The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 567: Live in memory (on the finale)


The 566th chapter of the Deception Agency lives in the memory of a fallen leaf after autumn, faltering, in the midst of depression, after struggling for a long time, it floated down and hit the man's shoulder.

The weight of Qingruo Feather was nothing, but it still overwhelmed this man's original upright posture.

Xu Lang quietly fell on his back on the gray leaves, his eyes penetrating the fallen leaves, penetrating the locust tree, and looking at the unknitable crack in the horizon!

Here is the sky of the newspaper.

And in this heaven, there is a crack that can't be made up even with the passing of time and time, and as the vitality of the newspaper gradually disappears, it will become larger and larger.

The broken sky mark is Xu Lang...

He is an ant who deserves to die, but under the trick of fate, he has become an unfilled shortcoming.

For the newspaper, Xu Lang's existence is a mistake. It has been trying its best to make up for it, but it has become more and more powerless when it loses the effect of the puzzle.

The cost of making up for the error is far greater than the error itself...

Zero is not the most special executor, Xu Lang is. His special lies in the fate between the past and the future. His fate as a living man was facilitated by the newspaper.

At the same time, he also became the fate of the newspaper.

Xu Lang is not happy...

He was not happy at all. He, who was the wrong person at the beginning, went to the end and became a part of the newspaper, the part of the thing he hated most, and he could never be separated.

"So, when did it start..."

Xu Lang lay on his back on the ground and slowly closed his eyes. He knew that he no longer had the right to choose.

Xu Ying's body became more and more blurred, as if it was about to dissipate completely soon, but he was still patient, telling everything.

"From the moment you get the jigsaw puzzle, your ending is doomed. You will become a part of the future newspaper..." Void's voice is equally stunned. He is different from the current Xu Lang, completely different!

Xu Lang was only lamenting the sorrow of fate and the silence of his inability to choose.

The phantom is his future, all the loneliness, gloom, exhaustion, nostalgia, suffering in his immortal life in the future...

For a person who wants to die, immortality is the most painful torture.

"The god of death covers his eyes. The protagonist originally selected by the newspaper will be you, but I controlled the direction of that mission and replaced the protagonist with Zhu Zixing. He is... you, or me, the most trustworthy friend..."

Void's voice trembled a little, and when the nerves that had been numbed by the years mentioned the name, there appeared recollections.

"Our destiny has long been doomed, and you are part of the future newspaper, so my interference is compelled to be an inevitable arrangement..."

Xu Lang listened to all this in silence, and a tear fell from the corner of his eye. He remembered Zhu Zixue, the big sunny boy.

Whoever was chosen as the protagonist in that mission would undoubtedly die. Then, before he knew it, Zhu Zixing had already saved his life several times.

Xu Lang hated himself very much. He hated himself very much for the first time, and at the same time hated his own future. He wanted to die, but as Xuying said, this was an inevitable arrangement.

He is a mortal, unable to challenge the rules...

"It turns out that I was lucky enough to survive the death mission, because I was seen the future."

The moment he saw the phantom, he fully realized why the death spirit and the oil paper umbrella spirit did not fight each other, but appeared at the same time at the last moment, letting him survive.

Because they can see the prophecy ability of the death evil spirit and the time control ability of the oil paper umbrella evil spirit. Xu Lang is one of the newspapers in the future...

At the end of the newspaper, even the evil spirits were rebellious. They did not obliterate Xu Lang, but were paving the way for the future.

"It's a pity that I am so far-reaching and still unwilling to die..."

Xu Lang even wondered, maybe he had a strong intention to keep his lofty sense at the time, then would the two evil spirits let him go

Immediately he shook his head again in his heart. What if he let it go, who could he keep

To put it nicely, Xu Lang is part of the destined future newspaper, but it is only part of it. He has no right to decide anything.

What is the difference between him and Mo Ye

The same is a living person who lives forever, but who endures loneliness all his life and is buried under an irresistible force...

The phantom seemed to feel something, he saw through Xu Lang's mind, and under some movement, the sky once again transformed into a familiar figure.

Xu Lang's eyes were full of numbness, and he suddenly gleamed. He saw Gao Yiyuan, the familiar man, with a quiet and graceful woman beside him. The two of them walked side by side and were a good match.

Even walking on a dark corridor, there is still a sense of happiness overflowing the sky.

