The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 82: Who?


"Sister, can you help me with this question?"

Tears of the elementary school student finally came to his eyes, looking very pitiful.

But in Xu Lang's view, it was like a reminder. When the cold tears dripped on the back of his hand, his body trembled.

On his fair face, tears rolled down steadily.

But not so much white, it is better to say that it is paler and more appropriate, and even the lips are bloodless. Although the words spoken seem harmless, the remaining passengers pretended to turn a blind eye.

So how should the executors deal with this situation

He has long realized that the five weird passengers in this car are definitely not as simple as they seem on the surface.

Sooner or later, they will get into trouble, but I didn't expect that the first person to find their executor was this little boy.

Xu Lang stretched his head and looked at the questions on the workbook.

It's not particularly difficult. It's just a simple chicken and rabbit cage problem. It looks like a third or fourth grade math problem.

When Zhang Qingyu heard this, she was immediately stunned.

Do the questions

She also craned her neck, checked the problem, and found that it was not a strange problem.

But what will happen to help

What will happen if you don't help

You know, this little boy shouldn't look innocent, but everyone knows that he is a real evil spirit!

Zhang Qingyu was caught in a dilemma and involuntarily looked at Xu Lang.

At the same time, the rest of the executives also raised their hearts to their throats, and handed over the decision to Xu Lang.

Hu Zhen did not fight for the limelight to make the first decision. This was the first problem faced by many executors since the start of the mission. Although he did not want to admit it, he was really not sure to make a decision.

Everyone is waiting for Xu Lang's choice.

Xu Lang frowned, and didn't quite understand the purpose of this little boy's move

Or in other words, what is the point of doing or not doing the question

Two choices, there is likely to be a dead end...

But, what if both are dead ends

Xu Lang's brain is spinning fast. Since helping and not helping are in a dilemma, is there a way to get the best of both worlds

Suddenly, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

Now since I can't make a decision from the two choices, I jump out of his question and choose the third answer besides helping or not!

Thinking of this, Xu Lang didn't care about the anxious little boy on the other side. Instead, he spoke for a while, and said to Zhang Qingyu, who was nervous on his face, "Look, it's just this question, even if you do it for him. I will encounter it again in the future, and there is no way to solve it."

"In my opinion, why don't you teach him how to solve the problem of a chicken and a rabbit in the same cage? After teaching him, he can solve this problem by himself?"

No one expected that Xu Lang would say such a thing after thinking deeply.

However, Mo Ye, who was always silent on the side, understood Xu Lang's intentions for the first time.

"We can't know whether these two choices are dead ends, so we simply jump out of these two choices to create a third choice!"

It is reasonable, and it seems that this young evil spirit still retains the temperament of the previous living person.

As a primary school student, he was still rushing for his homework on the bus at midnight. It can be seen that he was a hard-working student before, so it is better to teach him to fish than to teach him to fish!

Mo Ye glanced at Xu Lang who was calm and composed without leaving a trace. It is no wonder that he is someone who even values Yan Yan, Xu Lang's mind is really extraordinary!

When the little boy heard Xu Lang say this, there was a hint of joy in his eyes. Obviously, the result was also very good for him. He stared at Zhang Qingyu eagerly, waiting eagerly.

Zhang Qingyu was stunned when he heard Xu Lang's different words, but he quickly reacted.

This is an answer that goes beyond the rules.

And watching the performance of the little boy, I am afraid it is very effective!

Zhang Qingyu didn't hesitate anymore and said directly: "In this way, let's go to the front seat, and I will tell you how to do this type of math problem."

When she said this, Zhang Qingyu's expression was normal. Although she learned that the boy in front of her was an evil spirit, she did not panic at all.

She has also performed three missions. Of course, she understands that this kind of evil spirit that hasn't shown an attacking posture for the time being, as long as it is carefully observed, it will not start killing for a while.

So Zhang Qingyu took the little boy to the front row and began to explain patiently.

Xu Lang looked at the little boy who sometimes nodded and sometimes looked confused, very puzzled.

Look again, the other passengers in front, except for the old lady who is always the same, the others are doing their own things. Although they did not speak or communicate, at least they looked normal on the surface.

Xu Lang frowned, turned his head and said to the other executors: "Something is wrong..."

The executors who saw that the matter had been resolved, and finally let go of them, once again began to panic because of Xu Lang's words.

Hu Zhen wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and whispered, "What's the matter?"

Xu Lang watched the passengers while quietly saying, "Do you think they look like evil spirits?"

With this sentence, several executors began to observe these strange passengers carefully.

