The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 565: Captive


That is a locust tree, but the leaves on the tree are about to fade away. There are only a few dark brown dead leaves staying on the treetops like butterflies waving in the wind. Actually, if you don’t look closely, there is nothing left here. The dead tree trunk.

The dusty man still walked into autumn, under the locust tree in this autumn, feeling sadness and those unknown regrets alone.

He only had one hand left, and that hand was not too generous, it was just spread out quietly, and the fallen leaves floating in the sky quietly slipped onto his palm.

On the surface, the man was observing and holding the fake leaf. After a long time, he clenched his fist slightly, and the leaf that had persisted to the end turned into a powder in his palm, and just lightly sprinkled it and turned it into fly ash. .

His low tone spoke back in the unmanned space.

"My life is a dream.

Father, mother, Chen Tian, Geng Jian, Jiang Hui, Li Feng, Lu Xiaozhi, Ruan Fei, Mo Ye, Hu Zhen, Wang Yuquan, Ran Qizhi, Feng Liang, Luo Huisheng, Ouyang Jing, Lin Qing, Lin Hong, Chen Xiaodong, Zhang Qingyu, Gu Chunxia, Huang Hui, Kou Zhong, Yue Yinian, Xu Xingzhou, Shang Weicheng, Cao Yada, Yu Hanhan, Xi Zhengxiang, Yu Ruiyi, Bao Junxiong, He Xiao, Cheng Guoguo, Ding Jianming, Li Kaifeng, Meng Liang, Zhu Zixing , Gao Yiyuan, Song Zhuoyan, Qian Cheng, Yang Bin, Li Tie, Song Zhuoming, Wu Cheng, Bai Mei, Han Bolin, Lou Yun, John, Rong Chuan, Wuming, Zero..."

His head hurts more and more, but he insisted on reading the last person.


"I saw them, I personally erected tombstones for some people, I erected tombstones for myself, I..."

He shed tears and lost all his strength. He remembered everyone, everyone who passed by him and could never see each other again.

The fallen leaves on the ground wanted to bury the man, how much he wished he could be buried here, even he didn't care about the truth anymore.

Now, he only hopes that he can die.

He is willing to let go of himself, but some things are not.

In the sky, vivid faces appeared, like portraits of those people, which were projected into the sky, the wind was clear and the sky was high.

"Xu Lang..."

There was a distant call, also from the sky, awakening him who was crying in tears.

He saw those who would never see again, one after another, like a knife, cutting his heart into several pieces.

Finally, he really saw Yan Yan.

The man named Xu Lang sat withered under the tree. His pale complexion suddenly appeared ruddy, but after a while, it became iron blue. Something was stuck in his chest, and he didn't vomit, and sooner or later he would be suffocated. !

"Cough cough cough!"

A big mouthful of scarlet blood, finally unable to bear it, rushed from Xu Langsen's white teeth and stained the dead leaves on the ground.

The blue veins on Xu Lang's face were violent, and he supported his chest with his only palm. There was a big fire burning there, so hot and crazy, he wanted to swallow him completely!

At the same time as the blood rushing to attack the heart, his eyes turned to gloom. He slowly raised his arm, pointed at the hazy phantom in the sky, gritted his teeth, and squeezed out a few words.

"My life... tell me!"

The humanoid phantom walked through the sky, as if time was incomparably sufficient at this moment, and it had a lot of time to talk with Xu Lang.

"You are Xu Lang, your fate was destined a long time ago, and you will follow the same path as mine..."

This time, it was completely different from the zero-negotiation method. The phantom really had a burst of sound, and the sound was very soft, just as unreal as its figure.

But when this voice reached Xu Lang's ears, his expression suddenly stopped. He heard the words of the phantom, and the voice was so familiar.

It's so similar to someone, but there is something more.

That contains the vicissitudes of endless years and dust, the loneliness of walking alone for a long time, the loneliness of silence...

"I... haven't seen autumn in a long time..."

Xu Lang said this sentence himself. From the moment Void Shadow really spoke, he understood a lot. He stared at the fallen leaves above his head in a daze.

"Evil spirit, it seems to be a race, but I prefer to call it a human shadow!"

The phantom was the only one speaking in the silent world, ignoring whether Xu Lang below was listening.

"They are two completely different opposites from the living people, but they also nestle with the living people to form a whole. Because without people, there is no room for evil spirits to live!"

"Evil spirits are the sins in people..." Xu Lang thought.

"Greed, jealousy, rage, fear, panic, coveting, desire, treacherous, calculating, dark... All the negative emotions of mankind are the soil of evil that nourishes evil spirits.

No one knows why these evils give birth to evil spirits, but they still appear, and they feed on the evil roots of human nature and grow stronger. They are like gods, punishing mortals, treating us as lambs, and squeezing them at will! "

The words of the phantom at this moment seem to have fully indicated his position and identity. He is a person, not an evil spirit or a newspaper.

