The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 74: I don't want him to die


Xu Lang's state at this time was already extremely bad. The loss of blood in his body made him feel fainting for several times, but because of the previous task information, although he tried to concentrate on analyzing the content.

But in the end, apart from feeling severe pain, he almost didn't even listen to all the task information, which is why he went to the meeting.

Now he has no ability to analyze this mission, and can only serve as an observer to understand other people's views on this mission.

But sitting in the conference room for a long time, his ears have been buzzing with tinnitus. He can only hear half of the speeches of Hu Zhen and He Xiao. The state is getting more and more sluggish. Xu Lang will faint several times during the meeting. .

He knew that if he didn't rest, he might not be able to participate in the task tomorrow night.

Zhang Qingyu supported Xu Lang, who was a little faltering, and walked out of the meeting room slowly.

The others remained silent about this, but the newcomers watched indifferently, and their hearts were secretly refreshed.

There is no love without a reason, but there is hatred without a reason.

If these newcomers are forced to say their reasons for resenting Xu Lang, I am afraid that none of them can say it, it may be just a feeling.

The self-confidence and powerful temperament exuded by Xu Lang made this group of useless mobs jealous. They didn't have unique skills but wanted to have an unusual position.

This is what they think. Remember URL

So they envy, jealous, and hate people like Yan Yan and Xu Lang, but they have to rely on these people to survive.

Sad, pitiful and hateful.

As soon as Xu Lang left, Yan Yan also had no idea of staying, playing with the lighter Xu Lang gave him, and leaving the meeting room coldly.

But he stopped at the door, as if waiting for something.

Not long after, Mo Ye, smoking a cigarette, walked out of the meeting room in silence. He also had no interest in this meeting.

In his opinion, the wise men in the newspaper were nothing more than Yan Yan and Xu Lang. They were not present, and this meeting was of no listening value, but as soon as he went out, it seemed a little surprised to see Yan Yan at the door.

Yan Yan saw Mo Ye walked out immediately afterwards, smiled slightly and said, "I knew you would come out."

Mo Ye smoked his cigarette and his eyes were gray, as if there had never been any color before, and said in a low voice, "The newspaper is different from before. Now the water is deeper."

"Look at the smog inside, the snakes and rats, it's better to come out to breathe." Mo Ye pointed to the messy occasion in the meeting room with a hand holding the cigarette. A group of newcomers rushed to tout Hu Zhen, and He Xiao was still there. Posing the captain's posture, pretending to be.

Yan Yan didn't even look at it, and sneered: "It's just a bunch of rubbish, I can't get on the table."

Mo Ye smoked the cigarette and slowly said: "I don't care anymore, either died in the hands of the evil spirits, or died in the hands of the smoke. If I die, you can only fight on your own..."

"When I joined your team at the beginning, I wanted to help you check and balance Wu Cheng and others, but now it seems that he has become reluctant and almost broke the window paper.

Yan Guan Mo Ye asked for a cigarette, and after lighting it, he shrugged: "Even if Wu Cheng wants to stand on his own, how much waves can be made by attracting the garbage."

Mo Ye looked serious and said solemnly, "Yan, I can feel that even if the next mission is not dead, I won't live for a few days. You will be lonely after all. Go to Xu Lang. ... ... "

Speaking of this, Mo Ye looked lonely: "Here, except for me, maybe only he can help you."

Yan Yan bowed his head without saying a word, took a hard smoke, and said in a low tone: "Brother Mo, I don't want you to die..."

Hearing this, Mo Ye was taken aback, and then burst into laughter, revealing relief and relief, but with a hint of helplessness, "Of the first batch of people, only you and He Xiao are left."

"You always say you don't need friends, but now we are not friends, so what can we be?"

After Mo Ye said this, he wanted to pat Yan Yan's shoulder, but his outstretched hand stopped again and turned to leave.

It's just that the figure is a bit desolate and lonely.

Yan Yan stretched out his hands, tossed over, looked carefully, and looked up at the back of Mo Ye Xiao Ran's departure. Not only did he recall this sentence in his heart, "We are not friends, so what can we be?"

He turned his head and looked at the people in the conference room who were still having so-called meetings, as intense and funny as a clown performance.


Yan Yan was solemn, as if he had made a certain decision, and strode forward.

In Xu Lang’s room, he was already lying peacefully, with a cold towel on his head. Zhang Qingyu was cooking Chinese medicine porridge in the kitchen. Although this might not be of much help to Xu Lang, this There is no other way.

Not long after, Zhang Qingyu carried a bowl of hot porridge and came to Xu Lang's bedside, supported him up and leaned on her, carefully blowing each spoonful, and gently handing it to Xu Lang's mouth.

Xu Lang's eyes were a little bit painful. He had almost no ability to act now. He wanted to refuse. However, tomorrow's task will follow one after another, and he needs Zhang Qingyu's care.

However, all of this should not be undertaken by Zhang Qingyu, she also has to participate in tomorrow's task.

Xu Lang had been persuading Zhang Qingyu not to bother so much on the road, but this stubborn girl did not obey. She has been doing everything she can do.

