The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 557: Anonymous, or Joe?


In the tropical rain forest, the trees here are luxuriant and leafy, surrounded by vines and broken leaves, spreading on the ground and sticking mud is extremely smooth.

On the towering tree trunk, a long snake circling the branches spit out letters, lazily looking at the two figures below, with cold light shining in mung bean-sized eyes.

The woman who was talking was a little bit hot. She tore off the scarf from her neck, wiped the sweat beads under the vest, and stretched out under the tactical shorts to wipe her long malt-colored legs.

Then I tied the scarf and wrapped the short fluffy hair. Her eyebrows were not very pretty, but the dress and the sharp look in her eyes declared her strength and heroism.

Her eyes were full of worry, she looked at the man sitting on the ground in front of her, and persuaded with all her heart: "I have a hunch that this trip will not be that simple. The old wolf will give you and me such a fat job, it will definitely not be that simple! "

The man sitting directly across from her had a fortified look. His hand covered with mud was twisting a cigarette that had been burning for a long time. After a deep inhalation, he threw it to his feet and stomped it out with his boots.

Then he drew a handful of black P228 from his waist and began to press the bullet, turning a deaf ear to the woman's words.

The woman laughed so hard that she could no longer bear the manners of a man, and at the same time she had a sense of her heart. She drew a thin half-length and half-short weird blade from the uniquely shaped black and gold scabbard, and then waved it, just waiting for an opportunity to attack. The long snake was directly beheaded.

Snake blood spilled on the woman's heroic face, but she didn't care about it. Instead, she thrust the knife straight into the gun in the man's hand.

The force was so fierce that the pistol fell from the man's hand and hit the man's throat. Remember URL

"I won't take this task, and you are not allowed to take it. We left here overnight. We have made enough money and it is worth starting a new life!"

The man's face that had been numb for a long time finally got a trace of movement. He shook his somewhat numb arm, ignored the golden knife in the woman's hand, and stood up and looked straight.

"We don't have the ability to start a new life!"

"Why?!" The woman raised her brows and turned the blade in her hand. "With our savings, we can go to the East Coast or Weasley. As long as we want, it is not difficult to buy a house by the sea and live an ordinary life!"

The man stared at her and said word by word: "Guess must die!"

The woman's face full of anger before suddenly softened when she heard the words, and she dropped a golden knife in her hand to the ground. With tears in her eyes, she hugged the man: "I'm fed up with the rest of my life, I just want to be one. Ordinary woman!

Joe, I'm pregnant! "

The man’s previous indifference suddenly disappeared. After a long stalemate, he stretched out his callused hand and gently stroked the woman’s hair: "Yun, go to the east coast and buy a seaside house and wait for me. I will kill Chachai, yes. See you right away, we live the lives of ordinary people..."

Wuming's head hurts even more, he half-kneeled on the ground, the voice of a woman named "Jun" kept echoing in his ear!

That voice came from the depths of his memory, and the scenes of the past tortured his heart. He could feel the trembling, and there was something he had forgotten, but now someone was forcing him to remember everything. !


In this spring world, the blue sky is like a mirror lake, and with the nameless call, waves finally appeared.

A vaguely false shadow slowly appeared from the horizon and walked towards the grass where the nameless was.

"Nameless...or Joe, do you want to continue?"

A non-male or female question, directly penetrating the distance of space and the flesh and blood, resounded in Wuming's mind, making him tremble!

Wuming suddenly raised his head, looked firmly at the phantom in the sky, gritted his teeth and said, "Isn't this what you want? Come on!"

"I checked it. Cha Guai will spend the night in this villa tonight, Guitu Sanku. He never stays somewhere for more than twenty-four hours. Tonight is the only chance!" A blond man held a hand in his hands. The submachine gun leaned against the wall and said to the man.

The man nodded, peeked out of the villa, and asked in a low voice: "How many people are there in the house, and guess where?"

"There are eight people outside the house, well equipped, but you don't need to worry about it, I will solve it for you, you only need to enter the room directly from above!" The blond man's eyes shimmered in the dark, toward a certain window above. Raised his head.

"Guess, I live in the innermost part of the third floor. There are not many guards in the house. There are only four people. It is not a big problem for you to deal with it!"

The man adjusted the equipment, and after confirming the information, he grinned and said, "Thank you."

"No thanks, Joe, we are friends!" The blond man patted the man's shoulder lightly, then bent over and quickly touched the front door, but his low face at the moment was sly and cruel.

The man quickly climbed to the upper floor, opened a window on the second floor lightly, and tiptoed into the second floor.

"Puff puff!"

With the muffled sound of the silencer and the collapse of several guards, the man's actions almost went smoothly to the extreme. Facing the door in front, he kicked it away without hiding his foot. At the same time, the submachine gun in his arms was raised. Aim at the head of the bed!

There were a few more gunshots, and the bedding was torn apart, but when he opened the bedding, he only saw a woman with a fruit body that was beaten into a sieve.

And this woman stared at him, not dying under the gun. The red mark on her neck indicated that she had died long before the man arrived, and it also indicated that this was a trap!