Xu Lang raised his head, looked at him, half-squinted his eyes, the emotions circulating in him were indescribable.

"So, the newspaper came here as the god of the Shanghai market!" The ghost no longer walked in the air, but slowly stepped on the ground with one foot, crushing a fragile leaf.

"Then, if you want to suck the bad roots, you need a method, a method once and for all!"

Xu Lang nodded, and he finally understood the purpose of the newspaper’s painstaking efforts to set up terror missions again and again, to perfectly absorb the roots of human nature.

He took the words of the phantom and said the method on his behalf: "Captive!"

"Not bad!" Xu Ying's voice was somewhat approved, and he agreed without pause: "It's captive breeding. It is the same as humans' captive cattle and sheep to gain lust and wealth!"

"The newspaper office, an evil spirit that is powerful to the level of evil gods, created a'deception office' in the dark corners of the Shanghai market to draw in guilty people and keep them in captivity in the evil spirit mission again and again. This is what The best way to smoke!"

Void's voice trembled a little, it seemed that when he said this, he still felt that this method was extremely shrewd!

"There is no single way to squeeze and exploit the evil roots of human nature so perfectly. Sins are always more perfectly volatilized under desperate circumstances. The fraud of companions, the evil thoughts of dying, and the calculation of each other by the executors, this makes Ben The powerful newspaper is even stronger!"

Xu Lang smiled bitterly, as expected.

Between those tasks, a group of damn people was created. Why can only cruel people like Xu Lang and Yan Yan make it to the end

That's because the longer they live, the more evil thoughts they create. This is in line with the purpose of the newspaper!

"So, we executors, from the moment we enter the newspaper, we are doomed to be exploited and exploited for a lifetime! Newspaper, raise and kill!" Xu Lang's eyes once again showed hatred, and he thought of Yan Yan.

He thought of the companions who died in his arms and in front of him. He gained friends because of the newspaper, but lost all his emotions because of the newspaper!

"Do not!"

At this moment, the phantom refuted Xu Lang's words for the first time.

The conversation turned sharply, and he said a word that would make people like Xu Lang dumbfounded!

"Among the executors of all ages, only one person has successfully escaped the control of the newspaper!"

Xu Lang frowned. He did have such an idea before, but he felt it was too fanciful, especially after learning the truth about the newspaper's mission today, he felt even more impossible!

And Xu Ying's words haven't been finished yet.

"It is true that you can leave the newspaper after completing the task fifteen times!

It's just that apart from the person a long time ago, no one can live to that number of missions and face the newspaper itself!

At the beginning, the newspaper released this rule, just to give the executors a false hope, because there is hope, people will rush to it, and eventually die in despair, and that negative emotion will become more intense. Will be more satisfied! "

"However, it is precisely because of this rule created by the newspaper due to arrogance that it has become an unprecedented person who has completed 15 missions and left the newspaper!" Xu Lang's breath is a bit rough, he never thought about one of his own. The idea turned out to be a reality many years ago!

He still couldn't believe it, and asked vaguely: "So, is the person who left the newspaper still a human?"

The phantom who knew everything shook his head gently this time, and he hesitated and said: "I don't know, I only know that there is indeed someone who left the newspaper alive!"

"It is precisely because of this person's departure that the newspaper was completely broken from its impeccable peak state. Since then, the newspaper has become weaker and weaker. It is shaky from the sky, and even the Shanghai and Shanghai markets, which were completely controlled, have become unstable! "

Xu Lang looked at Xu Lang, and said softly: "This gave the newspaper the first sense of crisis! It is also the origin of the Great Purge! The third force's invasion, the skinning evil spirits split the Changling Mountain Cemetery, all the circumstances are proof! "

Xu Lang could hardly hear that blood flowed backwards. This level of secrets was incomprehensible as a human being, but he vaguely understood part of it.

"In other words, in the original newspaper, the rules of fifteen missions were true, and there was no major cleansing. It was only after the person left the newspaper and made him weak that the newspaper began to go crazy. Carry out a big cleaning for each generation!"

Xu Ying quietly looked at Xu Lang and nodded: "That's right!"

Xu Lang only felt dry and dry. He stretched out his hand to wipe the blood stains off his face. He couldn't help but ask in surprise, "So, why did the newspaper fall from its peak to what it is today?"

The virtual shadow's figure is a bit transparent, as if something is interfering with his existence, but he is not urgent, but explains indifferently:

"Because, when that person left, he took away something that the newspaper had in his hands...

Since then, sucking on the roots of human nature has not been enough to support the existence of newspapers, so the task method has begun to be changed from captivity to another method! "(End of this chapter)