The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 55: The blackened Lu Xiaozhi


Li Feng still stood beside Lu Xiaozhi and pretended to persuade him. Of course, he was false. He just cared that if Lu Xiaozhi did not go, he would never have a good chance to entrap Xu Lang.

Seeing everyone looking back at him, he felt even worse, and Lu Xiaozhi on one side seemed to be still hesitating, knowing that waiting for him is likely to arouse Xu Lang's suspicion, and pretending to be calm and calm, he walked into the team. He shook his head and muttered softly, "This kid really doesn't listen to persuasion."

When Cheng Guoguo heard this, she couldn't help but laughed out loud, patted Li Feng on the shoulder and said sarcastically, "Oh, our Li Dashan should not be upset. It's normal for children not to listen to you. Don't be too sad."

Seeing that the team in front had begun to go upstairs, Lu Xiaozhi looked around the empty rooms around him. Although it was daytime, it was already afternoon. The castle was already lacking in sunlight, and it seemed even more gloomy at this time.

Standing still on the spot for less than half a minute, Lu Xiaozhi quickly caught up with the large group of troops and followed behind silently.

Hearing the movement behind, Xu Lang turned his head calmly, met Lu Xiaozhi's bewildered eyes, and after an indifferent glance, he turned his head and paid no attention.

On the contrary, Cheng Guoguo saw that Lu Xiaozhi still followed, and she was very unhappy with this kind of person, and then said sarcastically, "Oh, brother Lu, you have to be careful. You might meet the old man in a while. You have to lift your trouser belt, so don’t frighten your pants off.

The others didn't pay too much attention to Lu Xiaozhi who came up behind, and they didn't pay much attention to what Cheng Guoguo said. Now no one except Cheng Guoguo has the leisure to take care of others.

These words made Lu Xiaozhi lower his head in shame. He was an adult, and he was so ridiculed in front of everyone that he was also very angry, but he did not dare to speak back.

Others seemed invisible to this kind of thing, and didn't even think about it for themselves, especially Xu Lang, who looked back at him as if looking at a waste.

All the performances of the executors deteriorated and enlarged in Lu Xiaozhi's heart, as if the world was full of maliciousness to him, and he was still undecided to harm others. At this time, he suddenly had an idea in his heart to let this Everyone is going to die.

A vicious idea gradually appeared in Lu Xiaozhi's mind. On the other side, Li Feng, who was watching all this, was laughing in his heart, Cheng Guoguo's sarcasm was just what he wanted.

Originally worried that Lu Xiaozhi would not have the courage to harm these people, Cheng Guoguo gave himself a big assist. He can be sure that Lu Xiaozhi must hate this group of people now, and he won't have to persuade him by himself, he can complete the plan by himself.

Thinking that soon, Xu Lang would be able to trigger a dead end, his mood can be said to be very good, almost almost out of words.

However, in the end, Lu Xiaozhi and Li Feng's vicious thoughts, Xu Lang and others had no idea.

Xu Lang, who was walking in the front, had already seen the 4th floor right in front of him, and could not help but started to look around.

The structure of the 4th floor is similar to that of the 2nd and 3rd floors. It is also a long corridor with a long railing on the right. You can see the downstairs from above, except that the wall on the left of the 4th floor is no longer a simple sticker. .

On the walls are placed a series of abstract Western paintings, which are very artistic, and some antiques are placed on the corners, just like a normal corridor.

As he walked deeper and deeper in the corridor on the fourth floor, Xu Lang had already reached a dead end in front of him. There was an exaggerated wall in front of him, covered with wallpaper.

This is the end of the 4th floor, but the most weird thing is that there is only one room on the 4th floor. This room exists in the middle position, which is obviously where the old man lives!

Xu Lang felt a deep sense of disharmony. Judging from the structure of the entire castle, the rooms on the first floor were generally unoccupied, and Gabriel and Taoist were arranged there just for the convenience of exorcism.

The 2nd and 3rd floors are guest rooms, so the 4th floor should be the room where Guan Mu and his wife lived. Although it is now occupied by the evil spirit old man, wouldn't it be too abrupt to have only one room on such a long floor

Don't Guanmu and his wife have children? Although Gabriel did not mention Guan Mu's descendants in his diary, his diary only introduced the situation of the castle. Even Guan Mu's wife just passed by, so it is impossible to confirm whether Guan Mu has descendants. of!

Thinking of this, Xu Lang pulled Wuming and others over and whispered the guess in his heart. Everyone was equally puzzled when they heard this. They had already seen that the space on the 4th floor was very awkward, but they didn't figure out why. .

Xu Lang whispered and Wuming said: "We have to look through the diary again, starting from the beginning. Gabriel said that he and Guan Mu have been close friends for many years. If Guan Mu has a child, he will definitely tell Gabriel, you See if it is mentioned in the diary."

Wuming nodded, and was about to take out his notes, Zhu Zixing held him down.

Then he said to Xu Lang: "At present, the situation on the 4th floor has been roughly understood. I think it is better for us to go down as soon as possible. At this time, once the old man goes out, we will be blocked here."

