The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 83: Shroud old lady


Mo Ye, with a serious face, said in a low tone: "No! One of the five passengers is in the most serious condition!"

"Almost beyond what we can solve!"


Mo Ye stared straight at the one of the five passengers sitting at the front, his eyes closed, his chest did not rise, and he was wearing a shroud like a dead body.

That old lady in shroud!

"This, the passenger who has the same characteristics as the dead body has no ability to move at all, let alone the habits of living people!"

"She is the trickiest of the five passengers!"

Xu Lang and others followed Mo Ye's words and focused on the old lady in the front.

Yes, Xu Lang paid special attention to this old lady from the very beginning.

But it had been so long, she was still motionless, leaning on the chair, as if she couldn't sense everything around her.

If the situation of which passenger is closest to the evil spirit, there is only this old lady. Remember URL

Xu Lang frowned and said: "The other passengers still retain the characteristics of a living person. If this old lady appears as a dead body, then she should be our biggest difficulty right now."

Mo Ye's expression was serious, his eyes flickered, as if he was weighing something.

Then, in the shocked eyes of everyone, he slowly stood up.

Xu Lang could vaguely guess his plan, but he didn't stop it.

I saw Mo Ye, playing with the chewing gum packaging nonchalantly in his hand, and walked forward calmly.

Taking one step and two steps, Hu Zhen and the others were almost taken aback by his actions. They didn't even know why Mo Ye actually did something.

What the hell is he going to do...

The passengers passing by did not care about Mo Ye's behavior at all. They were still lowering their heads to do their own things, as if they were indifferent to what happened in the carriage.

Mo Ye came with heavy steps, beside the old lady in Shroud, but without even looking at her, he said to the conductor and the driver, "Brother driver, sister conductor, where shall we stop next?"

Mo Ye saw through the front mirror, the driver still drove the car blankly and mechanically, as if he could not hear Mo Ye’s questioning, except that there was some sweat on the top of his head, but he did not choose to wipe it. .

The conductor said impatiently: "You are the one at the terminal, and ask what is this, can't you just go back and sit down honestly?"

Mo Ye was not angry either, glanced at the driver suspiciously, and turned around.

But I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional, the chewing gum paper that I always played with in my hand slipped and fell to the ground.

Most coincidentally, it just hit the old lady's feet.

Mo Ye's eyes flickered, he took a deep breath, squatted on the ground, looked at the old lady's always closed eyes, and said, "Mother, you lift your foot, my things fell."

This sentence made all the executors take a breath of air-conditioning. Unexpectedly, Mo Ye would use this extremely risky method to check if the old lady was a dead body!

Xu Lang also took a sigh of relief at this time. He had already expected what Mo Ye was about to do. Although his personality did not promote this behavior, at this moment they had to verify that the body of the old lady was still alive. people!

This requires someone to go on an adventure!

Among these people, Mo Ye is the best candidate.

Of course, although Xu Lang thinks that the mission has only started for more than ten minutes, there should be no mortal situation.

However, he was also not sure.

However, since Mo Ye went to temptation vigorously, he should have a bottom in his heart, so Xu Lang didn't stop it either.

Mo Ye's words caused the female conductor in front to roll her head and glance at the situation. Although her face was terrible, she didn't say anything.

The other passengers around the old lady did not care about the situation here.

Although Mo Ye was courageous, he was also nervous about this kind of thing.

Don't look at him coming over first, intending to take the risk of verification. But it is not like Xu Lang said that he has a bottom in his heart.

On the contrary, he is simply not sure!

The previous 4 mission experience was there. Of course, he knew the danger level of this trip was extremely high. He was a little inattentive. In such a narrow carriage, he couldn't even run.

However, Mo Ye still came.

He did not allow unknown variables to appear in the mission, at this time the old lady seemed to have posed a sufficient threat.

Although he doesn't care about the lives of other people, or even his own, Xu Lang must keep it.

This is a help left to Yan Yan before he is dying!

He was determined long before the mission began, and he would do everything to protect Xu Lang's safety.

Fortunately, there was no change in everything around him, and Mo Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

Although his life is not long, he still wants to keep a useful body and clear some obstacles for Xu Lang and Yan Yan.

The old lady in a shroud was almost zero distance from Mo Ye at this time.

Mo Ye raised his head and carefully observed the old lady's situation. After getting closer, Mo Ye felt a strange emotion.

A feeling of corruption and filth spread slowly from around the body of the old lady.

He knows this feeling, this is the smell that a dead body can emit.

It was illusory, but for someone like Mo Ye who dealt with death all the time, this feeling couldn't be more familiar.

The old lady should be about 70 years old, with white hair, wrinkled face, sallow and dry hands folded on her legs, and her eyes tightly closed.