The man turned his head abruptly and was about to break the window and escape!

But then he saw two figures walking in outside the room, a short-haired man in a green camouflage uniform with playful eyes, playing with a black pistol in his hand, and the other with a long tongue. Hat, strutting with both hands on his back, without a weapon, but behind him was a group of soldiers standing by.

The man's eyes flickered several times, and when he saw this scene, he understood everything.

This is a game against him.

"Old wolf, the mission is fake!"

The short-haired man called the old wolf moved over to a chair, sat on it, and said with a smile: "Yes, of course it's fake. How could I let you kill my big client?" He finished. He raised his head towards the man in the cap on the side. "Right, check and guess?"

Cha Guai snorted and slowly walked towards the man, "If you were not an old wolf person, I would have killed you a long time ago. I didn't expect you to be really ignorant and want to be my enemy!"

He is so close to the man, that disgusting breath has been vomited on the man's face, causing his veins to violently, and his palm unconsciously climbed onto the pistol on his waist.


But immediately after his right hand was penetrated by a bullet, the pain suddenly struck, making his body tense. On the old wolf's gun, there was still green smoke.

Before he finished speaking, he stuck to the man's ear and said word by word: "You don't know how to exaggerate. I guess the woman you looked at hasn't been able to escape, so bring her up!"

When he heard this, the man who didn't panic in the face of death finally changed his face. He watched the soldiers from outside come in carrying a stretcher.

Put a corpse in front of him.

The man panicked, his body couldn't help shaking, everything in the world disappeared, he could only see the woman in white cloth, the woman he loved the most!

When the face that was no longer heroic appeared in his eyes, he was crazy, and everything in his ears could not be heard.

Chachai's insults, old wolf's mockery, everything has nothing to do with him, he held the woman's hand tightly, feeling the coldness, and at the same time poured out his blood.

That golden knife was left by Jun, and it was the only thing left for a man.

In the past, it didn't matter anymore, now he only has this knife and a corpse!

Until the moment he lost his consciousness, a bullet shattered his left ear and penetrated into his head at the same time, and he died on Jun's corpse.

"I... It's Joe, I'm not dead..."

Wuming subconsciously stroked the missing left ear, and the hairless trace on the side of his head. The bullet did shot into his head, but it passed through while rubbing it.

"The bullet didn't kill me, but it took away a part of my memory and soul, making me from Joe to nameless..."

The nameless is no longer the nameless, he is now Joe again.

The crippled memory, the crippled soul was fulfilled by the evil spirit of the newspaper at this moment, and Wuming returned to a new life in a spring!

The man who remembered everything slowly stood up from the grass, straightened his spine, turned his back to the spring breeze, and calmly looked at the phantom in the sky.

Then smiled, letting go of everything, "Thank you!"

The newspaper, for Wuming, has never caused him any pain, because he has suffered the deepest pain in his bones.

So he didn't hate the newspaper, he didn't care about evil spirits, and he didn't care about life or death.

Anonymous is very plain.

He kept escaping until he entered the newspaper office, and until daydreaming, he didn't realize that his fate began at that time.

It also ends now!

The newspaper stood there, standing in the clouds, like a god, leaning over and looking at the only living person in the world.

"Anonymous or Joe... Spring is your season and your destiny!"

Wuming opened his arms and stared directly at the sky. While he did not resent the integrity of his soul, it was also the beginning of the loss of his soul. He only knew that what he had lost had already been taken back.

That's it.

The newspaper approached, and the phantom became clearer and clearer, reflected in the calm eyes of the nameless.

But gradually, an unprecedented shock appeared in his eyes. It was hard to imagine that at this moment, there was nothing else that could make him, a contented person who died, cause such a strong horror.

"You! You turned out to be a newspaper office?"

"No, I am not… "

PS: Thank you yesterday, Yingsen, VTech, keikooo, Blade of Through the World, are you afraid of the dark, there is sugar in your pocket, whose red line, and several book friends for their recommendation support, and Yingsen’s 200 aspect coins and A monthly pass, 500 aspect coins for the seventh day of the year, and a monthly pass. Thank you for your subscription and support.

I didn't clearly write that Wuming died or not, but you must know that he must be dead.

In this volume, I wanted to write a little bit imaginary. I didn't want to write about the nameless and blood splattered on the spot. He retrieved his memory and completed his soul. Although it only lasted a short time, he still remembered it after all.

Although the memory is not good, it still has to be. He suffers from post-war syndrome. The memory of Yun before his death will be blurred and forgotten, and the betrayal of his friends also makes him withdrawn.

In short, today’s update, the nameless story, I feel a little bit second in writing...

Nameless, the setting of mercenaries is comparable to the second, but there is no way, the final game for the nameless is a journey of retrieving memories.

Spring is an obscure season and also heralds the return of hope.

I hope that when you read this part, you don’t think about how subtle the logic is. This is a farewell process. I wrote it with this mood, and I hope everyone will read it in this mood.

Another point is that this book is definitely not a story about Xu Lang walking all the way by relying on the halo, and the people around him die one by one, just look down, it's just a few days away. (End of this chapter)