The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 77: A beautiful encounter in hell


As an employee of the previous generation of newspapers, he is the only one who has survived to this day from unsolved tasks.

This mysterious man knows a lot about the secrets of the newspaper!

He chose He Xiao to work in his newspaper office instead, also for a certain purpose aimed at the newspaper office.

After dealing with newspapers for so long, no one knows the existence of newspapers better than him.

The newspaper has always been like a computer program, rigid, sluggish, and mechanically creating task games one after another, forcing employees to participate.

But no one has ever really understood the existence of newspapers.

If any employee can have some connection with the newspaper, there is only this mysterious person who is unknown.

He was able to survive 13 missions, not just relying on his own ability.

He Xiao got the rule of "You can leave the newspaper office with 15 missions" from him.

It's just that the truth of this rule can be verified by no one except the mysterious person, because no one has ever heard of anyone who can complete 15 missions.

Because he knew the existence of newspapers better than everyone else, the mysterious man began to feel a sense of crisis about Xu Lang's appearance. Remember URL

Once the newspaper revealed humane emotions or behaviors, then it began to change.

No one knows whether this kind of change is good or bad for employees.

And this time, "May is coming, the difficulty doubles", as Yan Yan guessed, it was a cleanup by the newspaper.

But if you think about it from another angle, wouldn't it be a kind of cleansing that the newspaper has been tasked with Xu Lang again and again

A personal cleansing for Xu Lang!

It is this that makes the mysterious man alert.

He will never allow the newspaper to associate with other employees, except himself!

As for the relationship between him and the newspaper, no one knows.

kill! This kind of unknown feeling made the mysterious person murderous towards Xu Lang, a character he had never met before.

He Xiao heard the mysterious man asking him and killed Xu Lang at all costs, and was suddenly startled in a cold sweat!

He whispered: "Sir, if I do it, everyone in the newspaper will see it. Then I am the captain..."

The voice from the other end of the phone seemed very harsh: "I'm talking about whatever it takes."

"This... ... "

To be honest, people like He Xiao who have been living at the bottom of society have been very excited since becoming the captain and enjoying the respect of others.

After killing Xu Lang, the "personal design" he had previously created will definitely collapse.

However, He Xiao was able to survive 6 missions, 5 of which were off-site help from mysterious people. He couldn't be offended at all. He Xiao also fell into a dilemma...

The mysterious man seemed to feel He Xiao’s emotions, and said in a somewhat impatient tone: “There are many ways to kill people, and they may not arouse public outrage. You said before that the newcomer group is very tired of Xu Lang, and he It also has a very bad attitude towards newcomers."

"You can find an opportunity to just stand on the moral high ground and get rid of him!"

"It may not work for one or two people to say that you are right, but when everyone says you are right, then you are right, do you understand?"

Hearing this, He Xiao suddenly wanted to understand.

Reminiscent of the previous meetings, many newcomers slapped their beards and respected them. If he can find a corresponding time to start, maybe he will be regarded as killing the people, and then the captain will be more stable. Up.

"Well, well, I understand, I must complete the task."

After receiving He Xiao's reply, the mysterious talent finally hung up the phone with satisfaction.

He Xiao put the phone on the coffee table here, his eyes flashed viciously, and he muttered: "Xu Lang..."

Already at night, Xu Lang sat on the bedside looking at the cigarette case by the table, and his heart was itchy, but Zhang Qingyu tried his best to obstruct him, he also stared at it in a ghostly manner, but did not start to take out a cigarette and smoke it.

For an old smoker, not smoking for a day is simply torture.

In the afternoon, Zhang Qingyu kept talking about the disadvantages of smoking, and even used Mo Ye as an example. Only then did Xu Lang know Zhang Qingyu's sharp teeth.

No wonder Wuming said his face was pale.

At this time, it was dark and Zhang Qingyu was cooking dinner.

Originally, the newspaper room could make delicious meals on its own, but Zhang Qingyu stubbornly wanted to cook it himself, saying that it tasted delicious.

Listening to Zhang Qingyu's busy voice in the kitchen, Xu Lang suddenly had an idea of living a quiet life.

Sometimes there is no scent of vegetables wafting out of the kitchen, and it can be felt that although Zhang Qingyu is not old, he has excellent craftsmanship.

Xu Lang slowly stood up, walked to the balcony, feeling the breeze, and never felt so relaxed.

To say that the last time I had this feeling, I was also with Zhang Qingyu. At that time, after the "Nightmare Proposal", they ate together.

This time, the feeling is also Xu Lang brought by Zhang Qingyu.

Zhang Qingyu is still busy in the kitchen, and Xu Lang enjoys this relaxed atmosphere very much.

It's like a couple in an ordinary life. It's time to get off work. His wife is cooking in the kitchen while she waits happily.

Xu Lang closed his eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

It would be great if all this can be maintained.

But then Xu Lang was taken aback by this thought, and he shook his head quickly.

