The Dark Hand of the Apocalypse

Chapter 114: Castle of Sin


*Killing people will inevitably cause some discomfort, but they are all normal reactions. It is nothing. Except for cold-blooded people, everyone will have adverse reactions.

Chen Jiao didn't say anything, but it just happened to be a coincidence this time. He met a group of robbers and it was time to train the two of them. After all, in the dark continent of the apocalypse, killing is a must.

But it didn't last long. Before the bandit leader woke up, Sun Ningxue and Sun Meier had already returned.

However, the two of them looked pale, as if they had a serious illness. This is a normal reaction. You know, some special forces have a bloody subject in training, and they will not let you see dead people before performing a mission.

That will have an impact when you kill someone. Think about it, when you need to kill someone with one blow, but you hesitate and miss a good opportunity, what will happen? The consequences will be serious.

"You're back, are you feeling better?"

Chen Jiao said calmly, after all, they are just two girls. Even if a man kills someone, it will not be much better, unless it is really impossible and is forced to do nothing.


The two of them stopped talking and walked aside quietly and sat down. Say nothing. But Chen Jiao no longer cares about them. What they need now is to wait quietly by themselves.

"Stop pretending when you wake up, is that interesting?"

Chen Jiao said something to the robber leader at this time. After all, he had discovered that he had woken up just now, and now he stepped forward and slapped him.

"Brother, I was wrong, please let me go, just treat me like a fart"

The bandit leader almost cried and shouted a little loudly. Tears flowed down, I don't know what I was thinking, but my expression begged for mercy. No one wants to die, everyone is the same.

Especially seeing Chen Jiao kill so decisively. Everyone with him was dead, especially the blood of his men around him was still flowing out. Like hell. A heavy blow to his heart.

"What's your name? Where are you from?"

Chen Jiao did not answer his question, but asked him. After all, in Chen Jiao's opinion, what qualifications did he have to ask questions.

"this… "

"If you don't tell me, you will die immediately."

"I said, I said, I come from the Sin Castle not far away. I'm just a small gang. Don't kill me."

The bandit leader said with some frustration. He originally thought they were three fat sheep, but now they look like three tigers.

"How far is the Castle of Sin from here? What's it like inside? Please tell me clearly."

Chen Jiao thought for a moment and didn't know where this castle came from. After all, there were too many castles in the previous life to remember, and the current castle has not been fixed yet.

"Yes, yes, there is no law in the Sin Castle, and strength is supreme. With strength, everything comes, and we are pretty good. In the castle, as long as you have strength, you can kill people for no reason, and steal things from people for no reason. They are just like some lawless murderers." The bandit leader already knew at this time that Chen Jiao and the others were definitely not from nearby. After all, everyone nearby knew this place.

Chen Jiao didn't think anything after hearing this. After all, there were many castles like this in the Dark Continent. Moreover, I am still a little curious about the Lord of the Sinful Castle. Without absolute strength, it is impossible to suppress these sinners.

"Who is the Lord of the Sinful Castle?"

Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be victorious in every battle. Since it is clear that you are going to the Castle of Sin, you must find out clearly.

"It is an existence called evil. He imitated the ancient evil to represent Wei, so he named himself evil. He has never seen his appearance. It is said that he is eight feet tall, very ugly, and very powerful. He can be eaten alive at every turn. people",

The bandit leader thought about the lord of the castle, and he was full of cleverness. After all, there are too many rumors about the city lord in the city, but they are all bad things.

You must know that cannibalism is just a normal behavior in the Sin Castle. The evil city lord often eats children under one year old.

In fact, this castle was not like this in the earliest days, but after the unification of evil. You make no laws but all laws, and only one strength is everything. So the castle slowly became chaotic.

In particular, evil is inherently lawless, and it also eats human flesh and children. Slowly leading everyone to release the devil in their hearts. But that's exactly what happened, those who stayed were the elites.

"How can such a person exist and still eat children and human flesh?"

Although Su Ningxue looked pale, she still said something about him in disbelief.

After all, in his opinion, how can people eat the same kind? If I eat human flesh, can I still be considered a human

"How can it be impossible to ignore it? Needless to say, the importance of food, eating humans is normal. Some people have refuted it from the earliest times. Evil said that even among wild beasts, they can eat their own kind, so why can't humans?"

The bandit leader saw Suningxue saying in disbelief, and then said with a wry smile.

In fact, he was not like this at the beginning, and he couldn't believe it, but time changed a person little by little. In the absence of food, why can't we eat human flesh, as long as we can eat enough

"This, this is really inhumane"

Sun Meier said speechlessly. He did not expect that although the human nature on the mainland could not withstand persistence like this.

He did not believe that people on the Dark Continent would have the same laws as before the end of the world, but he did not expect that they would be so lawless. Killing was just a normal phenomenon, and killing was nothing more than that.

"Okay, in that case, do you have anything else to say? If not, then let's hit the road."

Chen Jiao had finished asking questions, so he calmly spoke to the bandit leader, as if talking to a friend.

"You want to kill him"

Su Ningxue said in disbelief, after all, everyone has told you everything. The chats I had for a while felt like friends.

"Is there a problem?" Chen Jiao turned around and asked Su Ningxue calmly, as if why he said that.

"this,… … "

Su Ningxue wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Sun Meier, who shook her head and said, after all, there must be her reasons for lovers to do such things, and if they hadn't had some tricks, they would have suffered misfortune. . The biggest scourge is this bandit leader.

"Come on, maybe death is a relief."

The bandit leader knew that he would not be able to survive today no matter what, so he looked at the sky with an expression that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, but not crying.

It has only been half a year since the end of the world, and he has already seen too many possible deaths. It might be a relief for him.