The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 69: Life and death are on the line


Zhu Zixing, who had also been dragged to the ground before, just rolled from the ground.

Seeing that Xu Lang had been dragged into the darkness by the evil spirit little by little, he panicked immediately, completely forgetting the fear of the evil spirit, and ran directly towards Xu Lang.

He wanted to pull up Xu Lang's leg, drag it back, and wrestle with the evil spirits.

At this moment, Xu Lang, who was still struggling before, suddenly looked grim and hissed and shouted at himself: "Throw Li Feng's mirror frame to the first floor at the fastest speed!"

When Zhu Zixing heard these words, he stopped and ran directly to the empty frame of the bed without any hesitation.

He didn't think too much about it. At this time, it was equal to a race against death.

With a delay of one second, Xu Lang would be killed in Jiuquan!

He said this inexplicable remark when he was dying, it was certainly not aimless.

Zhu Zixing didn't think about why he could save Xu Lang by throwing Li Feng's empty picture frame downstairs. Now he doesn't have that thought, he just subconsciously chooses to believe in Xu Lang.

Zhu Zixing rushed forward and suddenly pulled out the huge empty frame. Fortunately, the frame seemed to be not small in size, but in fact the weight was not heavy.

He didn't care about Xu Lang's movements or how the evil spirits reacted.

With the fastest speed, he rushed out of the room carrying the frame.

The most surprising scene happened.

The evil spirit's original energy was entirely on Xu Lang's body, but when Zhu Zixing raised the frame and ran out of the room, it gradually loosened the restrictions on Xu Lang!

Xu Lang could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he felt the strength of his arm grasping slightly loosened.

It really works!

At the juncture of life and death, all clues flooded into Xu Lang's mind, and one of Guan Cheng's words inadvertently touched his mind.

Guan Chengran said angrily at the time: "Guan Mu didn't care about anything at this time. The only thing he paid attention to was making portraits! The 21st was destroyed because of dissatisfaction."

In Xu Lang's opinion at the time, this sentence was entirely due to Guan Chengran's emotionless words.

But now at this critical juncture, he remembered it!

Guan Mu, who has become an evil spirit, doesn't care about anything, only his portrait, and a key part of making a portrait is the frame!

For this evil spirit with a sense of ritual, killing is to make a portrait, so a frame is more precious than Xu Lang's life!

Xu Lang asked Zhu Zixing to throw the empty frame on the first floor. One was to lead the evil spirits away to resolve the current crisis, and the other was to lead the evil spirits as far as possible, so that they would have the opportunity to find a way to the fourth floor !

It can be said that this is a way to kill two birds with one stone.

But at this moment, Zhu Zixing had already rushed out of the room with his whole body, less than three steps away from the railing, he had already done the action of throwing hard.

But with a flash of cold light around him, I felt a dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of my eyes!

Zhu Zixing's body couldn't help but shudder, but his footsteps still didn't stop. He understood that Xu Lang's method was effective, and the evil spirit was really attracted to walk away.

At this moment, he must not retreat. The frame of the frame is obviously the key point that attracts evil spirits. Once he retreats into the room, everything will return to the original point.

After Xu Lang died, he was next!

There was madness in Zhu Zixing's eyes, his teeth clenched, and he rushed forward holding the frame of the frame without slowing down.

He closed his eyes, regardless of whether the evil spirit in front of him made any movements, raised his right hand high, and ran out two more steps, and he would throw the empty frame in his hand as far away as possible!

And the evil spirit old man stared at Zhu Zixiu who rushed towards it, his expression was cold.

It wanted to kill Zhu Zixue, but it was a bit of a rat avoidance.

Due to the particularity of the 8 executors, it is very important to it, and there are some secrets of the evil spirits and the newspaper.

So it was the first to make a batch of empty frames that was most satisfying. Lu Xiaozhi had ruined one before, which made it very annoying, and was ridiculed by Xu Lang.

This is also the reason why after it lifted the killing restrictions, no one is looking for Xu Lang alone!

At this time, Zhu Zixing was holding the frame in his hand. If it kills Zhu Zixing, it would not be worth the loss if he had a chance to destroy the frame.

Yes, in its view, every frame produced is far more precious than the performers.

This also led to Zhu Zixing rushing forward, it just looked at it coldly, and did not choose to do it.

Zhu Zixing closed his eyes, and after two quick steps, the cold temperament in front of him got closer, and his body began to tremble.

Feeling that the distance was almost the same, he suddenly opened his eyes, and the evil spirit suddenly appeared in front of him, and he could even see the wrinkles on the evil spirit's face.

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhu Zixing exhausted the greatest strength of his life and slammed the empty frame to the first floor!

The evil spirit looked viciously at Zhu Zixue who was still in shock, but never did it. Instead, he disappeared from the spot out of thin air, no trace.

And just when the corner of the empty frame had been heavily touched on the ground, there was a slight noise.

But this slight movement made a person startled and shivered uncontrollably.

This person is Li Feng who always hides on the first floor!

He was the last person to escape from the fourth floor, but he was the only one who chose to hide on the first floor.

