The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 560: The long river walked


The white bone that was struggling to climb onto the board had no skin or flesh in the deep eye sockets, and no eyeballs, but the milky white light flowing in it finally made him see himself.

Zero, regained his vision, his long-awaited vision.

But at the first sight of his resurrection, he actually saw his body and became a thorny bone.

The flesh and blood had been shed with the death that Yan Yan brought to him, but Zero still did not die, perhaps he himself had not lived.


"Why... I deserve to die, but I'm not dead?"

Zero is afraid of death. Since he entered this summer, something in his heart began to recover, like the devil's tentacles constantly fiddled with his heart, and finally wrapped his heart layer by layer, as if unable to breathe. .

But at the same time, it also made him begin to show some great taboos and avoidance of death itself.

Zero knows that if he dies, everything is not the end, but a new beginning!

But he can't face it!

"I am a human...I am a human! My name is Zero! I entered the newspaper three years ago. I was the chosen one and the protagonist!

I can get the evil things that all executors can't touch. I can spend 14 missions on my own alone. I am the first person in the newspaper for several generations! "

Zero is crazy, he can't accept his current appearance, let alone accept that he is not a living person.

He was in a mess, his previous memories and thinking were completely different from his current self.

"The newspaper! The newspaper... Please, tell me the truth, who am I?"

Zero’s skeleton collapsed on the ship’s plank and couldn’t move. It’s not that he didn’t want to move, but because he couldn’t accept who he is now. He still has thinking, but that is human thinking, relying on this picture is like an evil spirit. To act with his body, he can't accept it!

"You are zero..."

Suddenly, among the cracks in the sky, a voice without any emotion came slowly.

The voice seemed to be wrapped in some power, and it was impossible to hear men and women, nor could it identify the tone, but the skeleton of Zero suddenly trembled. This voice was so familiar to him, it was so familiar to him that it was imprinted in his bones and soul!

The milky white light replaced his gaze and looked towards the horizon.

There was an invisible phantom in the sky, which seemed tall, short, fat and thin...

But it can still be seen that it is a human form!

"I am Zero... Of course I am Zero. You are a newspaper. You know everything. Tell me if you are a human being!" Ling opened her mouth, but in fact it was just the teeth that kept closing, but no sound came out.

This is just the voice in the mind.

But it was enough, because the person in the sky could read his thoughts.

"So, do you remember why you are called Zero?" The man got closer and closer, as if he was about to board the boat.

Zero's thinking stagnated, and he was asked by this question.

He subconsciously thought: "My name is zero, what questions are there..."


Will anyone in this world have such a weird name

"Zero, did my parents do it

My parents... Who are my parents? What about my life before I entered the newspaper? I… "

For the first time, Zero's mind had a large-scale breakdown. His soul seemed to be divided. Originally, he had always kept his memories from the first half of his life firmly in mind, but now looking back carefully, he found that he could not say anything. Traces that once existed!

" I must be a human being, I must have my own life, I..."

But immediately after that person's voice interrupted his thinking again, another question came through the rain curtain, "Where did your four sins come from?"

This question is not difficult to answer, because this is his real experience since he entered the newspaper office.

Although Zero's skeleton didn't move, his thoughts had been extended, and he was so firm, as if he was about to crush the person's words.

"The first sin, the paper man, was obtained from the'falling paper'. It was my life and death, and I got it with your help. It can't be fake!"

The phantom in the sky has already stepped onto the ship board, it is very close to Zero's skeleton, but it doesn't move, as if it nodded.

Zero went on to say through thought: "The second sin, the copper coin, was obtained in the'fate'. At that time, you did not appear, but I already had the ability to obtain sins; followed by the third sin, The right eye was obtained in'meditation'; the fourth sin, the white porcelain jar, was obtained in the thirteenth mission'Bone Disease', and it does not seem to be something inside the newspaper."

The voice in his thinking gradually became louder, "I got four sins alive nine times alive, which means that I am a living person!" But there was a pause in his voice.

"Could it be that my current appearance is the negative effect of the white porcelain jar sin?"

The more he thinks about it, the more reasonable he feels, because he has not figured out the sequelae of the fourth sin, and since obtaining it, he has been sucking the white powder, and the blood in his body has also changed.

The most important thing is that that mission happened to be called "Bone Disease", which coincided with his current white bones!

"I remember very clearly, but you got the sin, not the power I gave you..."

The humanoid shadow of the suspected newspaper office seems to have an independent consciousness, and the words spoken are very clear. It seems to be a newspaper office. Although it says that it is not the zero power granted by it, the meaning of the same sentence is reversed. It also has some kind of power!

"What...what do you mean?" Ling was a little panicked. He seemed to have captured an extremely exaggerated information through this sentence, but he couldn't believe it.

But in the next second, phantom directly pointed out the matter.

"Because you are an evil spirit! Only evil spirits can obtain and use sins!"