No, I can't say tightly closed.

It is the kind of uncontrollable eyelid drooping, the body's automatic drooping when the body loses all its strength!

Mo Ye sniffed carefully, there was no corpse odor, no corpse spots, on the contrary there was a faint fragrance...

What is going on here

Everything has shown that this old lady's body is basically a corpse, but why doesn't it have the characteristics of a corpse

Mo Ye tentatively said again: "Mother, lift your foot so I can take things away."

Silent and silent, the old lady still did not move.

This is a corpse no doubt!

Mo Ye knew that he couldn't stay any longer, this old lady was very problematic...

About to get up and leave, but his eyes suddenly saw the dark blue cloth bag under the old lady's seat!

Mo Ye rolled his eyes, and immediately began to pause.

This was inexplicable to Xu Lang and the others, Mo Ye had already blocked the blue cloth in their vision, and they didn't understand why Mo Ye, who was about to return, stopped again.

Mo Ye looked at the dark blue cloth bag at this time, and his heart beat a drum.

"This cloth bag is under the dead old lady. Obviously it is a clue for us. But, should I take it or not

If I take it away, will the old lady cheat the corpse directly, and then transform into a full-scale evil spirit, directly triggering a dead end...

But if you don't take it, the clue is right in front of you. How can you be reconciled if you leave with nothing! "

Mo Ye hunched his waist in place, then he gritted his teeth and took it without hesitation!

Mo Ye quickly grabbed the cloth bag on the ground, and quickly stuffed it into his coat.

I can feel that there is a hard object not too small in this bag.

He glanced at the old lady without leaving a trace, and she was still "sleeping" without any change in Mo Ye's behavior.

Mo Ye stood on the spot vigilantly and looked around, no one noticed his movements.

Afterwards, Mo Ye covered his stomach with both hands and returned to the back seat as if nothing had happened.

As soon as he sat down, Mo Ye finally let out a long sigh of relief, and his body relaxed.

Hu Zhen hurriedly leaned forward to ask how the situation was.

Xu Lang looked at Mo Ye with the same eager eyes, and obviously couldn't suppress his inner emotions. After all, once Mo Ye's adventurous action was not abnormal, it meant that he had received extremely important information.

On Zhang Qingyu's side, he had already taught the little boy the method. At this time, the boy was doing math problems, and Zhang Qingyu looked back from time to time to see how it was going.

Mo Ye looked around first, then leaned his head over and said, "This old lady is a dead body!"

Everyone looked very ugly when they heard this sentence.

What are you really afraid of!

Fortunately, the rest of the passengers thought they were a living person even though they possessed the power of evil spirits.

But this old lady was already dead when she came up, so how can she stop her from discovering that she is dead

Mo Ye looked at Xu Lang and said, "So your guess is open for discussion."

"It is a very difficult thing to stop a dead person from realizing that he is dead."

"What's more, there are so many people here, even if there is an error, we didn't even run!"

Mo Ye continued: "So, your method can only be regarded as a way to temporarily ensure safety, not a way to survive."

Xu Lang smiled and said, "Of course it's not a way of life, I think it's more like a dead end. Letting the evil spirits realize that they are dead is a dead end."

"The method I'm talking about is just to delay time and avoid dead ends. This is to ensure that we continue to perform the task."

Mo Ye nodded.

Hu Zhen said to the side: "What is in your clothes? Did you bring it from the old lady?"

Mo Ye, looked at the other passengers, no one noticed the executors in the back row.

So, carefully took the blue cloth bag out of his arms.

"This... Is this the bag under the old lady?" Hu Zhen said in surprise, "You dare to steal from her hands!"

Xu Lang also felt that Mo Ye was a bit too risky. This bag might kill everyone. If he didn't know the situation, bringing the cloth bag back, wouldn't it be a bet on everyone's lives.

But Mo Ye seemed to see through Xu Lang's mind and said frankly: "Xu Lang, do you know the biggest difference between you and Yan Yan?"

Xu Lang did not speak, but said that he listened very well.

Mo Ye said meaningfully: "You can't make the most of everything around you like Yan Yan."

"I'm not talking about using people and things, but something else."

"This is indispensable in carrying out the task, luck!"

"You don't dare to bet that every time the task is not tenable or on the brink of desperation, you will never make a move. This is also one of the reasons why you return to the extreme in embarrassment."

"Here, I have to say that even if you have a high IQ, you can't count as an exhaustive strategy."

"Luck is also a factor in determining life and death!"

Mo Ye slowly opened the dark blue cloth bag, and a black wooden box appeared in front of everyone. Mo Ye said with some joy in his eyes: "So, sometimes, you have to believe in your luck and take a gamble!" (End of this chapter)