The Dark King

Chapter 103: Instant cut


"Hunting level twenty-six?" Du Dian looked at her in horror.

Although he has been training in archery during this period of time, he still learned about some monsters outside the wall during the spare time of eating. For example, the juvenile "Fear" he hunted and killed last time was a hunting level "9" " monsters, and the ordinary walking corpses he saw were existences of hunting level "four". As for the bone-eating rats, they were all little monsters with hunting level below three.

However, this time they have to face a terrifying existence with a hunting level as high as "twenty-six"? !

Du Dian couldn't imagine what kind of terrifying existence it was. The pores of his body shrank involuntarily, and a chill gushed out from the bottom of his heart. Almost his first reaction was to run away! However, when he saw Greyley's unquestionable gaze, he immediately understood that there was no turning back. Although he was a little terrified, he still bit the bullet and calmed himself down quickly.

The matter has come to this point, I can only find a way to save my life.

His brain started to think quickly. Although he hadn't encountered the monster yet, he felt an unprecedented crisis.

"What is this monster like, and does it have any special abilities?" Du Dian asked thoughtfully.

Named monsters like this all have some special genetic mutation abilities.

"You don't need to know about this." Another young man said indifferently: "You only need to be responsible for tracking its smell, and you don't need to take action, just protect yourself."

Graily took out a black fragment from a small pocket on the back, handed it to Du Dian, and said, "This is the carapace shed from the "Black Weaver" that I found before. You can write down the smell on it. If it is convenient, can you say Can you trace the range of scents? "

Du Dian took this palm-sized black hard shell, like the shell on the back of a snail, smooth but extremely hard, with a sticky light yellow sticky substance inside the shell, which has dried up and exudes a strong smell. He glanced at it twice, returned it to Greilly, and replied, "I can smell a strong smell at a range of about twenty miles, and some lighter smells can only be smelled at a distance of about ten miles."

Hearing this, Greli and the other five people couldn't help but glance at Du Dian, with a trace of surprise in their eyes. This kind of olfactory range can rank among the top five in terms of the "smell tracking" ability of the entire consortium, but Du Dian is only It's just a newcomer, and when his physique strengthens, the range of his sense of smell will naturally expand exponentially, and his ranking will increase by then.

"That's right!" Graili nodded and said, "Then I'll leave it to you."

Seeing that they had no objections, Du Dian was also relieved. His actual maximum range of smell is about 30 to 40 miles. The reason why he concealed part of it was mainly because there was an offended "bloody swordsman" in the consortium. "Bailin, naturally she can't reveal her details completely, lest she will have no room to fight back when she is plotted against in the future.

"Have you smelled it in the current range?" Graley asked Du Dian.

Du Dian sniffed his nose briefly, shook his head and said: "No, but I smell other smells, it should be from other monsters."

"Don't worry about the other monsters, we only hunt the "Black Weaver"! Graley lowered her body and said, "Follow me." "Fumbled all the way along the broken highway.

Du Dian and others followed closely behind.

Going four or five miles, Greilly stopped suddenly, pointed to a few dents beside a small pool in the distance, and said, "This is the footprint of a mountain lion. "Black Weaver" likes to eat mountain lions the most. We followed superior. "Speaking of this, he turned his head and said to Du Dian: "You write down the smell on this footprint, and let me know if you can find the mountain lion. "

Du Dian nodded.

Everyone followed the direction of the huge footprint more than one meter long.

Not long after advancing, Du Dian suddenly said: "There are other monsters ahead, the number is three."

Graili turned her head to a short young man on the left and said, "Go and have a look."

The short young man nodded slightly, his figure suddenly faded and disappeared out of thin air!

Du Dian's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help being stunned.

But soon, Du Dian found that the smell of the short young man was still there. The next moment, he noticed the place where the short young man disappeared. The light seemed to be distorted, and there seemed to be a transparent figure moving there. He couldn't help it. He asked a young man next to him, "This is him?"

"This is his magic mark ability, [color change], combined with his thief profession, he is the most powerful probe of our consortium." The young man said casually.

Du Dian came to realize that he was surprised that he still had such a magical magic mark ability. In comparison, his super sense of smell didn't seem special. Absorbing cold crystals is really a powerful magic mark.

Followed by scent, Du Dian heard that the short young man left quickly, then returned quickly, the figure appeared, and reported to Greilhui: "It's three crocodile wolves."

Graley nodded slightly, and said, "Kill it." After finishing speaking, she quickly flew in the direction Du Dian pointed to earlier.

Du Dian was shocked. He had heard the name of the "crocodile wolf" before. It was a monster with a large number of monsters. Its hunting level reached "thirteen", which was extremely terrifying. On the ground, it is absolutely certain to die, even if an intermediate hunter encounters it, he may be killed if he is not careful.

Everyone followed behind Greyley, and quickly approached the location of the three "crocodile wolves" along the ruins of the broken street.

Du Dian looked from a distance and saw that the three crocodile-headed wolves were huge in size, all of which were nearly three meters in size, with "wolf" in their names, and their appearance was similar to wolves, but their heads were like crocodiles, with protruding mouths. , with sharp canine teeth interlaced and protruding from the lips, showing a terrifying bite force.

Seeing the appearance of these three monsters, Du Dian held his breath slightly.


At this time, the figure of Graili walking in front did not stop at all, and suddenly rushed out like a gray afterimage. At the moment she rushed out, Du Dian suddenly felt her smell faded, to be precise It disappeared, only the smell from before remained in the air, and gradually faded away, but she herself only had a faint smell on the armor, and there was no smell on her face or hands.

Du Dian was secretly surprised. At this moment, Greyley quickly approached the three alligator wolves and appeared within their field of vision. The three crocodile wolves also reacted, quickly turned around, and rushed towards Greyley with a roar.


Greyley's figure suddenly jumped up from the gravel, turned like a ghost, and passed by the first alligator wolf, and as soon as the figure landed on the ground, he jumped up to avoid the attack of the second alligator wolf. Hitting, the soles of his feet stepped on the head of this crocodile-headed wolf biting, the figure flipped slightly, and jumped up behind it, two silver lights flashed faintly in the air.

The next moment, her figure swayed sideways, and she appeared in front of the third alligator wolf that rushed towards her. She calmly looked at the bloody maw that it rushed towards, and her figure flashed suddenly, appearing on the other side of it like a ghost .

At this time, there was a sudden plop, and the crocodile that jumped at Greyley first, its jaw fell off from its neck, its body fell down, and blood gushed out, quickly staining the ground red.

Du Dian was dumbfounded.

I saw the other two alligator wolves also fell one after the other, with fatal wounds ranging from the lip to the neck.