Xu Lang secretly cursed that he was a little careless. The inspiration came so quickly that he ignored his current situation. Fortunately, Zhu Zixing was sober enough.

Thinking of this, Xu Lang nodded and waved for everyone to leave the 4th floor quietly.

Not long after everyone had quietly left the door of the old man's room, but Li Feng at the end was never reconciled to let Xu Lang leave safely.

I missed this opportunity. I might not have such a good opportunity before tonight. Thinking of this, Li Feng slowly took out the steel lighter from his trouser pocket and pretended to accidentally fall out of his pocket.

The metal lighter hit the door of the old man’s room so heavily with a clatter. Although it usually sounds like nothing, the sudden sound in the quiet corridor frightened all the performers in an instant. Jump.

Everyone was stunned on the spot, and suddenly turned their heads to see Li Feng stooping to pick up the lighter in some embarrassment, and said embarrassingly: "Sorry, I was so careless."

Just as Xu Lang wanted to say don't be stunned and continue to walk down, the door next to Li Feng was suddenly opened from inside.

For a while, no one dared to go first, Li Feng and Lu Xiaozhi were the last, and at the same time they leaned against the executor.

The figure of the old man slowly walked out of the door, staring blankly at the many executors, without saying a word, with a cold temperament.

Xu Lang scolded Li Feng secretly in his heart. Everyone understands the truth that more is worse than less. Li Feng’s actions just destroyed the originally good situation. Seeing the old man staring at them coldly, Xu Lang didn’t feel too nervous. After all, they just went upstairs and didn't make any improper actions.

While watching the old man's movements, Xu Lang motioned everyone to go downstairs slowly. The executors walked down one by one, but the old man kept staring at them without any movement.

This made everyone feel relieved. Xu Lang, Cheng Guoguo, and Wuming at the front all breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at each other, and walked down tacitly.

But at this moment, the last Lu Xiaozhi finally couldn't bear it anymore, and his abrupt voice resounded: "Xu Lang, Cheng Guoguo, wait for me."

Lu Xiaozhi finally spoke out!

The attitude of the veteran towards him has become the direct cause of his blackening.

"Why? Why do they look down on me like this!

Why are their minds smarter than me, and everything is better than me! Why did I trigger a dead end, but they have no crisis!

He even asked me to test their way out for them. It was nice to say to help me, but in fact it was just to treat me as a fool! "

Lu Xiaozhi seemed to be crazy in his heart. The high pressure of jealousy and death made him completely lose his mind. He even had no hope of whether he could live or not. Before he died, he just wanted to drag these senior people to die together.

"Even if it is going to hell, I want them to accompany me!"

Everyone never thought that Lu Xiaozhi, who was the only one, would suddenly call out the names of Xu Lang and Cheng Guoguo at such a critical moment. When they turned their heads, they could even see Lu Xiaozhi fearing that the old man would not recognize who they corresponded to. Pointing at both of them!

All the executors began to panic in an instant, Wuming's eyes widened and he kept switching between Lu Xiaozhi and Xu Lang. What was going on

Zhu Zixing stared at Lu Xiaozhi incredulously. Is he crazy? He's crazy! He directly caused Big Brother Xu and Cheng Guoguo to trigger a dead end!

Li Feng breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes gleaming. Unexpectedly, Lu Xiaozhi did it so terribly. Originally, he just wanted to cheat Xu Lang, but he didn't expect Lu Xiaozhi to directly bring in that obnoxious fat man Cheng Guoguo.

Li Feng now only had the word "Qieqi" in his heart, and he couldn't control his expression at all, and a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

And Xu Lang and Cheng Guoguo, who were involved, were delighted that they had managed to stay away from the old man at first. They didn't know that Lu Xiaozhi would inexplicably call out their names at this time, even pointing their fingers.

This harm is not concealed at all!

Xu Lang's face was gloomy and terrifying. His pale and bloodless face stared at Lu Xiaozhi's skin fiercely as if a knife cut Lu Xiaozhi's skin fiercely, making him lower his head for an instant and didn't dare to look any more.

Xu Lang was angry and anxious. He never thought that such an insignificant role would openly dare to cheat himself at such a critical moment. He really did not expect that Lu Xiaozhi would come to such a trick, and he was completely unprepared.

In all desperate situations, everyone is willing to do anything despicable for survival.

Xu Lang looked at Lu Xiaozhi for a while and slowly lowered his head. His negligence gave Lu Xiaozhi a chance to cheat himself, and then he turned his attention to the old man who was always looking at the enforcers.

I saw the old man's eyes faintly red, and a grinning grin squeezed out from the corner of his mouth full of folds. After looking at Xu Lang and Cheng Guoguo for a while, he turned and returned to the room again.

Silence, silence, and suffocation, so the negative atmosphere suddenly appeared in this small staircase at this time, and the rest of the executors turned their eyes to Lu Xiaozhi, who was at a loss.

The nameless eyes were fierce, as if Lu Xiaozhi would be killed in the next second! (End of this chapter)