The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 7: Fight for survival


Inside the Jingming Building, which was as quiet as a pool of stagnant water, a roar suddenly came out, like a stone slammed on the water. The calm of the whole building broke the silence because of this sound.

At this time, a rotted evil spirit on the 15th floor of the top floor, surrounded by corpse-smelling evil spirits, heard this sound, slowly lowered its head, the head and the body showed a strange angle, and at the same time, maggots fell on the ground and rolled. With.

The evil spirit noticed the direction of the 8th floor, as if because he finally found the trace of a living person, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a grim smile, and rushed to the stairs at an unimaginable speed.

The two living people on the balcony on the 8th floor showed a weird balance.

Gu Lei was about to use violent means to kill Xu Lang and use it as a pen immortal sacrifice to escape from the mansion. Who knew that Xu Lang yelled out in an attempt to attract evil spirits. This was unexpected, in his opinion. Xu Lang seemed to be crazy and resorted to the same approach.

He was not sure to complete the pen fairy ritual before the evil spirit arrived, but he wanted to run but was a bit unwilling. If Xu Lang died, he would really not think of any way to get out alive.

On the other side, Xu Lang was also a little bit unsure. He was sure that he yelled to attract evil spirits. He was betting that evil spirits would attack Gu Lei first. The reason was simple. This evil spirit was Hao Ming, he Have hatred against Gu Lei.

If this kind of revenge-like causality is established, then Xu Lang has a conjecture about the way of life, but the risk is too great, close to a gamble.

Therefore, the two were pregnant with ghosts and had their own scruples. For a time, no one chose to leave.

In less than two minutes, the two people on the balcony shuddered for a while, the cold from the outside and the inside invaded the whole body, and a faint smell came from the other end of the corridor.

Both Gu Lei and Xu Lang's expressions tightened. At this moment, both sides understood that the evil spirits were in the dark corridor not far away. No one dared to move, and even held their breath. Although this method has no effect, humans Their survival instincts forced them to do so.

The two leaned against the two ends of the balcony, keeping the furthest distance from each other. As long as one of them is attacked, the other will have a glimmer of life.

Every second is like a year is a portrayal of their situation. No one dared to look out, but listening to the voice knew that the evil spirit was approaching, but it was definitely not a sprint, but a step by step.

The sound of "tap, kick" footsteps gradually became clear, and the evil spirits were gradually approaching, and it seemed to be a countdown to life for the two people in the balcony. The evil spirit did not immediately rush over and tear them to pieces, but extremely enjoyed the beauty before death.

Fear, for evil spirits, is the most delicious dessert before the killing.

Finally, the nasty smell of corpses enveloped the small balcony, and a head stuck out into the balcony. It was a face covered with maggots and almost no flesh and blood. The eye sockets were deeply recessed. The eyeball had fallen to the side of the nose, only a black rib was connected, and following the actions of the evil spirit, it dangled in front of his face.

Xu Lang is on the right side of the balcony, his body is close to the bare wall, holding his breath, staring at the head of the evil spirit, this is the first time that he is really right, looking at an evil spirit so close. , Even when it was in Villa 13 it was not so close.

In the right pocket, the hand holding the handle trembles slightly, but it is firmly grasped in the palm of the hand, and maybe it will be pulled out in the next moment.

Gu Lei on the left was worse than Xu Lang. He was in close contact with the real body of the evil spirit and was almost frightened. He even couldn't control his body. He wanted to run away immediately and quickly left this small balcony.

The body of the evil spirit did not enter the balcony, but just stretched its head in. The exit from the balcony is not large. As long as the evil spirit blocks, the two of them will be attacked immediately if they want to rush out. The evil spirit can tear their limbs in an instant. .

There was a stalemate like this for a few seconds. The evil spirit's legs took a step forward and half of his body entered the balcony. Xu Lang's eyes sank when he saw this, because the evil spirit was walking on his right foot, which means it blocked Xu. Lang's exit gave up half of Gu Lei's exit.

His face became pale, could it be said that my guess was wrong, that Hao Ming, the evil spirit, attacked indiscriminately? No priority at all

Afterwards, the evil spirit's face slowly turned to the right and stared at Xu Lang. Less than half a meter away, Xu Lang could even smell the stench from the evil spirit's mouth, and his right hand holding the knife handle gradually relaxed.

"I'm really going to die this time. I didn't expect me to be struggling for the trail of the evil spirits. I couldn't even get through the first mission..." Xu Lang laughed sorrowfully as he laughed at himself. He understood that his 27-year life had come to an end today. .

Just when Xu Lang was about to give up and wait for death, Gu Lei on the left was ecstatic after seeing the evil spirits acting like this.

