The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 561: Not stained by wind and dust


The wind and snow were too big, people couldn't open their eyes completely, even if they blocked their face with their arms, they still couldn't look directly at the vast snow ahead.

Yan Yan’s eyelashes, cheeks, and lips were stained with hoarfrost, and his face was abnormally flushed. His thin clothes had been wet by rain in the previous world. At this moment, they were completely frozen together, sticking to the fragile skin. The body temperature kept melting, but then it froze together again, devouring the only remaining temperature frantically!

In the face of the strong wind, he walked forward like this, step by step firmly stepping on the snow, leaving a string of footprints!

Xu Lang is also in very bad condition. His physical fitness is not as good as Yan Yan. At this moment, he has been walking in the winter breeze for more than ten minutes, it is only ten minutes, but his body is constantly trembling, and the more he yearns for warmth. , It becomes more and more unable to bear the cold.

His glasses have been put in his pocket, and his squinting eyes are more blurred at the moment, and he only feels that the whole world is pale, just like his face!

The bodies of the two were tightly attached to each other, supporting each other, not knowing which direction to go in, but they kept walking.

This posture does not make two people feel half-warm. On the contrary, the closer the body is, the closer the two people's clothes are to the flesh, and every step of the way, the hard cloth pierces the weak ribs like a knife.

But they dare not let go of each other, as long as one person leaves, the other person will definitely get lost in the white storm!

Xu Lang's thinking has become blurred. He has begun to have hallucinations. He feels that a brazier is burning in his heart. He wants to jump in, plunge into the flames, and burn himself to dissipate the cold of the body.

His legs were as heavy as lead-filled, and every time he pulled out from the thick snow buried in his calves and stepped forward, he had to exhaust his whole body's strength and the only remaining consciousness. Remember URL

Rather than saying that he is still moving forward with difficulty, it is better to say that he and Yan Yan support each other and use each other's strength to force themselves to wake up through exercise!

Resting in the snow when the cold reaches its limit is no different from waiting for death!

Xu Lang has forgotten everything, only knowing that he is not willing to give up the last person around him, the last friend!

He has lost everything. On the way to find the truth, he recognized the fate of no name and tacitly accepted the fate of zero. Of the last four people, only the two of them are still struggling in the winter!

Xu Lang is unwilling to go on from summer, because they all know that the current winter is strictly fate!

Like the only relative in his life, he will kneel under fate in the extreme cold and bitterness!

This was Yan Yan's fate, and was given to him by the newspaper, but Xu Lang strongly refused this time, and he had even decided at this moment.

Xu Lang wants to die...

He really felt tired, he didn't want to struggle anymore, he didn't want the truth anymore.

At this moment, now and now, he just wants to die with Yan Yan.

But Yan Yan, the man who was once arrogantly like the ice and snow in this piece of heaven and earth, under a difficult fate, began his first resistance!

He reluctantly pulled his arm out of Xu Lang's arm, put his hands against Xu Lang's upper body, and pushed hard with the last trace of strength!

Xu Lang lowered his head and did not anticipate Yan Yan’s behavior at this moment. He was caught off guard and was overthrown to the ground without any resistance. When his face fell into the snowdrift, a large amount of snowflakes entered his mouth, and finally The temperature melts it into snow water.

"Cough cough cough!"

The physiological stimulus also pulled Xu Lang back from the verge of confusion. He turned over desperately and planted on the snowy ground, staring blankly at the one who was shaking constantly in the wind and snow, but insisted on standing still. Downfallen aloof man!

"go… "

Yan Yan's lips were dry and chapped, and some were frozen together, barely squeezing out a few words between his teeth. He wanted to scold him, but he couldn't use too much energy.

The original anger, drifting in the wind, passed into Xu Lang's ears, and he could not hear clearly.

But his only remaining sane understood that Yan Yan didn't want to drag him to death together!

"No... No... No!"

Xu Lang didn't have the energy to speak. He held a sigh of relief, his arms bent on the ground, but the fragile snowdrifts could not support the weight of an adult male. Every time he thought of getting up, he fell back heavily!

Some of his last hopes are being taken away.

Bit by bit, inch by inch, the knife was slowing his heart!

"I don't want the truth anymore, and I don't want to live anymore. I have lost everything a long time ago. I have found some back. I never want to let go..."

Yan Yan couldn't hold on anymore, he didn't want to fall in front of Xu Lang's eyes, but the man who couldn't fall is about to fall after all!

It was like a snow-capped mountain that stood for thousands of years. After a certain piece of snow fell, it finally couldn't bear it and began to collapse.


At the moment Yan Yan stiffened his limbs and fell to the ground, he pressed his arms firmly against the snow, his eyes were fixed on his already swollen and thick red hands, he clenched his teeth, and blocked his breath!

Abruptly, he bent the waist again and stood up!


