang Hui and Ruan Fei, and his body trembled even more.

No matter how extraordinary he behaves and no matter how adaptable he is, this is only his first mission. After all, he is just a rookie, and he has been able to persist until now.

I couldn't help thinking about it, and I couldn't think calmly anymore.

Xu Lang felt the situation of Zhu Zixiu next to him, but he did not say anything to enlighten him. This is a hurdle that the newcomer must pass. Now that the difficulty has doubled, there will be so many evil spirits in an ordinary task, which is a great test for the mental quality of the performer.

Zhu Zixing's previous performance has been very good. If he can really figure it out for himself and continue to maintain a tough heart, then it can be said that he has benefited a lot from his growth.

Zhu Zixing's mind became more and more confused, and a series of weird events that ordinary people could not accept repeatedly tortured his nerves and challenged his limits. The missions of the newspaper office are all nine deaths. It is precisely because they are used to seeing death that they become more afraid of death.

He is currently in this situation. Only like Xu Lang and others, can he transform his inner fear into the courage to struggle to truly integrate into this terrifying place. Zhu Zixing is currently at this stage.

The place where Zhu Zixing is different from ordinary people is here. When he is replaced by Lu Xiaozhi and others, I am afraid that he is already too scared to walk, and although he is muddled, he still maintains a trace of calmness. Followed Xu Lang and walked slowly.

For a long time, he struggling to glance at Xu Lang in front of him. Xu Lang's upright and calm posture convinced him. He also forcibly escaped from the cold storage room and witnessed the terrifying fact with his own eyes, but his state adjusted quickly, and he was as rational and confident as an okay person.

"Is this a veteran? I can be recognized by such a person, and I am definitely not a coward! I have not been taken seriously in my life, but now I finally find someone who appreciates me, will I let him down like this? I will let myself down ?"

"I will never allow it! I lived in a poor state for the past twenty-four years, and now I want to be a real person!" Zhu Zixing showed the tenacity of his head cantilevered and pierced his head when he was studying before, and the nail on his right hand was fierce. Stabbed into the flesh of the left arm.

There was severe pain, and Zhu Zixing didn't say a word. He gritted his teeth and continued to use his force, and his mind gradually became clear. "If Brother Xu can do it, I will definitely be able to do it!"

From this moment on, Zhu Zixing's soul was sublimated. Born abruptly under this kind of high pressure and reborn, facing the fear of evil spirits, he was slowly suppressed, and he began to think about a problem.

After a while, Zhu Zixing almost calmly said to Xu Lang: "I think there is something wrong with the conjecture of the four evil spirits in this castle!" (End of this chapter)