The Dark Hand of the Apocalypse

Chapter 63: Monster siege (3)


The monster army swarmed in, completely unafraid of life and death, and rushed towards Tianjiao City crazily. Although only one gate in the east city was attacked, the manpower was not enough.

You must know that Tianjiao City currently has more than 500 combatants, but it is not enough to stand on the city wall. But there is no other way.

This monster siege is like a test for the newly established Tianjiao City. It is also a rule on the Dark Continent. The moment each city is newly established, it means that it will re-enter the Dark Continent, so it must go through a baptism. Not all cities can exist. Only the victors and the strong can survive on the dark continent.

Monster siege does not mean breaking through the city gate, but killing all the people and turning the city into a paradise for monsters again, controlled by monsters.

"Leng Xin, be careful",

Chen Jiao frantically attacked the monster climbing the mountain, but he did not forget to observe Leng Xin and was ready to provide support at any time. Although death is inevitable in war, he doesn't want Leng Xin to be one of them.

After all, this is the first girl he's been with. Originally, Chen Jiao thought that he had gone through the apocalypse. In the past six years, he had been used to the warmth and coldness of the human world, as well as blood and cruelty. He felt that he was a cold-blooded person who would do anything to survive.

Just like in the last life, when you are alone, you don't care about other people. Anyone who blocks your path will be wiped out, and anyone who blocks your path will be wiped out. No matter male or female, old or young, there is only one kind of person in his eyes, a passerby or an enemy.

But who would have thought that Qin Yu, who killed so many people last time, would care about a woman's life and death.

Maybe what rebirth brings is just memory, and the current Chen Jiao is still the dominant one. At this moment, the two consciousnesses slowly merge together in an instant. And since you choose this kind of thing, you will not only have passers-by and enemies, but also friends and relatives.

"Zhang Qiang, what are you doing? Why are you using enhanced powers now? Come here quickly."

At this moment, Li Ningfei discovered that Zhang Qiang had used his huge force on his own at some point, and did not execute it as planned at all, so he hurriedly said loudly.

You know, strengthening abilities like Zhang Qiang consumes a lot of physical energy. So it cannot be turned on for a long time. The version is planned to be launched in the middle and late stages of the monster siege. At that time, the monster attacks will be more violent, and because there are many monsters, there will be many monsters attacking. The effect of an outbreak at that time will be much greater than now.

"It's okay, I can hold on, let's see if I don't kill them all," Zhang Qiang said with some red eyes.

After all, the monster is very crazy, and many people have had their heads bitten off or their arms bitten off. Blood was everywhere.

So the angry Zhang Qiang directly activated his huge power, wielded the storm ax, and chopped the monster crazily, preventing it from riding up and buying time for more people.

Just when Li Ningfei was about to say something, Chen Jiao shouted over.

It turned out that a group of black birds and beasts had flown over in the sky. Although they didn't know what species they were, their target was definitely them. "Ouyang Qing, hurry up and lead long-range attacks to shoot at the birds and beasts in the sky. Shoot as many birds and beasts as you can. It's best not to let them come down." Li Ningfei shrank his eyes after seeing it and said hurriedly.

Then he ran to Ouyang Qing's side, preparing to fight together. Although he was the one in front who lost an arm, it doesn't matter for the time being. He is still a non-combat enhancer. But he is also willing to fight side by side with his own people and put in his own efforts, even if he dies.

Sometimes only those who have lived and died together will know what cherishing is. The Silver Wolf that time, the last time he lost his arm in a desperate situation. Once again, sharing life and death made Li Ningfei willing to face it with his partners.

"No, there are still too many birds and beasts. There are hundreds of them. With more than 20 of us, there is absolutely nothing we can do," Ouyang Qing said in despair.

After all, birds and beasts don't have to climb the city wall. The city wall can't stop them from flying over from the air and directly go upstairs to attack everyone.

"Leng Xin, take half of you. The people from the fourth team hurry up to protect Ouyang Qing and the others. Hurry up, they can't make any mistakes," Chen Jiao said hurriedly after seeing it.

"Then, be careful," Leng Xin said after hearing this, looking at Chen Jiao and gritting his teeth. Then he took part of the fourth team to protect Ouyang Qing and the others.

But there were too many birds and beasts at this time, attacking everyone, and there were monsters running up crazily below.

No one knows how many monsters are buried under the city wall at this time. Some were killed by relatives and others, but most of them were completely trampled to death by the monsters behind them downstairs.

He had to face the monsters rushing up from downstairs, and he had to face the birds and beasts in the sky. In just a short period of time, since the casualties increased crazily, there was even a feeling that he could not resist it.

"Zhou Qiang, hold on, I'll deal with the birds and beasts," Chen Jiao said to Zhou Qiang at the moment he was upgraded.

Yes, after such a long period of struggle, Chen Jiao couldn't count how many he had killed, only how many enhanced energy flew into his body. But finally reached the limit and broke through to the early stage of level three.

Just when Chen Jiao entered the early stage of level three, he clearly felt that the wind around him was very close and easier to control. His body seemed to become lighter while bouncing.

And he understood that he could glide briefly at level three. After all, what he awakened in his last life was wind control, so he knew what he was doing after strengthening.

This is why the birds and beasts came, and they did not help Li Ningfei and the others immediately. Instead, he is waiting to advance to the third level. At this time, he will have an even greater advantage with the skill of gliding. Although it is not as easy as them to deal with birds and beasts, gliding also has a good effect.

"Okay, Brother Chen, as long as I'm still standing, I won't let the monster take a step forward," Zhou Qiang said loudly,

Then he raised his shield and rammed it out like a tank, knocking the monster that had just come up, a stone monster, into pieces.

It can be seen from this that Zhou Qiang, who has the rock armor, is powerful and the shield is fierce. And most of the ones coming up now are first-level, and only a few are second-level. With Zhou Qiang's late-level strength, he can move sideways. Even 7 or 8 can't break through its defenses.

Seeing Zhou Qiang slapping his shield fiercely, and then swiping it sideways, he directly swiped the head of a skeleton man off. In fact, shields can not only hit people, but also kill people.

At this time, Chen Jiao saw Zhou Qiang's bravery and handed over to him, and then rushed towards Leng Xin and Li Ningfei.