The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 61: qualifications


At this moment, an old and gloomy figure suddenly stood behind Lu Xiaozhi, and the atmosphere instantly cooled down. Xu Lang and the others who stood on the side shrank their pupils and took two steps back subconsciously.

Lu Xiaozhi also felt an extremely terrifying aura approaching him behind him, of course he knew what it was!

He started to speed up and crawled towards Xu Lang. At this time, he had no strength and guts to stand up, and he could only use the most primitive movements to struggle.

"Save me, Xu Lang!"

He didn't dare to look back at the old man behind him. He had lost all his courage just by feeling the cold breath behind him.

It can only be desperately crawling to Xu Lang and the others, but this is only in vain.

Xu Lang and Cheng Guoguo stood there, watching coldly, without arousing any emotion.

Xu Lang calmly watched as the old man inserted his hands into Lu Xiaozhi's body, blood covered the floor, and after a scream, Lu Xiaozhi stared at Xu Lang, staring at Xu Lang.

Xu Lang looked at him indifferently and said nothing.

The evil spirit old man raised Lu Xiaozhi's body upside down, and finally looked up at Xu Lang and Cheng Guoguo.

"Ha ha ha ha ha"

Without any movement, the sudden laughter turned back in the corridor, the old and dry palm of the evil spirit was covered with blood, and the red light filled his eyes, looking at Xu Lang.

This look was exactly the same as the look in the evening when he had dinner. At that time Xu Lang knew that the old man was looking at a dead person.

That's right, he did predetermine Xu Lang's death a long time ago. For Xu Lang, the old man is his god of death!

After the old man laughed, he held Lu Xiaozhi's corpse with his left hand, and approached Xu Lang little by little. The corpse made a scarlet trace on the ground.

One step, two steps, getting closer and closer, the old man stopped in front of Xu Lang, the distance between the two faces was less than 5 centimeters.

Face to face with the evil spirit once again, breathing the same piece of air, and feeling the same, but this time the evil spirit old man does not have the violent corpse odor that Hao Ming exudes.

But there is a lingering cold that penetrates into the bone marrow.

But this time, Xu Lang's expression was calm, as if looking at an ordinary person, no more frightening and flustered expressions.

In the next step, the old man slowly raised his free right hand and stretched it to Xu Lang's shoulder.

But Xu Lang's eyes were still clear and plain, without any panic, without any movement, just watched the old man's hand stretched forward to him.

What is even more strange is that Cheng Guoguo on one side also did not move, even with a slight smile in his eyes!

In the dull eyes of the two, the old man's right hand gradually began to fall on Xu Lang's shoulder...

However, what is amazing is that the old man's right hand stopped abruptly less than a centimeter from his shoulder! Didn't drop half an inch again!

Keeping a distance that was almost invisible with the naked eye, the old man slowly retracted his hand.

And Xu Lang, who watched all this happen, still had a calm and composed expression, and even a hint of sarcasm in the eyes of the old man!



This is Xu Lang!

In fact, at the moment he knew that Lu Xiaozhi had destroyed the frame, he was indeed a little panicked, and the old man's restrictions would definitely be lifted.

But after turning his head to think about it, Xu Lang calmed down in a moment.

It was Cheng Guoguo's remarks about the unspoken rules of the mission that made him understand the strangeness.

That's right, now is far from the time for the evil spirit old man to unlock all the killing restrictions. As far as the current executors have grasped the path of life, it is simply not up to the conditions that it can kill without fear.

Lu Xiaozhi, the one who smashed the grass and frightened the snakes and disrupted the evil spirit's killing program, must be obliterated by the old man.

However, Xu Lang and Cheng Guoguo are not yet qualified to kill at will!

This qualification was given to Xu Lang by the newspaper. Whether it is the executor or the evil spirits, all are only participants in the game, and the newspaper is the person who makes the rules.

The qualification for evil spirits to kill is given by the newspaper, so it must abide by the rules.

The only two veterans in this mission are currently surviving, and these two have triggered the dead end, Xu Lang and Cheng Guoguo. The reason why they both watched Lu Xiaozhi's death coldly and waited calmly for the arrival of the old man was because they were the people who knew the newspaper's mission best.

Wuming, Zhu Zixing, and Li Feng are all just the first mission, so they thought that Xu Lang was tragically looking for a way out for them to delay time.

Xu Lang understood this even more, so he took the opportunity to say that to them. Wuming and Zhu Zixing are bound to join his team. If this incident can be used, it would be a coincidence to win them over.

Cheng Guoguo saw Xu Lang's intentions, so he glanced at him with a smile.

In fact, it stands to reason that even if Xu Lang knows everything, there is still a risk in doing so. What he did in this way was not only to win over the unnamed two, but also because he wanted to see with his own eyes where the old man would take the corpse

Where did Jiang Hui and Ruan Fei go for the disappeared corpse? This is a big mystery that has always plagued him, and he vaguely feels that if he can figure this out, he will have a huge breakthrough in this mission.

