The Daily Telegraph

Chapter 96: Keep it secret


Although the old man looked like a candle in the wind, his voice was still very powerful.

"Boy, what are you doing here?"

There was a stern momentum in one sentence, Gao Yiyuan thought of the situation in which he was pulled into the house before.

This old man doesn't seem so simple.

However, Gao Yiyuan didn't have much pressure, and said lightly: "I'm looking for someone."

"Oh? There are still people coming to Yuanlu Village to find someone. This is new. Who are you looking for?"

Listening to the old man, it seems that some strange changes have taken place in Yuanlu Village, and few people will come here.

Gao Yiyuan thought of the abnormal situation of the houses on the street, coupled with the weirdness of going out for funerals early in the morning.

He didn't expect that an ordinary simple operation to find the background of the deceased would be so weird.

"I'm looking for a middle-aged man."

The old man asked suspiciously, "What kind of man?"

Gao Yiyuan carefully recalled the appearance of the man observed on the carriage, and then said: "He has a dark skin and a very strong body. He looks like he has been engaged in manual labor all the year round. His complexion is very fierce and his face is full of flesh."

The old man smiled softly: "Every countryman has the same description as yours. Let's talk carefully. Maybe the old man can help you."

"He likes to beat his wife!"

Judging from the performance of the middle-aged man in the car, he belongs to that kind of deformed machismo, who insults his wife all the year round, and regards his wife as his belongings.

It's hard to believe that such an inferior man can still get a wife.

After Gao Yiyuan said these words, the old man's expression changed immediately and he hurriedly covered Gao Yiyuan's mouth!

"Stop! The young man stopped talking, don't say any more, get out of here!"

As expected in Gao Yiyuan's heart, the abnormality in Yuanlu Village is probably related to the middle-aged couple.

He did not give up and said: "Master, I came to them for a very important thing, you just need to tell me where they live."

The old man glanced at him without a smile, and slowly said, "No matter how important your business is, can it still be bigger than your life?"

"Do you know that you are already dead?"

Gao Yiyuan frowned, wondering what this meant.

Does he want to force me to leave here, or is there really something hidden

Of course, these words did not scare Gao Yiyuan. He has already come here. If he leaves without gain, he will definitely not be reconciled.

"Master, I know some things. I'll tell you clearly. That man is dead, and his wife is dead. I came here to investigate why they died and what happened afterwards. thing!"

The old man stared at Gao Yiyuan with his eyes rounded, and sighed to the sky after a long time.

"Child, listen to my advice. You can't mix this matter with you. Maybe you can leave now, and you have a chance to survive."

Gao Yiyuan waved his hand and said, "Uncle, I have come here for this couple. I can solve your problems in Yuanlu Village! I know a lot more than you think."

"Trust me, tell me everything you know, and everything about me will have nothing to do with you."

The old man sighed and said slowly: "I don't know how you learned about this, or what purpose you came to Yuanlu Village for, or where you got your confidence."

"But, since the moment you saw the funeral procession, you have been cursed!"

"Plus the words you said without scruples, you won't survive tonight!"

Gao Yiyuan heard inexplicably: "What does this mean?"

The old man glanced at him, and pierced the earthy ground with a wooden walking stick and said, "This land has been cursed since the death of the couple!"

"That man is called Wu Erbin, and his wife is called Lotus.

Wu Erbin was the one I saw when I was a child, and was idle since I was a child, but I didn't expect him to become that way.

I have never been peaceful, cheated, gambling, eating, drinking and gambling, good things have never done bad things, and I have been in jail a few years ago.

After spending two years in jail, he corrected a lot and was willing to go out to work.

He didn't know how long he went out, and brought back a crazy woman, who named him Lotus.

Which serious person will marry a good girl to him? He didn't know where he picked this lotus.

I originally persuaded him to live in peace and stability when he has a wife, but he has gotten worse since he got married.

I don't go out to work anymore. I stay at home every day to drink and play cards. If I drink too much, I play lotus.

It's almost a small beating a day, and a large beating in three days. Every time you walk from the front of their house, you can see him hanging the lotus up and beating through the window! "

"Do evil, do evil!" The old man paused his feet and thumped his chest, looking very angry when he said this.

Gao Yiyuan didn't say much, and listened carefully.

"Later, they moved out. I don't know where they moved. Anyway, the house is empty.

But one night later, they would come back overnight. At that time, they were catching up with Lao Wang's for a funeral. The whole village went to help that day, when Wu Erbin and the others came back.