A mouthful of white mist came out from Yan Yan's mouth, and he sighed on his back, but from the bottom of his heart he was reluctant to admit that he was sighing. He stubbornly thought that he was just taking a breath.

Yan Yan closed his eyes, then glanced at Xu Lang who fell on the ground, and finally looked deeply, gradually changing from mild to indifferent.

It was cold like snowflakes falling in his eyes.

He did not linger anymore, raised his leg, and walked towards the endless snowfield, towards his unknown destiny.

But then, just after he took two steps, he felt that his right leg was obstructed, and one hand grabbed his leg to fate!

Yan Yan's frozen face did not move much, but the eyes that had just hardened his heart were moved again. He slowly turned his head, and he saw Xu Lang dragging a long trace on the snow, with that hand grasping. On his lap, preventing him from facing everything alone!

Xu Lang's head lifted slightly, he couldn't see Yan Yan's face clearly, and even what he saw now was a white shadow, but he knew what he was holding onto!

What he caught was Yan Yan's fate!

"I want to go down with you..."

Yan Yan wants to squat down, but his legs are already fixed on the spot, bound by Xu Lang, but how much can he have without his strength...

His body was already stiff and unable to bend. After several struggles, Yan Yan chose to fall and lay peacefully with Xu Lang in the white world.

"You still have a chance to go to fall..."

This time Xu Lang heard Yan Yan's whisper clearly, but he was very uncomfortable. After a daydream, he wanted to give up again.

He really lay down in the snow with Yan Yan, letting go of the past and the future, regardless of the so-called fate.

"I said, we will live together..." Xu Lang struggled and got up from the ground, but after trying several times, he slid down again. In doing so, he only moved closer to Yan Yan's direction by an inch.

Yan Yan looked at the vast sky, and snowflakes fell into his eyes and turned into water from the corner of his eyes, but immediately turned into ice beads, stopping forever on his face.

"I won't die, my destiny is not over yet." He lifted his left leg and kicked Xu Lang's right hand, which was always holding him, freed from the last bondage, as if he was decisive!

He raised his arm slowly and pointed at the sky, "I sternly said that I am a person destined to stand on the horizon. I don't believe in my destiny. If it is coming, I will be here waiting for it!"

Yan Yan still got up from the ground, feeling the world around him in the wind and snow, and slowly opened his arms.

He seems to be embracing the world, but also as if he is enjoying it, because this world is for him, a world that belongs to him alone!

Xu Lang is about to lose consciousness, he can't hold it...

Only at this time, one hand grabbed his arm!

Until this moment, Yan Yan was still trying to get Xu Lang who gave up to stand up!

Yan Yan's lips were no longer bloody, and he couldn't help shivering. He gritted his teeth and worked hard to support Xu Lang, clutching tightly, and his eyes were full of anger: "I said emotion will affect judgment!"

"My destiny has just begun, and I have to wait a while before I die! I face mine, you face yours, and each takes care of each other's lives, and we will meet outside the newspaper!"

Xu Lang was a little unintelligible, but he could feel the emotion of Yan Yan. He slurred his mouth, but could not speak.

After Yan Yan scolded, he smiled dumbly, but the smile only appeared in his eyes. He glanced at Xu Lang solemnly, as if to imprint his appearance in his heart.

Finally, he raised his voice to the sky: "The newspaper! Open the next door!"

Something has been waiting for him for a long, long time.

The dusty door suddenly appeared behind Xu Lang, Yan Yan had craziness in his eyes, and he pushed Xu Lang to the door. Seeing his last friend disappear in front of him, he said silently in his heart. Speaking to Xu Lang several times:

"see you later… "

His aura suddenly changed in an instant, his figure swaying in the wind, but like the cold snow on the top of the mountain, lingering and arrogant, he would rather dissipate than get caught in the dust!

"I'm solemnly right here, waiting for your fate!

See if you win or I win today! "

PS: Thank you yesterday Yingsen, keikooo, VTech, are you afraid of the dark, whose red line, and several book friends for their recommendation votes, as well as Yingsen’s 200 aspect currency support, and book friends 5924 of the five hundred aspect currency and A monthly ticket is here, thank you for your subscription support.

Yan Yan is always stronger than Xu Lang. I always think that Yan Yan is the most powerful person in my writing. This strength does not mean that he can fight against evil spirits, nor does it mean that he can sling all characters.

It was his heart, his temperament, and his courage. He would rather die than succumb, and would rather die than stand on top. He is a perfect man.

He can take Xu Lang all the way, even at this time he is still teaching Xu Lang how to go down, they are confidants, but Yan Yan is beyond Xu Lang in some respects.

Yan Yan is a piece of snow on the snow-capped mountain. Even though it is very light and weak, it is also the piece that falls on the top of the mountain, which can look down upon the world. (End of this chapter)