The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 53: That thing


"I think there is something wrong with the conjecture of the four evil spirits in this castle!"

Xu Lang, who was always calm in front of him, heard Zhu Zixing's words, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. This smile seemed very sincere but Zhu Zixing didn't see it.

"Oh? What's the problem?"

Zhu Zixing continued to chew the thoughts in his head, and said with some doubts: "The three evil spirits in the cold storage room, one looks like a living person. That living person can live in the same room with the evil spirit, which is a problem in itself. Up."

The smile on Xu Lang's face was even worse, and Zhu Zixing secretly said that Zhu Zixing did not let himself down. Not only was he not frightened, but he quickly reflected the problem. He pretended to be ignorant and asked: "Then what do you think?"

Zhu Zixing could faintly feel that Xu Lang's mood seemed to be very good, and every time he asked questions, he had some test of his meaning, and he couldn't help but relax. Then he said:

"I'm afraid, the evil spirits in the cold storage room didn't even want to really attack us, otherwise we wouldn't escape.

And their danger does not need to be faced by our executors. For this mission, the evil spirit we need to face is only an old man. Their appearance is an accident, but it may also be a reminder to us. "

"Interesting, what will you tell us?"

Zhu Zixing said confidently: "The living person in the cold storage room! Finding him may bring us unexpected information!"

Xu Lang finally turned to Zhu Zixing when he heard this, and said in admiration: "Yes, it is well-founded, and the logic is clear." Remember the URL.

Hearing Xu Lang's unconcealed praise, Zhu Zixing was a little embarrassed, bowed his head and scratched his head.

Then Xu Lang patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Live, you can have inexhaustible money in the newspaper, and your family's problems are not a problem."

Zhu Zixing heard this for a moment and thought about the situation of his family. Poor and lowly married couples are very sad. Family affection is very weak in his family. His mother said that his father was useless and could not make money. His father said that Zhu Zixing was useless and could not stand out. . The family fell apart because of money.

Now although I am no longer busy with the economy, I have begun to live a precarious life, not knowing whether it is alive or dead. If this mission can go home alive, everything will be different.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zixing showed a knowing smile.

Xu Lang was also very happy to see this. Although his temperament is weak and he is used to rejecting people thousands of miles away, he really puts his mind on Zhu Zixing. This young man is very similar to himself, but he can make up for it, but he can't look back.

Xu Lang's life has been played with by the newspaper, and he can no longer control himself. His family has been doomed to tragedy since being selected by the newspaper.

Zhu Zixing could feel Xu Lang's temperament changed, full of loneliness and loneliness, and a bit bitter in his heart, so he could only follow him out of the kitchen without speaking.

As soon as Xu Lang and others left the house, they saw Li Feng, Lu Xiaozhi, Wuming, Cheng Guoguo and others had returned to the hall, gathered together in silence with each other without speaking.

And Cheng Guoguo is not the original suit. His fat body is wearing a robe that obviously doesn't fit his figure. At this moment, he is playing with the hat on his head, looking very funny and happy.

When everyone saw Xu Lang and Zhu Zixing appear, especially the table linen Xu Lang had been completely dyed red, they were shocked and squeezed over.

Cheng Guoguo first pointed to Xu Lang's tablecloth and asked what was going on.

Xu Lang waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter, how is your situation?"

Li Feng and Lu Xiaozhi shook their heads at the same time, pretending that nothing happened: "Our side is normal."

Wuming and Cheng Guoguo looked at each other and nodded vigorously: "We have a situation here!"

In fact, it goes without saying that when you see Cheng Guoguo's costume, you know what must have happened.

Zhu Zixing saw that Xu Lang was not ready to tell the situation in the cold storage room, and did not say much. He wanted to hear about them first.

Cheng Guoguo said in namelessly, "You have also seen it. I am wearing a Taoist robe. This is found in a room on the first floor. There are also some talismans and even a mahogany sword, but the sword has been broken. Nothing to show off, I didn’t bring it."

After speaking, he took out a handful of apricot talisman from his pocket and gave everyone a glance.

Xu Lang looked back and forth, and felt that these things were nothing special, just like the ones in the movie. As we all know, the evil spirits in the mission are unstoppable by any real Taoism, and these are no different from waste paper.

Then Wuming on one side took out a cross necklace and a small bottle, which contained some unknown **, which looked like water, but it had turned yellow and deteriorated.

Wuming said: "These were searched from another room. It seems that the owner of this castle has also discovered supernatural events, so Taoist priests and priests have been invited to expel evil spirits."

