The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 73: Mo Ye


At this time, the people in the lobby of the newspaper office who had been preparing to leave, suddenly some of them were stunned with painful expressions. He Xiao roughly looked at the strange crowd, and counted about six or seven.

However, when he looked at Xu Lang, his mood was also very complicated. He was surprised and puzzled, but he also concealed a kind of vigilance.

He doesn't understand why Xu Lang is so special. If the mission of the confinement place can barely be regarded as a coincidence...

But everything will never happen again and again. After receiving tasks one after another, He Xiao has become more vigilant towards Xu Lang than ever before.

He has already determined in his heart that he must tell the mysterious man about this information when he returns to the room... As for how he chooses, He Xiao has no ability to intervene. All he can do is to report the information in the newspaper. Just state the situation truthfully.

Xu Lang, who fell to the ground, suffered more than anyone else, because he was originally a seriously injured body. Although the newspaper could heal his wounds, he still couldn't make up for the energy he lost.

It can be said that he is extremely weak now, and the intense pain of accepting the task has been magnified countless times in his mind, which directly makes him unable to bear it, but he must maintain a clear mind because there is still important task information to receive.

Seeing Xu Lang who fell on the ground in pain, Zhang Qingyu asked Zhu Zixing to take care of her, and she turned around and went upstairs.

He Xiao originally wanted to call everyone to the conference room for a meeting to study new tasks, but seeing Xu Lang's situation and Zhang Qingyu's departure, he didn't know what to do for a while.

When everyone was silent, Wu Cheng spoke first, but he said to many newcomers: "You should go to the meeting room and wait first. We can't delay everyone's time because of Xu Lang and Zhang Qingyu."

This sentence was recognized by most of the newcomers, and they all nodded and said yes to Wu Cheng, and entered the meeting room one by one.

Only Yan Yan in front of him frowned and glanced at Wu Cheng behind him, his eyes a little unkind.

Wu Cheng seemed to perceive the gaze behind him, and also turned to look at Yan Yan, evenly matched, and no longer had the patience of the past.

After the two people made eye contact, they separated, Yan Yan continued to look at Xu Lang nonchalantly, while Wu Cheng entered the meeting room first.

Yan Yan closed his eyes and stood silently, only He Xiao and Mo Ye, who had always been dull, were left beside him.

If it hadn't been for the smell of smoke, Yan Yan would almost have forgotten that there was such a person around him.

Yan Yan turned around with some dissatisfaction and said, "Can you stop pumping one by one, then don't die in the hands of evil spirits, instead you will get lung cancer."

Mo Ye looked at the cigarette in his hand and some yellow index fingers, but then he continued to smoke, and said in a hoarse voice: "I have lung cancer. The doctor said I will not live for more than half a year."

Yan Yan frowned and looked back at him, and asked, "When did you find it?"

"Before entering the newspaper, I just came out of the hospital."

Mo Ye's slightly resolute face has a touch of movement. He seems to be in his 30s, but his temples are white and his body is a little thin.

He does the job of a long-distance driver. Although this kind of high-intensity work makes a lot of money, it is extremely hurtful, especially at night, it is impossible to carry it without smoking.

After learning that he had lung cancer, he immediately came to the newspaper office without panic or panic. For a person like him who was on the verge of extinction, there was nothing terrifying in the world.

After learning that the newspaper can make countless money, he took a large sum of money from the newspaper and left it to his ex-wife and daughter. He never left the newspaper again.

Perhaps this is the best destination for him.

Mo Ye discarded the burnt cigarette butts on the ground, and took out two more with his backhand. One was divided among Yan Yan, the other was held in his mouth, he turned out a large bill, lit it with a lighter, and placed it. At the cigarette, and then stepped on the burning banknotes into a mass of ashes.

"I don't have any other hobbies in my life, I love to smoke a cigarette, I didn't expect to die here.

I have been busy making money before, but now what does money mean to people like us, anyway, it's a group of people waiting to die. "

"I'm on this mission. If I can't come back, remember to visit my wife and daughter for me..."

After Mo Ye finished speaking, he walked to the conference room with his cigarette butt in his mouth, leaving nothing but Yan Yan looking at the cigarette in his hand.

After a while, Xu Lang had already calmed down. Zhang Qingyu took a towel and came to him, helped him up, and put a cold towel on his forehead.

Xu Lang coughed twice, looked at the stern Yan Yan holding a cigarette in front of him, and said weakly: "Is there any more cigarettes? Get me one."

Yan Yan put the cigarette away when he heard this, and said lightly: "Smoke less. I'll wait for you when I enter the conference room."

After saying this, several people walked into the conference room together.

A new round of task discussions is ready to begin.

He Xiao was still in the first place and presided over this meeting.

He Xiao cleared his throat and asked loudly, "Who will participate in this mission?"

Not long after, the three newcomers gathered in the back row raised their hands tremblingly, and at the same time, the silent Mo Ye and Hu Zhen beside Wu Cheng stroked the Jinsi glasses and raised their hands.

Finally, Xu Lang, who is in a bad state, and Zhang Qingyu who takes care of him.

A total of 7 performers participated in this mission!

Xu Lang's expression was still a bit painful, not pain, but a mental injury.

He can't concentrate at all now, even listening to the voices of other people at this time is a little looming, his limbs are weak, his head is dizzy, and he will faint without knowing when.

People are not beaten by iron, and every task is an arduous test, so there will be a cooling-off period of half a month to one month.