He is burdened with the truth of the death of his parents. At this time, it is far from a place to live. Everyone is precarious.

Once such a slow-paced and light-hearted idea arises, it will become difficult to regain the motivation.

Thinking of this, Xu Lang's thoughts returned to reality, and he sighed softly.

At this moment, Zhang Qingyu was wearing a light green apron with two dishes in his hand. He walked out of the kitchen with joy and saw Xu Lang on the balcony. Take out the rice and soup, and let’s have dinner."

I have to say that Zhang Qingyu is really beautiful, especially her smile, very innocent, revealing a lilac-like quietness.

Xu Lang was interrupted by this call. When he turned around, he saw Zhang Qingyu still busy. He felt a little embarrassed and wanted to go forward to help, but was stopped by Zhang Qingyu: "Go wash your hands. I'm all done here, I'm going to starve to death."

Zhang Qingyu pushed Xu Lang's back like a little girl and pushed him out of the kitchen.

Xu Lang smiled bitterly and shook his head, and went to the bathroom.

When he came out, Zhang Qingyu had already arranged the food, two dishes and one soup, both of which were blood-enriching dishes. She had always been so considerate.

At this time, Zhang Qingyu had taken off the apron and hung it up, carrying the skirt corner of the white dress, hurriedly came to the table in a panic, and began to give Xu Langsheng food.

For this meal, both of them did not mention the next task tacitly. Instead, they talked happily on the topic of family and hobbies.

For a meal, the two of them ate more than 6:00 pm to about 8:00 pm.

Xu Lang has never said so much to anyone else in his life, and the other person is still a girl.

Zhang Qingyu put all the dishes and chopsticks on the table in the kitchen. After washing them, he took two cups of hot water to the table.

She knew that Xu Lang must have something to say to herself, and she also understood the current situation of the two of them. I am afraid that this relationship can only end here and cannot go further.

Xu Lang drank a sip of water and slowly said: "Tomorrow we are going to perform the task. This time the space for the activity is very small. We have to do it on the bus most of the time.

"It's okay, it's better to be closer to take care of you."

When Xu Lang said this, he couldn't help but think back to the last time the two faced each other, but what he said was completely different from now.

But now, looking at Zhang Qingyu who is smiling like a flower in front of him, he can no longer be cold-hearted to ignore it.

Zhang Qingyu secretly smiled and said, "Maybe, I will take care of you on this mission?"

Xu Lang was taken aback, looked at his body, smiled awkwardly, and then said: "I have some guesses about the evil spirit on the bus."

"First of all, the conductor's suspicion is relatively small, because he (she) is a person who needs to communicate with us many times, except for the special nature of the evil spirit old man in the'confined place', which is usually not the case for most evil spirits in the past Obviously.

The second is the driver. I think this driver is more suspicious. In the past missions, there was also a mission about buses. In that mission, the evil spirit was the driver.

This is an existence that is basically completely isolated from other people on the bus, and this task is related to the route. We need to find Yinyang Road, so for the bus driver, we must first determine whether he (she) is an evil spirit, if No, I have to go to him as much as possible to make words and find clues. "

Zhang Qingyu nodded obediently, and remembered Xu Lang's words to heart.

"There are other passengers. I don't know how big the area of bus 0 is and how many passengers it will accommodate, but this time there are 7 executors participating, so I guess it should be a large bus.

In that case, the number of other passengers will also increase, which will cause trouble for us to determine the identity of the evil spirit. Therefore, if we are not sure, we must not associate with other passengers, and do not have dialogue or behavior. "

"Of course, as Hu Zhen said at the beginning, objects may also be the incarnation of evil spirits. This is also possible. But I don't think the possibility is high.

Because the goal of this mission is to find the yin and yang road. The items on the bus are unlikely to be related to a road sign.

But to be on the safe side, it's better to be careful. "

Xu Lang said so much in one breath, his chest was a little up and down, and he drank a sip of water quickly.

Xu Lang was also unsure of his physical condition, and now he can only pray that his condition will be better after tomorrow.

Seeing that Xu Lang was already a little uncomfortable, Zhang Qingyu hurriedly stepped forward to help, and gave Xu Lang to his wife.

He also covered Xu Lang's quilt, got up and closed the window.

"I've written down what Big Brother Xu said. You should take a good rest today and leave it alone. If you have anything, we will talk about it tomorrow."

Xu Lang nodded and said nothing.

Zhang Qingyu smiled and said, "Then I'll go back first, and I'll come back tomorrow morning." After that, he turned and left.

Everything today has made her satisfied, Xu Lang's mood is relaxed, and she is also very relaxed.

This is the happiest day she has had since she joined the newspaper for so long.

"This girl who is so good to herself that she can't fault her, she is young and beautiful, pure and kind, she is only 20 years old..." Xu Lang sighed in his heart.

"But why did we meet in this hell..." (End of this chapter)