The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 559: Evil Enforcer


"What about the newspaper?"

Xu Lang pulled Yan Yan from the side of Zero, the bow and stern, the three executors were divided into two parts.

At the same time, Xu Lang raised his face full of drops of water and stared at the sky. His left hand was on the verge of recovery at the moment, which was an expression of feeling the same kind of oppression.

But after a long time, the sky still shattered, raindrops kept falling, but nothing unusual appeared.

Xu Lang reacted. He looked at his left hand. If a newspaper came here, it would be impossible for his left hand to make such a trembling situation, and it would be directly crushed!

So, the current situation is obviously that there is an evil spirit around them who is not that high...

Of course Yan Yan also knew what happened, but he was inevitably a little shocked.

"Could it be that Zero is really not a human being?"

But how can a newspaper office win over an evil spirit as an executor and perform tasks again and again

This is absolutely impossible!

At this moment, Zero seemed to be no longer the living person who had tried his best to resist the dead end. He seemed to be mad, his white beard flicked with the left and right sides of his head, and saliva was thrown out of his mouth from time to time.

Something seems to be divided into two parts deep in his soul, and the whole person is no longer a normal person.

This change shocked Xu Lang and Yan Yan even more. They couldn't determine whether Zero changed after entering this space, or whether it was the case.

So it is more difficult to judge the current situation.

The difference between the two is too great, but Xu Lang always feels that something is bad for some reason. It is clear that the fate in this space has nothing to do with him, but he still feels that a danger is approaching!

"No! Can't let Zero go on like this. I can feel that he is trying his best to resist the arrival of death, as if something will wake up after death!" Xu Lang turned his head and looked at the boat that was constantly riding the wind and waves, but still couldn't see it in the mist in front of him. The wooden door leading to the next world is located.

A cold light flashed in Yan Yan's eyes, he took out a short knife from behind, and slowly stepped forward.

"No! Only zero is against fate. This is his fate, not ours! What we have to do is help him!"

There was a hint of hesitation in Xu Lang's eyes. He was very clear about what he wanted to do at this moment. He wanted to kill Zero in advance, but he always felt that doing so did not seem to be a good practice.

This is not the death of God, there is no fixed way to die!

Fate has been revealed, now is summer, and zero will die at the end of summer...

Suddenly Xu Lang lifted his palm with feeling, and the raindrops fell on his palm with crackling, running along the fingertips, a little slippery, but he looked around.

"No! This world is not the end of summer!"

Xu Lang raised his hand to block Yan Yan's actions. He grasped Yan Yan's shoulders, his lenses were blurred. He could not see what Yan Yan's expression was, but insisted:

"Something is not right. The newspaper we have to face has never appeared. Zero Divination said that he will die at the end of summer, but now I don't feel the slightest sense of killing. The space now is only the middle of summer, not the end! "

Yan Yan shook Xu Lang's arm away. He stretched out his hand and took off Xu Lang's glasses. Then, facing his face, he said close at hand, "It is precisely because it is not the end of summer, so zero must Go die early! We help him break his fate, maybe there is a chance for mistakes in this final game!"

"We can survive!"

After saying this, he was about to push Xu Lang away, but Xu Lang still grasped his arm tightly.

"No! You don't understand, I'm 80% sure, Zero is not a simple person now! Even if he is not an evil spirit, there is an evil spirit in his body! You kill him, if we can't wait for the next one within this period of time The gate of the world, the vast lake, we can't escape!"

Yan Yan didn't understand the role of his left hand, but Xu Lang knew it clearly that he was almost certain that among the three people present, only Zero and the evil spirit were related!

Then kill him ahead of time, not to talk about the illusory fate, in case of carelessness, Zero is really an evil spirit, how can they survive!

Yan Yan's struggle stopped. His face was covered with rain. Looking at Xu Lang's paler face, after the world was silent for a few seconds, Yan Yan gave his opinion.

"Do you remember the nameless thing, only if he is left in the world that should be left, we can see the gate to the next world!" Yan Yan's arm pointed to the far bow of the ship, "Why did we drive so After a long time, the wooden door still did not appear. Obviously we did not meet the requirements!"

Xu Lang was silent, but he still shook his head: "I can't bet! This is the last mission, and we will die if we are not careful!"

Yan Yan suddenly smiled. He got rid of Xu Lang's shackles and looked up at the sky, "If people are really dead, then the newspaper will definitely not let you and me die here."

Xu Lang looked at Yan Yan in front of him. He was a little strange. Xu Lang had never seen him like this. "Why?"

Yan Yan retracted his gaze when he heard the words, looked at Xu Lang seriously, and said faintly: "The final game, spring, summer, autumn and winter, represents our four executors. The nameless belongs to spring and zero belongs to summer. What do you think the next world will be? ?"