Xu Lang nodded, and then said, "These must be useless. Didn't you find anything else?"

Cheng Guoguo took out a black notebook from the nameless arms with a bragging look, and said, "Of course... there's more!"

"From the priest's room, we found this notebook. I read a few lines and found that this is a diary!"

When Xu Lang heard that it turned out to be a diary, his eyes immediately brightened. Generally speaking, the diary is the key to the executors to obtain important information. I took the notebook and turned it over. It seems that this notebook is obviously a few years old. The corners of the first few pages are yellowed and the handwriting is a bit unclear, but you can roughly see the font on it.

Xu Lang was a little pleased, I'm afraid this is a huge turning point for this mission!

But after reading a little, Xu Lang found that his English level did not support the full translation of the content of the diary. He asked: "Which one of you has better English, translate it?"

Li Feng took the lead in raising his hand: "When I was studying abroad, I lived there for several years, and I had a good command of English." Of course, he has some thoughts of his own. The content of this diary is very important. If he can translate it, there will be some places by then. You can also hide clues that are beneficial to you at any time.

But before his hand stretched out, Wuming grabbed the notebook and said coldly, "I'll do it." Li Feng looked at him, feeling a little anxious, but he knew Wuming's skill was very powerful. Not enough to look at it at all, and didn't dare to show a strange expression, and withdrew his hand angrily.

Several people came to the front of the dining table again and leaned against each other.

Anonymous opened his mouth and translated it:

"January 10, 1990, was the first day Gabriel became a priest. My parents are proud of me, and I am also very happy to be able to obtain this noble profession on my 32nd birthday... ..."

Cheng Guoguo said to the side: "Brother, can you stop translating from the beginning, start from the castle."

Unnamed and not angry, he turned back, until he saw a page, he spoke again:

"On April 3, 1996, I was invited by Mr. Guan Mu to go to the castle he built. According to him, I encountered some trouble and asked me to help solve it.

But I don't agree with it. Going to unknown countries across the country made me a little resistant, but when Mr. Guan took out the money that I couldn't refuse, I didn't stand up to it. "

Cheng Guoguo spit on the side and said, "What's the name, Guan Mu, Coffin, this name is too unlucky."

Everyone ignored him, and Wuming continued reading:

"After a long journey, I sighed with the beauty of the foreign country and walked into Mr. Guan's castle. It turned out that this castle was called Antai Old Fort. I don't quite understand the meaning of the name. But according to Mr. Guan Because of something happened, he invited local people and was suggested to change to this name."

"Mr. Guan is an artist who has lived in Europe for many years. He really likes Renaissance paintings, so he built such an artistic castle, but there is a demon in such a beautiful castle!"

Sure enough? From then on, an evil spirit began to exist in this castle! When the executors heard this, they also understood the so-called purpose of Mr. Guan’s invitation to Father Gabriel to come to the castle. It turned out to be an exorcism!

"If it weren't for the close relationship between me and Mr. Guan, I wouldn't dare to take on this task based on my ability, but for the purpose of saving people, I still came here not far away.

Mr. Guan arranged me in the room on the first floor and treated me with a rich banquet in the evening, which made me a little flattered.

During the period, Mr. Guan finally told me the whole story. Mr. Guan found that thing when he was out soon after moving into the castle. Since Mr. Guan kept secret about that thing, I couldn't use his name directly to avoid danger.

According to Mr. Guan, he was amazed at the exquisite workmanship at the first sight of the object, and his wife showed a deep love for it. They had never seen such a beautiful object.

So they bought back the castle at a high price and placed it in the lobby on the first floor, but strange things happened. All the friends whom Mr. Guan visited here were missing before their eyes.

She disappeared in front of them out of thin air, until one time after Mrs. Guan’s sister came to the castle as a guest, the lovely girl was sucked into the thing in front of Mr. Guan’s family, and they could even see an old man. Flashed in it.

Ever since, they were frightened and wanted to throw the thing out, but no matter how far it was thrown, it would reappear in the hall the next day. Mr. Guan wanted to try to damage it, but found that the thing was extremely hard. Nothing can be damaged.

The desperate Mr. Guan invited the local exorcist, but found that there was no other way, even the exorcist was killed by that thing.

The exorcist lived next to his room, and when I heard it, I began to regret it. I was not sure if I could deal with that thing. If I failed, the consequence would be death.

To face that thing tomorrow, can I really eliminate it? "(End of this chapter)