The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 64: Mirror space


The matter is back to the beginning. Although the identity of the middle-aged man has been determined, and the identity of the evil spirit old man has also been determined, these clues are more like a side mission.

It just found out some of the secrets of this ancient castle gate house, and it didn't have much impact on the progress of the mission.

The plan still has to be carried out step by step.

Wuming frowned and said, "Since I have to find Guan after all, but I have read it all over on the 4th floor and found no other places where people can be hidden. Where is this Guan really hiding?"

Xu Lang didn't have much to do at the moment. He and Cheng Guoguo had just arrived on the 4th floor and didn't know enough about the situation here.

Then he said: "We still left this room. The evil spirit killed Lu Xiaozhi and also came to the 4th floor, but you haven't found any trace of the evil spirit here for so long. This is weird enough."

"It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. Go to the corridor to find clues."

Everyone had no other words, this room was almost searched, and staying here could only be blocked by evil spirits.

Not long after, Xu Lang and the nameless leader all walked out of the room and began to stand in the corridor.

Zhu Zixing said: "Big Brother Xu, do you have any idea? We can't stand here, if an evil spirit appears, how can we run?"

Xu Lang wandered around here since he came to the corridor, but also no abnormal situation was found. Hearing Zhu Zixing’s question, he replied: "I have confirmed that Cheng Guoguo and I are downstairs just now, although the evil spirits The killing restrictions have been partially resolved, but after killing Lu Xiaozhi, we can’t continue to act on us.”

"So, it is very likely that at present, as long as we have no further breakthroughs in our lives, it will not be able to kill."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhu Zixing glanced down at his watch. The time had come to 2:30 in the middle of the night, and then he said nervously, "It is already half past two, and it is approaching the beginning of summer. The day will arrive early. The sun will be around 6 o'clock Will appear."

"Brother Xu, do you have any way to find Guan Chengran? Once the day arrives, you and Brother Cheng will die!"

Xu Lang didn't have the slightest impatience in his heart. The matter had already progressed to this point. Finding a way to Guan Cheng had definitely been hinted to the executor, but what exactly was this method

He started pacing on the spot, sorting out all the clues that happened after entering this ancient castle in his mind.

There have been three appearances of middle-aged men.

The first time I appeared face-to-face with Wuming, and even dripped his mouth water on Wuming's head; the second time was when lettering appeared on his desktop, and the third time was when I saw his figure in the refrigerator through the mirror reflection of the freezer. .

The last two times can verify that Guan is indeed appearing in another space, but why the first time it appears, it actually has a real connection with Wuming.

Why on earth is there such a contrast

Xu Lang immediately recalled what Wuming had told him at the time, and then asked: "Where did you see Guan Chengran at that time."

Wuming then leaned on the railing to find a position. It was actually very easy to find, because Wuming was about to return to his room, and his room was in the middle of the corridor.

Not long after, the ring pointed to a place and said to Xu Lang: "I was here on the 3rd floor. It is true that I met Guan upstairs and he was lying here."

Xu Lang came to this position and looked down, but he didn't notice anything special.

Then he asked: "What posture and state was he in at that time?"

Wuming still remembered the scene at the time, and he didn't even think about it and said directly: "All of his front body protruded out of the railing, without even holding the railing with his hands, he simply stuck there with his waist strength, and his whole face was hanging down. His mouth opened wide, with some incredible expressions."

According to Wuming’s description, Xu Lang looked down from the center of the 4th floor, but he could not release his hands at all, relying on waist strength to support his body. He turned around and said to Wuming, "You hold my leg, I will imitate it. Guan Chengran's actions at that time, see if there are any clues."

Wuming had some doubts in his heart and didn't understand what Xu Lang wanted to do, but he didn't talk nonsense and stepped forward and firmly grasped his legs.

With a focus, Xu Lang confidently began to lean forward with all his forelimbs, and his entire upper body dropped.

But after watching it for a while, I didn't find anything unusual.

Xu Lang's eyes were a little bloodshot and his mind was a little fuzzy, but he still didn't let Wuming drag him up, and his consciousness hinted that he was in a state of madness and confusion.

Just when Xu Lang's vision began to blur and he couldn't see things clearly, he could vaguely see that the image on the 3rd floor began to become virtual and real, and he turned his head to look away. The atmosphere of the entire castle was completely different from before.

However, due to the dizziness of the mind, I can't think about what has changed at all. It is just a hazy feeling.

It's totally a feeling!

As if in another old castle.

Xu Lang patted the railing weakly and motioned to pull himself up. He could no longer speak.