But this cooling-off period did not exist for Xu Lang at all. Since he entered the newspaper office, the tasks have been pressed one after another.

In the last mission, Xu Lang was the worst injured and the worst in his condition. He thought he could rest for a while, but he didn't expect to turn around and receive the mission again.

Zhang Qingyu was also the executor of the task, but seeing Xu Lang's current state, she didn't worry about herself, on the contrary, she was even more afraid that Xu Lang could not make it through.

In Xu Lang's situation, let alone performing tasks, it is very difficult for him to go faster.

It would be okay if the mission time came a little later... But the next mission was so close!

Zhang Qingyu held Xu Lang's cold hand and shed a line of tears nervously.

He Xiao looked at everyone who took the initiative to say the content of this mission, and said anxiously: "Who of you will talk about the content of the mission, so we can help you analyze it?"

Needless to say, the newcomer, at this moment, there is no intention to analyze the task, and he is busy and afraid; Mo Ye smokes silently over there, as if everything has nothing to do with him; let alone Xu Lang and Zhang Qingyu I mentioned it, but I can't say it if I want to.

Only Hu Zhen stood up suddenly, stretched his suit, and calmly said the latest task content:

"Ordinary Editor Task: Yin Yang Road

Mission time: May 4th at 0:00-May 7th at 0:00

Mission location: No. 0 bus driving route

Task content: Before zero o'clock, arrive at the starting station of No. 0 bus, Huayin Street.

You must get on the bus when it arrives.

Take the bus to Yinyang Road and get off to complete the task. You must not disobey the driver's and conductor's orders during the ride.

Task execution staff: Mo Ye, Hu Zhen, Xu Lang, Zhang Qingyu, Wang Yuquan, Gao Yiyuan, Ran Qizhi

Note: There are evil spirits on the bus"

Hu Zhen narrated the content of the entire mission in one breath. Seeing everyone's eyes watching him, he felt a little airy, as if he was enjoying this kind of moment.

Wu Cheng at the side originally wanted to subconsciously dissuade him, but after thinking about it, he felt that this might not be a bad thing, and then whispered: "Speculate you out."

Of course, Hu Zhen couldn't ask for it. He didn't have any great skills, but he had some cleverness, and he always thought that he had a good mind, and of course he would not let it go when he finally had the opportunity to perform.

I coughed lightly, and started to say my own analysis of the task: "I have a few thoughts on this task. Now I will tell you, especially the newcomers, pay more attention. My words are likely to save you. A fate."

I have to say that Hu Zhen is very good at judging the situation. He can see that his elder brother Wu Cheng has the idea of wooing the newcomer group, so he inadvertently pointed the words to them, and expressed that he is completely compatible with Yan Yan, Xu Lang and others. Different attitudes.

Sure enough, all the newcomers, especially the three newcomers who are about to take part in the mission, are all sitting in jeopardy and waiting for Hu Zhen to talk loudly.

Hu Zhen habitually stroked the gold wire glasses, and then said:

"The first point: This task is to ask us to take a bus to Yin Yang Road. It sounds like easy. But from my three mission experience, the simpler the task on the surface, the more difficult it will be, so this Yin Yang The location of the road may not be easily found by us.

The second point: Do not disobey the orders of drivers and conductors. First of all, we need to know that now it is self-service coin-operating, and there are no conductors on the bus, but since the task mentioned this point, I suspect that this bus No. 0 may be an old-fashioned bus and need to get on the bus to buy a ticket. Be sure to bring cash.

The third point: the evil spirits on the bus. The mission did not say what form of bus the evil spirit was, perhaps it was a person or an object. This kind of unknown feeling was the most terrifying. After we get in the car, we must stay in our place as much as possible, and don't talk and touch objects at will. "

Hu Zhen snapped a lot of words, and you could see that the only woman among the three newcomers had already written down these analyses with a pen.

The attitude towards these people greatly satisfied Hu Zhen's vanity. He looked up at the meeting room for a while, and he stubbornly didn't sit down.

He Xiao coughed, stood up and said, "Brother Hu has already analyzed the task briefly. Let's get to know each other first. Let the three newcomers introduce themselves."

A man in casual clothes who was about 30 years old stood up and said nervously, "My name is Wang Yuquan. I used to be a staff member of a listed company. I would like to ask my seniors to help me a lot in the task. "After saying this, he glanced in awe at Hu Zhen, who was still arrogant.

Then a man with very long hair stood up facing a somewhat delicate man. If it weren't for him to speak, everyone present would think this was a woman. He took a deep breath and said, "My name is Gao Yiyuan, and I am a painter."

The last remaining woman who wrote before is the last newcomer. Her appearance is very good. When she first entered the newspaper, she attracted the attention of many male executives. The overall feeling was delicate and her voice was soft and gentle. Yu, a little scared and said: "My name is Ran Qizhi. I used to be a... an assistant to the general manager."

A violent cough suddenly broke the dull atmosphere in the meeting room. Xu Lang waved his hand weakly and said the first sentence after the meeting: "I will go to perform the task tomorrow. I have to rest, you guys. carry on."

After speaking, Zhu Zixing and Zhang Qingyu helped to leave the meeting room.

PS: There are some secrets between Mo Ye and Yan Yan, this one needs to be explained step by step.

Every time I write to someone on Yan Yan's side, I feel very energetic. I don't know if you feel that way.

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Thank you everyone~ (End of this chapter)