"No! Impossible! I'm the executor of the newspaper! How could I be an evil spirit? You lied to me? You lied to me!" This time the skeleton started to move, and he was afraid of the phantom in front of him.

He always thought that this was the newspaper itself, so his heart was inclined to the newspaper not to lie, and all he said was the truth.

However, this truth will subvert his thinking!

"Your thirteenth mission, do you remember the'bone disease' situation?"

After a long period of hesitation, faintly thought, "Out of the sky, I woke up from a tomb, underneath me is a dead skeleton, surrounded by solitary graves. The mission site is this graveyard, every After ten minutes, an evil spirit will appear in those tombs and kill me. My task is to find an empty tomb and get in, pretend to be another dead person, become one of them, and postpone it until the last time, white The porcelain jar is also in that grave!"

He understood a bit, but he didn't say it.

"There are a total of 333 tombs in the cemetery. There is only one empty tomb, but originally it was not an empty tomb!"


"In the empty tomb, there was originally a white bone evil spirit holding a porcelain jar! The porcelain jar contained the soul of the evil spirit, and I reversed the body from the long river of time, took it out, and dropped it. I arrived in the newspaper's task of "falling paper" three years ago, and named you, zero!"

The phantom figure told an unbelievable truth.

Zero was shocked. He turned out to be an evil spirit in the thirteenth mission he experienced? And the human figure in front of him can actually have the power to put his evil spirit into the newspaper office!

"Impossible... I don't believe it!"

"Your current thinking is that the human soul I grabbed at will is placed in the body of the evil spirit!

You are a person with a heart and a body, so you can barely become the executor of the newspaper. It is precisely because of this particularity that you will be marked by the newspaper when you perform tasks with other people. You are a special executor! "

Zero has stopped thinking, and his surviving human thinking has begun to collapse and become thinner and thinner.

"You are not a newspaper..."

"Because I am not a newspaper office, you will be arranged by the newspaper office to go through the mission of'bone disease', and you will have a contradiction!"

Zero silently grinned, "That's it, no wonder newspaper tasks sometimes have human flexibility and mechanical numbness, these two extreme contradictions! It turned out to be because of your existence!"

"Why... why should I be put in the newspaper office and let me get the sins and live for so long!"

"Because, you have to live to this day, without you, some tasks cannot be passed, and some people will not come here alive!"

Hearing its answer, the zero consciousness gradually dissipated, but he understood.

His whole life was completely controlled by this person, struggling with everything he did, holding sinful things, and walking in the newspaper office for three years!

It turned out to be to perfect someone and protect him all the way to the final round!


He suddenly aroused a terrible hatred. After all, he miscalculated one thing, that man really has something to do with the newspaper!

Immediately before the human consciousness dissipated, Zero finally asked the question:

"who are you?!"

The phantom figure shook his head, and did not choose to reveal, "This has nothing to do with you, your role is over now..."

He just stretched out his hand to his arms and took out something from it. It was in the last glance of Zero, which was a golden pocket watch.

The carrier of time began to move, and Zero's skeleton suddenly collapsed, and then turned into a cloud of flying smoke, quickly evacuating in which direction in the sky.

Time and space seem to have regressed, but the world has not changed because of this. Only the skeleton of zero has changed. This is a more advanced ability than retracing time, only for certain things...

The white bone evil spirit that was once salvaged from the long river of time, due to the movement of the golden pocket watch, has returned to normal time and space, and the things that should not have appeared have returned to their original positions, but some people still have to go on with their mistakes.

That vanity, very unreal figure, now becomes more vague and transparent. It retracts the golden pocket watch, his eyes seem to penetrate the space, and he sees the next layer...

In the winter breeze, two figures walking sadly.

"I have gone through a long flow of time, parallel space, and hundreds of millions of fateful endings. A new reincarnation has also reached the final stage. This is also the last timeline!"

"I am waiting for you in autumn, waiting for your choice..."

PS: Understand, if you regard the newspaper as a main god space.

The newspaper office is the manipulator of the task, but there is an outsider in it. It also has the ability to influence the task. This is why the newspaper office is sometimes like a machine and sometimes like a person.

Speaking of returning to zero, he is a bone evil spirit in the grave somewhere outside the newspaper, but was captured by outsiders, added a human soul mind, and put it into the newspaper, becoming a special executor. .

So the executors can't get the sin, only zero can. The purpose of outsiders doing this is to keep Zero alive, resist the evil spirits in the daydream, and bring Xu Lang to the final game.

It's just that the newspaper itself set Zero's thirteenth mission in the graveyard where the evil spirits were originally, and this created a fate-like weird situation.

In summary, Zero is a tool man, a tool operated by outsiders to protect Xu Lang. I'm afraid that everyone won't understand it. I explained it in the vernacular. There are really too few writers as caring as me. (End of this chapter)