"It's really God who helped me, Xu Lang should be unlucky. Hao Ming, Hao Ming, I smashed your face back then, which caused your current death. Unexpectedly, you didn't take a shot at me at the critical moment."

Gu Lei made a decisive decision, watching half of the way the evil spirit had set aside, he was about to rush out of the balcony with a kick, but when he rushed out, his right leg was violently pulled by a strange force, and he immediately lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground.

Xu Lang, who was waiting to die, watched this scene. The evil spirit face in front of him was still facing him, but his left hand was firmly grasped on Gu Lei's leg!

"My guess is correct, this evil spirit will surely attack those four people first." Looking at Gu Lei who was struggling on the ground, Xu Lang once again clenched the knife in his pocket, he was ready to take chestnuts out of the fire to seize his way!

From the series of actions of this evil spirit, Xu Lang finally determined the way of life for this mission.

At first, when Xu Lang entered the building, he found a pile of messy footprints on the ground. He determined that a group of people had entered the building ahead of time, and he firmly believed that this group was the way of life given by the newspaper.

Therefore, Xu Lang's every action is to find this group of people, the four in the photo, and ask for key information.

But in fact, this is the huge trap given by the task! Analyzing numerous mission experiences, Xu Lang preconceived that the appearance of these four people must have a path to complete the mission, so he desperately sought, approached, and constantly blended into the causal relationship between the evil spirit and the four.

This supernatural event itself is the evil spirit Hao Ming’s revenge action against the four people. As long as contact with any of the four people is equivalent to indirectly participating in the evil spirit’s revenge, it will become an opportunity to be chased by the evil spirit. A dead end for employees' mentality of actively seeking clues.

From the moment Xu Lang entered the building, he was completely manipulated in his mind and consciousness by the mission of the newspaper office. Even the appearance of the ghost hitting the wall was also restricted by the rules of the newspaper office. In Xu Lang, he did not contact the four people or trigger them. Before he died, he could not be attacked, so he could only trap Xu Lang by hitting the wall with ghosts instead of directly attacking him.

So, the way of life for this mission is actually very simple, that is, enter the building and do nothing, wait until the end of the time to submit a report and return.

When Xu Lang heard Gu Lei’s statement about what happened twelve years ago, he had a certain guess about this way of life, but it was too late, but when Gu Lei wanted to do something to himself, he had another way of life. There is speculation.

This is also his grasp of attracting evil spirits. As long as the evil spirits are the first to attack Gu Lei, then there is room for maneuver in the matter. That is to make up for it.

Let Gu Lei's life die in his own hands, let the evil spirit know that he did not interfere with his behavior, and even help him find Gu Lei's trace.

To personally end the evil spirits' revenge action is the second way to survive.

In fact, if the evil spirits attack the four people, killing them is a perfect way to complete the task, but not to mention that it is too difficult to operate, even in terms of time, because these four are the first to fight with Xu Lang. Entering the building.

Xu Lang is more than 90% sure of this second way of life, but he is still a little nervous. After all, he wants to kill Gu Lei first from the evil spirits. The difficulty is not small. The evil spirit was killed, but Xu Lang could only wait to die.

At this time, Gu Lei on the ground was a little bit puzzled in despair. He didn't understand why the evil spirit was already ready to attack Xu Lang but turned to attack himself, but it was too late. He watched the evil spirit pull himself with both hands. His legs were torn fiercely, like a piece of paper, easily torn off.

Gu Lei, who had lost his legs, yelled terribly. No one could accept such a method of death. The blood had covered the ground under him, and he was so dizzy that he just wanted the evil spirits to give him a happy life.

But at this moment, a fruit knife was suddenly inserted into his throat. With the moonlight, the knife was extremely dazzling with white light. Before Gu Lei died, Xu Lang's firm face was reflected, constantly spitting blood. There was a hint of relief in Gu Lei's eyes, killing him.

Xu Lang confirmed that Gu Lei was dead, drew the knife out, and fled into the stairs, without looking at the actions of the evil spirits behind him, because he had read the mission report, and if he found a way to solve the mission in advance, a reminder would automatically appear in his mind. .

However, adhering to the principle of being cautious and error-free, Xu Lang sprinted at full speed and left the 8th floor where the evil spirit was. Instead of going down, he used reverse thinking and went to the stairs on the 10th floor to wait for the task prompt.

However, after about five minutes, Xu Lang did not wait for the cold and mechanical sound in his mind. At this moment, a "kick" footstep sounded under the stairs, and there was even a "tick" sound of blood hitting the ground. .

Xu Lang was like falling into an ice cave, his whole heart sank, and he glanced at his watch. There were still fifteen minutes left before the end of the mission, but the sound of footsteps still resounded downstairs, urging his life to move closer, Xu Lang's death Maybe it's a foregone conclusion. (End of this chapter)