The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 92: Terrifying ability


Mo Ye walked forward vigilantly, feeling that something was wrong as he walked.

It's been an hour, but I still can't go!

They obviously did not trigger a dead end, why are they still trapped here!

After Mo Ye sent the text message, he had to be vigilant about Gao Yiyuan, while observing his surroundings, and even thinking about why he couldn't get out of this dense forest.

The two people, separated by a distance of about one meter, walked forward slowly.

This distance is very appropriate. After all, it is relatively safe when the identity of the other party is not clear.

And you can observe the other party's movements and behavior at any time.

Once other situations arise, they can also ask for mutual assistance.

But after such a long period of observation, Mo Ye can be said to have achieved nothing!

Just walking forward like this, I don't know when I will go.

Mo Ye began to enumerate the problems one by one, trying to find the priority problems. Remember URL

Now, there are two more difficult questions. One is whether Gao Yiyuan is an evil spirit or not, and the other is how to get out of the dense forest.

But from the observation for such a long time, it seems that this evil spirit has no intention of starting, otherwise everyone would have died thoroughly within an hour.

Therefore, the priority of the two issues must be that the threat of Gao Yiyuan's identity is far greater than the latter.

In Mo Ye's mind, among the three people who came in, Hu Zhen had disappeared.

Apart from external threats, the two existing people must doubt each other.

Mo Ye was speculating about Gao Yiyuan, and Gao Yiyuan was also wary of Mo Ye.

This is also the reason why the two people have never dared to have any dialogue or exchange.

Mo Ye did not adopt the method Zhang Qingyu used before.

Because Mo Ye had experienced a mission, that mission made him understand that the evil spirit's terrifying ability was not imaginable by humans.

The evil spirits even have the ability to reproduce the brain memories of the executors!

In other words, this is not just an ordinary possession, but a complete replacement.

Whether it is appearance, behavior or memory, there is no difference from the previous one, except that it has the power of evil spirits!

This is also the reason why Mo Ye never took the initiative to speak loudly.

Mo Ye just walked so full of thoughts, and suddenly the high intention on one side stopped him.

"Just go on like this, it's likely that we will be exhausted here!"

Mo Ye turned his head, looked at him and said, "What do you think?"

Gao Yiyuan said blankly: "Do you know what a ghost hits a wall?"

Mo Ye said coldly: "Of course I know."

"Isn't it like a ghost hitting a wall here? Let's try the way of getting out of a ghost hitting a wall, it's better than doing it like this."

Of course Mo Ye had thought of this before.

But he didn't start, because if he wanted to use this method, he had to close his eyes, cover his ears and walk forward.

After the closed five senses, if Gao Yi is far from the hidden evil spirit, isn't it that there is no counterattack power!

Seeing that Mo Ye hadn't spoken for a long time, Gao Yiyuan understood what he was thinking, and continued to persuade him: "At this time, it can only be a gamble!"

Mo Ye looked at Gao Yiyuan's eyes, and the colder he became. He didn't understand why Gao Yiyuan had always been taciturn, but at this time he began to persuade him.

This made him even more suspicious.

Mo Ye said, "Okay, then you can give it a try."

Gao Yiyuan shrugged and said: "If you want to try, try it together. Who knows if I close my eyes, will you do something to me?"

Mo Ye and Gao Yiyuan faced each other coldly.

Soon after, Mo Ye said: "In this way, we might as well act separately!"

"If you can survive, we will gather at the gate of the cemetery."

Gao Yiyuan's eyes were a little puzzled: "Will we split up? We have lost Hu Zhen. If you and I die again, how will the next task be completed?"

Mo Ye felt more and more in his heart that the high intentions in front of him were far from right, and he said straightforwardly: "I can't live now, how can I manage the future."

Seeing Mo Ye's persistence, Gao Yiyuan knew that he could no longer persuade him. He sighed and turned and ran to the left.

After Mo Ye couldn't see him, he also ran to the woods on the right.

For this matter, there is no alternative.

If you act separately, the danger may be greater, but it is better than around the embankment. At the same time, the embankment must be high and far-reaching.

Mo Ye felt that he should be almost running, so he began to prepare to try the traditional method of getting out of the ghost and hitting the wall.

He closed his eyes, covered his ears, and started walking forward.

In the woods, there are many branches and vines, under the feet and above the head.

The loss of vision is almost a step-by-step injury here.

After walking for about 20 minutes, Mo Ye had blood holes on his face, and he had been stumbled a few times.

Mo Ye, who felt that time was almost up, slowly opened his eyes.

Originally he thought it would be the sun dazzling situation, but the result was pitch black.