When he went downstairs, he could no longer see other people, but out of fear of evil spirits, he chose to rush downstairs as fast as he could!

In his opinion, the farther away from the evil spirit, the safer it is.

For some time, he hadn't experienced any abnormal situation, and he couldn't help but feel a little relaxed, thinking that he was hiding enough.

He was actually hiding behind an iron statue near the gate on the first floor, which he found during a previous search with Lu Xiaozhi.

There is not enough light in this corridor itself, and there is no sunlight in the dark sky.

If you want to choose a place to hide, this location couldn't be better.

It's just that he doesn't even know at this moment that evil spirits have the terrifying ability to perceive living people!

The empty hall on the first floor was very quiet, and a sudden movement made him nervous again!

"Could it be that the evil spirit came to the first floor?"

Li Feng's cold sweat broke down in an instant, and his fear of evil spirits was no less than that of Lu Xiaozhi. After all, they had witnessed Ruan Fei's tragic death at the same time and knew the terrible evil spirits.

Don't look at him as a vicious person, but he can't do anything about evil spirits. His cleverness is all used in how to cheat his teammates.

At this moment, he was firmly covering his mouth, not letting himself make any sound.

Thump Thump...

Li Feng squatted against the wall, his body began to tremble unceasingly. This was a manifestation of extreme nervousness. Apart from the abnormal noise, nothing happened around him.

It was quiet for a while, as if there was no living person anymore, only the sound of his own heartbeat was still beating violently.

After Li Feng stayed quietly for a few minutes, he found that there was no horrible figure of evil spirits, so he put a little bit down.

I thought to myself that it might be the noise made by other executors inadvertently.

Li Feng took a long sigh of relief, his tight nerves slowly relaxed, and he raised his hand to wipe the fine sweat from his forehead.

He took out the cell phone in his pocket, but this one was not his own, but Cheng Guoguo's cell phone he found on the stairs!

That's right, he is the one who called Xu Lang over and over again!

His idea is also very simple. He wants to use Xu Lang to lead the evil spirits away and kill them with the sound of his mobile phone, and then he will have a chance to go out and join others.

I don't know where the other people are, and now the way of life is not clear. Only if one person leads out the evil spirits, the others can gather together!

At this time, Li Feng, who felt safe, took out his cell phone again and tried to dial Xu Lang’s number.

But at this time, his eyes inadvertently glanced behind him, and it was this one that almost scared him away!

A figure completely melted into the darkness, only a face with ferocious features and wrinkled skin, staring at him silently!

Li Feng only felt that the blood all over his body was stagnating, his heart seemed to jump out of his mouth, his mouth widened, and his eyes revealed deep fear.

He finally couldn't bear it, and a very miserable scream resounded throughout the castle!


"It's Li Feng!"

At the moment when the evil spirit disappeared, Zhu Zixing and Xu Lang had already left the room on the third floor and rushed upstairs!

Finally found an opportunity to divert the evil spirit away. This is the best time to find a way out and complete the task!

At this moment, a terrible cry of endless pain suddenly struck.

Let Xu Lang and Zhu Zixing run as a pause.

Zhu Zixing suddenly turned back to look at Xu Lang, his voice trembling: "Is it Li Feng?!!!"

Xu Lang pulled Zhu Ziwa up and said as he ran: "There is no time, don't waste time!"

It didn't take long for the two of them to reach the spot not long ago, and a dark mirror was lying on the ground in pieces!

"Hurry up and find the special wall that I said at the beginning!"

But the two of them couldn't find the wall at all for a while, because now they both lost their flashlights and couldn't find a specific location in the dark corridor.

What's more unfortunate is that when I took out my mobile phone, I found that the two people's mobile phones had run out of power!

Xu Lang was anxious in his heart and kept groping for the wall, trying his last effort to find the wall, but this was in vain.

After smashing the wall fiercely, Xu Lang was very resentful and said unwillingly: "Unexpectedly, the way of life is right in front of us. We have lost the light source and we can't find the specific location!"

Zhu Zixing also appeared impatient: "Brother Xu, what do you do if you find that wall? Is there no way to replace it?"

Xu Lang forcibly told himself to calm down, pushed his glasses, took a deep breath and said: "At the beginning, I discovered that the place where Wuming met Guan Chengran before was the superposition of two spaces.

That's why they will meet for a while. "

"This confirms my conjecture about the way of life, the'door'."

"It is very likely that the place where Guan Chengran once supported the railing is the shuttle channel between the two spaces!"

"That is, Guan Chengran's disappeared room. Only with such an explanation can we connect all the clues together."

"Find the location and tear off the wallpaper, there should be some kind of strange change.

But now, we have become blind in the dark, and we can't find a place to live! "

When Zhu Zixing heard this, he was a little anxious and said hurriedly: "We know the approximate location. Let's just tear off the wallpaper on this wall!"

Xu Lang nodded reluctantly. He couldn't say whether this would be effective, but now that there is no other way, he has to bite the bullet and try.

But at this moment, violent footsteps came from the stairs, and a calm and rational voice sounded behind Xu Lang: "Let me come!" (End of this chapter)