The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 76: People who have spent 13 missions


"Resolutely not! Big Brother Xu finally fell asleep. If he wakes up, he will talk about anything!"

At this time, the doors on the left and right sides of the corridor had been opened, and the employees poked their heads and watched the confrontation between Zhang Qingyu and Wuming with interest.

Just ten minutes ago, Wuming knocked on the door and told Xu Lang about important matters, but Zhang Qingyu stopped him.

Wuming didn't care about this somewhat noisy girl, and went straight in. Who knew Zhang Qingyu actually blocked the door with her body, Wuming didn't dare to be too presumptuous to a girl if she wanted to force her to go.

Wuming, who was originally not good at words, was thinking of persuasive words in his heart, but Zhang Qingyu's sharp teeth refuted his words one by one, and he was not allowed to enter in any case.

Anxious Wuming would use force to subdue her, and then go to Xu Lang, who knew that the girl started yelling while holding his thigh, alarming other employees.

Wuming is a big man anyway, and he can't hold his face anymore in this situation.

I can only stand at the door, watching Zhang Qingyu silently.

Zhang Qingyu was a bit shy at first, after all, now so many people are watching the show, she is very indecent as a girl in the public.

But thinking that Xu Lang needs a rest most now, and he must not let Wuming bother him.

For a time, the two people looked at each other like this and never talked again.

There are no entertainment activities in the newspaper. This kind of scene shocked the entire 2nd floor, and even some good believers watched the show from the 3rd floor.

Cheng Guoguo was even more exaggerated. He took out a chair directly from the room and sat in the corridor while drinking Coke and eating potato chips, just like watching a movie.

Because I have performed tasks together, I am familiar with Wuming, and from time to time will give him a fire and let him rush in.

It seems that the excitement is not too big.

Xu Lang saw this scene as soon as he opened the door. He felt dumbfounded. He didn't expect such an oolong thing to happen after a night's sleep.

Zhang Qingyu's attention was all on Wuming, and Xu Lang's movements were relatively light. She did not realize that Xu Lang had appeared behind her for the first time.

But Wuming saw it, and felt relieved, and no longer had to spend time with this unreasonable girl.

He glanced at Xu Lang and then at Zhang Qingyu who was still blocking the door.

Xu Lang nodded and patted Zhang Qingyu's arm lightly.

Zhang Qingyu was taken aback, and he quickly turned his head and said in surprise: "Brother Xu, are you awake? How are you feeling? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Just patted her, she didn't expect that she asked so many questions in a series, Xu Lang also had a headache, but it was hard to tell.

"I'm much better, let Wuming in."

Zhang Qingyu nodded obediently, glanced at Wuming with a somewhat unkind look, and reminded: "You are not allowed to smoke in there!"

Wuming had had enough for a long time, and without even looking at her, he entered the door directly.

Zhang Qingyu saw that both of them had returned to the room, and then looked back at the smiling faces in the hallway. She felt embarrassed and hurried into the room and closed the door.

Xu Lang moved Wuming lightly, sitting on the head of the bed.

Although I slept very well and made up for some energy, I still felt that I couldn't get enough energy, and I could only walk slowly.

Wuming looked at the environment in the house and was not polite, and directly sat side by side with Xu Lang.

"how do you feel?"

Xu Lang smiled and said, "It's much better."

Wuming asked, "How good is it?"

Xu Lang frowned, feeling the condition of his body, and slowly said: "There are still more than 30 hours before tomorrow's task time, I think it's okay."

Wuming shook his head and said: "No, you are in this state, even if you give you three more days, you will not be able to recover to your peak."

Although Zhang Qingyu did not speak on the side, she was full of worries in her heart. She was studying medical knowledge recently. As far as Xu Lang's current situation is indeed as unknown, she is especially faced with a task immediately.

Thinking of this, she looked up at Xu Lang and pursed her lips.

Xu Lang sighed slightly: "By the time tomorrow, I may not be able to move completely freely, but it should be fine to walk and do things normally."

Wuming shook his head again: "You don't need to say these comforting words, you still have to face reality after all?"

"But, what can I do now?"

Xu Lang has been thinking about this problem, but the newspaper can change a lot of things, but there is no medicine that can make people heal from the illness in an instant.

"Perhaps, we are on the bus most of the time this time. We don't need to exercise vigorously. My brain can analyze the path of life."

Wuming slowly took out a long black box from behind.

"this is for you."

Xu Lang took the black box and checked it over and over again. The material of the box felt comfortable to the touch, and it felt like feeling fluffy.

Open the middle clip. After opening it, there is a needle tube inside and a vial next to it.

Xu Lang was a little unsure, so: "What is this?"

Wuming picked up the needle and the bottle and explained: "This is like a hyperstimulant thing. As long as you hit it, you can restore your peak power for 4 hours."

