The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 89: Suburban jungle


Changling Mountain Cemetery...

Does this old lady want to get off at Changling Mountain

The cemetery...the urn

Mo Ye immediately reacted. If the old lady was going to get off at Changling Mountain, would she want to bring her casket to the cemetery for burial

Mo Ye looked at Xu Lang's backpack, which contained the old lady's ashes.

Are the ashes of the old lady in this urn

Mo Ye only felt that the first and the two were big. Although the current plan had been determined, this weird old lady was still an unsolvable mystery.

Now I have to wait for the bus to continue driving, and see if the old lady will get off at Changling Mountain!

The people in the car did not speak in a tacit understanding. For a while, the car was very quiet, and the fatigue of midnight gradually came to my heart.

Several executors began to feel a little lethargic, especially as the car swayed back and forth, Hu Zhen and others almost fell asleep.

Mo Ye's two eyelids were fighting, but he forced himself to never fall asleep. Remember URL

No one can say that what happens when you fall asleep during the mission.

The more this happened, the more Mo Ye felt that things were a little weird.

It's so easy!

From the beginning of the mission to the present, basically the executors have not encountered any danger at all.

To put it bluntly, Xu Lang's injury was basically caused by him.

Anyway, Mo Ye is also an experienced senior. In such a small space, the possibility of being attacked by evil spirits is higher.

But why hasn't any of them reduced their staff after so long

An ominous premonition slowly took hold.

If there is not much crisis on the bus, it is very likely that the crisis will come from a short trip to search for clues!

Going to the place where the evil spirits dropped off and searching for clues at their home is a very risky thing in itself.

Judging from the current situation, I am afraid that the next action will be very dangerous!

Mo Ye was in a bad mood, all this was completely different from what he had imagined.

Knowing this long ago, he would definitely not choose to search alone.

But this grouping basically has no chance to adjust!

Originally divided into three groups, the progress has been slow enough, so that he is not sure whether he can complete the search before getting on the car next time!

If you add a person to yourself, it will inevitably be divided into two groups, and it is almost impossible to search!

There is no doubt that tomorrow’s bus will not be so calm.

If you can't grasp certain clues, all the executors will be passive after getting on the bus tomorrow. At that time, there will be attrition. If you want to go out and look for clues, it will be even more difficult!

It is impossible for Zhang Qingyu to leave Xu Lang's side. Since Mo Ye wants to protect Xu Lang, he must bear the risk!

Thinking of this, Mo Ye shook his head and stopped thinking about these situations.

Instead, he took out his mobile phone and wanted to search for a clue that had not been put into action.

Information about this bus!

At that time, Xu Lang asked Mo Ye to check the bodywork before getting on the car. There was no substantive value. There was only a "...Tong company" logo.

The front part of this sign has worn away, and these three words are the only clue to this car.

Since accidents happened frequently after getting on the bus, Mo Ye never had time to check this clue.

Now that I was free, I took out my mobile phone and wanted to check it online.

Mo Ye took out his mobile phone and wanted to open the browser to check which bus group in the city, the word "pass" was attached at the end.

But the browser cannot be opened after a long time, showing a network connection error.

Mo Ye frowned, and tried a few more times, but there was still no internet.

He looked at the dark scene outside the window and suddenly realized that this is not 2016.

It is very likely that the network cannot be covered yet, and his phone can't connect to the Internet at all in this era!

Mo Ye put the phone back in his pocket. Although he found nothing, he was not worried.

Now that there is this clue, even if it cannot be searched out on the Internet, it also shows that there are other means to know where the group is.

At that time, if this car in the group is found, then the information of this hearse will be exposed in all aspects.

The executors will not be so passive.

After that, the bus has not changed.

Now, there are only the driver, the conductor, the old lady in the shroud, and 7 performers on the bus.

For such a long time, the bus passed two more stops an hour ago, namely, Yeming Island and Yeming Xiguan.

But the old lady never meant to get off the car.

Mo Ye looked at his watch. It was already 3:30 in the morning.

I'm afraid the No. 0 bus is also about to reach the terminal.

Had it not been for the car to be too broken and too slow, this journey would not have taken more than three hours at all.

Mo Ye raised his mind, and called all the executioners around to cheer up.

The terminal station, Changling Mountain is about to arrive!

As soon as they heard that they were about to get off the car, several executors instantly awakened from the confusion, one by one with eyes widened and waiting for the end of this "journey".

After all, getting off the car is equivalent to taking the next step.

Mo Ye always stared at the pointer of the watch, and looked up at the movements of the old lady in the shroud from time to time.

The time immediately arrived at 4 o'clock in the morning, and the sky was not so dark anymore, and it was slightly brighter.

If you look at it in terms of time, Changling Mountain would arrive soon, but the old lady did not move out of the car at all.

He folded his hands on his legs and closed his eyes like a dead man.

The moment the pointer pointed to 4 o'clock, the bumpy bus also stopped, and the female conductor’s lazy voice sounded at the same time.