Wuming received the instruction and hurriedly pulled Xu Lang up.

Xu Lang leaned against the railing, panting heavily, his complexion flushed, and he shook his head vigorously, and began to think about what he felt just now.

Zhu Zixing and others hurriedly came forward and asked: "What is going on?"

Xu Langcuo said: "Guan Chengran has appeared three times in total, but the first meeting with Wuming was completely different from the other two."

"The two times I saw him, it seemed like being in another space. But he and Wuming encountered in reality. I just tried Guan Chengran's performance and actions at the time."

"When my vision was blurred and my consciousness blurred, I found that the castle in front of me seemed to have changed. Although the things are still those things, and the layout is the same, I just feel that it is not the castle where we are now."

Zhu Zixing immediately said: "Then what you see is the old castle in the space where Guan Chengran is?"

Xu Lang nodded, "It's very likely." Then he pointed to the position where he was lying on his stomach and said:

"I speculate that this location on the 4th floor is likely to be a demarcation point, or the superposition of two spaces.

At that time, Guan Chengran and Wuming happened to look at each other in this place, and there was a brief overlap between the two spaces, which caused them to appear in the same space at that moment! "

"The two times I saw Guan Chengran were in two completely separate spaces."

When Li Feng heard that he was a little impatient, he whispered: "Speaking of so much, how can we find Guan? It is true that we can't hang ourselves upside down, this is impossible."

Zhu Zixing shot back in an unkind way and said: "You have a way? You have a way to say it, we all listen to you."

Li Feng was speechless, don't go too far, and stop talking.

Xu Lang waved his hand and pointed to a wall in front of him and said, "What is the difference here?"

Everyone looked at the direction of his fingers, and there was nothing wrong with the bare wall.

Wuming leaned over, stroking this wall with a very ordinary touch, all wrapped in wallpaper, nothing else. But you can see that this wall corresponds to the section of railing where Guan Cheng is lying prone.

Immediately turned his head and said to Xu Lang, "You mean, where does it correspond?"

Xu Lang nodded: "Yes, but these are not ways to find Guan Chengran."

After that, Xu Lang took off the bag behind him and began to search for something from the inside. Not long after, Xu Lang took out a small mirror.

The mirror was closed, about the size of a palm, but it was a pink box.

When everyone saw Xu Lang taking out the mirror, they were a little unsure. So Zhu Zixing stepped forward and looked at it and was a little surprised: "Isn't this the makeup mirror under Jiang Hui's pillow?"

Xu Lang smiled and said, "Yes, it is Jiang Hui's mirror. I took it away out of caution. Now is the time to use it."

"Have you found a way for Guan Chengran?"

Xu Lang began to express his conjecture: "The mirror has always been a suspicious point, and it has become a mystery since we entered the castle.

There is no mirror in the entire castle. This is simply a paradox. Later, we inferred from Gabriel’s diary that the ghost event in the castle was a huge mirror.

But the evil spirit old man, Guan Mu, uses means to mislead us to look in the mirror and die. It is obvious that the mirror will become our breakthrough in this mission.

Not counting the unnamed coincidence, there were two intersections between Guan Cheng and I. One was the engraving and the other was the cold storage room.

They were all hooked to the space, and the silver cabinet door of the cold storage room reflected Guan Chengran's figure, and his lettering was also in another space at that time.

At the beginning, we speculated that the mirror was probably the way to survive this mission.

So, now I have a lot of confidence, Guan Cheng is hiding in the mirror space! "

Xu Lang's speculation finally answered the mirror life problem that everyone had been bewildering. Zhu Zixing looked at the determined Xu Lang, sincerely admiring him and couldn't help asking: "Then what should we do?"

Xu Lang smiled slightly and opened the mirror box. Since there is no light now, the mirror surface is pitch black and there is no reflection.

But everyone still subconsciously dodged a step. Xu Lang shook his head and said: "The dead end of looking in the mirror has been determined to be fake. Don't panic. Observe the surrounding situation at any time to see where Guan will indeed appear from."

"I can't guarantee that a person who has avoided strangers for many years and has been with evil spirits will see what we will do, so he must be vigilant."

The crowd nodded, began to look around, and surrounded Xu Lang in the middle.

Xu Lang looked at the dark mirror surface, suddenly felt a little thought, and tapped with his finger, but only the cold touch came back, and it didn't penetrate the past.

Xu Lang smiled bitterly, it really wasn't that simple.

After taking a deep breath, he put the mirror in his hand to his mouth, and the flat voice resounded in the corridor: "Guan Chengran, please come out and see you!" (End of this chapter)