Xu Lang explained on the side: "I didn't doubt their identity as evil spirits, I just thought it was weird."

"Through them following this hearse, driving at midnight is enough to understand the anomaly of their identity."

"Plus, the matter of Mingbi basically confirms their identity as evil spirits."

Xu Lang paused when he said, "But I just can't figure it out, why do their words and deeds resemble living people?"

This sentence stopped everyone asking.

The little boy has obvious human emotions, and this is directly on the surface.

Throw away the old lady who has never moved.

The woman in the red dress, although she was dressed a little strangely, was not without any action. Hu Zhen saw her taking a selfie just now!

There is also the middle-aged couple.

The man kept wiping his sweat, muttering in his mouth not knowing what he was talking about. The woman beside him was a little timid, and nodded in response from time to time.

These actions and behaviors seem too normal!

Hu Zhen was a little puzzled: "If you don't count as an old lady, other people's performance is no doubt like normal people..."

Mo Ye chewed the gum and said casually: "It's too normal, it's not normal in itself!"

Because he is very addicted to cigarettes, he can't smoke now, so he has to take some chewing gum to top it.

Xu Lang nodded secretly when Mo Ye said.

He already knew that Mo Ye's previous occupation was just a manual laborer. What he can know at present is that he is experienced in tasks, bold and careful, and now it seems that his mind is also extraordinary.

Sure enough, it is not ordinary people who can make friends with Yan Yan.

Hu Zhen was still a little puzzled: "How do you say this?"

Since Hu Zhen got on the bus, he almost had a feeling that his IQ was declining rapidly, and the original ordinary tasks seemed to him not to be tricky.

But I don't know why, the yin-yang road mission this time turned out to be so weird.

Everything around me is normal, but I feel that everything is wrong!

It's not that his IQ has dropped, but that the difficulty of ordinary tasks has greatly increased!

Originally for Hu Zhen, the limit of his abilities could only be played at the normal level, but now it has grown to a close to middle level, which makes him somewhat difficult to handle.

Mo Ye didn't speak, still chewing gum for himself, as if he didn't like Hu Zhen, he didn't even want to explain.

But Xu Lang still said what Mo Ye hadn't finished.

"Big Brother Mo means that it is obviously a group of evil spirits, but it behaves like a living person, which is too contradictory!"

"And this sense of violation, I'm afraid they haven't noticed it by themselves!"

Of course Xu Lang was not kind, and wanted to inform Hu Zhen.

But he still needs these people to be valuable to him, especially Hu Zhen.

Although this person doesn't say how smart he is, he can still help more or less. After all, there are only four seniors besides three newcomers.

Even if you want to kill him, you have to do it after he has no use value!

However, Xu Lang didn't show these cruel thoughts on his face.

Of course, Hu Zhen did not see what Xu Lang was thinking at this time, and was still thinking about what Xu Lang said.

Not long after, Hu Zhen suddenly stretched out his right hand, stroking the golden glasses with trembling, his mind was a little dizzy, "You... You mean that although they are evil spirits, they don't even know that they are dead. ... ... "

The higher the voice of this passage, the higher the voice, the original whispering, by the time of the last, obviously can't control the volume of the voice.

Xu Lang was about to reach out to stop him, but he saw that Hu Zhen had always been like a wooden person with no emotions. Gao Yiyuan had already taken the lead and severely covered Hu Zhen's mouth with his delicate hand.

Let him not continue to say the following words.

Gao Yiyuan glanced at Hu Zhen coldly, slowly withdrew his hand, and smoothly took out his handkerchief and wiped it.

Xu Lang hurriedly looked back at the situation. Fortunately, the others were still doing their own things and did not hear anything here.

Zhang Qingyu was still patiently lecturing to the little boy. The little boy looked very well-behaved. It could be seen that Zhang Qingyu was still safe.

Xu Lang turned his head and glared at Hu Zhen, who at this time also realized that he had almost gotten into trouble.

He lowered his head in embarrassment, no more words, but the heart was still thumping, obviously surprised by this strange conjecture.

Xu Lang brought everyone closer and said, "Yes, these evil spirits didn't realize that they were dead at all. They still maintained the behaviors and habits they had before alive."

"And, the first point of our mission this time, I am afraid it is to do everything possible to prevent them, they found that they are dead!"

Wang Yuquan, who was always trembling and just listening, was relieved. He didn't care what he was going to do, but through Xu Lang's words, he understood a little and said lightly: "So, it's safe now."

But Mo Ye, with a serious face, said in a low tone: "No! One of the five passengers is in the most serious condition!"

"Who?" (End of this chapter)