The terminal station, Changling Mountain, is here. It's time to get off the train. "

After a night of ups and downs, the female conductor apparently lost her previous energy, and she was also weak in speaking.

Mo Ye and the others glanced at each other, preparing to get out of the car.

Zhang Qingyu and Gao Yiyuan supported Xu Lang and walked to the door first and got out of the car.

Mo Ye took Hu Zhen and stood at the end, always paying attention to the movements of the old lady in the shroud.

Several executors on the other side got out of the car one after another.

But the old lady still didn't do anything, and a woman as bad as the conductor turned a blind eye to this, and didn't mean to urge her to get off the bus at all!

This made Mo Ye suspicious.

What exactly is going on

Why did she get on the train before the departure station, but never meant to get off at the terminal station

Can she follow the bus

Suddenly a bold idea sprouted in Mo Ye's heart.

If the executors do not get off the bus, they will continue to follow the bus to see where it will head.

What will happen again

The female conductor looked at Mo Ye and Hu Zhen through the mirror at this time: "Hey, hey, what are you waiting for when you get off the bus?"

"Come to the cemetery in the middle of the night, you guys want to reincarnate sooner!"

Since the female conductor has ordered them to get off the bus as soon as possible, of course they can't go against it.

Hu Zhen ignored Mo Ye and got out of the car first.

Mo Ye turned his head and glanced deeply at the old lady in Shroud before getting out of the car.

Several executors had already got off the bus and gathered, Mo Ye's eyes still stayed on the bus, watching it start, drifting away.

Suddenly he saw an old waxy face on the glass in the back row, his eyes fixed on Mo Ye.

Farther and farther, farther and farther...

The behavior of this weird old lady in the shroud made Mo Ye feel very uncomfortable.

It's as if everything is mastered, but she doesn't know anything about her.

A deep sense of powerlessness surrounded his heart, and Mo Ye frowned and stopped thinking.

After holding back all night, he quickly took out the cigarette and asked others about the lighter.

Wang Yuquan was a little pleased, and handed his lighter over. Mo Ye glanced at him, but did not return the lighter to him after igniting it. Instead, he put it in his shirt pocket.

On Zhang Qingyu's side, Xu Lang had been helped to sit on a rock.

Mo Ye was smoking a cigarette while looking at the surrounding environment.

It is said to be Changling Mountain, but no mountains can be seen around it.

A straight path is the direction they came from.

The surrounding trees are full of trees, on the contrary, it is like a suburban forest. At this time, their group is staying by the roadside.

And did not find any public cemetery.

Is the cemetery behind the forest

Looking at Mo Ye, who had been frowning and thinking about things, Hu Zhen took the lead and said, "Should we act now?"

Mo Ye was interrupted by this sentence. He looked at the crowd and said, "Now the old lady in Shroud hasn't got off the bus, so we only need to search three sites, and the workload and the degree of danger have been reduced a lot. "

"The grouping needs to be reordered."

"For everyone's safety, we are divided into two groups.

A group of Hu Zhen, Wang Yuquan and Ran Qi went to Yuanlu Village where the middle-aged couple got off the bus;

Gao Yiyuan and I went to the place where the red skirt woman got off the bus, Jubei District.

Then they meet again and head to the little boy’s drop-off point, Chenghui Hutong. "

"It's also good to return to Huayin Street together, what do you think?"

Hu Zhen was actually a little dissatisfied with this grouping. Wang Yuquan and Ran Qizhi were obviously the worst two, and they were acting with two oil bottles.

But although Mo Ye and Gao Yiyuan have a good combination, they are always one less person.

This grouping seems very reasonable, and I can't say more about it myself.

Frowning and still speechless, Wang Yuquan and Ran Qizhi on one side breathed a sigh of relief. One more person would be more courageous.

Moreover, with Hu Zhen leading the team, they also had a better understanding, and immediately said that there was no problem.

Gao Yiyuan also nodded calmly.

Mo Ye was about to see it, so he hurriedly looked around, this remote place, if there is no car, how long would he have to walk by.

Mo Ye set his eyes on the forest.

Moving forward, there was a notice beside the forest, which read: "Changling Mountain Cemetery"

There is no one inhabited here, there is only such a place where transportation may exist.

Mo Ye turned around and said to everyone, "Let's go to the cemetery and look for a transportation tool."

Upon hearing that they were going to the cemetery, Wang Yuquan and Ran Qizhi shook their heads quickly: "If you are looking for a car, you don't need so many people, we won't go..."

Mo Ye took a look, and there was indeed no need to go to so many people, and Xu Lang also needed someone to look after him.

Immediately said: "Hu Zhen and Gao Yiyuan, you will go with me, and the others will stay where they are and wait."

Gao Yiyuan didn't have any objections, and walked directly to Mo Ye. Hu Zhen hesitated for a moment, thinking that this is not the place where the evil spirits got off the bus. What are you afraid of!

The three people walked into the dense forest by the bright weather. (End of this chapter)