The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 80: Five passengers


"Departure station, Huayin Street. It only stops for one minute. Passengers who want to get on the train are outdated quickly!"

The female conductor's voice was sharp, and it sounded like the movement of two pieces of metal friction, which made people very uncomfortable.

Xu Lang probed and looked into the car from the window. There are now about 5 passengers in the car, including the driver and conductor. There are 7 people in total.

I know now that I can’t understand anything from the outside, but I still need to take a look at the appearance of the entire bus.

So he turned his head and said to Mo Ye: "Brother Mo, you can check the entire bus body and vehicle information within half a minute."

With a cigarette in his mouth, Mo Ye didn't hesitate to hear Xu Lang's words, and immediately began to explore the entire bus.

Xu Lang and Zhang Qingyu waited patiently, but Hu Zhen played a benevolent person in the back, comforting the newcomer's panic all the time.

Not long after, Mo Ye returned to his original position, nodded to Xu Lang, and motioned to the car to say.

Xu Lang stopped talking, looking at the strange bus that appeared in front of him, he felt anxious, as if this bus that didn't know where it was headed was about to swallow the names of the seven executors.

But the arrow had to be sent on the string, Xu Lang took a deep breath and said slowly: "Get in the car!"

Xu Lang is about to take the lead and get on the bus. Remember URL

But at this moment, Mo Ye, who hadn't said a word since entering the mission, stamped out the cigarette butt and said hoarsely, "I'll come first."

Xu Lang understood what he meant and didn't stop it.

Mo Ye took the lead and entered the bus.

The conductor was still sitting in the front co-pilot without any indication, and Xu Lang couldn't see what she was doing from this angle.

After Mo Ye got on the bus, the passengers around in twos and threes did things on their own, without even looking up at him.

Xu Lang no longer hesitated, and stepped onto the bus together with Zhang Qingyu.

Followed by Hu Zhen, Gao Yiyuan, Wang Yuquan and Ran Qizhi.

Inside the bus, the space is not small.

Xu Lang swept his eyes. There are about 20 seats. The left row is connected by two seats, the right row is a single seat, the middle one has a gap of less than one meter, and the last is a row of 6 seats. .

It's just that the facilities are very old, and there are many places that are black and yellow. I don't know if it is in disrepair or what the situation is.

It looks like the entire bus is messy and dirty.

Near the front row of the conductor and the driver, there was an old lady who seemed to be in her sixties or seventies, with white hair and a rickety figure. There was a dark blue cloth bag under the seat, and she was wearing black clothes.

But Xu Lang took a closer look, and it was clearly a shroud!

Moreover, the old lady never opened her eyes from start to finish, sitting there motionless, like a dead person.

Sitting in a row from the old lady, there was a woman with heavy make-up, wearing a very revealing, red low-cut dress, but her lower body was extremely short, just sitting like this, she could almost see the roots of her thighs.

She had a long black silk stocking on her leg, just on the edge of the light, but she didn't seem to notice it, but she was still wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night, always looking out the window.

In the middle of the double-row seat, there is a middle-aged man and woman sitting. It seems that the relationship should belong to the husband and wife. The man has a rough appearance. The weather is very cool at midnight, but he is sweating constantly. It can be seen that he is in a bad mood and he doesn't know what he is talking about.

The woman next to her looked very well-behaved, even a little frightened.

But Xu Lang, judging from the fact that the woman deliberately kept a distance from the man, the object of her panic should be the man next to her.

In the single seat on the right, separated from the weird middle-aged men and women by a gap, a young boy about ten years old is putting a book on his lap, holding a pencil and doing his homework.

Wearing a school uniform with a sporty style and a red scarf, he should be a primary school student.

It's just that he seemed to be embarrassed by a question, biting a pencil, anxious, some of them seemed to be crying anxiously by a question.

This is the 5 passengers on the bus. Almost all age groups have gathered on this bus, and they appear in very strange ways.

Although it's a long story, Xu Lang just observed it briefly, not more than 5 seconds.

At this time, Xu Lang pulled Zhang Qingyu into the double seat in the second-to-last row. Mo Ye had previously sat in the single seat on the right which was only one passage away from them.

Hu Zhen and the three newcomers also went straight to the last row without any explanation.

Although the 7 executors are divided into three areas, they are very close. After getting in the car and taking their seats, they directly choose to meet and communicate.

Mo Ye first spoke about his observation of the bus: "The exterior of this bus seems to have been in a serious traffic accident, and it has been running for a long time before the accident, and the vehicle is very worn."