"Attention, it is not the peak of your personal body, but the peak abilities of human beings. For example, reaction power, explosive power, strength and speed."

Xu Lang took the small bottle, and the ** inside was light blue, which didn't seem to be much, but he had such a powerful ability after listening to the nameless explanation.

After careful observation, Xu Lang said: "What kind of side effects are there?"

Although Xu Lang has never been exposed to such high-tech things, at least he has seen in the movie that drugs like this kind of stimulating human potential usually bring great harm to the body.

Anonymous nodded: "Yes, after the powerful lifting effect, once the 4 hours of drug action ends, your body will freeze. All your internal organs will be stagnant, and you will lose all abilities, including speech, action, and even yours. Thinking ability!"

"In short, after using it, you will become a living dead. It usually takes two days to recover."

"However, if you can return to the newspaper, then this side effect can be repaired."

"But, the result is like you are now, still have to rest for a few days."

Xu Lang was stunned secretly. He didn't expect the side effects to be so violent that it would directly turn a person into a dead person!

"So, I suggest you use it at the last minute and try to complete the mission before the end of the 4-hour duration."

Everything seemed like Wuming had already thought about Xu Lang.

Zhang Qingyu interjected with some worry: "If you don't consider other external factors, this thing can be used as the final hole card. But if Brother Xu completes this task, he returns like today and receives the task. , Isn't that all over?"

Yes, Xu Lang is also worried about this. Although his own particularity does not understand what is going on, the facts are in front of him, and every task will inevitably require him to participate.

If the next mission is still the same as this time, then it is completely finished.

All fell into an endless loop!

Wuming shrugged: "I just gave you the choice. As for whether you use it or not, you can decide for yourself."

Looking at Xu Lang who was still thinking, Wuming stood up: "Okay, I've said everything that should be said, and I'll give it away. I'll go back if there is nothing wrong."

Xu Lang raised his head and asked, "Why did you give this to me?"

Wuming smiled lightly: "Didn't I join your team? It's just a contribution. Besides, I don't need this thing. You should just repay your last mission and want to be born."

After saying this, Wuming left.

Only Xu Lang and Zhang Qingyu in the room were left.

Zhang Qingyu saw that Wuming had already left, and hurried to Xu Lang's side, and said anxiously: "Big Brother Xu, this thing is very powerful, but the side effects are too great. In case of a sudden accident, we will not have a chance to make up for it. ."

At this time, Xu Lang figured it out, “Let’s not be too optimistic. As employees of the newspaper, we only need to consider whether this mission can survive, and how can we consider when the next mission will come.”

"Only by living, can we deal with the next thing."

Zhang Qingyu knew Xu Lang's intentions when she heard this, but she still frowned and said, "I'm still more worried..."

Xu Lang shook his head and said, "Not only is it a last resort, I won't use it, I know it in my heart."

Zhang Qingyu had to give up and did not continue to persuade.

Seeing Zhang Qingyu, who was always worrying about herself, Xu Lang felt very uncomfortable.

He had a strange feeling when he thought of the ties between the two in the "Nightmare Proposal" mission, but now Zhang Qingyu has fallen deeper and deeper, and what is even more frightening is that he also has a slight affection for this kind girl.

All this is completely different from Xu Lang at the beginning.

Xu Lang once said to Wuming that people can change.

Perhaps at that time, Xu Lang had already realized his changes.

Zhang Qingyu felt Xu Lang's gaze, and also knew what he was thinking in his heart. This time she met Xu Lang's gaze and was unwavering.

Just as she once said: "I only accept Xu Lang's proposal", she is strong, brave and desperate.

At the same time, He Xiao was talking with the mysterious man in the most luxuriously decorated room of the entire newspaper.

He Xiao changed his old and honest appearance and said anxiously: "Sir, do you remember what Xu Lang I told you about? I think he is a little bit wrong."


"His first mission was scheduled to be performed alone, and the second time was directly at medium level difficulty. Then he received another mission. This time he completed the mission in less than ten minutes, and he asked to perform the next mission again!"

"This incident is too shocking. I don't understand why the newspaper is targeting this person in this way, so I will report it to you as soon as possible."

The mysterious person on the phone still had a hoarse voice, and was somewhat silent when he heard this.

The mysterious man has been in contact with He Xiao on a single line, and other people in the newspaper have no idea of his existence.

But He Xiao knew very well that the previous generation of newspaper employees were not all dead as he said.

One more person survived that unsolvable mission! This is the mysterious person who is talking to him at this time!

And just passed his 13th mission not long ago!

For such a character, He Xiao has always felt that if he can climb him, his chances of survival will be greatly improved, so he has always done his best to do things for him.

The mysterious man, who had not spoken for a long time, was obviously deeply thinking about Xu Lang's situation, but after a while, a sentence suddenly came out from the other end of the phone: "Kill him! At all costs!"