The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 84: Red dress woman


Mo Ye slowly removed the dark blue cloth bag.

A black wooden box appeared. It was not small in size. It took about two hands to hold it. It was true that there was something inside, and there was only such a box.

Mo Ye was a little delighted. It seemed that he was betting right this time. This black box would definitely herald some kind of clue.

Mo Ye looked at the box back and forth, but his face got worse and worse when he looked at it, and his joy at the beginning turned into disbelief!

Seeing Mo Ye's expression, Xu Lang hurriedly took the box and began to observe left and right.

Xu Lang also showed a look of horror, because this box... is an urn!

The four characters "Wanfu Changning" are engraved on it, and a portrait is inlaid on the front!

What surprised Xu Lang most was that the deceased on this portrait was exactly the same as the old lady in the shroud!

Xu Lang did not believe in evil, and opened the urn with brute force, but it was actually full of gray ashes.

How can it be... ...

Hu Zhen and others were equally frightened as they watched from the sidelines, and a bad premonition struck their minds.

Xu Lang swallowed. This urn contained the ashes of the old lady. So what is the one sitting on the chair now

Mo Ye widened his eyes and stared at the old lady who was still sitting like a corpse.

The scent of Ruoruuowu is from this urn!

A dead man... took his ashes and got on the bus...

This old lady fully knew that she was an evil spirit. Although she was still "sleeping" and seemed harmless, she was the most terrifying among the five passengers.

No one knows when this old lady will open her eyes, expose the nature of evil spirits, and kill everyone cruelly!

After everyone was amazed, Xu Lang took the lead in reacting.

"Something's wrong!"

"If this ashes belonged to the old lady herself, then she must have taken it seriously! How could you let you take it away, and up to this moment, there is still no change?"

Mo Ye recovered from the shock and began to think about Xu Lang's words, which was not bad.

If it is really the ashes of the old lady, he should have been so miserable when he started it, but why hasn't it happened so far

When everyone was puzzled, the bumpy bus suddenly stopped!

Frightened everyone for a moment, and hurried back out of thinking, staring at the front position with glaring eyes. Is it time to stand

I heard the conductor in front say lazily: "Chenghui Hutong is here, get off the train quickly, and drive away in half a minute!"

Xu Lang hurriedly leaned out the car window, and came to a bungalow area outside.

At present, the bus is stopping at the entrance of an alley, and you can see a place not far away. A sign is standing that says "Chenghui Hutong".

As soon as Xu Lang turned his head, he saw that the little boy had packed his schoolbag and was about to get out of the car.

After leaving, he politely said to Zhang Qingyu: "Thank you sister, I hope we can see you again."

Seeing Zhang Qingyu still smiling and waving his hands with the little boy.

However, doubts arose in Xu Lang's heart. This sentence seemed to contain a certain deep meaning.

Looking out the car window again, the little boy never left. He stood under the stop sign of "Chenghui Hutong" with his schoolbag on his back, motionless, but his eyes were fixed on the bus.

Not long after, the car started and continued to drive forward.

And Xu Lang could still see the thin figure of the little boy in the dark shadow.

He didn't leave, he was still under the stop sign...

Xu Lang vaguely felt that he had a look at the bus.

"I hope I can see you again", what does this sentence mean, does this little boy know that he is dead...

One passenger went down. In addition to the 7 executors, not counting the driver and conductor, there were 4 passengers!

Xu Lang didn't know why, but suddenly there was a feeling... The seven people in the car seemed to correspond to the seven executors.

Looking at the urn in his hand again, the matter is not over yet, what kind of existence is this old lady

After sending away the little boy, Zhang Qingyu sat back beside Xu Lang and looked at the urn in his hand with surprise in her eyes.

"How is this going?"

Later, Xu Lang individually informed Zhang Qingyu of Mo Ye's actions and their speculations.

A series of conjectures stunned Zhang Qingyu.

"Is this old lady a completely transformed evil spirit?"

Xu Lang rubbed his bulging temples, "The confusion is here. Since she is different from the other passengers, why does the evil spirit of complete body never move at all..."

"How should we deal with her situation..."

Zhang Qingyu lowered his head and thought for a while and said: "The old lady's matter, let's put it aside. The clues disclosed so far are not enough for us to act on it. No amount of speculation is futile.

"Let's try to stop the other passengers first and realize that we are the evil spirit."

Xu Lang nodded, acquiescing to do so.

Recovered the ashes, put it in the bag, and stuffed it into his backpack.

The role of this urn is still unclear, but it is likely to be one of the ways to restrict the old lady, and we still need to protect it as much as possible.

All the executors were very worried and did not speak again.

For a while, in the carriage, it began to return to quiet.