Looking at the blood-enriching porridge that had been blown by Zhang Qingyu in front of him, Xu Lang was a bit bitter in his heart, and he did not say anything.

Zhang Qingyu looked at Xu Lang firmly, without a complaint, she kept holding the spoon like this, she could feel Xu Lang's struggle, but if she could not stay with Xu Lang at this time, he would not be able to do the task tomorrow. To execute.

She just doesn't want Xu Lang to die...

At least, he won't let him die in front of him.

In the room, the atmosphere was subtle, and the two of them were in a stalemate. Xu Lang was finally melted by Zhang Qingyu's firm eyes and swallowed the spoonful of porridge of Chinese medicine.

A bit bitter, but slightly sweet.

Seeing Xu Lang finally willing to eat, Zhang Qingyu was a little excited, and then fed Xu Lang one spoon after another.

A small bowl of porridge soon reached the bottom, and Zhang Qingyu was about to get up to serve a bowl, but Xu Lang held his arm.

She turned her head to look at Xu Lang in surprise. Xu Lang didn't know why there was a strange emotion in her heart. She actually said something awkwardly: "Maybe we are all in the same ups and downs."

Zhang Qingyu didn't understand what he meant for a while, and immediately looked at the remnant soup in the bowl, and couldn't help showing a very pure smile.

Xu Lang has never seen a girl laugh so beautifully, like a breeze blowing in his heart, everything has been forgotten, only coolness and comfort are left.

"No need to go, I'm much better already."

"But your body..."

Xu Lang smiled and said: "After eating, I feel that my body has gained a lot of strength now. I have to lie down for a while and it should be no problem to regain my mobility."

Zhang Qingyu was a little worried: "I'd better stay with you. Even if you regain your mobility in this state, it is not convenient to do things."

Xu Lang was about to speak when he heard a knock on the door.

Xu Lang struggled to get up to open the door, Zhang Qingyu quickly held him down, "You see, there are not many things today, there will definitely be a lot of people coming to you, I'm not here, you are a problem even opening the door."

"You try to stay still, I'll take care of this for you."

Xu Lang stared at Zhang Qingyu in a daze. No one would willingly pay for the other party. Zhang Qingyu is such a beautiful girl, but in this hell, Xu Lang can't take care of himself alone, so how dare to accept.... ..

Zhang Qingyu didn't say anything more, otherwise it would add more burden to Xu Lang. She understood that some things in this place would be fruitless.

But she just wants to do something for Xu Lang. She is not very capable and has no abilities. As long as she can help Xu Lang a little bit, she will be satisfied.

Zhang Qingyu took a deep breath and opened the door.

There was a solemn expression in front of the door. Seeing Zhang Qingyu opening the door, he seemed a little surprised, but he didn't say much, and walked directly into the room.

At a glance, I saw Xu Lang who was leaning on her, who was a little weak.

He frowned and said, "How could this be?"

Xu Lang smiled pale: "Yeah, how could this happen? You guessed it, this task is still me."

Yan Yan sighed and wanted to smoke a cigarette, but was stopped by Zhang Qingyu: "Brother Xu is not in good health, so don't smoke."

Looking at Zhang Qingyu with a serious face, changing from the soft and weak appearance in the past, Yan Yan even obediently took the cigarette back, and looked at Xu Lang suspiciously.

Xu Lang shook his head, looking a bit distressed.

Yan Yan didn't continue on this topic, and said to Xu Lang: "I have one thing I am here to ask you for help! Please promise me!"

Zhang Qingyu saw that they were about to talk about business, so she picked up the bowls and went to the kitchen.

After seeing her leaving, Xu Lang asked, "Speak straight."

Yan Yan's eyes were a little low, revealing unprecedented solemnity: "I want to ask you to help Mo Ye survive in the next mission."

Then he repeated it again: "Let him survive anyway!"

Xu Lang was very surprised. He didn't expect that Yan Yan would be this sentence. Xu Lang originally thought he wanted to help kill Hu Zhen by himself, but he was actually trying to save people

He looked at Yan Yan carefully again, his eyes revealed incredible.

Yan Yan saw this and wanted to take out the cigarette, but took out the hand in his arms again, sighed and said, "Mo Ye... saved my life!"

"At that time, I inferred that my life was a failure. It was Mo Ye who ran out instead of me to attract the evil spirits to chase me. I was lucky enough to get my life back. Although he survived in the end, he was also extremely injured."

"At the beginning we were the same group of newspaper employees, but now I am the only one left, Mo Ye and He Xiao."

"I don't want him to die..."

Xu Lang nodded, but shook his head again: "I can't guarantee that he will survive. You see my current situation, I can only say that I will do my best!"

Yan Yan's eyes were bright, and he had never been so gaffe in his impression. He leaned forward and grabbed Xu Lang's hand and asked, "Is this true?"

Xu Lang wanted to take his hand out, but failed after a few tries, so he let him hold it, smiled bitterly and said, "When did I tell you a lie?" (End of this chapter)