That night I felt that something was wrong with them. That day, the couple was very weird. Wu Erbin's originally perverse character, he seldom spoke that day, and the lotus was gone, but he looked insatiable.

When the banquet was held in the evening, no one invited him, so he went by himself, and was still drunk and crazy at the funeral.

It is a big taboo to make trouble when doing funeral affairs at home! The old Wang was so angry that he beat him out.

However, after that, how did you know that the old man died in the old Wang family, but the next day his son was gone!

At first I thought it was a coincidence, but on the third day the daughter-in-law died too!

There was only a seven or eight-year-old boy left in the family, that is, when the boy told us that his parents died, he saw Wu Erbin lying on the window and smiling at him!

Later, all the young and old in the village felt that this incident was likely to be Wu Erbin's revenge, so they organized people to go to their home to ask questions, but when I walked to the door, I heard the scream of lotus inside the house. I was quite far away. .

But I can still hear the lotus clearly, and I almost can't hear it as a human voice. I thought it must have been beaten by Wu Erbin again.

I don't know... "

The old man swallowed when he said this, and he seemed to remember the situation at that time still fresh.

"At that time, the village chief looked inside the window. He said that the lotus was all in tatters, his face and hair were as if burned by the fire, the whole face was wrinkled together, and the whole body was covered with sticky scarlet. Hanging from the ceiling, it was all black.

Wu Erbin's whole body is also black and red, so he can only see his shape!

It's scary!

The village chief was so scared by the scene that he sat on the ground. The people behind didn’t know, and went to the window to look. At this time, Wu Erbin’s scarlet scars looked like a face scorched by fire. By the window, looking at other people. "

"Since then, as long as you have seen a funeral, Wu Erbin will be lying on the window that night!

So in our village, the windows are blocked, and I dare not go out during the day, and even less dare to go out at night, but the funerals are still constant. No one dares to help except my family. "

"The young people can go all the way, only those of us who are old and don't care about this old life are still here."

The old man finished this in one breath, took a breath, and looked at Gao Yiyuan: "You have already seen the funeral. Before tonight, try running, maybe you can hide."

Gao Yiyuan ignored the old man's persuasion, but had a sudden sense of openness!

It turns out that the middle-aged couple are called Wu Erbin and Lotus.

He didn't care what kind of person Wu Erbin was, but he understood a lot through what the old man said.

Wu Erbin had no abnormalities before.

Only after returning from the city that night did he and Lotus both behave strangely.

It is in great contrast to the previous performance.

It was also after that night that supernatural events began to occur.

In other words, they were already dead that night!

When the village chief led others to see Wu Erbin, he saw the appearance of Wu Erbin and lotus. I am afraid that they are the real evil spirits!

The body is broken, scarlet skin, black spots all over, as if it had been burned by a fire...

Could it be that the two of them died because of fire

The more you think about it, the higher the possibility.

Gao Yiyuan suddenly thought that when Xu Lang asked Mo Ye to observe the body before, Mo Ye once said that bus No. 0 seemed to have had a major accident, and this accident almost caused the entire bus to be scrapped.

So, would it be that Wu Erbin and Lotus were on this bus when they returned to Yuanlu Village that night

And while driving, there was an accident that caused their deaths

Gao Yiyuan's eyes are getting brighter and brighter, and it is true that only by reaching the place where each passenger gets off the bus can the whole incident be connected!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but admire Xu Lang's mind.

With only a short period of time and sporadic clues, this crucial plan was made!

Gao Yiyuan was a little excited, and hurriedly asked the old man again: "Do you know bus number 0?"

The old man looked a little strange. He didn't know why the young man turned the topic so fast. After thinking about it, he said: "Bus No. 0 is a special vehicle dedicated to the Changling Mountain Cemetery."

“Originally, it was not allowed to pull other passengers, but some drivers and conductors would go around and pull some passengers privately to make more money. This has become the default rule.”

"However, it never ran again. If we want to go out now, we have to walk a long way to get on the bus."

Gao Yiyuan nodded, it turned out to be like this.

This bus No. 0 is driving illegally, changing the route without authorization...

Gao Yiyuan suddenly thought about the content of the mission again and changed the driving route, but the mission location was "the route of bus No. 0"!

"Every station we have experienced does not exist on the regular No. 0 bus route!"

"Isn't it, we are all out of the mission location?!!!" (End of this chapter)