"Autumn?" Xu Lang said.

But Yan Yan waved his hand gently and said confidently: "No! The next one will be winter!"

"You..." Xu Lang felt very bad, he looked at Yan Yan with horror, and he clearly saw the fateful breath in those eyes that were steady into the water.

"The fear that Wuming has to deal with is memory, the fear of zero-face is death, and the fear I have to face is... love!" Yan Yan's voice was very soft, mixed with wind and rain, and even Xu Lang couldn't hear it. clear.

"I don't like emotions, the more the newspapers want me to face them, and my emotions will only be winter!"

Xu Lang stared at him. It was not like the Yan Yan he knew, but the lonely tone made him very uncomfortable. He said for a long time: "So the next world will be your winter, not mine. Autumn is because of..."

When he said this, the numbness on his face disappeared, replaced by a moment of self-deprecation, "Because I am the most special one..."

"Yes, you will stay until the last one. What you have to do is to face the newspaper, which is different from us. I believe that the newspaper has never appeared, and it is waiting for you at the end." Yan Yan's tone was very gentle when he said this. .

But then it became intense and high!

"So I believe that you and I will never die in this world. I must go and kill Zero. This is a slant sword and a slim chance for my life!"

After Yan Yan said these words, he ignored Xu Lang and walked straight towards the zero-quick step that had been mad for a long time, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Zero's body was still trembling, his body was soaked in rain, and his arms were holding him subconsciously. It looked like that, if he hadn't known in advance that he had no heartbeat, everyone would think that he was a normal living person.

Yan Yan's eyes were extremely cold. With a short knife in his hand, he came to Zero's side without saying a word. He lifted his head with one hand, and stabbed the blade in the other hand. Into the zero throat!

As if worried about not being completely dead in the first place, Yan Yan even made another knife in his throat immediately!

Zero was lifted in the air, struggling until the breath became less and less, and the strength of the struggle gradually disappeared. This indispensable, sinful owner, the top performer of fourteen missions, and the suspected performer of evil spirits. , So I was killed by Yan Yan with ease!

After Yan Yan confirmed that he was correct, he could no longer feel the weight of the zero in his hand. He seemed to be carrying an empty skin, without the slightest pity in his eyes. With a wave of his hand, he directly connected the knife and threw the zero into it. In the lake!

Xu Lang looked at him, struggling for a long time and slowly said: "We won't go to the next world..."

Yan Yan did not reply to him immediately. Instead, he bent down and put his hands in the cold lake to wash. Under the deep lake, he saw a dead person, only a few feet away from him, but gradually sank. It's getting more and more blurred.

But right after that, he paused because he saw...

The dead body that should have sunk into the bottom of the lake is floating up quickly!

And instead of rising unconsciously, Yan Yan even saw that the corpse was originally empty, and a milky white light burst out of the eye sockets without eyeballs. Although mixed in the lake water, he could not see clearly, but he was sure to see the light!


Sure enough, it's not a living person!

This is impossible. The powerful executor who has spent 14 newspaper missions turned out to be an evil spirit

Yan Yan's pupils were a little dilated. He was shocked by this scene, but then he thought of Ouyang Jing among the human skin lanterns!

Evil spirits can enter the newspaper office!

But only evil spirits of the level of skinning evil spirits can do it, so zero...

Yan Yan was shocked but didn't panic, because he saw Xu Lang behind him, and a door appeared out of thin air, the old door leading to winter!

He can imagine what happens when he walks in, but he still believes that he has indeed broken the fate of zero!

Zero, as an executor, did not die at the end of the summer, but in the middle of the day, there is a very low probability that a flaw has appeared in the final bureau of the newspaper.

The final madness flashed in Yan Yan's eyes, he didn't believe it!

He doesn't believe it, this final game is his death place!


Yan Yan took the initiative, and he forcibly took Xu Lang, who was unwilling to face, to his destiny.

And at the moment when the two left, a flesh and blood fell off, revealing a boneless skeleton, and climbed onto the ship's plank!

At the moment when the skeleton appeared on the surface, he still yelled unconvincedly and unwillingly: "The newspaper office! I don't believe it! Come out and see me!"

PS: Thank you yesterday Yingsen, keikooo, sugar in your pocket, whose red line, Blade of the World, Gudi, Bai Xiaofeng, book friends 3287 recommended votes for support, and Yingsen's 200 aspect With the support of 10,000 yuan and 22 monthly tickets from bookmate 3287, and the support of 500 yuan and one monthly pass from bookmate 5924, thank you all for your rewards, and thank you all for your support. subscription.

Zero is indeed an evil spirit, but he will continue to tell his story tomorrow if he hasn't finished it. (End of this chapter)