There was only the sound of the car moving forward violently and slowly.

At this moment, Hu Zhen at the end observed the movement of the passengers in front, but made some discoveries.

The man in the middle-aged couple began to look at the woman in the red dress from time to time.

Since Hu Zhen's seat was to the left, he could almost see the desire in the man's eyes.

In the red dress woman, there is a low chest on the thighs of the sex, scanning back and forth, even swallowing saliva.

Hu Zhen shuddered when he saw it, would this evil spirit still have this kind of emotion

The woman in the red dress seemed to feel the sharp eyes from behind, and her face wearing sunglasses turned around and looked at the middle-aged man.

The man also smiled pretentiously, as if expressing kindness.

But it was the sneer of the woman in the red dress, her face full of disdain.

At the same time, the woman in the red skirt turned her head and looked around, as if looking for a target.

In the end, her gaze fell on Mo Ye, who was always dull.

Hu Zhen could even see the warm eyes in her sunglasses, as if he was very satisfied with Mo Ye.

Could it be that... ...

Sure enough, the woman in the red dress deliberately lifted the skirt up again, which was basically gone, stepping on a sexy and charming step, slowly came to the single seat in front of Mo Ye.

Red lips let out a shocking sentence: "Handsome guy, do you want to make an appointment?"

Damn it!

Hu Zhen almost didn't fall from the chair, which is too broken!

The evil spirit took the initiative to find the executor, make an appointment

Before Xu Lang saw the behavior of the woman in the red skirt, he felt that something was not good. It seemed that he was heading towards Mo Ye, but he didn't expect to say this!

For a moment, Xu Lang froze in place, his brain blank.

Of course Mo Ye also saw the look in the red skirt woman's eyes before, and he didn't think much about it suspiciously.

I don't know, I walked to my side and said such a sentence!

The originally vigilant heart suddenly turned into a strong sense of boredom.

Impatiently said: "Where to go from where to go!"

Hu Zhen was frightened when he heard it behind him. Knowing that the other party was an evil spirit, did this Mo Ye dare to speak like that

Originally, Mo Ye wanted to have a bad attitude and let the woman retreat when she knew it was difficult. He didn't know that she actually got worse and said: "I like a man like you. There is no fun in this long night. Why not come to my house next time?"

Mo Ye is really one big head and two big ones, and the colder his eyes are, it is this kind of woman that he looks down on most.

He is a very traditional person, and although he understands the situation that some girls do not respect themselves, he also hates it.

He couldn't understand why a good girl didn't clean herself up, because he himself had a daughter, so he was very disgusted with such women.

But now it's a task after all, and I can't offend her too harshly, but promise is absolutely impossible.

Now their first task is to find the "Yin Yang Road", how can they get off with her at the next stop!

For a while, Mo Ye had no idea.

I have to say that even though Mo Ye looks a bit old, he is only in his 30s after all, and his face is sharp and angular, his complexion is strong, full of mature man's temperament, and he is very charming.

This is also one of the reasons why the woman in the red dress is not angry even though she is rejected.

Hu Zhen had been carefully observing the movement ahead, and couldn't help but set his sights on the middle-aged man before.

However, he saw that the man stared fiercely at the woman in the red dress, obviously looking angry.

The woman next to him didn't dare to care about the man's actions, but she also subconsciously looked back at Mo Ye and the woman in the red skirt behind.

It was this look that happened to be seen by the man who turned his head!

As soon as the man went up, he opened his mouth fiercely, with a crisp sound, and a bright red palm print appeared on the woman's face.

The face on the right was swollen, and you can see how hard the man was hitting.

"M's, Huang Lianpo, do you want to hook up with men too?"

"You have this virtue. It would be nice if I could marry you. I want to learn from that bastard and go around hooking up?"

It can be seen that the man is getting more and more angry, and the attack is getting heavier and heavier, indiscriminately, punching the woman fiercely.

However, except for the performer and the woman in the red dress, the others did not respond, as if they could not see or hear.

The woman in the red skirt looked back at the situation, mainly because the man insulted her.

But seeing this situation, I didn't say much.

Xu Lang and the others sighed secretly, why things are progressing so fast!

A wave of unresolved waves rose again, the red dress woman's matter here has not been resolved, and the middle-aged couple over there are fighting again.

Listening to the woman's screams from time to time, but now she can't even scream out.

But the man's fists were always going down like rain, and he didn't mean to stop at the slightest. Seeing his fierce appearance, it seemed that he kept fighting without beating her to death.

Xu Lang was anxious, knowing he couldn't wait any longer, and pulled Mo Ye on the side directly: "No, absolutely can't let him beat that woman to death!" (End of this chapter)