He closed his eyes and walked for twenty minutes, but he was still in the dense forest!

Mo Ye was already a little discouraged. He never expected that a simple car theft would turn into the current situation.

I looked at my watch, and it was now five to twenty.

The sun should have come out long ago, but because of the lush trees here, there is still not much light coming in.

This is the end of the matter, is there any solution

Mo Ye leaned on the tree trunk, took out the water and food in his backpack, and began to eat.

After a long time of mental and physical exhaustion, he has been somewhat weakened.

While eating, I wondered what was going on with Gao Yiyuan.

Hu Zhen is dead or not...

Speaking of Hu Zhen, he suddenly thought of something and got up busy from the ground.

This idea is the first sight, dim, it seems to be a very critical point, but it can't form a method.

Hu Zhen... Panic... Turning back... Vanishing!

Turn around and disappear!

Dead end, the other way around is not a way to survive!

Hu Zhen must have seen something when he turned his head, otherwise the action of turning his head could trigger a dead end!

"If I close my eyes and turn back and walk backwards? Will I avoid dead ends and find a way out!"

The more Mo Ye thinks about this plan, the more feasible it is!

He hurriedly ate the bread in his hands and patted the soil on his body.

Ready to go, Mo Ye closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and suddenly turned his whole body over.

Mo Ye only felt that a gleam of light flashed in front of his eyes, and he pressed his eyelids tightly, forcing himself not to open his eyes.

There seemed to be a person on his face blowing air to him, gently and itchy, as if to entice him to open his eyes.

But Mo Ye put his hand on his eyes, and his ears had long been wearing earplugs.

This is the second insurance he has done.

The two fingers will be used at any time. If they are used to block the ears, then they will be in no hurry.

The earplugs made by the newspaper worked really well, and hardly any sound was used.

Only a slight, mosquito-like voice came into Mo Ye's ears through the gap, vaguely as if someone was calling him.

Mo Ye felt that there was a gust of wind around him, but he didn't care about it at all.

Began to retreat carefully.

If someone could observe the whole area from a god's perspective at this time, they would be surprised to find out.

In front of the Changling Mountain Cemetery, there is a large open space where there is no grass, only some sand and stones, not a single tree...

At this time, there were three people sitting and one leaning against the open space. The three people were still pointing to the open space, as if they were discussing something.

In the open space, there are three people, and each of them behaves very strangely.

There was a man with a desperate face, slumped to the ground like mud, staring at the sky blankly, as if the sun in the sky would not hurt his eyes in the slightest. This person is Hu Zhen.

Another person closed his eyes and covered his ears and was walking backwards strangely. At this time, he was almost close to the edge of the clearing, and he would walk out of the clearing in a few minutes. This person is far-reaching.

The last person, covering his eyes with his hands, also walked backwards, but he was much more careful than the last person. The steps were very small, like walking on thin ice but very steady. This person is Mo Ye.

However, none of these executors can see that the real open space is in their eyes, but it is a dense forest covering the sky and the sun.

This kind of terrifying power can only be possessed by evil spirits, but they still don't know which of these people is the evil spirit!

But at this moment, Mo Ye felt that the noise around him had disappeared, and no one in front of him was blowing on him.

The pace is getting faster and faster, and the road under your feet is getting easier, and there is almost no stumbling.

Mo Ye was overjoyed in his heart. This unknown change is a good thing for now.

Not long after, Mo Ye suddenly bumped into something from the rear.

It's hard, strong, and wide like a wall.

Mo Ye still didn't open his eyes, and he touched his hands like back, and the touch was indeed a wall.

Suddenly someone patted him on the shoulder.

Mo Ye rushed to the side subconsciously, but the man quickly took off his earplugs, and a voice came out: "We are coming out."

Mo Ye listened carefully, this was a high-level voice.

He turned his body cautiously and opened his eyes, but when the sun first came up, the sun instantly pierced his eyes white.

His eyes flowed down all of a sudden, and Mo Ye covered it with his hands, gradually regaining his vision.

He has already walked out of the dense forest at this time, this is a trail.

Next to it is a thick wall with a large area. There are some iron fences on it. You can see a piece of tombstone inside.

Gao Yiyuan was not far away, looking at herself.

The woods in front of me are still woods, which shows that the evil spirits still haven't left.

Of course, these Mo Ye and others didn't know, Gao Yiyuan said, "I thought you would come out earlier than me."

Mo Ye waved his hand and said, "Stop talking about this. You came out first. Did you find the car?"

Gao Yiyuan pointed to the parking lot of the cemetery in front of him, "Fortunately, we are lucky. Although it is in the past, cars have become popular. Choose one of them."