The Dark Hand of the Apocalypse

Chapter 69: make Institution


Chen Jiao knew that he was seriously injured, but he did not expect that he would be in a coma for five or six days. Although the injuries on his body are almost healed now, the internal injuries he suffered before are still a bit sore all over his body and he cannot move. The rest depends solely on the body's natural recovery.

However, for Chen Jiao who has reached level three, as long as he wakes up, he can control his own situation and speed up his recovery.

Fortunately, Chen Jiao had just reached level three and had not broken through to the level of a low-level enhancer. It would be more troublesome to break through to level 4 and reach the level of the ultimate enhancer. You must know that after strengthening, people's physical quality has been greatly enhanced, their defense has been greatly enhanced, and they are less likely to be injured. It is precisely because of this that it is difficult to recover after an injury.

Just like the novels I read before the end of the world, the strong men in them would recover easily after being injured for hundreds of years. Although the strengthener is not so powerful, the principle is the same.

"Chen Jiao, you scared me to death. I thought I would never see you again," Leng Xin said with tears.

Leng Xin has been working crazily these days, and she is afraid that she will feel uncomfortable thinking about Chen Jiao when she is free.

"It's okay. Didn't I wake up? It will be fine in a few days. Don't worry." Chen Jiao looked at his sad look and said with a smile.

"I know, but every time I think of you fighting seven level three giant monsters for us, I feel helpless in my heart. I feel so useless," Leng Xin said.

"It doesn't matter, am I not a man? I should protect my wife, right?" Chen Jiao said with a smile, looking at Leng Xin who blamed himself.

Moreover, Chen Jiao has discovered that Leng Xin's strength has been greatly improved. In just 5 days, it has reached the late stage of Level 2 from the early stage of Level 2. Although the speed of low-level enhancers is relatively fast, this speed is really beyond Chen Jiao's expectation. This also shows that Leng Xin has suffered a lot these days.


When Leng Xin heard that Chen Jiao actually called his wife, she immediately blushed, then turned her head away and hummed shyly.

Although he was a little embarrassed, he felt happy when he heard Chen Jiao call his wife. This can be regarded as officially recognizing his identity.

The two of them didn't say much. After all, Chen Jiao still needed to rest and had just woken up.

In the next few days, Leng Xin took time to come to Chen Jiao to accompany her every day. But he won't forget that feeling of powerlessness either. And he doesn't want to be a vase.

The end of the world has arrived in an instant, and nothing can be changed, so try to adapt to it.

Chen Jiao noticed that Leng Xin was working hard to improve his strength, so he smiled and said nothing. Although he was confident that Leng Xin would not be harmed. But in the apocalypse, there is nothing, and it is better to be strong.

If Chen Jiao leaves for something one day, Leng Xin will be able to protect himself. Even together, if the enemy suddenly attacks, Leng Xin can react instantly and will not be killed instantly.

The most important thing is that Chen Jiao knows that although Leng Xin is cute like a giggling little girl in front of him, she still has a stronger personality.

Otherwise, Leng Xin would not have the iceberg beauty that is rumored to be. He won't work so hard to strengthen himself. There will be no strong strength.

You know, with Lengxin's current late-level strength, he has a great advantage against other late-level enhancers. After all, his skills are better than those of the special summoner at the airport, and he has a late-level level two like Baymax. In battle, it is not twice as powerful at all, and it becomes more terrifying in the later stages.

"Brother Chen, you are recovering well today." Ning Fei suddenly left from outside and came in and said with a smile.

After these two days of recovery, I should be able to go to the ground. But it is still a bit difficult to fight, after all, it is not completely easy.

"It's not bad. I feel uncomfortable lying in bed. Let's go for a walk," Chen Jiao said with a smile.

"Okay, Brother Chen, should we formulate a more complete system for Tianjiao City?" Li Ningfei saw that Chen Jiao's health was almost healed, so he asked carefully.

"Okay, then you can formulate some institutional plans and I will take a look at it then." Chen Jiao thought for a moment and said, after all, there is no rule.

"Actually, I've actually sorted things out. Take a look and if you can, I'll give you instructions." Li Ningfei took a few pieces of paper from the side and said with a smile.

Chen Jiao had already seen the rest. After all, Li Ningfei had these pieces of paper in his hand when he came in, and Qin had already thought that Tianjiao City would have to formulate a system sooner or later, and Li Ningfei could do it with his wisdom.


Chen Jiao smiled, and then just stared.

In fact, there is not much content above, but there are a few main points. One is that under the rule of Chen Jiao in Tianjiao City, no private fights can occur in the city. The other is that rape, murder, rape and plunder are not allowed. You can do your own business, but you cannot disturb the security of Tianjiao City. Third, when Tianjiao City encounters danger, all combatants must unconditionally join the Tianjiao City Guards to defend Tianjiao City. There are more than 20 minor regulations and penalties.

"Okay, but the personnel arrangement needs to be adjusted appropriately." Chen Jiao took a few glances and found that there was no problem. After all, the general direction was fine.

"Brother Chen, tell me"

Li Ningfei said softly. In fact, Li Ningfei had thought of this at some point, but he did not explain that Tianjiao City was the city lord after all, and the decision on personnel arrangements should be made by the city lord. And Li Ningfei will not take over the spotlight. Just do what you should do.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that we will have more and more people in the future, so it's better to divide them into group captains and squadron leaders. It will be more convenient to manage them in batches like this." Chen Jiao thought for a while and said After all, this method is the simplest and most practical.

"Okay, this is similar to the army, except that the names are different and they are all managed by levels." Li Ningfei also understood this. After all, if Tianjiao City wants to become bigger and stronger, it must have a complete military system. And the number of personnel will continue to increase.

"What's left is that you still serve as the general manager of Tianyu City and take charge of all the logistics work, and then the four teams are changed to five teams, one of which becomes the Tianyu City Guards and the other is the Supervisory Guards." Chen Jiao thought for a moment , expressed his thoughts. After all, Tianjiao City must not only have an obvious system, but also have safety protection, otherwise anything that happens suddenly can be solved as quickly as possible.