The old man put his hand back to the original position, still keeping the original distance, a pair of bloodshot eyes widened round, staring at Xu Lang firmly.

This evil spirit is different from the evil spirits in the usual missions. It has a mind, not just a killing instinct. From the very beginning, it confuses everyone and interferes with the exploration of dead ends.

Staring at Xu Lang for a long time, it certainly read the sarcasm and disdain in this human's eyes. This made it extremely angry. If it weren't for the damn rule, it could tear Xu Lang to pieces in less than a second.

However, right now, it can only stare, and it can't make any unusual behaviors at all.

I don't know how long it took, Xu Lang faintly felt the temperament of the evil spirit old man in front of him had changed. The anxious expression just disappeared, and instead he glanced at him with a slight smile.

Xu Lang, it seems that he has some encouragement and expectation from his eyes

Turning his head and thinking, Xu Lang smiled dumbly. He wanted me to find a way out as soon as possible, so that he could take action unscrupulously and kill himself, this abominable human.

The old man retracted his gaze, raised Lu Xiaozhi's body, and disappeared in place as soon as he turned around!

Xu Lang's eyes kept staring at the old man's actions, his eyes widened without missing any traces, only a flash of red light in front of him, the old man suddenly disappeared, and then a cold wind blew from above.

The red light finally disappeared on the 4th floor!

It's the 4th floor again!

Could it be that the old man's room is where it hides the body? But isn't this too simple? What is the point of doing this

Xu Lang shook his head. Although the disappeared corpse has not yet solved the mystery, it has finally narrowed its scope and it is on the 4th floor.

Immediately, Xu Lang suddenly thought of a forgotten clue. Could it be that the old man didn't hide the body in his own room, but the disappeared room? !

The more Xu Lang pondered this conjecture, the more likely it became that all the clues began to gather together.

The disappeared corpse exists in the disappeared room!

And the middle-aged man in another space is the engraver himself who exists in another space, to infer...

Does the disappearing room exist in another space? !

Xu Lang quickly raised his head and looked at the room on the 4th floor.

This floor that has been kept secret and rarely involved, the final clue is indeed hidden there, and all the puzzles will be revealed on the 4th floor!

Cheng Guoguo pulled Xu Lang who was thinking, and urged: "Hurry up and meet up. If they find a middle-aged man in advance to find a way out, we will be in danger."

Xu Lang nodded, and rushed to the fourth floor with Cheng Guoguo.

In the previous stalemate between Xu Lang and Cheng Guoguo and the evil old man, Wuming, Zhu Zixing and Li Feng had been wandering on the 4th floor for a long time.

This time going upstairs is far different from the last time going upstairs.

Zhu Zixing was uneasy and worried about the safety of Xu Lang and Cheng Guoguo. He still couldn't believe that characters like Xu Lang would die so willingly!

Li Feng was equally apprehensive. He didn't expect that tonight would be a tentative search for clues, but it would directly become the final chapter of the mission.

In his opinion, Lu Xiaozhi, Xu Lang, and Cheng Guoguo must die downstairs. Who can survive the attack of evil spirits.

Of these three people, the most calm, still thinking about searching for information, is the only one left who is anonymous.

This man who seems to have no emotion and no consciousness has never shown any panic, has been rationally solving what happened, and he is still actively looking for clues.

He doesn't know why, but feels that the fourth floor has completely changed since the last time he came.

Although the corridor is still that corridor, the railing is still that railing, and even the wallpaper has not changed, the atmosphere is completely different.

There is a sense of desertedness and loneliness here. It's like an old house where no one has stepped in for a long time.

Sometimes, the presence or absence of a place can be felt as soon as one enters.

This is the old house theory.

The current 4th floor is exactly this feeling. Wuming frowned and slowly observed around the corridor, out of caution, he did not dare to walk too fast.

But the state of the two behind him made him a little irritable. He originally thought that Zhu Zixing could help him find a way out, but since he was upstairs, he looked ashamed, and Li Feng was even more unbearable.

Zhu Zixing's body began to tremble, and his heart was full of grief. He looked at the nameless who had never spoken before him and asked: "You said, Brother Xu, are they still alive?"

Hearing this, Wuming finally couldn't help it. Turning his head and pulling Zhu Zixiu's collar, he lifted it up and said viciously: "I don't know if Xu Lang can survive. I only know you two. If nothing can be done, we will follow in their footsteps!"

Zhu Zixing was lifted up, his neck was strangled, and he had difficulty breathing. Li Feng on one side stepped forward to persuade him.

The three of them heard a terrifying scream from downstairs, which penetrated their hearts. This made the three people who quarreled on the 4th floor stayed in place, and no one spoke.

Wuming slowly let go of Zhu Zixing's hand, and his eyes began to appear cold. (End of this chapter)