"The license plate at the rear disappeared, and the taillights were vacant. There were lights in the front, but they looked very dim, almost not far away."

"I just saw half of the logo in the rear,'Tong Company'"

"I guess that this bus may belong to a large bus group, but it has already been eliminated. As for the reason, it is likely that it has had an accident and cannot continue on the road."

Xu Lang followed the words: "But it's still on the road, and it appears in the mission, then this car..."

"It's probably a hearse!"

Hearing this, Ran Qizhi was almost frightened and let out a scream. Although the sound was not loud, it was clear enough in the bus.

But no one else in the car looked back to check the situation.

Xu Lang glared at the woman, and said cruelly: "Take care of your mouth and hands. I can allow you to do nothing, but you can't do anything bad!"

Ran Qizhi closed her mouth when she saw it, and hurriedly lowered her head, but the hand holding Wang Yuquan became colder and colder.

Xu Lang said to Mo Ye: "The name of this company is an important piece of information. Brother Mo, you can search it for a while to see if you have gained anything."

Mo Ye gave a hum, and said nothing.

Xu Lang quietly glanced at the five passengers sitting in front of him, and said to everyone: "Excluding the driver and the conductor, there are five passengers here. Each of them has problems."

"The old lady at the front looks like a dead person, motionless, and wearing a shroud;

The woman in the red dress in front wears a pair of sunglasses most of the night, but she can see things the same;

The middle-aged man and woman seem to be a couple, but the woman seems to be very afraid of this man, but this man is sweating profusely in the cool midnight;

And that little boy, why did he appear alone on the bus at midnight..."

Xu Lang paused when he said, "The most important point is that this is already the departure station, so where did these five people get on the bus?"

Hu Zhen stroked Jinsi's glasses and couldn't help but look up at these people, as expected, they were all in the same situation as Xu Lang said.

Frowning and asked: "Which one do you guess is the evil spirit?"

Xu Lang shook his head and said, "The mission has just begun, and these can't be analyzed at all. I can only say that each of them is very weird."

Saying so many things in one breath, coupled with brainstorming, Xu Lang seemed to be a little unsmooth breathing, Zhang Qingyu hurriedly unscrewed a bottle of water and handed it over.

Everyone retracted their outstretched heads, sat in their seats, and began to think about the conversation just now.

It's just that Wang Yuquan and Ran Qizhi are close to each other, their brains are blank, they look around nervously, and they don't have the ability to think about tasks at all.

Before Wang Yuquan was an ordinary office worker, he didn't have much ability, and he didn't work well in the company. He just went home to play games, and ordinary people can no longer be ordinary.

Unlucky to come to this newspaper, he has to face the tasks again and again, this kind of day in contrast to the usual days, so that he can not sleep every day.

Although he was very close to the beautiful woman like Ran Qizhi at this time and had a close relationship, he felt the softness of the woman next to him from time to time, but he had no such thoughts at all.

Fierce fear was overwhelming him. Before the evil spirit appeared, he had begun to fantasize about the five weird passengers in front of him.

Ran Qizhi was even more unbearable. From the moment she entered the mission, her state was the worst among all.

Although she was said to be an assistant to the general manager, she was actually a small third who was taken care of.

Relying on her youth and beauty, her figure is outstanding, she leads a glamorous life, but she never thought that a trip would bring her to the newspaper office.

As soon as she arrived at the newspaper, she understood the current situation. She had no other characteristics, except for this proud skin. After learning that He Xiao was the captain of the newspaper, she had spent 6 more missions.

She clung to He Xiao almost immediately, and people like He Xiao couldn't stand sugar-coated cannonballs at all.

After some clouds and rain, He Xiao promised her that she would help in the task, which also made Ran Qizhi a little relieved.

But she didn't even know that He Xiao was just a man of no avail. He himself had to rely on the help of others to live to this day. How could he have the ability to take care of her

Just when everyone was thinking about it, the bus started.

It's just that because the facilities are too old-fashioned, especially the rear seats, you can obviously feel the violent roar of the engine of the entire vehicle, but you can't make a fire.

The bus bumped up and down, the water bottle in Xu Lang's hand swayed back and forth, and the last row of Hu Zhen and others was even more exaggerated, and even their bodies were a little vacant.

Amidst the people's whispering curses, the bus finally began to slowly leave Huayin Street and drove towards the night ahead.

Xu Lang turned his head to the crowd and said, "Pay attention to the driving route and the situation at each stop."

But at this moment, the obese female conductor finally got out of the co-pilot and shouted to Xu Lang and the others: "Where are you going to the next few? Hurry up and buy tickets!" (End of this chapter)