Xu Lang is familiar with this long corridor. It is a suburban hospital...

"The oil paper umbrella evil spirit is gone. It is no longer an evil spirit wandering in a place with no time and meaning. It smiles at the end of the mission because I made a deal with it..." The shadow also looked up To the sky, the same longing as Xu Lang was in his eyes.

"Gao Yiyuan and Han Churong, this couple will stay together in the suburban hospital instead of the oil paper umbrella evil spirits for a long time. The terrifying place with no time limit will become their new home for the two of them to stay together..."

Xu Lang has long since let go of his grievances, and he is really happy for Gao Yiyuan.

Even if he becomes an evil spirit, but forgets the pain, he has been immersed in the infinite time with his lover...

Xu Lang knows that the outcome of some people cannot be changed as they die. The decision he makes for him in the future can only be negotiated under limited special circumstances. One is enough...

"Song Zhuoming, still immersed in the dream that can't wake up with Song Zhuoyan, we are thankful that it was a beautiful dream, and they lived very happily..."

"Anonymous, at the moment before he died, he finally made up his soul and missing memories. I saw his smile..."

"Zhu Zixing was willing to sink into his long-destined fate. His death is inevitable, but you still remember the words he said in your arms before he died..."

Xu Lang told the ending of his former companions one after another, and Xu Lang listened carefully.

Of course Xu Lang still remembers the big boy who didn't ask for anything in return. He smiled dumbly before he died. He said that this was his most satisfying way of death...

He still cried...

He once thought that everything in his life had been taken away by the newspaper, but it seemed that everything hadn't been gone, just that it existed in another way.

Perhaps because of stubbornness or pure expectation, Xu Lang sincerely believes that each of them will end in misery with hope.

The end of life does not mean the end of life.

At the very least, there is a person who will keep the face of each of them in his heart long and far away, and will never forget it for a lifetime!

Human thought is still the most powerful thing that transcends time and space. It can bring dead people back to life, in a different way, to come back to life.

"When I appeared in the past moment.

The timeline of the future and the past has changed from an infinitely extending straight line to a circle.

Xu Lang, we no longer have a future, the past is our future.

You will become a part of the newspaper, standing on the river of time and overlooking the past life.

Your past life, and the lives of those who died.

Those who have lived in the past cannot be resurrected, but you can see the past years from birth to death.

You don’t need to watch the pain after entering the newspaper, just look at the beauty of their first half of their lives.

In this life, don't people rely on those beautiful memories to live their lives? "

After hesitating for a long time, Xu Ying finally threw that choice in front of Xu Lang. He believed that Xu Lang now knew how to choose.

"The newspaper is closed. After the final round, it will fall into a deep sleep. There is no longer a place for the'scheming newspaper' in the world. It will become an independent space without time significance and destiny.

Until the vitality of this evil god dies in the long years.

This is our destiny.

The future you, the fate chosen for you. "

Xu Lang slowly stood up from the dusty ground with a calm face. He stared at the future self in front of him intently. The phantom had begun to gradually disappear, because Xu Lang's inner change had already Contributed to the future.

He understands that there are actually many ways for the future self to get rid of the fate of becoming a newspaper, but he still leaves the only choice to the present self.

That's because Xu Lang has changed!

According to Xu Lang, who used to be cold-blooded and ruthless, he will make a big game to separate himself from the newspaper office, or truly become a newspaper office.

Rather than just becoming an outsider who relies on the jigsaw puzzle, suppresses the newspaper, and is willing to fall into endless loneliness, living in the past.

However, after so much, Xu Lang knew what he had lost and what he had gained.

At this moment, the original diverse choices have all been eliminated, and there is only one kind left.

Give up the future, look for the past, destined to live in memory, immortal...

Xu Lang was still the melancholy man with a pale face, and the loneliness lingering around him had substantial meaning at this moment.

Xu Ying completed all his missions, and his figure gradually disappeared in front of Xu Lang.

As he said, his future is the past, which is a complete circle.

In the autumn, the man who was half of his body buried by fallen leaves, half tilted his head, enjoying the unprecedented peace, he was finally at peace, and since then he has no scruples or concerns.

He smiled knowingly, with a relaxed smile, freed all constraints and made a decision.

He had made this decision countless years ago, and now he is heading for a new cycle...

… (End of this chapter)